MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1661 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/11/08 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Ive had to adjust the AI batting a little. The 1 thing 2k seems to insist on having the CPU do, is hit these absurd cannon shots. There are times when the CPU can ONLY score on homeruns. I'm not talking HR's on mistake pitches, or trying to get cute and attempting to sneak something into a guy's hot zone on a 2-0 count.

I'm talking about the perfectly placed ball on the black with 2 strikes that is golfed 400 out to the deepest part of the park by guys like Mike Cameron.

Now this happens now and again, but in this game it seems to happen-major leaguers are going to beat your best pitch ocassionally. I like that you cant just pound a guy's cold zone all game long, like you could on MVP.

However, in this game, the absurd cpu rocket shot happens on average, once a game. Ive played 9 games in my franchise and I'm giving up a homerun a game on average. There isnt a homer hit in every game a team plays. That just isnt realistic
Dont mean to quote myself but I am now indecisive...Im not sure if my recent rash of getting bombed is just one of those things that is going to even out over playing 162 games and playing the ocassional power line up or not(dang phillies)..because I have had games where I have thrown gems, and Billy Wagner has been completely lights out closing, through 10 games..hmmm
# 1662 glcmustliveon @ 03/12/08 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Dont mean to quote myself but I am now indecisive...Im not sure if my recent rash of getting bombed is just one of those things that is going to even out over playing 162 games and playing the ocassional power line up or not(dang phillies)..because I have had games where I have thrown gems, and Billy Wagner has been completely lights out closing, through 10 games..hmmm
In addition, last year Major League teams averaged a little OVER 1 homerun per game, so thats not unrealistic at all.
# 1663 Altimus @ 03/12/08 03:04 AM
Does this game have any cool cut scenes added from last year?
# 1664 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/12/08 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
As you become better with the pitching system you'll see more CPU hit variety.

My last game I pitched with Dan Haren and the CPU grounded into more groundballs than flyballs. Had lots of assists with Hudson and Drew.

Still gave up a few homeruns but I never felt cheated. Fielder did pull a pitch a tad bit outside but looking at the replay he got his bat head out and the pitch was middle-out instead of outside corner. It was realistic.

And Cameron golfed a low pitch but it was a changeup inside that stayed a bit up higher than ht should have been and he only hit it into the fifth or so row.

This is why I am leaning towards going back to default sliders all the way across the board...because I have had good, well pitched games, but I allowed some games were I have gotten bombed in the 1st month of my association, to make me think that I have to change things in the game..and my record was like 4-6. So now I'm just going to start again at default.

There was no reason for me to tinker with anything..I just ran into some good hitting lineups and got a little sloppy with my pitching.

One thing I have learned is that you DO have to throw some balls. I play with all aspects of VIP on..so if you are just going to lay strikes in there all game, the CPU is going to stand and rip.
# 1665 SportGamer24 @ 03/12/08 10:26 AM
After purchasing both The Show (ps3) and 2k8 (360) but refusing to open both I sat on the fence for days, reading reviews and impressions, watching videos and looking at the pros and cons I decided to finally open up 2k8.

After two games, I feel like I made the right decision. The variety in this game is great, Fielding is a blast, pitching is fun, and every at bat, every pitch feels different. I've primarily used BFNJ's sliders and my games have been good so far.

There's been seeing eye singles, doubles to the gaps and down the lines and deep HRs. I think if people can overlook some of the minor issues (framerate which doesn't seem too bad) they will realize that this game is the real deal. Yes, the show looks great and plays a solid game of baseball, but at it's core it feels like the same MLB game that they've put out for the last 3 years. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I think 2k has some what revolutionized the gameplay and made a heck of game.

I've never enjoyed fielding in a baseball game as much as I have in 2k. Not only do you need to make sure you have the right momentum (so you don't overrun the ball) you need to set your feet or risk making a bad throw. Using the analog stick adds another dimension to throws that is so much more exciting then just hitting one button and totally relying on the CPU to execute a good or bad throw.

Now I know it's still early and the honeymoon maybe over soon but I felt like 2k was the way to go. The variety in gameplay is what sold me, and I'm thinking it's what will keep the game fresh.

If you're on the fence, give 2k a shot.
# 1666 CMH @ 03/12/08 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by SportGamer24

If you're on the fence, give 2k a shot.
I think it comes down to what you want in a game.

If you can get by the frame rate issue (which doesn't even bother me though I do notice every now and then) and can get by another year of the same commentary and bland presentation then this is a good game of baseball.

It at least does that right.
# 1667 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/12/08 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
I think it comes down to what you want in a game.

If you can get by the frame rate issue (which doesn't even bother me though I do notice every now and then) and can get by another year of the same commentary and bland presentation then this is a good game of baseball.

It at least does that right.

Are you using sliders at all? It's odd, because I find my pitching has been actually worse since I started using sliders for the CPU offense, then it was on the default lol.

I was really doing fine with the default outisde of a handful of games where the brewers and phillies lineups were giving me fits.
# 1668 Altimus @ 03/12/08 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by michaeldu
Seems to me that most of the cool cut scenes and batter walkups were taken out. Now most of the cut scenes involve a stupid floating camera. The really cool broadcast cam type scenes are mostly gone. It's a shame, last year had a more of a broadcast feel to it, to me the cutscenes feel arcady this year.
Damn. If any game needs cut scenes, it's baseball.
# 1669 sportsdude @ 03/12/08 01:50 PM
well after about 20 exhibition games I found some sliders I liked and started my Reds franchise.

I was playing the Brewers and pitching with Belisle. I cruised through the first three innings then got lit up in the fourth. Belisle left with 3.2 IP and 6 ER, all because after I got through the first few innings, I kinda stopped focusing so much on each pitch and then got lit up, just like what happens to Belisle in real life.

For me this game is an 8.0 right now and would probably be bumped to an 8.5 if online lag is eliminated, framerate is fixed (though it rarely bothers me) and franchise issues from previous years have been worked out. It's just a lot of fun to play and is really hard for me to put down.
# 1670 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/12/08 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by sportsdude
well after about 20 exhibition games I found some sliders I liked and started my Reds franchise.

I was playing the Brewers and pitching with Belisle. I cruised through the first three innings then got lit up in the fourth. Belisle left with 3.2 IP and 6 ER, all because after I got through the first few innings, I kinda stopped focusing so much on each pitch and then got lit up, just like what happens to Belisle in real life.

For me this game is an 8.0 right now and would probably be bumped to an 8.5 if online lag is eliminated, framerate is fixed (though it rarely bothers me) and franchise issues from previous years have been worked out. It's just a lot of fun to play and is really hard for me to put down.

I find the brewers lineup to be a total pain the rear. Prince Fielder is a total monster.
# 1671 belljr @ 03/12/08 02:45 PM
I had a shot down the line last night, they called an HR and I firmly believe it curved FOUL before going over.

I'm still upset by the missed call :angry:
# 1672 lefty1117 @ 03/12/08 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by michaeldu
Anyone have any idea as to what the flashing is around home plate and the pitchers mound? Or what might be causing it?
I noticed that too, and only when I'm pitching, and only when I switched from classic to TCP. I thought it was lightning at first.
# 1673 CubFan23 @ 03/12/08 05:40 PM
With some slider tweaking this game plays pretty good
# 1674 FlyerFanatic08 @ 03/12/08 07:38 PM
is it just me..or what is with these controls? not really feeling the right stick doing everything. looked in the book, and it says you can pitch and hit with a,b,x,y....do i gotta change it in a setting? anyone else having trouble?

can anyone help me out...maybe i'm just reading the tutorial wrong...but when you're pitching, you essentially point the RS towards wherever that pitch says 1 is at, then as you're winding up you rotate or push up or whatever the 2 direction is that the pitch says to do yes? i know the accuracy circle comes up and you're supposed to release when its ihe green right, so essentially you're doing all that in one fluid motion right? i dont know...i havent thrown any other pitch besides a fastball which means i'm not doing it right. can anyone out explain it to me better possibly?
# 1675 CMH @ 03/13/08 12:07 AM
How to throw a fastball with maximum effort:

Press and hold down to begin your motion. A circle begins to expand. When the circle reaches it's largest point, move and hold the Right Analog Stick forward. Release the stick when the contracting circle reaches it's smallest point. If you release prior to this the margin of error increases by the size of the circle or becomes a meatball pitch.

How to throw a fastball with less effort:

Now that you know how to throw a maximum effort fastball, you might want to control your effort to conserve energy.

Press and hold down to begin your motion. A circle begins to expand. Move and hold the RAS stick up (Note: You can do this prior to the circle reaching it's largest point. The expanding circle is your effort.) The circle will continue to expand. Continue to hold the stick up. Release the stick when the contracting circle reaches it's smallest point.

Once you understand that then you can understand the other pitches. Follow the same steps. The first motion is always your effort. Your second motion is your accuracy. You must remember to always hold the second motion down until the circle reaches it's smallest point. Releasing early will result in a meatball pitch.

There is a tutorial in the pause screen to practice.
# 1676 FlyerFanatic08 @ 03/13/08 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
How to throw a fastball with maximum effort:

Press and hold down to begin your motion. A circle begins to expand. When the circle reaches it's largest point, move and hold the Right Analog Stick forward. Release the stick when the contracting circle reaches it's smallest point. If you release prior to this the margin of error increases by the size of the circle or becomes a meatball pitch.

How to throw a fastball with less effort:

Now that you know how to throw a maximum effort fastball, you might want to control your effort to conserve energy.

Press and hold down to begin your motion. A circle begins to expand. Move and hold the RAS stick up (Note: You can do this prior to the circle reaching it's largest point. The expanding circle is your effort.) The circle will continue to expand. Continue to hold the stick up. Release the stick when the contracting circle reaches it's smallest point.

Once you understand that then you can understand the other pitches. Follow the same steps. The first motion is always your effort. Your second motion is your accuracy. You must remember to always hold the second motion down until the circle reaches it's smallest point. Releasing early will result in a meatball pitch.

There is a tutorial in the pause screen to practice.
thanks man, i think that makes a little more sense. i'll test it out and report back
# 1677 merff11 @ 03/13/08 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
How to throw a fastball with maximum effort:

Press and hold down to begin your motion. A circle begins to expand. When the circle reaches it's largest point, move and hold the Right Analog Stick forward. Release the stick when the contracting circle reaches it's smallest point. If you release prior to this the margin of error increases by the size of the circle or becomes a meatball pitch.

How to throw a fastball with less effort:

Now that you know how to throw a maximum effort fastball, you might want to control your effort to conserve energy.

Press and hold down to begin your motion. A circle begins to expand. Move and hold the RAS stick up (Note: You can do this prior to the circle reaching it's largest point. The expanding circle is your effort.) The circle will continue to expand. Continue to hold the stick up. Release the stick when the contracting circle reaches it's smallest point.

Once you understand that then you can understand the other pitches. Follow the same steps. The first motion is always your effort. Your second motion is your accuracy. You must remember to always hold the second motion down until the circle reaches it's smallest point. Releasing early will result in a meatball pitch.

There is a tutorial in the pause screen to practice.

Onlyh problem I have found with this is as you increase the pitch control slider you are not able to throw with less than minimum effort, or not able to start second gesture until you pass the first line. If you do it is a meatpitch. Again, that has been my experience since adjusting the control slider anywhere above, i believe, 60-65. Any where lower on the slider and you are correct.
# 1678 CMH @ 03/13/08 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by merff11
Onlyh problem I have found with this is as you increase the pitch control slider you are not able to throw with less than minimum effort, or not able to start second gesture until you pass the first line. If you do it is a meatpitch. Again, that has been my experience since adjusting the control slider anywhere above, i believe, 60-65. Any where lower on the slider and you are correct.
I have to give it a try but my description is exactly how you use the meter.

Not sure why upping the difficulty and therefore speed of the orb would take away effort.

Just press down and quickly press up and hold while the orb expands and release when the orb contracts to it's smallest point.
# 1679 merff11 @ 03/13/08 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
I have to give it a try but my description is exactly how you use the meter.

Not sure why upping the difficulty and therefore speed of the orb would take away effort.

Just press down and quickly press up and hold while the orb expands and release when the orb contracts to it's smallest point.
I think perhaps it is designed to be that way as you increase difficulty to make pitchers fatigue more quickly and to make release more difficult.

I wish what you're describing worked for me, but as the difficulty increases so did the difficulty of the level of effort. I think it makes sense, I tried to throw a bit more accurate less effort pitches and it always gave me meat pitch
# 1680 Metsui @ 03/13/08 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by michaeldu
Anyone have any idea as to what the flashing is around home plate and the pitchers mound? Or what might be causing it?
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I've always thought it was dust/dirt swirling up from the wind. That's what it seems like to me.

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