MLB The Show 17 News Post

GameStop has just posted another MLB The Show 17 video. This one features some of the improvements in Franchise mode, including more details on Critical Situations, player lock, quick manage and more.

More details will be revealed in the vlog scheduled for tomorrow and the Twitch stream on Thursday.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 tessl @ 03/06/17 07:46 PM
I have a big prediction. Big.

On the upcoming twitch developer stream there will be developers sitting on the couch and the flashing red lights will be deployed.

That's right. The flashing red lights. New feature announced. You heard it here first.
# 122 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/06/17 08:11 PM
All I need from this franchise dev cycle is...

1. Expanded "owner" mode/financial system/more detailed contracts.

2. Rotating interleague schedules. Imagine being able to play every team in MLB after a few seasons!

3. Slightly more intelligent cpu roster management AI.

Even with 2 out of 3 on this list I am a happy camper considering all the other improvements (faces, bodies, personalization, equipment options, new commentary, stadium tagging, ball physics etc) this cycle.

Also, with the new sim options, this could be a game changer for people trying to play all 2430 via using the 'critical moments' feature. Probably not something I'll do, but it fills me with intrigue.
# 123 Russell_SCEA @ 03/06/17 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg83
Isn't player lock already in 2016?
Yes one must remember that a lot of new PS4's get sold over a calendar year and MLB The Show brings in a decent sized # of new users each year. We don't just sell the game to people who purchased it the last 5 years.
# 124 jeffy777 @ 03/06/17 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes one must remember that a lot of new PS4's get sold over a calendar year and MLB The Show brings in a decent sized # of new users each year. We don't just sell the game to people who purchased it the last 5 years.
So it's a new feature only for people with new PS4s?
# 125 Rawdeal28 @ 03/06/17 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
Interesting additional features. But honestly don't think I will use any of them. I play every inning and every game of my franchise so they wont be an option for me. Though come to think about it, they might get some use down in my minor leagues. This could actually get me more time invested in playing even more of those game. So yeah never mind, opinion changing as I type this.
Same here. I play every inning of every game. So this is useless to me. I don't even use quick counts. Only time I may use any of this stuff is in a blowout to finish it quickly.

Come to think of it, this stuff is already in the damn game. I have MLB 15 and you can already pick one player to stick with before you begin the game so that is not new.

Sent from my Z981 using Operation Sports mobile app
# 126 Durrl Brakes @ 03/06/17 09:12 PM
This is fantastic. Cant wait to see what else Franchise will reveal on twitch March 7th and 9th.
# 127 Bullit @ 03/06/17 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28
Same here. I play every inning of every game. So this is useless to me. I don't even use quick counts. Only time I may use any of this stuff is in a blowout to finish it quickly.

Come to think of it, this stuff is already in the damn game. I have MLB 15 and you can already pick one player to stick with before you begin the game so that is not new.

Sent from my Z981 using Operation Sports mobile app
Wow. Missed the point of my entire post and violated terms of service in one fell swoop. Good job!

Now I will give you a chance to change your tactics or you to get to win a vacation from OS.
# 128 TattooedEvil @ 03/06/17 10:16 PM
ya this was a super underwhelming video, but I was already expecting it. Gamestop really has only thrown out short videos of info. It's def no big deal cuz I was more looking forward to tomorrow and Thursday. I will like the quick manage and probably utilize that instead of a straight sim and maybe i can challenge Ripken's iron man record prob with Vlad Jr.
# 129 extremeskins04 @ 03/06/17 11:03 PM
Can't wait for tomorrow!!
# 130 RicoLaguna @ 03/06/17 11:19 PM
Well I just hope that they finally announce HISTORICAL STATS, ALMANAC, Standings, Boxscores, and more Year to Year stat tracking to really gve FULL MEANING to FRANCHISE MODE!
# 131 Rawdeal28 @ 03/07/17 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bullit
Wow. Missed the point of my entire post and violated terms of service in one fell swoop. Good job!

Now I will give you a chance to change your tactics or you to get to win a vacation from OS.
What in the world are u talking about? How did I violate anything? Excuse me if I'm missing the joke

Sent from my Z981 using Operation Sports mobile app
# 132 Ruben2424 @ 03/07/17 01:20 AM
What's new about Player Lock in franchise mode??? We've been able to player lock in franchise games or for the entire season since 2014! I was really looking forward to owner mode coming back to the show! The last version to have a full owner mode experience was MLB 12! If nothing has changed, I just hope that they didn't turn RTTS into another garbage story mode!
# 133 TattooedEvil @ 03/07/17 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Ruben2424
What's new about Player Lock in franchise mode??? We've been able to player lock in franchise games or for the entire season since 2014! I was really looking forward to owner mode coming back to the show! The last version to have a full owner mode experience was MLB 12! If nothing has changed, I just hope that they didn't turn RTTS into another garbage story mode!
dont take that Gamestop video to the heart. that was 2 minutes. tomorrow and thursday are the big days. im sure tomorrow youll know if concessions are back!
# 134 IowaAJ @ 03/07/17 09:00 AM
I like all the different scenarios for a critical situation.
# 135 GlennN @ 03/07/17 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by RicoLaguna
Well I just hope that they finally announce HISTORICAL STATS, ALMANAC, Standings, Boxscores, and more Year to Year stat tracking to really gve FULL MEANING to FRANCHISE MODE!
Yes, this! I am not that thrilled with the additions to franchise so far (I play every inning and never do just managing a game), but these would get my attention. In fact, the only thing I'd add to your list is the ability to edit players in the draft pool.
# 136 KnightTemplar @ 03/07/17 10:43 AM
Quick Manage looks much improved over FAST FORWARD INNING. Fast forwarding had no bunting by the pitcher, no pinch hitters, etc. This is definitely an improvement. I'll use it at times.
# 137 oldtimey @ 03/07/17 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by KnightTemplar
Quick Manage looks much improved over FAST FORWARD INNING. Fast forwarding had no bunting by the pitcher, no pinch hitters, etc. This is definitely an improvement. I'll use it at times.
If you switch the joystick to manage both teams before you select the inning to Fast Forward to, the CPU will manage both teams, including pinch-hitting, sac bunts, etc. All the games that I sim, I Fast Forward to the 9th inning. Sometimes, the AI will do something goofy with substitutions; I just correct when necessary and let the games finish out CPU-CPU. But I have made managerial moves when needed for either team. To clarify, when you Fast Forward while the joystick is just on your team, then the AI won't manage the other team at all. I noticed this back in The Show 13. I do this because I prefer the boxscore after the game than the one generated after simming from the menu or the calendar.
# 138 KnightTemplar @ 03/07/17 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by oldtimey
If you switch the joystick to manage both teams before you select the inning to Fast Forward to, the CPU will manage both teams, including pinch-hitting, sac bunts, etc. All the games that I sim, I Fast Forward to the 9th inning. Sometimes, the AI will do something goofy with substitutions; I just correct when necessary and let the games finish out CPU-CPU. But I have made managerial moves when needed for either team. To clarify, when you Fast Forward while the joystick is just on your team, then the AI won't manage the other team at all. I noticed this back in The Show 13. I do this because I prefer the boxscore after the game than the one generated after simming from the menu or the calendar.
Too late now! Won't be playing until '17 comes out. I had a hard time trying to stop the fast forward so that I could make a change. Seems it happened too fast, but.............looks like that's all fixed for me now. Thanks for the info though.
# 139 Doogie09 @ 03/07/17 12:43 PM
Could be me......their menu screens/UI is butt ugly....a bit of polish here and there would give one a better impression of the game. I think they detract from the engine under the hood...
# 140 davidb69 @ 03/07/17 01:42 PM
Personally after seeing the video I'm intrigued. I generally give things a chance, I had given quick counts 3 whole games till I stopped using them because pitchers were always over tired from high pitch counts. I will try to play every full 3rd game this season and the other 2 I'll jump in the top of the 8th unless it's a blowout. Generally it takes me until august/September to finish a season and the following year is useless because I would have moved on to Madden or NHL. If I'm not liking the manager mode I'll go back to playing every game. As per the 45 minutes, I wonder how they get that time because my games normally take an hour now. Hopefully they are not stripping things from the game. Also, I'm excited to hear anything regarding PS4 pro enhancements and they've been extremely tight lipped about it and maybe talking about it on March 23rd. I'm wondering why do this last 5 days before release when I think you'd want to show off things graphically on day 1 which could convince people to buy a pro but with so little time in between it makes no sense unless they are waiting for firmware 4.5 boost mode.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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