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NBA Live 09 Videos
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I had to get used to the jumpers, it feels a bit early than what I'm used to with 2k. I believe you can see a shot indicator in practice to see exactly when the release is and it's really early from what I'm accustomed to.
# 103
mAiLmAn 502 @ 09/04/08 02:33 PM
i will say this, i was impressed, thats the only way i can put it, the gameplay was nice, i didnt get to use the post much tho cuz demo is mad short, now im kind excited about live365 and dynamic dna. i think i like this
# 104
bigeastbumrush @ 09/04/08 02:35 PM
I know how to call it- LB + play button.
Then one spot comes up on the floor but when I go to that spot, it doesn't tell me who I should pass it to.

Agreed Czar
Thanks for the answers bigeast...
I hope the jumpers dont feel the same because there werent release points in 08 really outside of the practice gym and it felt similar to what you guys describe. I hate that
Thanks for the answers bigeast...
I hope the jumpers dont feel the same because there werent release points in 08 really outside of the practice gym and it felt similar to what you guys describe. I hate that
# 108
Bornindamecca @ 09/04/08 02:39 PM
# 110
bigeastbumrush @ 09/04/08 02:42 PM
You basically body up the ball handler and can bounce off him a little, no foul calls. Just aggressive D. Love that part of the game. One of those things that feels good.

By the way, there are some really awesome block/foul animations in the paint. PP just had a nasty one on Odom who thought he had an easy layup. I just wish the jumpshot blocks weren't so frequent. KG is blocking the hell out of anybody and everybody that comes near him, and I'm not controlling him at all.
# 113
bigeastbumrush @ 09/04/08 02:46 PM

Much smoother and it plays like an NBA game. I think the biggest part of this is the court spacing. When guys are not bunched up together, you can have guys do work in the post and it forces you to double down. That's where you get the open 3s.
To see the CPU hit the offensive glass HARD is a complete change from Live's past. Sometimes guys go up with one hand to pull down a board.
I've seen the CPU look for the open man. There was one play where Kobe drove on the baseline and when I went to block the shot, he passed it mid-air to the other side for a 3 point shot. I NEVER remember that in next-gen Live.
There are things that I don't like...namely the stupid sluggishness. But overall, I like what I see so far.
Also, there's some really nice charge/flop animations too. I've seen Pierce and Allen get called for a foul for trying to ride the ball handler on the wing and fall down trying to get a call. Love those animations.
# 115
videobastard @ 09/04/08 02:48 PM
# 116
rockchisler @ 09/04/08 02:48 PM
I would not say its sluggish its a realistic pace from driving left to right and defending its very momentum based, just because u cant run left to right and shoot on a dime does not make it realistic, I like the demo, some clipping issues but it probably is a early build, anybody notice in the practice gym when a player does not have the ball he starts dancing, nice lil touch EA. Overall after a few games i am satistfied where live is moving, definatley a first day purchase 4 me.
How's the defense in terms of closing out to an open shooter? Do they move unrealistically fast and get a hand on too many shots (or shots they shouldn't be able to get to)?
The blocked shot on Caron Butler (I think it was him) in the defense/ankle break video the other day definitely had me concerned.
The blocked shot on Caron Butler (I think it was him) in the defense/ankle break video the other day definitely had me concerned.
# 118
bigeastbumrush @ 09/04/08 02:49 PM
Tomba, what Game Speed are you using?
Does anybody else wish that we had the "Instant Replay" option enabled in the demo? It was in last year's demo but not this one.. I'm seeing so many little things that I want to see again that the LT replay doesn't allow you to see.
# 120
rockchisler @ 09/04/08 02:52 PM
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