Everybody's Golf News Post

The next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise will be titled Everybody's Golf, coming to PlayStation 4 for $39.99 on August 29. Check out the announcement trailer here. The team will be conducting a Closed Online Test towards the end of May.

Anybody can play golf with basically only three button clicks. Now you can experience golf with a variety of character customizations, fishing, and karting across the courses. You can develop your skills with the challenge mode and compete with other players globally through the online mode.

What type of golfer are you? A casual weekend golfer? A semi-pro? Maybe you’re one of those golfers who spends more time picking out your outfit than you spend practicing your swing? Or maybe you’re not a golfer at all, but you’ve been playing Hot Shots Golf for years!

No matter your play style, we’re pleased to invite golfers and gamers of all skill levels to play the next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise — Everybody’s Golf. And what better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the franchise than to launch the next iteration of the series this summer.

Not only does Everybody’s Golf boast the same three-click shot mechanic our fans have come to love, but the series returns with new features such as more character customization, robust online modes,* and other fun activities including fishing, buggy racing and treasure hunting in the open world environment. How you enjoy the game is up to you.

Below is a list of bonus items below that you’ll receive when you pre-order the game at PlayStation Store

Instantly downloadable upon pre-order purchase:
  • Everybody’s Golf Original Avatar
Available on Day 1:
  • The 20th Anniversary Course
  • Rabbit Mascot Costume x1
  • Unique shirt x2
  • Premium Kart x1
  • PS Dynamic Theme x1

Game: Everybody's GolfReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 301 nemesis04 @ 09/04/17 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Thanks. Is the DLC also unlockable through playing, or would I just have to purchase it?
You have to purchase it.
# 302 Blzer @ 09/04/17 12:41 PM
If you max out your shot with the meter and hit Triangle at the third click, will your distance still increase on your shot?
# 303 nemesis04 @ 09/04/17 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
If you max out your shot with the meter and hit Triangle at the third click, will your distance still increase on your shot?
I have never seen the % go over 100 on the golf ball OSD. I use triangle and circle to compensate for my screw ups when I press for power.
# 304 Maxflier @ 09/04/17 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
When you hit rank 3 where is the special item located? I find it annoying you have to hunt for them.
I hit rank 3 last night as well and I have looked eveywhere in home for the item but it is nowhere to be found.
# 305 sportdan30 @ 09/04/17 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Maxflier
I hit rank 3 last night as well and I have looked eveywhere in home for the item but it is nowhere to be found.

It's not in the Home center. I believe it's off a path closer to the water if I recall.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 306 Blzer @ 09/04/17 04:03 PM
So, Everybody's Golf seems to be the new Red Dead Redemption for me. Every time I am telling myself "This is my last one," but it never seems to end.

For RDR, it was like this whenever I'd ride to a save point and some side mission would pop up, and I found myself playing another hour before that happened again.
# 307 Maxflier @ 09/04/17 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by sportdan30
It's not in the Home center. I believe it's off a path closer to the water if I recall.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
Thanks, found it. It was on the dirt path right off to the left when you go through the exit that leads down to the beach.
# 308 WooCRISPY @ 09/04/17 10:57 PM
Has anyone else been experiencing a lot of lag online?

I don't mind a few hiccups here and there but the past 2 nights my game has just been crawling. It's taking me about 25 minutes to complete the Daily 9 Hole Ranking.

It's cool to see 39 other players running around but not when my game is going half speed!
# 309 Skyboxer @ 09/05/17 09:07 AM
I haven't experienced any yet...
# 310 Maxflier @ 09/05/17 11:22 AM
I catch lag when I am running around free roaming on a course sometimes when there are like 40 people, but I haven't had it affect me when I actually start playing holes.
# 311 cake612 @ 09/05/17 04:08 PM
Opted to grab this now and I'll pickup Destiny Friday when I get paid again. Loved the Hot Shots game, feel free to add me. Cake612
# 312 Stormyhog @ 09/05/17 05:50 PM
Yeah I've had no lag actually playing online or off. Just when running around the course on foot free roaming is when I see some. I'm on the PS4 pro.
# 313 bcruise @ 09/05/17 06:33 PM
I can never tell anymore whether people are talking about internet latency or framerate drop when they say "lag", but I've seen a little of both in my open mode roaming on the Pro. The nature of 60 FPS is that when it drops below that, it becomes REALLY noticeable, and sometimes it does in certain areas of the courses.

Also, whether it was due to my connection or the servers I had basically a full course of players "rubber-banding" all over the place last night. That's all internet latency.
# 314 Blzer @ 09/05/17 08:43 PM
Every time I enter the Home area, I think it's playing "Go Cubs Go."

Also, sometimes when watching replays of my shots into the cup, there is a last second sex sound made by another golfer. I swear one of them once said something about balls too, I'm not joking. It didn't show up in the repeated replays.
# 315 OnlookerDelay @ 09/05/17 11:41 PM
I'm just noticing that the "Beast" of Hot Shots Golf, ELPRESADOR, does not yet own Everybody's Golf for the PS4!? I get as much of a kick watching ELPRESADOR play the Hot Shots Golf games on YouTube, as playing them myself I may just gift him a copy of the game and let nature take its course.

Check this video out if you've never seen ELPRESADOR 'work his magic'... he doesn't need a script. WARNING: ELPRESADOR uses a lot of 'colorful' language, and this one would be "R" rated as a result.

# 316 allBthere @ 09/06/17 12:26 AM
it's fun for sure, although the progressions is SLOW. 2nd course after playing what feels like 40 rounds.
# 317 WooCRISPY @ 09/06/17 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
I'm just noticing that the "Beast" of Hot Shots Golf, ELPRESADOR, does not yet own Everybody's Golf for the PS4!? I get as much of a kick watching ELPRESADOR play the Hot Shots Golf games on YouTube, as playing them myself I may just gift him a copy of the game and let nature take its course.

Check this video out if you've never seen ELPRESADOR 'work his magic'... he doesn't need a script. WARNING: ELPRESADOR uses a lot of 'colorful' language, and this one would be "R" rated as a result.

Yeah I watched his The Golf Club stream (he didn't get The Golf Club 2 either) and he said he was probably just going to stick with that instead of buying Everybody's Golf.

Someone needs to tell him that there's fishing in the game. Look at that fish. LOOK AT THAT.

I actually did get to play with him in World Invitational. Saw him wandering around the lobby so I yelled at him and he made a room to play. I killed him though, felt kind of bad about it!
# 318 Blzer @ 09/06/17 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by allBthere
it's fun for sure, although the progressions is SLOW. 2nd course after playing what feels like 40 rounds.
Personally, I'm okay with it. I normally stop playing these games after I've completed everything. Online play might keep me around for a while, but noting some form of progression is always a nice way to entertain me.

The daily rankings also entice me, but it's one of those things I don't think should tempt me too much until I can improve all of my ranks. Although this happened earlier today:

Now I'm at 23rd on the day though, because people have the power to double eagle that hole. So I just have to keep progressing.

Speaking of progression, the power discrepancy between my driver and my 3W is insane. I honestly don't think I've used my 3W yet. Maybe I shouldn't disregard that one so often, heh (EDIT: I'll do you one better, I just found out my 4I gets two more yards than my 3I right now).

I also tried Vita Remote Play. It's not terrible at all, but if it gets choppy on the meter (because remote play), that's the only hassle. Driving the golf cart is also no good because of course this game like many disregard us Vita users and the better controls with rear touch or the shoulder buttons for R2/L2, and instead they're on the top right of the screen.
# 319 Blzer @ 09/06/17 03:40 AM
So, this just happened...


This was on my first attempt on the 14th. I was using Vita Remote Play so I had to keep pressing Square before I could switch to my PS4 and actually capture it.

I'm hoping that score stands for about another fifteen hours, haha.
# 320 ODogg @ 09/06/17 10:51 AM
A lot of folks talk about this game in regards to progression, beating it, etc, but to me it's just a really fun game to sort of zone out to. I will likely play this on and off until Everybody's Golf 2 comes out in a couple of years. For me it isn't about beating it or collecting everything but just a relaxing, fun game.

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