MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 441 Bat @ 03/04/08 11:28 AM
Both of these games will probably have lineup issues. People with the Show already said there were guys like Lee leading off. Fortunately in both games we can edit the lineups pre game.. but still sucks. Now if the computer puts good guys in the minors thats another story. I haven't heard of that. Would like to know if anyone could sim some and see if there is anything like this. Also would be nice to know some season ending statistics and league leaders etc.
# 442 Ltrain44 @ 03/04/08 11:30 AM
I am getting a lot of stutters and choppiness could it be cause i am playing on SDTV? I dont know. This sucks for me.
# 443 Bat @ 03/04/08 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Ltrain44
I am getting a lot of stutters and choppiness could it be cause i am playing on SDTV? I dont know. This sucks for me.
What system? It shouldn't be the SDTV..
# 444 Pared @ 03/04/08 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by ehh
It does mess it up, but the stats in a season don't mean anything to me for CPU teams. Honestly, I could care less. MVP '05 had awful sim numbers, most seasons the league leader in HR would be in the mid-30's and a million guys hit over .300 but it didn't bother me.
But it would bother you if a slugger is in the minors for no reason and you can't bring him up. If he's not on the major roster then adjusting the day lineups would be pointless in this scenario, no?

It's a valid concern for some IMO.
# 445 Ltrain44 @ 03/04/08 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Bat9th
What system? It shouldn't be the SDTV..
360. I play call of duty 4 fine on this tv with no stutters. Damn 2k games man.
# 446 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/04/08 11:52 AM
Alright I'm seeing various people from various message boards complaining about the FRAME RATE... This is disturbing & 1 of the reason's why I really wish developers would stop trying to achieve 60. I would rather have a steady & smooth 30 FPS, then a choppy 60FPS..
# 447 dkrause1971 @ 03/04/08 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
But it would bother you if a slugger is in the minors for no reason and you can't bring him up. If he's not on the major roster then adjusting the day lineups would be pointless in this scenario, no?

It's a valid concern for some IMO.
For me its probably some of the biggest questions. Are lineups jacked up (like severe ones like D Lee #1), is the injury bug fixed, are all the good players in FA, is the trading out of control. I am really interested in the new stuff however.
# 448 CaptainZombie @ 03/04/08 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
Alright I'm seeing various people from various message boards complaining about the FRAME RATE... This is disturbing & 1 of the reason's why I really wish developers would stop trying to achieve 60. I would rather have a steady & smooth 30 FPS, then a choppy 60FPS..
I read the same thing, that sucks.
# 449 Knight165 @ 03/04/08 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bat9th
s. People with the Show already said there were guys like Lee leading off.
Not people...one guy said it..
I played A LOT of games last year...that is something I never saw....I doubt it got whacked that badly this year.

# 450 kiz5 @ 03/04/08 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by dkrause1971
For me its probably some of the biggest questions. Are lineups jacked up (like severe ones like D Lee #1), is the injury bug fixed, are all the good players in FA, is the trading out of control. I am really interested in the new stuff however.
The good thing about the trading being out of control, is that you can limit trades to being 80 overalls and under, so it's not superstars switching teams and stuff...
# 451 xmann1102 @ 03/04/08 11:55 AM
have they fixed the ease at hitting homeruns?????
# 452 Bat @ 03/04/08 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Ltrain44
360. I play call of duty 4 fine on this tv with no stutters. Damn 2k games man.
Damn.. How bad is the stuttering? Is it super noticeable?

Originally Posted by dkrause1971
For me its probably some of the biggest questions. Are lineups jacked up (like severe ones like D Lee #1), is the injury bug fixed, are all the good players in FA, is the trading out of control. I am really interested in the new stuff however.
Yeah the franchise issues are always the most important to me. I can't wait to hear more from people with the game.
# 453 dkrause1971 @ 03/04/08 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by kiz5
The good thing about the trading being out of control, is that you can limit trades to being 80 overalls and under, so it's not superstars switching teams and stuff...
I like that idea.
# 454 Knight165 @ 03/04/08 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by kiz5
The good thing about the trading being out of control, is that you can limit trades to being 80 overalls and under, so it's not superstars switching teams and stuff...
Really?...that's pretty cool...and could be a great idea.
I always though there should be some sort of star system..like OOTP had...., but then again...the flip side is...sometimes you see some really crazy real life trades that make you scratch your head....toughest thing to program IMO.
I'll reserve my judgment on this one until I can try it out...

# 455 chapmanosu1 @ 03/04/08 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Really?...that's pretty cool...and could be a great idea.
The overall trade limit is in the game.
# 456 boomhauertjs @ 03/04/08 12:09 PM
Can anybody with an SDTV out there comment on the choppiness issue?
# 457 mcmagic13 @ 03/04/08 12:10 PM
HDTV with 1080i here and it's very very choppy...
# 458 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/04/08 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by mcmagic13
HDTV with 1080i here and it's very very choppy...
do you have a option for 720p, if so switch it and see how it goes.
# 459 dubuque @ 03/04/08 12:14 PM
what minor league stadiums are in
# 460 chapmanosu1 @ 03/04/08 12:14 PM
There has to be a common factor in the TVs that have choppiness...

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