MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1481 pdawg17 @ 03/06/08 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by merff11
Has anyone noticed how cool the errors look this year? I can't remember a baseball game where the ball actually bounces away from the player, and I mean away.

Example: Pads-Hou in the season opener for my franchise. Brian Giles hit a screamer at the first basemen who attempted to julp and catch it. What happened made me jump up and say "I have never seen that happen before!"
In the process of jumping the ball ricochet into right center field. It almost turned from a line drive to a shallow fly.

Example 2: Grounder in the hole to Tejada. He takes a knee and the ball bounced off his leg and down the left field line.

I am so jacked about this feature. It definetly beats the bobbled ball that is recovered and still gets you out.
Some of the errors definitely look cool...others I've seen look "forced"...

For example, I hit a hard grounder to first against the BoSox...Youkalis just stood there standing completely upright and it went through his legs...there was no animation at all...it was like he was looking up in the stands picking his nose at the time...
# 1482 CarryTheWeight @ 03/06/08 12:11 PM
I think just spending some time away from these boards and going into this game thinking for myself about its issues really helped me change my opinion of the game. I'm starting to appreciate its qualities. That's not to say that this game is perfect, or pretty, for that matter.

The frame rate issues I once experienced in the outfield aren't there anymore, strangely... since I finished my first game on Tuesday afternoon, I have yet to see another fielder stop running, in mid-stride, before making a routine grab.

I'm spending a lot of my time in Franchise Mode and I feel this is where the game succeeds the most. Hopefully, if 2K DOES acquire a third-party franchise mode next year, we can see more realistic options for signing players, not to mention salary arbitration and the Rule 5 draft (which ASB 05 had eons ago). Developing your minor leaguers is an excellent option but I haven't seen any major ratings changes during the season...it's usually as I begin a new season.

I'm very impressed by the fielding this year. It was far too easy, IMO, in 2K7 to turn a double play in the infield, but this year, it's much more difficult and hardly happens (since the runner always takes out my fielder's legs).

The presentation from Joe and Jon isn't anything to write home about, but I find that the analysis by Zelasko and Physioc rivals The Show in terms of depth. Why couldn't 2K just have these two announce the entire game? I always look forward to hearing their update in the 7th Inning.
# 1483 ericdrum @ 03/06/08 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
Um, I gave you two options!

Is "classic" swing one button... or two buttons (power/contact). Just curious .
Sorry for not being clear. Yes it's one button 'A' to swing and I think the manual is wrong because I hit 'X' on accident swinging last night and laid down a bunt. So there is simply one swing and I've gotten a really good balance of hit types with it, so I recommend the classic buttons for batting if you are frustrated or simply don't like the analog for batting.
# 1484 homerjfry @ 03/06/08 12:42 PM
I gotta say, I was apprehensive initially about getting this game after hearing the horror stories, but after cracking it open and playing it for a bit, and getting knocked around, I really like it.

I won't go into any more details as people have beat them to death, but this is coming from someone who returned 2K7 after a day and was an avid player of The Show. the little things in this game are great and the level of detail on some of the players are phenomenal (seriously, any Dodger fan can attest, they have re-created James Loney PERFECTLY at 1st base).

I have already started tinkering with the sliders and I am seeing some really great games of baseball being played. I can't use the swing stick yet, so I am on classic, but that helps with varying hits and what not.

My BIGGEST gripe is freezing. That is inexcusable. I was playing a great game that froze before the 7th inning. Unacceptable.

Other than that, I am very conent with this game. If you didn't put in the time with 2K7, I think this is a definite must buy.
# 1485 ericdrum @ 03/06/08 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by homerjfry
I gotta say, I was apprehensive initially about getting this game after hearing the horror stories, but after cracking it open and playing it for a bit, and getting knocked around, I really like it.

I won't go into any more details as people have beat them to death, but this is coming from someone who returned 2K7 after a day and was an avid player of The Show. the little things in this game are great and the level of detail on some of the players are phenomenal (seriously, any Dodger fan can attest, they have re-created James Loney PERFECTLY at 1st base).

I have already started tinkering with the sliders and I am seeing some really great games of baseball being played. I can't use the swing stick yet, so I am on classic, but that helps with varying hits and what not.

My BIGGEST gripe is freezing. That is inexcusable. I was playing a great game that froze before the 7th inning. Unacceptable.

Other than that, I am very conent with this game. If you didn't put in the time with 2K7, I think this is a definite must buy.
Loney looks awesome dude. I'm playing as the Dodgers of course.

Yeah, I froze up in the 9th inning after having top of the ninth comeback against the D-backs with Furcal coming out of his slump to drive in 2 with a stand up triple and it froze. It broke my heart. I have started to save every game after a run or if there's a streak of scoreless innings. It adds like 20 seconds and is nice insurance to have.
# 1486 Knight165 @ 03/06/08 12:49 PM
Got just two games in last night....and I'll admit not complete ones(I was tired)

I'm a little surprised that the game ....graphically looks quite a bit worse than last year.....but at other times looks a little better. I know that sounds nuts....I'm just not explaining it that well I suppose.

On the field.....I ran across a couple of funny glitches....but nothing crazy. One....David Wright ran for a foul ball....then the next thing I know...he's running across the diamond from the first base side!...like he ran clear across the world in three seconds!...but I can definitely see the improvement in the gameplay. Fielding is much better. The game seems much tighter than last year all around in the field.
Maybe it's because I'm really a manage only mode player....but I really don't see that the actual mechanics of the gameplay are so fantastic that they make people jump for joy. The are nice....pitching is pretty cool....but it is what it is....it's an element. Again....that's just me...not really a "player".

Franchise mode looks good. I haven't delved into it obviously, but there is plenty there. I read about the Padres bug....I didn't see anything like that with the Mets...like the framerate problem...maybe there is a work around.....if there is someone will find it.

I'll definitely see how things go with 2K8......there are some really nice things in this game....some things need ironing out....so it's on the radar.

# 1487 homerjfry @ 03/06/08 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by ericdrum
Loney looks awesome dude. I'm playing as the Dodgers of course.

Yeah, I froze up in the 9th inning after having top of the ninth comeback against the D-backs with Furcal coming out of his slump to drive in 2 with a stand up triple and it froze. It broke my heart. I have started to save every game after a run or if there's a streak of scoreless innings. It adds like 20 seconds and is nice insurance to have.
Cool, another Dodgers fan. You know for a team that draws over 3 million fans a year, they really get no respect or decent representation in the rest of the baseball world (I guess that's what playoff win in 20 years will net you)

VERY smart bro...I didn't even think of that. I guess after playing the Show on Ps2 for the past 2-3 years, I forgot a time when I was able to save mid game! I'll definitely start doing that too, seeing as I am a paranoid "save game freak" anyway.

Any BTW, have you noticed that they made Matt Kemp really light skinned? Not to sound like an *** or anything, but they realy made him nearly white...and this is one of the 1st games to really get Nomar's stance right and Andy LaRoche looks GREAT.
# 1488 Marino @ 03/06/08 01:17 PM
hey dodger fans get this i hit a homer with juan pierre lol and brad penny is a beast!!!
# 1489 homerjfry @ 03/06/08 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by marino13882
hey dodger fans get this i hit a homer with juan pierre lol and brad penny is a beast!!!
1st or all, you are a dirt, dirty liar...haha, just kidding, but that is crazy. And you are correct sir, Brad Penny is friggin awesome. That's what hooking up with Eliza Dushku and Alyssa Milano (and subsequently passing him on to Russell MArtin) does for your game. I have concluded once you hook up with Milano, your game is exponentially sweeter. She needs to be passed around that locker room...
# 1490 Marino @ 03/06/08 01:34 PM
haha with the juan pierre homer i was like wow...then i realized the wind was blowing out but it was still at petco
# 1491 ericdrum @ 03/06/08 01:41 PM
I've played one game with Penney and he did mash a stand up double and went 1 for 3. I have yet to hit a homer with JP though. That's awesome.
# 1492 dtigers63 @ 03/06/08 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Got just two games in last night....and I'll admit not complete ones(I was tired)

I'm a little surprised that the game ....graphically looks quite a bit worse than last year.....but at other times looks a little better. I know that sounds nuts....I'm just not explaining it that well I suppose.

On the field.....I ran across a couple of funny glitches....but nothing crazy. One....David Wright ran for a foul ball....then the next thing I know...he's running across the diamond from the first base side!...like he ran clear across the world in three seconds!...but I can definitely see the improvement in the gameplay. Fielding is much better. The game seems much tighter than last year all around in the field.
Maybe it's because I'm really a manage only mode player....but I really don't see that the actual mechanics of the gameplay are so fantastic that they make people jump for joy. The are nice....pitching is pretty cool....but it is what it is....it's an element. Again....that's just me...not really a "player".

Franchise mode looks good. I haven't delved into it obviously, but there is plenty there. I read about the Padres bug....I didn't see anything like that with the Mets...like the framerate problem...maybe there is a work around.....if there is someone will find it.

I'll definitely see how things go with 2K8......there are some really nice things in this game....some things need ironing out....so it's on the radar.

Good to hear Knight, my copy from gamefly should be waiting when I get home tonight. Are you playing the PS3 version? If so how bad is the frame rate issue in your opinion? There are some things that have me very intrigued about this game to say the least. Thanks for posting your thoughts.
# 1493 ericdrum @ 03/06/08 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by dtigers63
Good to hear Knight, my copy from gamefly should be waiting when I get home tonight. Are you playing the PS3 version? If so how bad is the frame rate issue in your opinion? There are some things that have me very intrigued about this game to say the least. Thanks for posting your thoughts.
Just in case you didn't see, they did create separate PS3 impressions thread and changed this one to 360.
# 1494 CS10029 @ 03/06/08 02:07 PM
Are in game saves in this year? I could of sworn when I went to save towards the end of my game last night there was no option. How do I get to it?
# 1495 ericdrum @ 03/06/08 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by CS10029
Are in game saves in this year? I could of sworn when I went to save towards the end of my game last night there was no option. How do I get to it?
Going strictly from memory, I believe you hit pause, options, save career is at the bottom. I use it religiously after I had my first freeze up.
# 1496 CS10029 @ 03/06/08 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by ericdrum
Going strictly from memory, I believe you hit pause, options, save career is at the bottom. I use it religiously after I had my first freeze up.
Awsome. Matsuzaka can run game time up like crazy, almost was late for work cause of his stupid wind up.
# 1497 metal134 @ 03/06/08 02:21 PM
Something that is really starting to worry me is that despite maxing out the CPU take sliders, they are still hacking at EVERYTHING in the strikezone.
# 1498 Artman22 @ 03/06/08 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Metsui
Now it's starting to make sense. I was wondering why some were saying the graphics look awful. Must be a PS3 thing.
No it looks awful on the 360 as well...Graphics are bad but it looks more sharper then last years..
# 1499 Motown @ 03/06/08 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
No it looks awful on the 360 as well...Graphics are bad but it looks more sharper then last years..
Art, do you have both games...i think i might give this game a shot(rental) this weekend. i saw some cats playin' this game @ gamestop, it really didn't look bad or unplayable, but this was on the 360. the pitcher/batter interface looked like it would be a blast. i DIG some of the stuff in this series, but The Show is over the top man. sorry fellaz.

looks like everybody will be in baseball nirvana this year!
# 1500 Knight165 @ 03/06/08 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by dtigers63
Good to hear Knight, my copy from gamefly should be waiting when I get home tonight. Are you playing the PS3 version? If so how bad is the frame rate issue in your opinion? There are some things that have me very intrigued about this game to say the least. Thanks for posting your thoughts.
I got this one for the 360.
I wouldn't want to soil my PS3 with anything except Jesus in a box
...yeah...the framerate was pretty friggin' bad....
I haven't got back to a game with 2K8 yet...I've been busy with something else....but I'll get another game at least in tonight.
2K has a nice base with this game...it just needs a few more facets polished IMO.
I need more time with the new gameplay mechanics(I am terrible to begin with )....


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