MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1621 Artman22 @ 03/09/08 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Well, rented the finally...

Past that, I don't quite know what to say or where to start. This game is so bad in so many ways. My copy of The Show 06 on the PS2 puts this game to shame. And rather than repeat what's already been said, I'll just recommend to anyone still on the fence: don't buy it. And don't even bother renting the game. I honestly feel I just threw $10 away.
Lmao!!! That was the same way I felt when I first played the game. I don't know man people are praising this game and some can't even play it(including myself). I feel like this game went backwards. If they would have gave me 2k7 with 60fps and better gameplay I would have been cool with that. I think they spent too much time on the pitching and batting this year. They should have worked on locking this game at 60fps before anything else.
# 1622 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/09/08 05:17 PM
Am I the only one who doesnt care all that much about the visuals? This game looks plenty good..I care about the game being fun and engaging me..this game qualifies on both fronts.

The only 2 changes I really want to see as of right now is the CPU going for steals and I'd like to be able to work the count better. I dont want 1 game to take the length of a real game. I want to acutally PLAY the game..have a fun experience with enough realism so that I do not feel like I'm playing MLB Slugfest.
# 1623 Brophog @ 03/09/08 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Am I the only one who doesnt care all that much about the visuals? .
I agree, to an extent. I'm certainly not a big graphics person myself, being a big retro gamer, but the one thing I think a sports game, graphically, in this age needs to do is to let you know instantly who a player is.

2K nails that with the basketball games. I can fire that ball around the hoop and know without thinking which player it is, and therefore know what my next move should be. While this isn't nearly as vital in a baseball game, there is no reason I shouldn't get that same effect. I think far older games did this better than 2K8 does, and that's a shame.

Secondly, baseball is an immersion sport. They get this ok with the fans chants, and some with the PA, but they totally miss this with the announcing and the visuals. It feels overall a shallow experience. It attempts to do it, it just doesn't got that full mile.
# 1624 orion523 @ 03/09/08 07:10 PM
Well,even after all of my criticism I bought the game anyway hoping the patch fixes the main issues with the framerate.Once I found out I was able to switch back to last years pitching mechanic,I was sold because the hitting is fantastic.Now its just a wait for the patch
# 1625 Brophog @ 03/09/08 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Pared

I'm really liking the pitching the more I spend time with it, but as someone else said, it's still a meter. The only difference is the motions you're inputting. Still is a nice diversion from the norm. I still hate the meatball thing.

I'm seeing the CPU throw a decent variety of balls/strikes but the lack of walks is killing me. Once you get the hang of the meter you can still pinpoint your pitches.

Still needs heavy slider work, again.
That was me on the meter. At first, I was like, hey this is just the same thing, but with motions. It does grow on you, however, if for only the fact the gestures keep you engaged. The pitching is probably without a doubt my favorite part of this game.

I have two big complaints about the gameplay. The hitting just seems dull. The beautiful hits of baseball I am just not seeing. The choppers, the bounces, the slow rollers, etcetera. I don't feel like this ball is alive. It seems like it is more on rails. Lots of hits right smack up the middle, a few exactly down the line, etcetera. Nothing feels organic about the hitting process. The controls are engaging, but the end result feels very shallow.

Secondly, I'm not sure we're ever going to solve this AI pitching issue. The combination of the strike zone, the umpire, and the sliders is making it very difficult for me to feel like this is a representation of the game. Either the top pitchers turn into gods, or the average pitchers begin bouncing everything. I can get good ball numbers from average to below pitchers, but some of their pitches are so ridiculously far out of the strike zone as to be hilarious, (often resulting in passed balls) and even then, most of their strikes are still right at the corners. There doesn't seem to be that 5.0 ERA guy that is the bulk of the majors that has control issues but keeps it near the strike zone and just gets hit a lot.

I think post patch we can get a decent game of baseball for those that have a 360 only, but not without an exhaustive amount of work on the part of the user.
# 1626 Pared @ 03/09/08 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Brophog
I think post patch we can get a decent game of baseball for those that have a 360 only, but not without an exhaustive amount of work on the part of the user.
That's my biggest beef with games like this. People want to say "well with the right sliders it's great."

Why is the game not "great" out of the damn box? Did I not spend $400 on a gaming system and $60 on a game? Why should I have to do all this patchwork for the game to be solid.

I'm used to doing slider work but only to make a great game better. When you have to put in all this work to get the game under control it annoys me.
# 1627 CMH @ 03/09/08 08:57 PM
The only thing that really needs slider changes is the CPU not throwing a bunch of balls.

Seeing as how that is a problem in almost every baseball game created to date I'm not going to let it ruin my experience.

Do I wish it could be solved? Of course. But, switching to another game or playing previous versions won't solve that issue so the only reason I'd complain is to push developers (on every platform) to offer an option to have the CPU throw more balls.

Not sure what people mean by a lack of hit variety but I see plenty. Hitting is improved. My opinion is that you're wrong when you say it isn't. You can say I'm delirious or stubborn but I can say that same to you.

Also, I find it amusing that people are quick to say that those that like MLB2k8 are trying to justify their purchase or that they are simply wrong by suggesting that the game is good. Why can only an MLB2k8 fan be those things? I can turn around and say that those that like MLB The Show are just trying to justify their purchase by suggesting MLB2k8 is terrible.

It's a silly game that people play by believing others are crazy for liking something. OS has really disappointed me with their shallow, biased opinions on a product. The many people that have come into this impressions thread and have continued to suggest that MLB2k8 fans are wrong for thinking the product plays good baseball or saying that the fans are justifying their purchase should consider looking in the mirror.

Justifying purchases is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever read on these threads. It's surprising and damn well shameful that it's the Show fans that keep throwing the word out there. Only makes me wonder who is justifying what.

And I'm sure now this will get me some heat and I don't care because I never put down any product here. I've always maintained that it's about preference.

I'm positive now that preference goes way over people's heads here on OS.
# 1628 SportGamer24 @ 03/09/08 09:19 PM
I've only played the demo, but I'm hoping there is an option not to display the pitch cursor. Is this possible in the retail version?
# 1629 CMH @ 03/09/08 09:19 PM
I get that. Graphics are definitely down from last year.

But the gameplay is better and that's what everyone wanted.

It seems to me that if people can complain they will.

Obviously, if the complaint is that the graphics are worse than last year and that's why you don't enjoy the product then I can understand that.

I'm speaking mostly for the people that are saying that the product does not play baseball. I just don't understand that.

My opinion is that the audio aspect of the game is what kills it. If you have Sony's announcing team (and their actual comments) on this product then people will feel like they are listening to a broadcast.

2k7 was a nightmare with homeruns all over the place. It was Slugfest without the title. Now that's not there and people still aren't satisfied with the gameplay. I don't understand why.

Maybe if the people putting down the gameplay explained why they don't think it plays good baseball then I would understand. Instead all I see are blanket statements like, "This game is horrible. It doesn't play good baseball." I'm not sure what that means because it's wrong.
# 1630 CMH @ 03/09/08 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by SportGamer24
I've only played the demo, but I'm hoping there is an option not to display the pitch cursor. Is this possible in the retail version?
I don't think so. Perhaps in classic pitching. But if you're playing with the new pitching mechanic then you wouldn't be successful without the orb.

I haven't tried classic so I honestly can't answer this question for you.
# 1631 muggins @ 03/09/08 09:27 PM
Is the not being able to choose your power with pitches when there is a player on base an intended feature or a bug?
# 1632 CMH @ 03/09/08 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by mugginns
Is the not being able to choose your power with pitches when there is a player on base an intended feature or a bug?
This is being discussed elsewhere and I don't know what to say anymore.

I havne't had this problem but enough people are that perhaps there is something going on with the product.
# 1633 Sportsforever @ 03/09/08 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
This is being discussed elsewhere and I don't know what to say anymore.

I havne't had this problem but enough people are that perhaps there is something going on with the product.

I only had this happen once for two pitches in a row and then haven't seen it since...not a clue as to what caused it. Really weird.
# 1634 CMH @ 03/09/08 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Scottd
Too me it start with the animation. They need to work on that big time. Also, how players react after the ball is hit. If they can fix that for next year I would be happy, but I doubt they will.
To me the animations are done well but could all be better.

Players no longer lose their heads and fly out of their swing after hitting a ball. I'm not a huge fan of the running animation or the slowdown animation when fielding a flyball. So that I agree needs to be addressed.

Pitching too me is amazingly fluid. The Show, in my opinion, doesn't come close to grasping this aspect of a pitch. When 2k pitchers throw it looks like they throw with authority. Now their body position after a pitch is ugly. They stand there with their arms just laying flat on their sides. It looks stupid.

Most fielder throwing animations are ugly too. Some bodies look backwards when throwing from a specific position and guys still crow hop like crazy on easy throws from the outfield to the infield. I dont understand why that can't be changed.

However, catching animations and fielding grounders is done very well. Guys look good when fielding balls backhanded or scooping balls. Looks nice.
# 1635 pistonpete @ 03/10/08 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
That's my biggest beef with games like this. People want to say "well with the right sliders it's great."

Why is the game not "great" out of the damn box? Did I not spend $400 on a gaming system and $60 on a game? Why should I have to do all this patchwork for the game to be solid.

I'm used to doing slider work but only to make a great game better. When you have to put in all this work to get the game under control it annoys me.

amen, amen, amen. i have a headache trying to figure out how to make the CPU pitch more realistically.pitchers guys like anthony reyes and jason marquis should not be nipping the corners all day everyday like they are santana or maddux. and the umpire calls the game like he is on the take. i can't even work the count because i know sooner or later, mr. 5th starter in the rotation is going to throw a slider with a 12 inch break that will hit the black, striking me out, after going down 3-0 and throwing 2 pitches just like the one described above. this game is sloppy, just sloppy. the more i play
2K's baseball games the more i think they quality test their games with a bunch of trained howler monkeys at the controls.
# 1636 sva91 @ 03/10/08 03:32 AM
At first I was a bit dissapointed with how much of a hit the game took graphically, but after playing it for a couple of days of come to really enjoy it. With the Framerate fix and using arial cam, the game plays much smoother than last years. I like the new pitching interface, and the hit variety is awesome. For some reason, the pitches are much easirer to read and using classic batting and the wide hitting camera, the response time is awesome (check swings actually work this year).

For those graphic whores (much like myself), just forget about the Show and 2k8, and tell yourself this is MVP 08. The graphics are much better than MVP and all the sig stances are really well done.

FYI: The graphics look much better using arial cam(field texture looks much better, and using Wide batting cam lets you see the entire backdrop of each stadium.
# 1637 orion523 @ 03/10/08 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by SportGamer24
I've only played the demo, but I'm hoping there is an option not to display the pitch cursor. Is this possible in the retail version?
Yes,you can go back to last years pitching mechanic,and fielding mechanic
# 1638 CMH @ 03/10/08 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
A few examples of poor/sloppy programming in this game:

-- I fire up my first game without touching sliders. The CPU proceeds to hit 8 HR's with the first 10 batters it sends to the plate. The infamous meat pitch programming, wow. And this is supposed to be 2K's sim answer to The Bigs?
? Why are you throwing so many meatball pitches? Once you get the hang of pitching you won't see this happen. My last two games I haven't given up one meatball pitch for a homerun. The homeruns I've given up were on poorly placed pitches.

I agree that the meatball pitch is terrible. But it isn't as bad as people who obviously haven't played enough games are making it out to be. If you're giving up 8 meatball pitches to the first 10 batters then I'd have to question how much you've been playing or whether you actually understand the new pitching system.

-- After a few innings of batting, I notice the CPU seems to be throwing nothing but strikes. So I decide to test things out. I fire up a game against a certain team and pitcher. The CPU pitcher starts the game off by throwing 9 pitches for strikes, and my guys go down in order.

So I adjust the sliders, lowering all three AI Throw Strike sliders to 0. I fire up another game and the CPU pitcher proceeds to throw 9 pitches for strikes, mowing my guys go down in order.

So now I go in and edit that same CPU pitcher's Strikeout, BB and individual pitch control ratings to 0. This guy should be throwing nothing but balls and wild pitches. Result: strikes out the side on 11 pitches. This is basically the game killer for me, this bit of (non)programming.
I can't argue with you on this one. The CPU throws too many strikes. I've been getting better at forcing them to throw balls as I've become a better hitter over time but it still isn't enough. This needs to be fixed.

I had one game where I walked four times and thought that maybe I was on to something. Then the next game I walked 1 time. It's still not enough.

Serious question. How many walks per game are you guys seeing in The Show?

-- A little thing but so indicative of the how this game plays overall: At the end of a play - say, a 6-3 groundout - the players often just disappear. That's the transition scene into the next batter. You're watching the batter running to first. You see the ball as it comes across the diamond, and you see the first baseman catch it and the ump call the runner out. Then the scene freezes for 1-2 seconds while the players vanish - they're suddenly not there anymore all. You can still see their shadows on the field, but no players.
Stuff happens. I hardly see how this is a game killer. You're picking out the poor examples and ignoring the good. You're telling me that you've never seen a glitch in The Show? They happen in every game.
# 1639 Jistic @ 03/10/08 08:49 AM
The most HR's I've given up in a game is 3. That includes from the moment I fired up the game. Practice More.

With all of the throw strike sliders at 0, if you aren't walking, you're just not good at hitting. I started out with all of them at 0, then turned them up because I was walking too much.

There is no issue with the CPU throwing stikes, the issue is with human batting.
# 1640 ronnyballgame @ 03/10/08 09:51 AM
Man, after all the negative feedback about this game, I finally got to play it this weekend, and got in 6 franchise games, and all I have to say, this game isn't perfect, but I love it, even with it flaws. I love the franchise mode, it is now so deep with the minors, and I like checking out the stats after every game I sim(Drabek got lit up in his season debut in AA), but just everything about it is great. I never have played the show, and probably won't since I think the PS3 is a tad overvalued, but the gameplay on the field is tough, a challange and keeps me on the edge of my seat. Like before I came to work, I was playing the Reds, I am up 5-3 in the bottom of the ninth, Lidge is pitching, men on 2nd and 3rd and Phillips is up to bat. He cracks a monster shot looking like it has GAP written all over it, and Victorino snags it. I was like, wow, I love this game, and every game has been superb and entertaining to the last pitch or swing.

2k, it isn't perfect, but it is as good as I hoped!

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