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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 ExtremeGamer @ 09/04/08 08:16 AM
Didn't feel like posting in the sticky?
# 22 PsychoBulk @ 09/04/08 08:17 AM
As soon as its up on PSN Store someone please shout up...

# 23 bigeastbumrush @ 09/04/08 08:17 AM
Just a heads up, the Demo is for XBL GOLD members only. Silver members can check again in a few days.
# 24 DakkoN @ 09/04/08 08:23 AM
My god, too many blocked jumpshots. 5 blocks by my Celtics in the 1st quarter alone.. Garnett with 3, Perkins with 2. Odom with 1.
# 25 DakkoN @ 09/04/08 08:29 AM
Pierce has an awesome signature shot for when you are running to the side and shoot. It's a quick step leaner that is really really smooth. That may be a shot for all players because I did a very similar shot with Kobe.

There are some really weird and out of place animations but for every one of those there is an excellent animation. The transition between animation to animation is really good. You can go from driving to a layup seamlessly without feeling stuck in the animation.

Court spacing is really great, you can really feel the shots open up as you draw attention. I love drawing it with Rondo and kicking out or laying it in when the D thinks I'm going to pass
# 26 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
My god, too many blocked jumpshots. 5 blocks by my Celtics in the 1st quarter alone.. Garnett with 3, Perkins with 2. Odom with 1.
Well hopefully it's not a blockfest like years past. I did just play 2 games though.1st game 0 blocks either side( pro) 2nd game 1 block ( CPU=ALL Star )

So hopefully that is just a rare occurrence, or can be toned down with sliders. I am much more impressed with the ball physics this year and the interaction with the rim. I have seen a lot of new ball animations in regards to it's correlation to the rim.

It still plays a little slow to me, but that can be taken care of with game speed sliders. Jumps feel better, and rebounding is improved to a degree.

Love the beginning with the entrance out of the tunnel, into the stadium.........wish they would have taken this a little further.

The announcing is as good as Live's always has been ( 2nd best to The Show)
# 27 ExtremeGamer @ 09/04/08 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
My god, too many blocked jumpshots. 5 blocks by my Celtics in the 1st quarter alone.. Garnett with 3, Perkins with 2. Odom with 1.
Maybe just the way I played, but in 3 games I saw one blocked jumper.
# 28 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 08:51 AM

When taking jumpers, does the ball clang or rattle in at all ??? Or is it all swishes like in the vids that were released ??


PS: Steph or Beluba can we get an update from one of you if this demo will be released on the PSN today ????
# 29 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa

When taking jumpers, does the ball clang or rattle in at all ??? Or is it all swishes like in the vids that were released ??


PS: Steph or Beluba can we get an update from one of you if this demo will be released on the PSN today ????

I have seen it hit different parts of the rim and fall out and fall in. A lot of my jumpers are straight in though, but not all.

Example: I just hit like a 9 foot jump shot, that hit the front of the rim, hit the side a couple of times on the side and fall through. This doesn't seem to happen very often though..more times than not, it feels like its in or a miss.
# 30 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 09:07 AM
Thats good to hear at least there is some variety.
# 31 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/04/08 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
The demo starts off with a Live 365 video, explaining everything that's new.

Then you are in the Celtics gym. Looks so much better than last year, much more alive with players shooting with you. Highlight videos are playing on the TV screens, etc.

You have 3 game options, all Lakers vs. Celtics. Normal, and 2 rewind games (11/23/07 and 6/8/08). You can view the historical box score for both games.

Quarters are 2 minutes long. You only play 1 half.

The crowd looks awesome, and hearing Marv Albert and Steve Kerr rules.

The tip off is fixed!!! hooray!

Wow, this doesn't really feel like Live 08, 07, etc. I can't describe it, but it feels more "real". Doesn't feel like the jittery Live feel if that makes sense. Everything feels tighter.

Sig shots look fantastic. The atmosphere is great, crowd chanting "defense,defense". I'm sold.

EDIT - Love the 2 man pick game, nice addition.
sweet, I keep saying the crowd looks great from the vids tat are out, I think it looks like the best crowd in a sports game. I hope it's aviaible for the ps3 TODAY! I got a Giants game to watch tonight.
# 32 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
Thats good to hear at least there is some variety.
There needs to be more though. There is a lot of variation when taking the ball to the hole, but there needs to be more on a jump shot. There is a lot of positves that I see so far, but the amount of clean jumpshots is really high.
# 33 BiggD @ 09/04/08 09:14 AM
WOW, kudos for E.A. for bringing it early...

but i'm with the PS3 guys... are we getting it on PSN today??
# 34 BiggD @ 09/04/08 09:18 AM
What time does PSN shop usually update?
# 35 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 09:24 AM
Another 3 questions.......

1) How does the release on the jumpshots feel ???

2) Can we get some more impressions on rebounding ?? Does it have a more "2k" feel to it ?? Is it better/worse ??

3) How was the tip off fixed ??? What does it look like ?? What does it do now different the in the vids ?? Is it timing or do you mash the buttons ??


PS: The PSN usually updates around 6 to 7 pm EST.
# 36 DC @ 09/04/08 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
My god, too many blocked jumpshots. 5 blocks by my Celtics in the 1st quarter alone.. Garnett with 3, Perkins with 2. Odom with 1.
LOL @ Live still having this issue. I remember on Live 05 I had to scale down everyone's blocks because of this with the highest block rating being a 15
# 37 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 09:35 AM
[quote=Mintsa;2038673700]Another 3 questions.......

1) How does the release on the jumpshots feel ???
They feel really good to me, there is no more hitch, and is pretty fuid......not quite 2k fluid, but pretty damn fluid.

2) Can we get some more impressions on rebounding ?? Does it have a more "2k" feel to it ?? Is it better/worse ??

The rebounding has been improved, as players just don't stand around and look at the ball on the floor anymore..lol. Its not as open as 2k, in 2k I feel like I make a difference as to how I postion myself for the rebound. Live, although improved greatly, feels like it's pre-determined a little.( hard to explain ) still much improved.

3) How was the tip off fixed ??? What does it look like ?? What does it do now different the in the vids ?? Is it timing or do you mash the buttons ??
Can't really say how they fixed it, but they way it looks is pretty cool, I have had an over the head shot of both players, and then the icon pops up ( Y ) and the quicker you hit, it seems the better chance to get the ball.Sorry thats a really crappy breakdown of it.
# 38 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 09:49 AM
How about the icon passing ??? IS there a delay when it pops up ??

And just to confirm it is now a different button then ally-oop ???

Also, how is the passing, do we still get those floaty passes when swinging the ball around the perimeter or when passing from the post back out to the wing ??? This was a problem in 08.
# 39 tamakin @ 09/04/08 09:53 AM
Just got done playing 2 games and I still don't know why some people buy NBA Live. The player movements are so awkward and lame. EA will never get the players to move as smooth as 2K does. I've only played demo versions of all the NBA live's since 06 on xbox 360 and I can honestly say they haven't stepped up the gameplay one bit. Somebody please tell EA to stop making basketball games. They're so out of touch and they just don't get it.
# 40 bluengold34_OS @ 09/04/08 09:59 AM
How about the icon passing ??? IS there a delay when it pops up ??
Nope, they pop up right away.

And just to confirm it is now a different button then ally-oop ???
Ally oop this year RB + RS pressed up

Also, how is the passing, do we still get those floaty passes when swinging the ball around the perimeter or when passing from the post back out to the wing ??? This was a problem in 08.[/
I would like the the passes a little crisper and quicker, but not nearly as floaty as last year. Still could be improved a little though.

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