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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 tommyfusco @ 09/04/08 05:09 PM
It's not Sony. Microsoft made a boo-boo in putting it up early.
# 162 bateman11 @ 09/04/08 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
Let me look into my crystal ball.

It says "Read through this thread because that question has been asked about 15 times already."

It's really getting irritating. We don't know when the demo is coming out for PS3. Stop asking.
Calm down homie. I mean, you actually get to play it. Some of us can't.
# 163 PuntNL @ 09/04/08 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by tommyfusco
It's not Sony. Microsoft made a boo-boo in putting it up early.
Yeah you sure about that?? They ignored the embargo or something? If so, why can't sony for these kind of situations just put up the demo in between the weekly updates...
# 164 DakkoN @ 09/04/08 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by bateman11
Calm down homie. I mean, you actually get to play it. Some of us can't.
Just because I can play it doesn't mean that the entire world should magically lose their ability to read and not see that the EXACT same question has been asked no less than 8 times in this thread.
# 165 Cr0ss0ver @ 09/04/08 05:14 PM
This demo is way better than Live 08. I like the gameplay for the most part, except for the sluggish moves. If the movement was smoother I could see myself playing this a lot. I like how in practice you can change the courts and practice with all of your teammates, just wish i could change players. I hope you can practice like that while in a season. I actually like practicing more than playing a real game right now, maybe when i can play a full game i can get a better feel for it.
# 166 marquiece @ 09/04/08 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Cr0ss0ver
This demo is way better than Live 08. I like the gameplay for the most part, except for the sluggish moves. If the movement was smoother I could see myself playing this a lot. I like how in practice you can change the courts and practice with all of your teammates, just wish i could change players. I hope you can practice like that while in a season. I actually like practicing more than playing a real game right now, maybe when i can play a full game i can get a better feel for it.
after spending some time with it I think Im gonna go ahead and pick this title up. i like it for the most part while it isnt perfect its not terrible like some people are saying. i think that the atmosphere in the game is damn near perfect! I also like the free throw system better as well. Im going to have two basketball games for sure this year.
# 167 CaCHooKa Man @ 09/04/08 05:22 PM
definitely a move in the right direction for live . the graphics were pretty nice though.
# 168 Bornindamecca @ 09/04/08 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I'm guessing this wasn't changed.

It's more of a timing thing... you know how in 2k, you have to chain your moves with the proper timing? Same thing here.

The system isn't queued and it's not 100% responsive. But if you get the timing down, you can really get some sick moves out. One guy pretty much had the timing down in the Community Day, I on the other hand, was horribly off.
Thanks, Pared. I'm going to knock out a few more pages, and when I earn myself some more video game time I'll tackle the QSA. Hopefully it'll be good.

I'm going to mention 2k, so I'm sorry mods!

What I like about 2k's system, is that it's based more of of momentum than strictly "timing", so getting was just a matter of following the logic of the body movements. Maybe it's something similar here, but right now it seems more about timing the animations, like in a fighting game. Sports games should move towards physics, and away from frame data as much as possible when it comes to game mechanics.
# 169 PuntNL @ 09/04/08 05:32 PM
I am jealous at you guys.. would really like to try the games on my ps3, but have to wait for one more week (and a little more because of a working trip)... Keep posting the impressions..

Looks like Live is getting it pretty right this year and delivers a nice game of basketball..
# 170 Beluba @ 09/04/08 05:45 PM
Note for Bigeast re: the opening tip... it's a twitch game now. Just keep your eyes on the ref and as soon as the ball leaves his hands, hit Y. First one to hit the button wins, but if you press it too early, you lose. Hope that helps.
# 171 jmood88 @ 09/04/08 05:45 PM
I still don't like the animations. Almost everything the players do have a hitch or an unnatural transition, which looks pretty bad.
# 172 Haval93 @ 09/04/08 05:50 PM
Man...I am downloading the demo right now I have a question if anyone could answer...Is Paul Peirce the only player you can use the gym?
# 173 eDotd @ 09/04/08 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
I still don't like the animations. Almost everything the players do have a hitch or an unnatural transition, which looks pretty bad.

09 is a solid game, can't see myself playing it long term though. I'll definitely pick it up used when the price drops.
# 174 eDotd @ 09/04/08 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Haval93
Man...I am downloading the demo right now I have a question if anyone could answer...Is Paul Peirce the only player you can use the gym?
# 175 DakkoN @ 09/04/08 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Haval93
Man...I am downloading the demo right now I have a question if anyone could answer...Is Paul Peirce the only player you can use the gym?
2nd controller uses KG.
# 176 Haval93 @ 09/04/08 05:53 PM
Thank you MomentousCeltic...
# 177 bigeastbumrush @ 09/04/08 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Note for Bigeast re: the opening tip... it's a twitch game now. Just keep your eyes on the ref and as soon as the ball leaves his hands, hit Y. First one to hit the button wins, but if you press it too early, you lose. Hope that helps.

I'm like 0-10 in tip-offs.
# 178 tamakin @ 09/04/08 06:10 PM
I played 2 games and had to delete the demo off of my xbox. It is HOT GARBAGE. The way the players move haven't changed since the '06 demo. It boggles my mind how most of you can play such an awkward basketball game. EA can't compete with 2K's smoothness.
# 179 Bornindamecca @ 09/04/08 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by tamakin
I played 2 games and had to delete the demo off of my xbox. It is HOT GARBAGE. The way the players move haven't changed since the '06 demo. It boggles my mind how most of you can play such an awkward basketball game. EA can't compete with 2K's smoothness.
What camera did you play on? I find the quality of the game really changes from camera to camera.
# 180 eDotd @ 09/04/08 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by tamakin
Just got done playing 2 games and I still don't know why some people buy NBA Live. The player movements are so awkward and lame. EA will never get the players to move as smooth as 2K does. I've only played demo versions of all the NBA live's since 06 on xbox 360 and I can honestly say they haven't stepped up the gameplay one bit. Somebody please tell EA to stop making basketball games. They're so out of touch and they just don't get it.
Originally Posted by tamakin
1) Terrible. Awkward. Same as 06, 07 and 08. Gameplay is the same since 06. Player movements are so incredibly awkward.

2) Rebounding is a joke. It doesn't have a 2K feel to it at all.
Originally Posted by tamakin
I played 2 games and had to delete the demo off of my xbox. It is HOT GARBAGE. The way the players move haven't changed since the '06 demo. It boggles my mind how most of you can play such an awkward basketball game. EA can't compete with 2K's smoothness.
Lol, let me guess, you don't like the demo?

We get it dude.

I wouldn't call it garbage...I do wish it was smoother though.

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