MLB The Show 17 News Post

GameStop has just posted another MLB The Show 17 video. This one features some of the improvements in Franchise mode, including more details on Critical Situations, player lock, quick manage and more.

More details will be revealed in the vlog scheduled for tomorrow and the Twitch stream on Thursday.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 legacyme3 @ 03/06/17 12:15 PM
I'll wait until the Deep Dive to say anything. Not like a minute and a half is going to tell us much.
# 42 zman2392 @ 03/06/17 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I really don't see why a lot of the posts in this thread are felt to be necessary. But you all get to express your thoughts why should I not be allowed to express mine?
You definitely are. But when your opinion is just trashing others opinions that is when I take offense. There are lots of people who have said they like the new features too. Awesome! But your previous post contained no opinion on the new features or improvements. It was going after other peoples thoughts on them. Anyways I would rather keep this thread about the video so that's all I will say about that.
# 43 Jeffrey Smith @ 03/06/17 12:32 PM
These are features I'll probably never use..."BUT"...I used to say that about Diamond Dynasty and I played DD as much as Franchise this past year.

I'll try it out when the game drops and go from there.

Can't wait till Thursday to find out more.
# 44 Magrathea_42 @ 03/06/17 12:53 PM
I pretty much play online franchise exclusively...yes, there are dozens of us. But these new game modes may tempt me to at least give offline franchise a try. I've always wanted to do it, but I've never even come close to having the time. I've tried to play maybe one game per week and sim the rest, but it was pretty unsatisfying. This sounds interesting.

That said, I still need to put a plug in for online franchise and hope they have addressed some of the more blatant bugs.
# 45 jada855 @ 03/06/17 01:09 PM
Player Lock has not been talked about since mentioned in MLB 15. I am hoping there are some improvements to this feature. Noting that it can be done at the start of the game hopefully means that you will no longer be brought into the game down by 5 or 6 runs each time in early innings.

Now just need options to turn of Bullet Time and Show Time and I can finally enjoy a offensive and defensive baseball experience again!
# 46 zman2392 @ 03/06/17 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by capa
Is regular MoM as we know it today still in the game?

It is! Ramone just responded to someone asking this on twitter.
# 47 Impetuous65 @ 03/06/17 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Trojan Man
I thought the various options they offered for playing through franchise mode were really compelling.

I love the idea of being able to quick-manage a game or many games, while also retaining the ability to jump in and actually play longer stretches of those games.

I also really love the idea of being able to hop in and play critical moments in games where statistical milestones are involved, or where there's a crunch-time situation.

That kind of makes you feel like you're "in" on more of the key moments in your franchise without having to devote a whole 45 minutes or more to each played game. It also adds to the memory factor of the franchise experience, which I'm big on.

I really am impressed by the way SCEA gives you so many ways to enjoy the game. Kudos! #can'twait
Great Post, I feel the same way, I think those are compelling features. I used to play a franchise series

1. Play full game
2. Sim
3. Manage Mode.

I would do this for divisional games, rivalry games ect...

Now I got options to get through some of the less appealing games for me.
# 48 bcruise @ 03/06/17 01:18 PM
It was actually possible to Player Lock from the start of a game in '16 too (lineup screen on the front-end, button was R2 I believe). That's not new, although it was pretty obscure. So I'm sure there's more to the Player Lock improvements than just that.

Critical Situations is an attention-grabber, something that can be used to promote the game on videos like this. Most of the stuff we see as important in Franchise mode can't get people's attention that easily.

Patience guys.
# 49 merchant1874 @ 03/06/17 01:20 PM
If interleague schedule rotation has FINALLY been fixed that will be massive for me.
# 50 jada855 @ 03/06/17 01:21 PM
Also just noticed that there are timers next to each of the choices in the video. Full game in 45 minutes! Umm baseball games take 2+hours. Could this be the only ways to play in franchise mode!?

I hope the option to play a regular styled full base ball game is still there with player lock. Hopefully this is cleared up on Thursday’s twitch stream!
# 51 eric7064 @ 03/06/17 01:22 PM
Hoping to hear if online franchise has been improved. Since its debut in 14 it has gone untouched. No mention of it here.
# 52 baseballsim @ 03/06/17 01:28 PM
Those sunshine colors beating down on Bumgarner's uniform caught my eye at the beginning. It looked real at first glance.
# 53 Jeffrey Smith @ 03/06/17 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
If interleague schedule rotation has FINALLY been fixed that will be massive for me.
Somebody asked on twitter if schedule will rotate year to year and Ramone's response was to "watch the stream" sooooo....maybe?
# 54 bcruise @ 03/06/17 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Smith
Somebody asked on twitter if schedule will rotate year to year and Ramone's response was to "watch the livestream Thursday" sooooo....maybe?
He also answered a question about manage mode...it's still in.

(Knight would burn down the SCEA studio if they took it out )
# 55 heroies @ 03/06/17 01:34 PM
Franchise mode is one of my main modes I play . Yes the video was underwhelming was really looking forward to it. But I guess I will wait for the vlog tom. I am hoping they changed a lot in franchise mode or the least atleast the final World Series winning presentation and ofcourse the 100 players that retire after each season.

Other then that I obviously will still buy it . And to all of you paying customers you have a right to like or dislike the video don't worry about the keyboard trolls who want to shut down your opinions
# 56 tessl @ 03/06/17 01:36 PM
I'm sure deep dive will reveal more but it looks like the leaned in the direction of placating the sim community.

As a manage mode user there were people pushing for the ability to call every pitch in manage mode - more of a catcher mode than manage mode. I noticed in the "manage full game" option it said "manage every pitch of a full 9 inning game". That would ruin manage mode if I have to call every pitch. I believe the developers are too smart to implement something like that. We will find out later this week.
# 57 Jeffrey Smith @ 03/06/17 01:38 PM
Let's not forget there is still the Front Office features to be revealed.
# 58 thaSLAB @ 03/06/17 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I'm sure deep dive will reveal more but it looks like the leaned in the direction of placating the sim community.

As a manage mode user there were people pushing for the ability to call every pitch in manage mode - more of a catcher mode than manage mode. I noticed in the "manage full game" option it said "manage every pitch of a full 9 inning game". That would ruin manage mode if I have to call every pitch. I believe the developers are too smart to implement something like that. We will find out later this week.
It's really just another way to "play" the game. A kind of a text-sim approach. Also, keep in mind, that the traditional MoM is still in the game.

Sent from my htc 10 using Tapatalk
# 59 MetsFan16 @ 03/06/17 01:55 PM
Okay video. Not much news here. Only explained Critical Moments which I feel is a great feature. Playing Critical Moments in a 30-team franchise could bring a lot of fun and excitment! Allow you to play big moments for every team you otherwise would be simulating through and not even know happened.

Pretty sure Player Lock in Franchise mode has been in the game for a couple of years now.

This video only touched on different ways to simulate games. No mention of Front Office, Launch Pad or other improvements. The Vlog tomorrow will be more and then the Twitch Stream on Thursday. I can't wait
# 60 chc2100 @ 03/06/17 01:58 PM
So I was definitely hoping for more but after thinking it over and reading some of the other comments I'm hopeful there's a good bit more to see. Most of what I want in franchise is small improvements in game logic, not necessarily the back-of-the-box features these gamestop videos show.

And even if this is the bulk of what we see this year I understand where SDS is coming from. As Ramone has been saying OS is <1% of sales and I bet even of us the people who play a full 162 is smaller than we might think. While we look at this as features that give you more ways not to play, to a lot of people it gets the more involved because the thought of playing anything near 162 games is crazy to them. They might be used to a madden 16 game season and even that added a similar feature.

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