MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1541 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/07/08 09:52 AM
I like the game..the framerate issue is overblown. I dont understand the pitching at all. I'm missing and have no clue why. the tutorial is useless..and is it me? or can you not reposition the catcher or move the mitt?
# 1542 BobbyColtrane @ 03/07/08 10:02 AM
I really am enjoying the game but I have a few questions/comments -

How do you turn off the ticker at the bottom of the screen?

Is there any way to turn on hot zones like MVP?

Is there any way to quickly see the pitch count besides going into the stats?

I wish there was a feature like MVP that showed all the pitches during thrown to a guy and there location.
# 1543 Heelfan71 @ 03/07/08 11:48 AM
2k7 looks better, 2k8 plays better. Still need lots of slider tweaking for 2k8 though. Wish they would let you do a practice swing before the pitch is thrown too.
# 1544 Sully @ 03/07/08 11:50 AM
Is the final version similar to the demo?

I played the demo this morning, and it was absolutely terrible. Granted, I didn't give the game much of a chance since I quit after 2 innings, but the framerate was pretty bad. It dipped on every ball hit in play. Not only that, but the animations were awkward, and the transitional animations were a little choppy.

It didn't help that I was thrown out at 2b on a gapper to the wall by Manny. The 2B caught the ball, never turned to face Manny, and never applied the tag. I was still out. Also, I have no idea how the ump knew I was out because his back was to the play. He was still staring at 1B. Yikes.

The new pitching model is pretty creative. I like it.
# 1545 bluengold34_OS @ 03/07/08 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Sully
Is the final version similar to the demo?

I played the demo this morning, and it was absolutely terrible. Granted, I didn't give the game much of a chance since I quit after 2 innings, but the framerate was pretty bad. It dipped on every ball hit in play. Not only that, but the animations were awkward, and the transitional animations were a little choppy.

It didn't help that I was thrown out at 2b on a gapper to the wall by Manny. The 2B caught the ball, never turned to face Manny, and never applied the tag. I was still out. Also, I have no idea how the ump knew I was out because his back was to the play. He was still staring at 1B. Yikes.

The new pitching model is pretty creative. I like it.
Wow, thats a whole lot of badness there Sully. I run into a few quirks like that here and there, but there is nothing that makes me feel like it plays sketchier then last year's version. IMO, they really tightened things up a lot this year, and once they patch the vip issue, this game should be a pretty solid sim and blast to play.

That's just me, there seems to be a lot of people who hate it, and I just don't get. I was really hard on last year's game and I by no means am a 2k fanboy, but I am impressed with the game this year ( minus the stutter )
# 1546 BezO @ 03/07/08 11:58 AM
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to turn off all the meters, circles, flashing lights, ect and still use the new pitching system? If not, can the meters be turned off at all while using any other pitching methods still in the game?

I don't see why they continue to use all of these meters for pitching, throwing, ect. Why not allow us to rely on the animations of player models for timing? Assuming they fix the frame rate, this will be the main thing that stops me from buying the game.

MLB 2K team, take notes from the NBA 2K team.
# 1547 Jistic @ 03/07/08 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sully
Is the final version similar to the demo?

I played the demo this morning, and it was absolutely terrible. Granted, I didn't give the game much of a chance since I quit after 2 innings, but the framerate was pretty bad. It dipped on every ball hit in play. Not only that, but the animations were awkward, and the transitional animations were a little choppy.

It didn't help that I was thrown out at 2b on a gapper to the wall by Manny. The 2B caught the ball, never turned to face Manny, and never applied the tag. I was still out. Also, I have no idea how the ump knew I was out because his back was to the play. He was still staring at 1B. Yikes.

The new pitching model is pretty creative. I like it.
Most people that love the Show seem to hate this game, so you'd probably be better off passing, or renting. But if you do try it, it sound like you should get the 360 version.

That said, the retail version WITH the workaround is way smooth. I think it plays much much better than last years. If you liked last years, then you'll like this years. If not, I'd pass or rent at the very least.
# 1548 ehh @ 03/07/08 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
That's just me, there seems to be a lot of people who hate it, and I just don't get. I was really hard on last year's game and I by no means am a 2k fanboy, but I am impressed with the game this year ( minus the stutter )
At this point, regardless of what some people say, I think certain TV/home theater setups must have an effect on the game. The graphics are very good still and the frame rate was noticeable but overblown before the work around.

I have a hard time understanding how so many people are at one extreme or the other.
# 1549 Sully @ 03/07/08 12:06 PM
I didn't hate last year's game, saw a lot of promise in it. I'll give it another go since I only played 2 innings.
# 1550 bluengold34_OS @ 03/07/08 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
At this point, regardless of what some people say, I think certain TV/home theater setups must have an effect on the game. The graphics are very good still and the frame rate was noticeable but overblown before the work around.

I have a hard time understanding how so many people are at one extreme or the other.
I still say it's that whole first impression's thing, we have become so jaded because a lot of us feel like the mighty dollar has become more important then putting out a good game for us to enjoy. Hopefully people will come back and give this game a 2nd look once it is patched
# 1551 Blzer @ 03/07/08 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to turn off all the meters, circles, flashing lights, ect and still use the new pitching system? If not, can the meters be turned off at all while using any other pitching methods still in the game?

I don't see why they continue to use all of these meters for pitching, throwing, ect. Why not allow us to rely on the animations of player models for timing? Assuming they fix the frame rate, this will be the main thing that stops me from buying the game.

MLB 2K team, take notes from the NBA 2K team.
If they just gave us an option to hide (not fade... hide) the pitching cursor and eliminated the meatball completely whilst making sliders for really tough pinpoint accuracy... that would make the pitching system we have very solid on its own.

I don't know how this was achieved in WSB 2K3 and they can't seem to do it these days.
# 1552 lived @ 03/07/08 12:15 PM
You know as much attention the frame rate is getting, By far the small text is the biggest letdown of this game. My eyes are beginning to pain everytime I finish with the game
# 1553 dodgerblue @ 03/07/08 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
I like the game..the framerate issue is overblown. I dont understand the pitching at all. I'm missing and have no clue why. the tutorial is useless..and is it me? or can you not reposition the catcher or move the mitt?
The pitching is tough. Use the tutorial and try to pick up which motion is wrong. Also, if you want to reposition the catcher, move the ball icon to the pitch location you want and press the A button. The catcher will move and set up there. Also, if the pitching is too tough, adjust the total control pitch slider, it is more forgiving if you lower it.
# 1554 dodgerblue @ 03/07/08 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by WinstonWolf
I really am enjoying the game but I have a few questions/comments -

How do you turn off the ticker at the bottom of the screen?

Is there any way to turn on hot zones like MVP?

Is there any way to quickly see the pitch count besides going into the stats?

I wish there was a feature like MVP that showed all the pitches during thrown to a guy and there location.
1. The ticker seems to run if you are connected even when you try to turn it off
2. Hot zones you need to buy the scouting reports (it's stupid, I wish they would just give them to you).
3. Press right or left on the d pad and you'll scroll through pitcher and batter stats including # of balls and strikes and total pitch count
# 1555 ronnyballgame @ 03/07/08 12:18 PM
Hey, I have been changing all the name and whatnot to prep up my franchise, and I have played an exhibition game already and I am in the middle of my 1st franchise game, and I am loving it, trying to find a good setting in between Pro and All Star, so far, in the bottom of the 5th inning I am losing 4-2 to Washington.
# 1556 Heelfan71 @ 03/07/08 12:35 PM
would like to see (next year) if you don't release the ball right when pitching it is a ball instead of a meat pitch. Or make it a meat pitch say 10% of the time and the rest it's a ball or wild pitch.
# 1557 ehh @ 03/07/08 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Heelfan71
would like to see (next year) if you don't release the ball right when pitching it is a ball instead of a meat pitch. Or make it a meat pitch say 10% of the time and the rest it's a ball or wild pitch.
I was looking at this and I think if you're gesture is awful but your timing is right you throw a ball that misses the zone badly. If you have a perfect gesture but bad timing it'll be a meatball.

Doesn't solve anything, but good info to know.
# 1558 belljr @ 03/07/08 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Heelfan71
2k7 looks better, 2k8 plays better. Still need lots of slider tweaking for 2k8 though. Wish they would let you do a practice swing before the pitch is thrown too.
:goodposting: 2k7 played a terrible game of baseball in between the lines. Baserunning was terrible, AI was bad, no hit variety etc etc.

2k7 definitely LOOKED better but 2k8 plays a decent game of baseball
# 1559 Jistic @ 03/07/08 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
I was looking at this and I think if you're gesture is awful but your timing is right you throw a ball that misses the zone badly. If you have a perfect gesture but bad timing it'll be a meatball.

Doesn't solve anything, but good info to know.
It's the opposite actually. When it doesn't recognize your pitching motion, it's a meat ball...so essentially step 2 of the pitch. If your release is off, then you miss the strike zone.
# 1560 Heelfan71 @ 03/07/08 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by belljr
:goodposting: 2k7 played a terrible game of baseball in between the lines. Baserunning was terrible, AI was bad, no hit variety etc etc.

2k7 definitely LOOKED better but 2k8 plays a decent game of baseball

yeah, better than last. My only issue right now is getting the computer to throw more balls, and the cpu batters to let more pitches go by without swinging.

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