NBA 2K18 News Post

At this point, it feels like the NBA 2K series is in a perpetual state of success. I have enough faith in the series that even if no information was publicly available prior to the release date, I would still happily plop down $59.99 on day one to get the game.

But that doesn’t mean NBA 2K17 is perfect. So what did the developers get right with 2K17 and what could they do better in 2K18? Let’s take a look.

Read More - What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Game: NBA 2K18Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Nintendo Switch / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 5 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 Tarum @ 05/19/17 05:16 AM
-i playing 2k games since 2k8.and DEFENCE never be that bad.You just cant control defence.let us play defence again.
-Shooting just ridicilous in that game.that limitless range badge make it terrible.okay steph curry have range in real life but c'mon 2k.i dont want to see half court shot every ofense.
-Mypark and pro-am need improve.not only servers and gameplay also customization.everything same every year.
-Also Myteam need new modes.
-And one of the most important thing in game waiting.like every myteam game start we waiting.everytime ball out we waiting refere or a player going to pick up ball and turn back.

+Post game in this years is great.really good job.but ofcourse need to add new moves in 2k18
+Mycareer ingame badge unlocking is good to.
+İ guess most people dont like archetypes but i like it.good idea.but need balance-upgrage-improve.maybe second archtype thing make more good.
# 62 jej8523 @ 05/19/17 02:10 PM
1. MyCareer - Instead of beginning with the current draft class why not begin a year later with a CPU-generated draft class. Its KILLS me when I get drafted by _______ team, and instead of each teams' roster being adjusted I'm on the same team as the real rookie drafted in the same draft. Um. HOW?! With a created draft class, you can now add a story/rivalry element without altering reality.

2. MyLeague Online - Needs to be the original MyLeague in full... but, you know, "online."

3. Creation & Customization - Body Types! Body Sliders (neck length & width, hip width, leg & arm size, etc)! A wider range of facial slider limits! Why is every created player built like Lebron? Where are the KD body types? Shaq? "Big Baby" Davis? I also hate the wide shoulders on all the skinny people. I thought the body scanning would create more variety but it didn't.

There also needs to a complete overhaul on accessories, especially in CAP mode OUTSIDE of MyPark mode. Why can't I put goggles, face masks, headbands, etc. on anyone in the game? Why are headbands one color based on jersey color? Why can't we bring back the shorts length and/or add a jersey fit setting? I might want my shorts extra short and tight to show off my heavy leg days (see: Kelly Oubre, Jaylen Brown).

Hair styles need a serious update. Dye, texture, length should all be customizable in 2017. Choose a hairline, choose a hairstyle, pick a texture (curly, straight, ethnic, thick, thin), choose color, customize dye. Done.

Fix face scan. Allow multiple scans for CAPs. Other games have had this: Fight Night, Tiger Woods, WWE. Can't be impossible.
# 63 youngfaze01 @ 05/19/17 03:24 PM
Better passes/passing: Passes need to be faster & less floaty. Interceptions happen but not as many as 2k lets it.

Speed differentiations: I've seen many comment about this. Speed needs to be implemented better especially between quick players & slow players. This hurts fast breaks and easy drives in 2k.

Blocking needs to be fixed: It seems you do not have to work for a block in this game, because it's very easy to be done no matter who the player is.

Online 1v1: Still laggy, slow & unresponsive.

Turnovers: Need to be tweaked down. So many faultless turnovers happen in this game you have no control of.

NBA Blacktop: Give us an option when it comes to uniforms. Can't stand the tshirts they wear.
# 64 CBAT @ 05/19/17 04:27 PM
What went wrong:
MyCareer HOT SPOTS. Being able to get hot spots at every part of the floor is ridiculous. Also, resetting hot spots for your players when you create a new player is ridiculous.

An idea would be to give us a choice of a set number of hot spots (3,4,5?) and let us place it where we want it.

Also, this:
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
I think the game should focus on simple basketball again

Grand badges , 5 HOF badges , automatic green lights do not seem very sim like. Espically for an esport.
# 65 Trackball @ 05/19/17 11:24 PM
This hurts to say, but I actually quit playing this game altogether at least a month ago.

It's because of the passing--or rather, the CPU defense's inhuman level of anticipation regarding passes. Sticking their arms out to deflect/intercept the pass the INSTANT the pass button is pressed.

More than once, the CPU got more steals this way as a team in a game than the real-life NBA record for team steals.

Yet my first instinct was frustration, not at the game, but at myself.

Yet everywhere I go, people tell me, it's not you, it's the game.

I know it sounds like I want the game to be easier, but there's a difference between difficult and just plain unreasonable.
Think Ghosts'n'Goblins vs. Kaizo Mario.

It's such a shame. I was so, SO hyped for being able to play as an expansion team--a team you could truly build from the ground up, and make it your OWN!
But I couldn't. Not with the game's clairvoyant defense.
# 66 Sam I am @ 05/19/17 11:52 PM
The loading time is horrible.

The transition defense is horrible, after a jump ball, after made baskets. I can see if the O is set to crash boards, but it shouldn't be this bad.

2k wants to control the game & doesn't want you to make adjustments. The individual settings should work with the poes not against them & 2k doesn't explain this to you,

What happen to training camp & 2k taught you how to play the game & then you had to do the same thing (learn the moves & shots) That was before the park & my team & that doesn't make $ for them but it makes the community better.

Zig-Zag cheese is still in the game on the perimeter These new attributes make the game unplayable 3, 3 contested, 3 of dribble.
combine that with a shot meter that shouldn't be in the game
# 67 Sam I am @ 05/20/17 12:01 AM
The Timeout menu is horrible too confusing should've just kept it the same as last year. Sometimes change is not good All of these extra def settings should be easy to access.

The timer for online should be at 4 min or at worst 3 min. I can't add plays & do settings for my team & individual players in 2 min. Games need to be 6 min based on half a real quarter of a game.
If i turn the shot meter off, it shouldn't affect the def meter.
The first couple of episodes of 2k should focus on whats new in the game & how to use these features

All camera angles should be accessible online.

And fix the passing
# 68 testorz @ 05/20/17 09:09 AM
I hope they shore up guys getting the ball slapped out of their hands as they attempt a dunk by a defender when someone presses the block button.

The passing needs to be fixed as well. If a court length pass is thrown, a defender just sort of steps out of nowhere and intercepts it.

Better payouts in My Team challenges would be awesome as well. If I need to add 4 or 8 players from a specific team to play a challenge and it costs me more than the challenge pays out to acquire players. whats the point in playing the challenge.

My Career needs to allow for more control over all players and not just your player because the A.O. does dumb crap. Example: I'm on the Pelicans and I'm a PG yet AD gets a rebound ignores my call for a pass and dribbles the length of the court.
# 69 sluknucks @ 05/20/17 09:42 AM
@GuwopGeezus my sentiments exactly. My lg online this year was a teaser better servers and regular offseason like back in the day and we are in business
# 70 sluknucks @ 05/20/17 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by GuwopGeezus
This will be an interesting comment section. My 2 cents. Not going into a whole lot of detail:

MyLeague Online - Please do not even consider putting MyLeague Online in 2k18 if we have to use the keeper system again. MyLeague will never be at its best until we get a real offseason with contracts and salaries and players that progress realistically and the ability to train these players. We have had either a stripped down version of online franchise or nothing at all for several years running now. It has to end. On top of that, the keeper system doesn't even work correctly. Too many times the keepers I pick don't carry over into the draft correctly.

MyCareer - Make it easier to sim through games. The way it's set up now you are almost forced to play every game or you'll be penalized. I can never finish a career because of this. I get burned out by year 2 or 3 and don't pick it up again. Honestly don't know why they set it up like this. Also, get rid of/revamp the archetype system. If you must keep archetypes let us pick two sets of them. Make the ratings realistic (no reason the max three any guard can get outside of sharpshooter is a 73). Also, don't artificially inflate our overall rating in MyCareer to make it look good.

VC - This is the most unrealistic suggestion but please don't make every mode so dependent on VC. For example in MyGM the way to earn the most VC is by playing games, but obviously that takes too long to do every season. Again, if you want to progress many years the fastest way is to sim but you don't get anything for that. And your players complain 5 times a week so to keep them happy you have to use guess what... VC. So you end up having to use VC earned in other modes to keep them happy unless you give up and just ignore them or trade them.

These are three game modes that I play a lot (or would play a lot), but they have big issues that just sucked the fun out of them. This might be the first 2K in almost 10 years that I will wait to see what other people say before I buy because 2k17 really let me down.
exactly you hit everything on the nose
# 71 midwestking100 @ 05/20/17 11:40 AM
Bring back era based filters for classic teams. The immersion will be back in terms of presentation. I mean wwe 2k17 has it why not put it in nba 2k too?
# 72 ggsimmonds @ 05/20/17 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by VAWereWolf65
I've been advocating for a way where we can create a MyCareer that we can only use offline and we aren't allowed to use the player online, but it gives us basically the same options as 2k16 where we aren't forced to use archetypes and we can just simply choose inside, outside or balanced scoring types for our players
We don't need separate modes or players. Have the archetype only apply to online play.
Attribute caps and badge restrictions only apply to online play, so that in our offline play if we want to create a steph curry clone with gold ankle breaker and shooting badges we can, but when we take it online those ankle breaker badges are locked at bronze.

I would think that is a relatively easy change to make
# 73 jayska23 @ 05/20/17 11:24 PM
Pretty disappointed how 2K handled MyTeam this year this was the first year I didn't play the mode & it was always my favorite mode, giving too many big men 3 point shots that don't deserve it, hopefully they bring back cards for a specific year
# 74 youngfaze01 @ 05/21/17 01:58 AM
The in-game substitutions during a timeout is WAAYY TOO complex. That needs to be a lot easier to read.
# 75 drugsbunny @ 05/22/17 02:02 PM
I think they need to do away with attribute caps in MYPlayer. I should be able to max out if I like. I would like to see the option to either play my player mode with it locked on my player or control the team. I actually enjoyed the template used in NBA 2k7 my park mode that had your player find his path to the NBA. I would like to see the option to take the A. Park Method B. College Method C. Walk on tryout. I can also see the writing on the wall for the future of player creation. The practice gym being the method of determining your players base attributes. Running sprints to determine his speed, Vertical Jump to determine is abilities, etc. You get it. Its basically how player creation was done in Madden 96 or 97 on genesis. You take those pieces and tie it in with NBA 2k10s combine and such and you have a winner. I enjoy NBA 2k17 but I must admit that I have more fun making it to the nba than I do actually being there. NBA 2K17 had a lot of missed opportunities. How can you have a pool table in your gym that you can't use or the chance to floss your earnings on a some superficial level that goes outside of the court would be very welcomed. There is such another life to being a professional athlete that Video games are scared to venture into. But after all of these years of sport gaming, we have to finally start looking at the off field antics as much as the on field antics. If we are not going to have a viable college option for sports, companies need to find a way to bridge the missing gaps in order to keep our sport game minds at bay.
# 76 E The Rhymer @ 05/22/17 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by vtcha
It's called MyCareer NOT Prez'sCareer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 77 dreneel @ 05/23/17 02:40 PM
Make it easier to play...
# 78 Istanbul @ 05/23/17 04:26 PM
Almost nothing went right.

I'm an offline player and please dont get us busy with adjusting game sliders.I havent enjoyed the game because of this endless work.All updates, even squad updates've ruined the effort.

Make casual and sim options.In sim options, seperate it into like early season, summer league, after all-star, playoffs, finals.Of course make it as realistic as it can be.That's all I wish.
# 79 TheDominator273 @ 05/23/17 04:29 PM
Please make the text of all in game menus (plays, subs etc) right side up. It's such a pain to have not only have only 2 of the 4 readable but the other two go on opposite ways from each other too. Whoever designed that system needs a good slap upside the head
# 80 NINJAK2 @ 05/23/17 06:39 PM
Expand ways to individualize players during creation(More body types, hairstyles, etc). Something about this game doesn't make it pop as much as previous titles visually. Go back to old blacktop in regards to uniforms (Team unis instead of cheap ringers/ballers t-shirts). Coach mode on par with 2k11.

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