Feature Article
Staff Roundtable: Madden NFL 12 Demo Impressions

What do you guys think of the Madden 12 demo?

Jayson Young: Player acceleration still feels extremely arcade-like and zig-zaggy. The QB scramble animations look particularly off as Aaron Rodgers strafes and sprints around Soldier Field like he's the second coming of Michael Vick in Madden NFL 2004. Some psychic defenders and player warping make it feel like the CPU is at tims cheating you on defense instead of legitimately outsmarting you with superior tactics or skills. It also seems like Madden NFL 12 is still missing some key features from NCAA Football 12 like spotlighting receivers and the hurry-up playcalling screen. We'll have to wait a few more weeks to know what improvements were made to the retail version of Madden NFL 12, but I feel like I was bit more impressed by the NCAA 12 demo.

It only seems fitting to show Hillis here because Jayson is a non-believer.

Steve Bartlett: The Madden 12 demo is a step backwards for the franchise. The game plays as an arcade title with no time to read play development, passing windows or player animations. Quarterbacks and ball flight physics represent what we would find in more of an arcade title. The ball travels way too fast, and there is no sense of synchronization between quarterbacks and wide receivers on routes. Ball placement is irrelevant when it’s almost impossible to read how a given defender will react, even if there is a step or two of separation on a cornerback. The game lacks these details.

Last year’s title felt slower on the gameplay front, which I believe was a step in the right direction. This year is a complete 180. Madden still seems to be struggling to find its identity in sports gaming. The game of football here is too simplified, and it seems to neglect the simulation crowd too much. An authentic football title would feature more in-depth gameplay controls and strategy in all facets of the game. There is a lack of simulation football here, and this demo has me yearning to play dated football titles from the past.

Steve thinks Madden's offseason moves are comparable to what the Buccaneers did rather than what the Eagles did.

Dustin Toms: Like most of you here at OS should know by now, I'm not too picky with my games, and I can enjoy one even with a lot of bugs. The Madden 12 demo is no different. With Jayson and Steve talking about how the demo is taking a big step back, I see it as a huge step forward. The graphics look great, heck they made Soldier Field look respectable. The gameplay itself did feel too simple, but I highly doubt it will become an issue for many sim gamers. Player motion felt as fluid as ever, CPU AI seems solid so far, and the blockers actually held blocks. To be honest, I feel like the demo is more fun than NCAA 12's retail version, which I''m enjoying immensely at the moment. Before I was not even looking ahead to Madden, but now I can't wait to put the pads on and go win a Super Bowl with Jake Locker.

Go away Hasselbeck, Dustin is taking Locker to the top in Madden this year.

Christian McLeod: I've been extremely hard on the Madden franchise this console generation, so imagine my surprise when I played the game at E3 and was blown away. I was glued to the game during my time in LA, spending every free moment I had at EA's booth. Since then I have been eagerly anticipating additional hands-on time with the game, finding myself the most excited I have been for a Madden title since 2004.

After playing the demo for a few hours, I was a bit disappointed in that I felt what I played at E3 was a better overall experience than what I played in the demo. It's tough to put my finger on the differences between the two versions other than to say the overall flow of the game did not feel as smooth and organic as what I had played at E3. Animations seemed a bit jerky, there were some frame-rate dips, and most importantly the default speed seemed a bit higher than what I had previously played. Another interesting tidbit I noticed was that animation variety did not seem to be as great as the build I played before.

As I said on last night's Operation Sports Radio show, I've never been overly impressed with a demo of an EA football title, so I am not putting too much weight into this demo in regards to the final product. There are simply too many gameplay variables that can not be properly explored, and no one really knows how old the demo build is that we are playing. Even with the initial disappointment experienced in this demo, I'm still anxiously anticipating the release of Madden in the coming weeks. Here's hoping the final version measures up favorably to the build I so fondly remember --trust me, what I played at E3 was the best Madden I have played.

Like Kolb in Arizona, Christian feels like Madden is a bit of an unknown, but it's oozing potential.

Bob Kollars: I have to agree with Dustin on this one. I look for the good in a game first before I start to nitpick it. With the Madden 12 demo, I see an awful lot of good. The improved graphics, excellent presentation and improved/tweaked gameplay actually have exceeded my expectations for the demo. I still see cases of psychic linebackers and even cornerbacks, but not enough to make me throw up a red flag. I really like what I have seen on both sides of the ball, from both a CPU and human vantage point.

I played numerous games on All-Pro, and rarely did I feel cheated in any scenario. There were times where the Packers defense actually destroyed my front line, and then there were times where I could move the ball. I also enjoyed the fact that on occasion I was able to hold the Pack to a couple of three and outs in a row, and then there were times where the reigning Super Bowl champs (that hurts to say) looked like offensive juggernauts. I also enjoyed the fact that I could break free on defense and make tackles, as opposed to being "sucked" into a block and watching the opponent walk right on by. I was very pleased with what I saw from the running game on both sides. I witnessed some tackles for losses, and guys getting blown up at the line, but I also saw running backs breaking tackles and fighting for that extra yard. The initial game speed may be a bit too fast, but all of this can be adjusted in the settings.

I understand that a Madden community like the one found on our forums helps point out real issues, and those people have been very helpful. I also understand that this title is being put under a microscope, and every little flaw is going to be exposed. If you're looking for a perfect football game under the hood here, you might as well move along. If you're looking for what seems to be a fun title (with some flaws) that will offer a lot of what you see on Sunday, then I would highly suggest picking this year's iteration up. If you are on the fence this year, simply wait for the retail version to drop and then make your decision. This is just a demo, and I would hope people can keep an open mind until then.

Bob is ready to swat some passes and get down to business in Madden 12.

Caley Roark: All in all, this game still feels like EA football, which, despite the graphical upgrades, often shows little resemblance to what I see on Sundays. The play-action plays, as others have mentioned, seem to be ineffective again this year. Screens don't have the same fluidity that a real NFL play has; you have to drop back too far and wait too long for them to develop. There are still some strange things going on with wide receivers and defensive backs, too. However, I do like the new graphics, especially the introductions and flyovers. The halftime "show" is laughable, but I've all but given up hope that we will ever see anything like NFL 2K5's presentation again. On the franchise side of things, the teases for the upgrades in that department have me a little excited.

I am having fun with the demo, but, again, it doesn't feel like NFL football to me -- just an upgraded version of Madden that we have been playing for years. I know it's just a demo, but it really might be time for EA to blow the whole thing up and start from scratch.

Caley thinks the game is beautiful, but it doesn't feel quite like a football simulation.

So that's how the staff is feeling at this point. Keep hitting that impressions thread hard and talking about your own thoughts on the demo.

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Member Comments
# 61 bichettehappens @ 08/11/11 01:19 AM
I was extremely pleased with the demo. Most of my minor complaints are likely fixable via sliders (WRs catching everything, linebackers with big hits) and really my biggest complaint isn't too much of a bother because I'm used to it and that's the quick CPU QB snaps. Oh also, the quick QB movement in the pocket I imagine would get annoying if I played much online but since most of my time is spent in offline franchise I don't expect that to matter much

Outside of that I was extremely impressed with the new collision system, blocking (and conversely, block shedding), zone defense, receiver movement when the ball is in the air, CPU playcalling and decision-making (ex: stepping up in the pocket and scrambling), presentation, heck I even liked the layout and presentation during halftime better than what they had last year.

And I'm not seeing the issues people are having with play action. Most of my PA passes were successful, much improved from 11 IMO.
# 62 kehlis @ 08/11/11 01:41 AM
I guess the previous warning wasn't understood.

This has nothing to do with any other game. This is about Madden, it is not a comparison thread.
# 63 bichettehappens @ 08/11/11 03:26 AM
Got a link to where you heard the QB quicksnap would be fixed?
# 64 UMhester04 @ 08/11/11 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Smoke6
You must not have played the demo enough, so ill gone and post this lil replay vid of whats been happening to me and its very frustrating to see this happen alot.

Also why is it everytime in every madden that as soon as I hit the button for my intended WR, the AI (all 11 of them) have this spidey sense and know who, where and when the ball is being thrown? I never get that element of surprise or the defender actually being unaware of the play thats going on up until this demo when I AM PLAYING DEFENSE?

But here is the SUPER DB clip...

How is this Super DB??? He gets beat off the line, gathers himself and trails the WR, and the QB places a ball in the worst spot possible to let the DB that is trailing the WR to pick the ball off. He even turns his head to look at the QB!!! If this ball was placed correctly it is a completion...

Dont get me wrong there are definitely psychic db's sometimes but this is definitely NOT a example of Super DB's. People are a little quick on the trigger these days to say things are wrong in the game.
# 65 guaps @ 08/11/11 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I think it's funny that 68% of people voted on the poll that the demo was either good or great, and yet almost all of the comments I've read about it from others give off the smell of average at best and mostly bad.
Though I voted average in the poll, I have to say that the Madden 12 demo is the probably the best Madden demo I've tried in a few years. However, that does not mean that I think it's a good game nor that I will buy it. Madden is, and have been for years, too arcade for my taste.

I don't care for authentic camera angles, entrances, coin tosses etc., when you don't have authentic gameplay.
# 66 tril @ 08/11/11 10:06 AM
ill still pick up MAdden even if its average, just to get my football game fix. Hopefully Ill be able to get a few seasons in, unlike last years version.
and who ever said 2k5 is trash, really?.......might be getting dated but definetly not trash.

on another nore, itt's really hard to determine if EA is really putting in the required effort to make a compelling, immerssive football game. Graphics and souped up intros only go so far. What about commentary and all the other little stuff.

There seems to be a disconnect between the way the game's Ai logic is coded and the improved graphics.
Its like EA gives us one or the other yera after year.
one yera its about the graphics look good but the gameplay sucks, or iyts they made one or two improvements in gameplay, but the graphices will be from the previous years version,
Im starting to suspect thats how they budget their projects.
# 67 BlackJackRabbit @ 08/11/11 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
I think the retail version of Madden 12 will be a lot better than the demo ala NCAA 12. At least, I hope that's what happens. I'm already bored and disappointed with the Madden demo.

Back to enjoying NCAA 12.
I know there will always be differing opinions, but for the life of me I can't understand what people see in in the NCAA ( the retail version) that's better than the Madden 12 demo. To me, all of the problems in NCAA 12 are either not presents in Madden or severely toned down.

The super linebackers and DBs with eyes in the back of their heads are much worse in NCAA 12 than the M12 demo in my opinion. You pretty much need a throwing lane to complete a pass to a receiver who is running any route other than a streak. For posts, deep digs, and deep outs, you need a lane (in NCAA 12) or the pass is getting broken up or picked off.

EA is still behind, but the demo is much better (in my opinion) than Madden 11, and NCAA 12.
# 68 sleepyeagle @ 08/11/11 10:42 AM
Call me crazy, but it feels like so many people give in to peer pressure when it comes to Madden. More-so negative peer pressure.

It's not everyone, but many of the negative posts I read from those who plan to "shun" the game area all just "Madden is always buggy, I hate EA football, psychic defense, horrible gameplay". These are all just general complaints about Madden that people fall back on when they wanna be "haters".

I know for a fact that many of the people posting these things are just using them as excuses for poor gameplay. I also understand that these issues do exist, but not nearly to the extent that every person who has played for a month and can't read coverage has to start believing that it's the glitchy game's fault.

I've been playing Madden for years, I've seen super QB's, REAL psychic defenses, and bugs that literally caused the gameplay to be broken. This year's Madden demo has it's minor problems, and everyone should expect that. But take a second to look at the improvements, and hope they aren't nullified in a day-one patch when EA decides to "fix" the things you are complaining about.

I'm excited about the game. I completely skipped M11 but from what I've seen of the demo, M12 will be the reason I return to Madden.
# 69 PacMan3000 @ 08/11/11 11:32 AM
Has it been 100% confirmed that this demo is a pre-E3 build?
# 70 RGiles36 @ 08/11/11 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by PacMan3000
Has it been 100% confirmed that this demo is a pre-E3 build?
I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere, but there is evidence to suggest that it is an older build. Some of the recent Koach K videos (if you can stomach all of the shaking ) show the game with more stability and what looks like a closer default camera.
# 71 RGiles36 @ 08/11/11 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
Dude, arcadey is arcadey, even if someone's opinion says it's not. Sure somethings are subjective, but there are lines where the subjectivity becomes more objectivity.
Buck, you've been fussin' since the demo dropped. What's the crux of your issue with the game?
# 72 roadman @ 08/11/11 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by bucky60
Dude, arcadey is arcadey, even if someone's opinion says it's not. Sure somethings are subjective, but there are lines where the subjectivity becomes more objectivity.
First of all, BK is right, it's just opinions on the net. So, now we are down to my opinion is wrong and everyone else who says it's arcadey is right? It's a two way street. My opinion shouldn't be undervalued vs the round table writers and their opinion shouldn't be under valued vs my opinion. If someone starts telling me I should open up the window and go play football or turn on the TV, I'll put them on ignore. So, I ask again, why is your opinion of arcadey more valued than mine that says it's not? I just don't get that mentality. Is it really a matter of who is right vs who is wrong? There is just as many people who are loving the demo(if not more) vs people that say the game is arcadey. Does that mean the people who are enjoying the demo are wrong in what they are enjoying?

Plus, like I said, opinions goes both ways and should be treated as such. As soon as someone says something bad about the game, look out, because here are people waiting in the wings to pounce on people who have different opinions than that poster.
# 73 swiftychampleone @ 08/11/11 12:45 PM
After playing the demo for Madden 12, it's a mixed bag for me. The game is beautiful and the presentation is top-notch. I did turn the game down to slow and got a better game. I'm still disappointed about the DBs and LBs having "psychic" powers and not being able to force a few tight passes. How should I go about fixing this without cheating? Turn up the QB Accuracy, WR Catching sliders? Turn down DB sliders? Haven't bought this game since '06, so bare with me.

Franchise Mode is what determine whether I buy this game or not. However, like all sports games, you can't buy them on Day 1. There's always something wrong and something that needs a patch. I don't even understand why folks get angry and upset at demos/pre-release. Honestly, I wait until the patches come out and read impressions, then buy it used for $35 or less. Some people should try this method.
# 74 RGiles36 @ 08/11/11 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
I want to see a realistic number of plays, both offensive and defensive, providing realistic stats, both totals and per play/attempt.
I guess my question would be is why do you find this so difficult to achieve? For most, it's as simple as running a few games, adjusting the quarter length and accelerated clock options until you get to roughly 120 plays or so. It's not that hard Buck.

The demo is just that. I can't speak for anyone else. But for myself, I'm not even keeping up with stats. I'm taking risks that I wouldn't do in a game I cared about. I'm going deep. I'm going for it on 4th down. I'm doing everything I can to get a feel for the game in a relatively short period. I imagine others are doing the same.

When I get the retail, I imagine that I'll again be getting realistic stats with about 13-15 mins and 15 secs left on the play clock via the accelerated clock. It's not that hard.
# 75 scottyp180 @ 08/11/11 02:04 PM
I have been hard on Madden since 2k5 came out but after playing this demo I can actually see my self purchasing Madden this year, something I haven't done since Madden 08. The animation and tackle system have really made a difference in the feel of the game, take into account that out of the last 3 madden releases madden 10 is the only one that i spent any time playing and I only played a handful of games.
Caley Roark said what I have been saying for years "it really might be time for EA to blow the whole thing up and start from scratch". Madden has made numerous changes over the years, for better and worse, but it all these changes are just body work on a car thats been using the same old engine for years. The car (game) still works and the updates make it run and look a little better but its about time to start over with something new and fresh. What is holding EA back from doing this is because of what happened to NBA Elite. NBA Live 10 was a step in the right direction but with Elite 11 they try to create a whole new game and it back fired. I doubt EA is willing to risk jeopardizing their number 1 sports franchise of all time by create a new engine (something that could take a couple of years to produce a worthy and improved product).
# 76 MMurda @ 08/11/11 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
Caley Roark said what I have been saying for years "it really might be time for EA to blow the whole thing up and start from scratch". Madden has made numerous changes over the years, for better and worse, but it all these changes are just body work on a car thats been using the same old engine for years. The car (game) still works and the updates make it run and look a little better but its about time to start over with something new and fresh. What is holding EA back from doing this is because of what happened to NBA Elite. NBA Live 10 was a step in the right direction but with Elite 11 they try to create a whole new game and it back fired. I doubt EA is willing to risk jeopardizing their number 1 sports franchise of all time by create a new engine (something that could take a couple of years to produce a worthy and improved product).
the thing is tho, nba elite had competition and HAD to come correct, and they failed against nba 2k11. Madden doesnt have that same risk, because there is no competition. they cant not be #1...thanks to the situtation theyre blessed with (license). but theyll never do it until theyre forced to do it, which is when new systems come out. but even then, they may still be so lazy and just port over with prettier graphics, while the fifas and nhls of the future continue to blow past this stagnant game.

but lets be clear, theres nothing in their way of doing this, if they really wanted to. i know they have to put out a yearly title. now that they have new developers to help develop ahead of time on top of the regular devs, why cant they do this for m13? the answer is they dont want to have that kind of commitment to excellence, and its really sad considering this was their most popular title for many yrs. IMO, even if it aint the greatest if they did blow up and start over, would it really be any diff of an outcome to them putting out bug/glitch filled games with horrible gameplay on this outdated engine? honestly i think more ppl would applaud the effort and give them more slack for trying to advance the tech and the game.
# 77 bichettehappens @ 08/11/11 02:48 PM
Did someone in this thread actually explain what makes this game "arcadey" in detail (I stopped reading when the 2K back and forth started) and if not can somebody do so? I'm curious why I'm seeing so many people up in arms over this game being supposedly arcade when I just don't see it
# 78 209vaughn @ 08/11/11 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by blklightning
imo, ncaa is absolutely terrible. they have to resort to the biggest cheat tactics they can think of to give you a challenge. go try nba 2k11 to see how giving the user a challenge is supposed to be done.
I absolutely agree with this comment. NBA 2k11 actually plays smart basketball, and 90% of the time you lose, you dont feel like it's b/c the developers "coded in" some "it's time for you to lose code". NBA 2k11 and FIFA 11, player ratings actually mean something. In Madden and NCAA, ratings mean nothing. The out come of the game is based upon hidden randomized code structure forcing you to play great or bad.

I'm so over EA football games. (i'm a die hard ncaa fan too, i've played thousands of games the past decade of ncaa, i've maybe played 10 games so far of ncaa 12) NBA 2k12, FIFA 12 and Football Manager 11 for me this fall.
# 79 Jamake1005 @ 08/11/11 03:09 PM
Idk why all the hate over a demo build for madden 12. I havent bought madden game since they had the license and miss 2k football. But honestly the demo is great to me imo. I did play madden 10 and madden 11 and this is by far a great step forward imo. Still has its madden issues but I felt they were turned down quite a bit. Plus with sliders and patches I feel this game will be great. I have been a madden ***** for years and still believe 2k would have a much better product. But I can honestly say im really excited and this will be a day one buy for me! Honestly i feel some ppl are just hating to be hating on madden bc they hated it for so many years. Im sorry i believe that actually madden will be better than ncaa 12. I had to return that game after a month just way to glitchy and could pass for anything in ncaa 12. All I can say is i think madden is finally starting to put out a good game! This is coming from an avid 2k fan. Yes madden def still has it probs but its def looks to be a great game I am really enjoying the demo and will be playing til release day.
# 80 RGiles36 @ 08/11/11 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
It's not getting the 120-130 plays, it's getting realistic stats with that number of plays that I and football-freaks have struggled with. And on the console, I don't have football-freaks to help me out.
Yes, I get realistic stats. If you venture over to the sliders forums, I'm willing to be that the majority of those people get realistic stats as well. After all, that's the reason people go testing sliders in the first place.

The priority is to first get the amount of plays right -- which again is not all that difficult. Just depends on your clock settings. After that, it just comes down to your own skills and you have to adjust your sliders accordingly. The process is no different than any other sports game.

I think you're making it more complicated than what it has to be. My stats are generally on point and make sense, depending on the course of the game: for example sometimes I can run the ball effectively, sometimes I can't. Sometimes I create turnovers, sometimes I will not. Stats are not black and white. Gotta leave room for anomalies.

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