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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 tamakin @ 09/04/08 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
Another 3 questions.......

1) How does the release on the jumpshots feel ???

2) Can we get some more impressions on rebounding ?? Does it have a more "2k" feel to it ?? Is it better/worse ??
1) Terrible. Awkward. Same as 06, 07 and 08. Gameplay is the same since 06. Player movements are so incredibly awkward.

2) Rebounding is a joke. It doesn't have a 2K feel to it at all.
# 42 Goffs @ 09/04/08 11:00 AM
commentary is top notch!

Crowd noise..i love it! very immersive!!

the animations are very smooth to me...much much better than last years demo

i hate the player models..the cut scenes slows down the game (IMO)

the profile pics got the look of them being high with the eyes half closed (whats that about?)

overall im somewhat impressed...
# 43 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 11:09 AM
LOL.........I know this is just a demo, BUT

I was the Lakers, I took a 20 foot jumpshot with Kobe and missed. The Celts rebound and push the ball up court.......

My team( yes all 5 ) decides to converge around the Celts Midcourt logo( as if it was a time out ) and stand there and watch the Celts push the ball and run a play un-defended, as if it was practice
# 44 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa

Nope, they pop up right away.

Ally oop this year RB + RS pressed up

I would like the the passes a little crisper and quicker, but not nearly as floaty as last year. Still could be improved a little though.

Thanks for the info man. Im glad the passes are less floaty, it had no where to go but up..... LOL.

Can you "charge up" the pass button for quick little touch pass ?? For example can you hold down the pass button and just let it go for a touch pass when the ball hits your hands or do you have to wait until the pass hits your hands until you can hit the pass button ?? ( Hopefully, that made sense)
# 45 tmac55 @ 09/04/08 11:18 AM
I was one of the people that jumped on NBA Live and I fell victim to the hype before exchanging it for NBA 2k8..

Now, I have to say, kuods to EA for really stepping up their game and making nba live 09 a better product. The animations flow much better, though from time to time a guy may seem out of place. I do like the improved passing system and the play calling is excellent.

Graphics are top notch and I love the commentary. I know this can be fixed by sliders, but to me the rebounding seems a bit off on the offensive end. However, it could just be team based skills. For example, while playing with the Celtics, I noticed Perkins and Garnett were always fighting for the ball underneath and if I was controlling Garnett, Perkins would be going for it too. However, I felt as the Lakers, it was tough to get offensive boards as Bynum was the only one out for them and Gasol was not to be found due to his shots etc. Now this makes me see how their DNA works and I also think it probably changes team to team and maybe isn't that big of an issue afterall

Overall, loving the game and well done EA.. Will Play around with it some more later on today
# 46 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 11:29 AM
Thanks for the info man. Im glad the passes are less floaty, it had no where to go but up..... LOL.
So very true

Can you "charge up" the pass button for quick little touch pass ?? For example can you hold down the pass button and just let it go for a touch pass when the ball hits your hands or do you have to wait until the pass hits your hands until you can hit the pass button ?? ( Hopefully, that made sense)

It doesn't feel that way, I tried many times to do so, and at least to me they feel all the same. This was also only on the perimeter that I really tried to create different speeds of passes.

Really, my biggest gripe so far is something you mentioned. It seems like if you shoot anywhere outside 9-10 feet and beyond......it's either a clean make(nothing but net) or it bounces off the rim for a miss.

10 feet and in, I have seen balls bounce off and go in, with a decent amount of variation.
# 47 SageInfinite @ 09/04/08 11:33 AM
The game overall still has some issues, but I think it might be solid enough to warrant a purchase this year.

The game feels slow and sluggish at times, but the animations for the most part are done very well.

The games I've played the AI has made too many shots. Rondo made a half court heave, and Ray Allen made a fadeaway three, lol.

It does feel like basketball this year tho, and I think it's worth a pickup this year. With that said, I still feel 2k9 will be better.
# 48 Gmoney2002 @ 09/04/08 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
The game overall still has some issues, but I think it might be solid enough to warrant a purchase this year.

The game feels slow and sluggish at times, but the animations for the most part are done very well.

The games I've played the AI has made too many shots. Rondo made a half court heave, and Ray Allen made a fadeaway three, lol.

It does feel like basketball this year tho, and I think it's worth a pickup this year. With that said, I still feel 2k9 will be better.
Wooooow Live demo out already?!? EA is serious this year...

Sage, you said the animations are smooth for the most part. I'm wondering about the jumpshot transition animation(from a stand still jumpshot or a jumpshot off the dribble). It seemed a bit slow and quirky in some of the videos I've seen. Not very fluid at all.

How are these in the demo?
# 49 trobinson97 @ 09/04/08 11:47 AM

Two fade away threes by Fisher in a row. In fact, in the 10 little 4 minute games I've played, Fisher has taken more shots than anyone.

This might just be the demo, but the game skips a lot. I see it in the video and hear it in the audio.
# 50 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 11:48 AM
See.....I dont mind the "sluggish" game play. I like when the game is slowed down a bit (both speed and gameplay wise). It's much better than having the the "super spin move" from like live 05 to 07 where it was actually faster to spin down the court rather than sprint !!! Those days were scary.

EA actually fixed this last year in 08 though. That REALLY had to be toned down, it was a game killer.
# 51 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
So very true

It doesn't feel that way, I tried many times to do so, and at least to me they feel all the same. This was also only on the perimeter that I really tried to create different speeds of passes.

Really, my biggest gripe so far is something you mentioned. It seems like if you shoot anywhere outside 9-10 feet and beyond......it's either a clean make(nothing but net) or it bounces off the rim for a miss.

10 feet and in, I have seen balls bounce off and go in, with a decent amount of variation.
In regards to the rim iteraction with jumpshots, if I remember correctly in one of the 2k demo's maybe 2k7......they didnt add all of them until the retail version of the game. I'm probably wrong and thats how the final version of Live 09 will be in regards to this issue but you never know ?
# 52 ZephyrSong @ 09/04/08 12:16 PM
Well I'll be patiently waiting for tomorrow for the Live demo... If not, another week could wait.... Well... IT COULDNT. Im so thirsty of a new basketball game I mean REALLY.
# 53 SageInfinite @ 09/04/08 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gmoney2002
Wooooow Live demo out already?!? EA is serious this year...

Sage, you said the animations are smooth for the most part. I'm wondering about the jumpshot transition animation(from a stand still jumpshot or a jumpshot off the dribble). It seemed a bit slow and quirky in some of the videos I've seen. Not very fluid at all.

How are these in the demo?
The jumpshots feel pretty good. Some players smoother than others but thats how its supposed to be IMO.

I think the CPU makes waaaay too many shots tho. I know I'm playing the celtics but damn, some of the shots are just rediculous that go in, lol.

Also the game has some really bad clipping issues. I hope this is taken care of in the final release.
# 54 cocobee @ 09/04/08 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
sweet, I keep saying the crowd looks great from the vids tat are out, I think it looks like the best crowd in a sports game. I hope it's aviaible for the ps3 TODAY! I got a Giants game to watch tonight.
Hey man, where did you get that picture of the Miami player? I made that for my NCAA dynasty last year. Pretty cool.
# 55 23 @ 09/04/08 12:37 PM
Sage, lol after last night i know you're happy

Jumpshots - do they feel like they have actual release points now?

Are you still bouldering players out of the way when you go up for a layup or dunk?
# 56 SageInfinite @ 09/04/08 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
Sage, lol after last night i know you're happy

Jumpshots - do they feel like they have actual release points now?

Are you still bouldering players out of the way when you go up for a layup or dunk?
The jumpers feel good, but I still don't feel like they have a release point now thet I've played more. It seems like no matter when you release the button the same animation will play. They do have a little icon to tell you when the release point is in the practice gym, but the same animation plays no matter how early or late you release the button.

They have some pretty nice contact animations, but the clipping rears it's ugly head as well. I'd say it's a mixed bag. I don't know if I really really like the game, or if I'm enjoying it because this is the 1st NBA game of the season I'm playing, lol.

As of right now, I am picking this game up. The demo has me interested enough to warrant a purchase.
# 57 Tomba @ 09/04/08 12:45 PM
I've played NBA Live 08 so much that its not even funny. i edited the game for over 3 months so i know what NBA live 08 had as issues. with that knowledge going into the demo i'd like to say that they've addressed some of the game flow problems and some of the animation problems as well. in a way it feels different enough and good enough to play without having to tweak too much as a user. however the DNA thing might make it physically impossible to do such editing and might render the game stuck where it's at gameplay wise.

the sliders ARE there and i have no doubt we can try it out all over again.

that said like 08 09 is about a 50 percent improvement and that's nothing to scough at. it's something that i knew NBA Live 09 could achieve with it's engine.
# 58 Tomba @ 09/04/08 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
The game overall still has some issues, but I think it might be solid enough to warrant a purchase this year.

The game feels slow and sluggish at times, but the animations for the most part are done very well.

The games I've played the AI has made too many shots. Rondo made a half court heave, and Ray Allen made a fadeaway three, lol.

It does feel like basketball this year tho, and I think it's worth a pickup this year. With that said, I still feel 2k9 will be better.

If anyone's a critic it's you but i'm happy you're harsh on it because seeing your opinion of the game hopefully might turn some other heads into being semi pleased with another Basketball game.

it's always cool to have the choice to go back n forth with a sports game by different dev's. sad madden can't have that...this year we have truly a good situ on our hands with NBA live 09 and possibly NBA 2k9
# 59 23 @ 09/04/08 12:49 PM
IMO 08 wasnt worth 60 bucks, especially without tweaks

What do you get a feel for this time? For guys that havent played Live every year
# 60 İroke @ 09/04/08 12:51 PM
First of all. I only played two games, and I liked what I saw. Better than I expected.

I really don't understand people talking about the the flow of animations in 2k8. I used to love that game, but flow? I had so many problems with the movement of my players that I had to stop playing it. So unreal. And then, you complain about this NBA Live 09...

Didn't have any problem with CPU blocks. In two games I just saw one block (made by me), and the ref called a foul. Maybe it's the way you play the game...

I'm with Sage in the CPU making lots of shots. But I think we have to learn to use the defense.

The problem I see is people trying to play NBA Live like if it was 2k, and both are complete concepts of basketball. I like both.

I don't want to make the post huge, and I don't express my impressions cause its hard for me doing it in english, but I like the way Live is looking this year, and I think its a fresh and fun basketball videogame.

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