MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1641 CMH @ 03/10/08 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jistic
The most HR's I've given up in a game is 3. That includes from the moment I fired up the game. Practice More.

With all of the throw strike sliders at 0, if you aren't walking, you're just not good at hitting. I started out with all of them at 0, then turned them up because I was walking too much.

There is no issue with the CPU throwing stikes, the issue is with human batting.
This is good to hear. I suck offensively and a part of me believed that it was the reason why I wasn't seeing as many balls.

The game that I walked four times I scored 6 runs on 6 hits.

Ever since then I've mustered four hits in two games with one walk. I have to believe that my lack of base hits has a lot to do with my lack of success in drawing walks.

That being said, those two games the CPU starter went 9 innings (why not? They shut me out) and they threw 98 and 95 pitches respectively. Not a bad total pitch count for a 2-hit shutout.

I'll take your word for it and I wouldn't doubt it because you are usually level headed with this sort of thing.
# 1642 Jistic @ 03/10/08 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
This is good to hear. I suck offensively and a part of me believed that it was the reason why I wasn't seeing as many balls.

The game that I walked four times I scored 6 runs on 6 hits.

Ever since then I've mustered four hits in two games with one walk. I have to believe that my lack of base hits has a lot to do with my lack of success in drawing walks.

That being said, those two games the CPU starter went 9 innings (why not? They shut me out) and they threw 98 and 95 pitches respectively. Not a bad total pitch count for a 2-hit shutout.

I'll take your word for it and I wouldn't doubt it because you are usually level headed with this sort of thing.
Here's the thing. If the pitcher difficulty slider can't be jacked up. Just around 50 is fine. Otherwise, the top pitchers rarely throw balls.
# 1643 Pared @ 03/10/08 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
? Why are you throwing so many meatball pitches? Once you get the hang of pitching you won't see this happen. My last two games I haven't given up one meatball pitch for a homerun. The homeruns I've given up were on poorly placed pitches.

I agree that the meatball pitch is terrible. But it isn't as bad as people who obviously haven't played enough games are making it out to be. If you're giving up 8 meatball pitches to the first 10 batters then I'd have to question how much you've been playing or whether you actually understand the new pitching system.
It has to do with the meter just randomly losing track of your motions. This has been mentioned by many throughout the forum.

Originally Posted by ehh
It absolutely drove me crazy, I gave up 15 runs and 20 hits in five innings because everything was a meatball. I went in to the pitching tutorial and never saw the problem in there. I do not know if it was w. men on base or not, I didn't pay attention to it.
# 1644 Metsui @ 03/10/08 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It has to do with the meter just randomly losing track of your motions. This has been mentioned by many throughout the forum.
Could this be a PS3 thing? I play on the 360 and rarely throw a meatball. I've also never had an issue with the motion with men on base or otherwise.
# 1645 Pared @ 03/10/08 12:34 PM
I've read 360 owners saying it so I'm not sure.
# 1646 ehh @ 03/10/08 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
-- I fire up my first game without touching sliders. The CPU proceeds to hit 8 HR's with the first 10 batters it sends to the plate. The infamous meat pitch programming, wow. And this is supposed to be 2K's sim answer to The Bigs?

-- After a few innings of batting, I notice the CPU seems to be throwing nothing but strikes. So I decide to test things out. I fire up a game against a certain team and pitcher. The CPU pitcher starts the game off by throwing 9 pitches for strikes, and my guys go down in order.

So I adjust the sliders, lowering all three AI Throw Strike sliders to 0. I fire up another game and the CPU pitcher proceeds to throw 9 pitches for strikes, mowing my guys go down in order.

So now I go in and edit that same CPU pitcher's Strikeout, BB and individual pitch control ratings to 0. This guy should be throwing nothing but balls and wild pitches. Result: strikes out the side on 11 pitches. This is basically the game killer for me, this bit of (non)programming.
For some reason it seems like in the first inning of most games the CPU pounds the hell out of the strike zone. After that I see a lot of balls thrown especially if you chase pitches, they will keep throwing pitches off the plate. Also, if you want a ton of balls adjust the corner slider too, that helps.
# 1647 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/10/08 01:50 PM
Ive played 6 games of my mets franchise and am having a heck of a lot of fun. I do not want to change a thing. I am seeing more pitches by the cpu, by waiting for the type of pitch I want to hit, instead of just going up there and ripping away at the 1st strike I see. Now if they throw a pitch I feel like I can drive on the 1st pitch and I got Beltran up, then I am hacking.

the game plays at a nice pace this way for me..I dont want to make the game so sim that playing through 1 game takes forever.

Ive gotten pitching down pretty nice and my meatballs are waay down..but I do notice one thing still remains that I do not like. The dang hot/cold teams. I played a series against Atlanta when they were "hot" and it was an absolute pain in the behind. I felt like I was pitching to 8 Barry Bondses. Mark Texeria hit an opposite field homer off of Johan Santana on a fastball that I deliberately threw neck high...and Chipper Jones was fielding like he was Brooks Robinson. That's just absurd.
# 1648 orion523 @ 03/10/08 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Ive played 6 games of my mets franchise and am having a heck of a lot of fun. I do not want to change a thing. I am seeing more pitches by the cpu, by waiting for the type of pitch I want to hit, instead of just going up there and ripping away at the 1st strike I see. Now if they throw a pitch I feel like I can drive on the 1st pitch and I got Beltran up, then I am hacking.

the game plays at a nice pace this way for me..I dont want to make the game so sim that playing through 1 game takes forever.

Ive gotten pitching down pretty nice and my meatballs are waay down..but I do notice one thing still remains that I do not like. The dang hot/cold teams. I played a series against Atlanta when they were "hot" and it was an absolute pain in the behind. I felt like I was pitching to 8 Barry Bondses. Mark Texeria hit an opposite field homer off of Johan Santana on a fastball that I deliberately threw neck high...and Chipper Jones was fielding like he was Brooks Robinson. That's just absurd.
Yeah,the hot/cold thing is way overdone.I turn it off.Using the hot/cold feature also nullifies custom sliders because thats how the cpu get the teams "hot" and "cold" it uses slider adjustments.I highly recommend turning this feature off
# 1649 CS10029 @ 03/10/08 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
This is good to hear. I suck offensively and a part of me believed that it was the reason why I wasn't seeing as many balls.

The game that I walked four times I scored 6 runs on 6 hits.

Ever since then I've mustered four hits in two games with one walk. I have to believe that my lack of base hits has a lot to do with my lack of success in drawing walks.

That being said, those two games the CPU starter went 9 innings (why not? They shut me out) and they threw 98 and 95 pitches respectively. Not a bad total pitch count for a 2-hit shutout.

I'll take your word for it and I wouldn't doubt it because you are usually level headed with this sort of thing.
If your having a lot of problems hitting try lowering the pitch speed slider. It'll let you get a better read on the ball, allowing you to take more pitches for balls.

I never walk in baseball games, and Im pretty patient. I've been getting like 3 walks a game lately though.
# 1650 orion523 @ 03/10/08 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
For some reason it seems like in the first inning of most games the CPU pounds the hell out of the strike zone. After that I see a lot of balls thrown especially if you chase pitches, they will keep throwing pitches off the plate. Also, if you want a ton of balls adjust the corner slider too, that helps.
I would think thats the case because when a pitcher is fresh.he's more accurate.The more tired he gets the less accurate he becomes.But like you said,if you chase a lot of bad balls the CPU will continue to bait you until you get more disciplined
# 1651 CMH @ 03/10/08 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by CS10029
If your having a lot of problems hitting try lowering the pitch speed slider. It'll let you get a better read on the ball, allowing you to take more pitches for balls.

I never walk in baseball games, and Im pretty patient. I've been getting like 3 walks a game lately though.

My biggest issue is being too early on pitches. Swinging and missing early on a 92 mph fastball just isn't right. But that's my fault. I think with my struggles I've been trying to jump on the ball rather than wait on it.

Then when the CPU throws something off speed I'm terribly in front. When I try to overcompensate I end up being extremely late on the fastball.

It's just about seeing the pitch and reacting at the right time. The pitch speed isn't the problem for me. Just need to wait a fraction of a fraction of a second longer before hitting swing.
# 1652 Jistic @ 03/10/08 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
My biggest issue is being too early on pitches. Swinging and missing early on a 92 mph fastball just isn't right. But that's my fault. I think with my struggles I've been trying to jump on the ball rather than wait on it.

Then when the CPU throws something off speed I'm terribly in front. When I try to overcompensate I end up being extremely late on the fastball.

It's just about seeing the pitch and reacting at the right time. The pitch speed isn't the problem for me. Just need to wait a fraction of a fraction of a second longer before hitting swing.
It all depends on the count for me. Hitters counts, I'm sitting dead red. Pitchers counts, I'm waiting to see the ball first.

The hitting reminds me a LOT of MVP.
# 1653 CMH @ 03/10/08 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Jistic
It all depends on the count for me. Hitters counts, I'm sitting dead red. Pitchers counts, I'm waiting to see the ball first.

The hitting reminds me a LOT of MVP.
Yes, it does. And thinking back on it I sucked at MVP's hitting system too.

Not sure what to think of that. I have no problem getting hits galore in zone hitting systems (never had this sort of problem with The Show or High Heat). But these timing only systems kill me.
# 1654 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/10/08 05:28 PM
Not sure if this works for anyone else, but my offense began to improve when I sat on the 1st two pitches in the early innings. I would only swing if I got a meatball or if the location hit my batters eye (which I always keep centered)..this pays off later in the game.

Also, it is super important to go with the pitch....I try to drive anything I see that's middle of the plate and out, and I try to turn around anything coming inside.

Sometimes, you are going to react wrong and get fooled, but that's baseball
# 1655 Village Idiot @ 03/10/08 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by orion523
Yeah,the hot/cold thing is way overdone.I turn it off.Using the hot/cold feature also nullifies custom sliders because thats how the cpu get the teams "hot" and "cold" it uses slider adjustments.I highly recommend turning this feature off
I haven't seen that option in this year's game. Do you remember where it is?
# 1656 Village Idiot @ 03/10/08 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Not sure if this works for anyone else, but my offense began to improve when I sat on the 1st two pitches in the early innings.
Actually, I take that a step further and don't swing until I have two strikes. The absolute last thing I want is for their pitcher to have an inning where he only has to throw a handful of pitches. By waiting for that second strike, you're guaranteed he'll throw at least 9, and with a few fouls balls, a few balls, and a hit or two, that number can spike to 20 and 25 pretty quick.

It can get a little boring at times, but I'll do anything to avoid getting to the 6th or 7th inning and having the starter sitting on 55 pitches or something. I want him at 90 by that point. You're not going to get that swinging at everything, that's for sure.

And like you said, the more you sit there and watch, the better your timing will be later in the game.
# 1657 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/10/08 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Undefeated
I haven't seen that option in this year's game. Do you remember where it is?

I dont see it anywhere..i guess we are stuck with it grrrr
# 1658 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/10/08 07:53 PM
Also, is there no way to see how often you throw a particular pitch? Last year you could, but I havent figured out how to do it in this one, if you can.
# 1659 tswells @ 03/10/08 10:21 PM
The World Series celebration is new and very cool, it lasts about 2-3 minutes. The players receive the actual trophy, and the World Series MVP receives his trophy. New audio from the Joe and John. At least I think this is new, I don't remember it from 2k7.

It was an awesome game. I (Seattle) beat the Dodgers 2-0 in game 7, in LA. Felix Hernandez had a CG, 1 hit, 1 BB, 10 SO. Clay Billingsley pitched for LA, 7.2 IP, 5H, 2R, 4 BB, 5 K. My two runs came on an Atkins HR and a Jose Lopez double.

This game's really grown on me. After the learning curve and the struggle to find good sliders I love how it plays.
# 1660 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/11/08 09:51 AM
Ive had to adjust the AI batting a little. The 1 thing 2k seems to insist on having the CPU do, is hit these absurd cannon shots. There are times when the CPU can ONLY score on homeruns. I'm not talking HR's on mistake pitches, or trying to get cute and attempting to sneak something into a guy's hot zone on a 2-0 count.

I'm talking about the perfectly placed ball on the black with 2 strikes that is golfed 400 out to the deepest part of the park by guys like Mike Cameron.

Now this happens now and again, but in this game it seems to happen-major leaguers are going to beat your best pitch ocassionally. I like that you cant just pound a guy's cold zone all game long, like you could on MVP.

However, in this game, the absurd cpu rocket shot happens on average, once a game. Ive played 9 games in my franchise and I'm giving up a homerun a game on average. There isnt a homer hit in every game a team plays. That just isnt realistic

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