MLB The Show 17 News Post

GameStop has just posted another MLB The Show 17 video. This one features some of the improvements in Franchise mode, including more details on Critical Situations, player lock, quick manage and more.

More details will be revealed in the vlog scheduled for tomorrow and the Twitch stream on Thursday.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 101 Caulfield @ 03/06/17 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
As someone who who only plays franchise mode...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terribly disappointed
That was just put out by gamestop, I'm sure they are under embargo and can only reveal so much. That was just really an appateaser, the official meat and potato still yet to come.
# 102 jada855 @ 03/06/17 05:47 PM

Based on the previous post confirming that the presentation modes affect the average time(s) to complete a option.

I think the screen from Monday's Game Stop video is the replacement UI to this screen from MLB 16 before you start the game.

Hopefully this is the case and if I choose broad cast as my presentation option. I get to play a full 2hr+ broad cast presentation/season with a player locked from the start of a game! Hopefully!
# 103 lil_bomber_713 @ 03/06/17 05:47 PM
Will Keuchel's Korner still work with a created player? I know his last name isn't among the names in the audio-available ones. Have new names been added to that?

It would also be nice to be able to use a first name for a last name or last name for a first name. I hate that a name is available but I can't use it. Also, being able hyphenate name would help. Then I could have Gary Guy-Eddy as the audio.
# 104 Ronoko @ 03/06/17 05:50 PM
The problem is the game like many others these days has a multiple of modes. Franchise is not the "main" mode that it used to be- they clearly spent a lot of time on diamond dynasty and in past years they focused more on Road to the Show. They are due to put their focus on franchise soon but doesn't seem like it will be this year. With so many popular modes though- it's difficult to make big changes in all of them in one year.
# 105 tessl @ 03/06/17 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Godgers12
Well I think we can put to rest any hope of there being an expansion mode, team relocation, a stadium creator, and non roster invitees in ST.
Until they officially deny it everything is still possible. We have to stay positive.
# 106 asu666 @ 03/06/17 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
The video was very underwhelming.
Yep, hopefully there is a lot more to come.
# 107 tessl @ 03/06/17 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
It's really just another way to "play" the game. A kind of a text-sim approach. Also, keep in mind, that the traditional MoM is still in the game.

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Thanks, that makes sense. Manage mode from the calendar like before.
# 108 johnnyg83 @ 03/06/17 06:24 PM
Isn't player lock already in 2016?
# 109 Trackball @ 03/06/17 06:36 PM
Player lock is great, don't get me wrong.

But one thing I'd love for them to take from NBA 2K? Position lock.

You see, I'm a far better pitcher than I am a hitter. Currently, if I player-lock, I can control only the starting pitcher--once he's taken out, it sims to the end.

I'd like to be able to control the pitcher position for all 9+ innings, including all relievers.

This of course goes for any other position--say, I take the third baseman, but he gets injured in the fourth inning somehow, and I get to control his replacement for the rest of the game.

...Unless I seriously failed a spot check and this option is already in THIS year's game.
# 110 jada855 @ 03/06/17 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg83
Isn't player lock already in 2016?
That's correct it is in the MLB 16 version of the game. There were some issues though mainly on playing defense and no way to disable fast forwarding until after your initial turn which really affected a in-game save in Franchise mode. So hopefully there are some improvements made in MLB 2017.
# 111 jada855 @ 03/06/17 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Trackball
Player lock is great, don't get me wrong.

But one thing I'd love for them to take from NBA 2K? Position lock.

You see, I'm a far better pitcher than I am a hitter. Currently, if I player-lock, I can control only the starting pitcher--once he's taken out, it sims to the end.

I'd like to be able to control the pitcher position for all 9+ innings, including all relievers.

This of course goes for any other position--say, I take the third baseman, but he gets injured in the fourth inning somehow, and I get to control his replacement for the rest of the game.

...Unless I seriously failed a spot check and this option is already in THIS year's game.
You did not miss anything it does not yet exist. This would be a nice addition/ improvement to add both just like in NBA 2k16/NBA 2K17!

NBA 2K when using player lock fast forwards when you are subbed out and you can come back into the game with your team being up or down. I wish there was a way to fix this in MLB 16 and NBA 2k17. MLB 15 did it perfectly never understood why it was changed.
# 112 Caulfield @ 03/06/17 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Until they officially deny it everything is still possible. We have to stay positive.
Ok, I am positive expansion mode, team relocation, and stadium creator creator wont be in 17.
Though none of these would really be easy to implement, team relocation would probably be the easiest of these 3, but I bet MLB is the hold up on that, not Sony.
Stadium Creator would probably be the hardest to put in, a lot harder than say basketball or football because at least the field dimensions are the same from stadiumto stadium and arena to arena, but baseball is such a drastically different animal.
As forExpansion mode, MLB might be the hold up on that as well.
I would love to see NRI's for spring training. If you could just expand rosters to 100 per team until ST ends and have 50-60 players participate in ST, that might allow split squad games for ST as well.
# 113 bcruise @ 03/06/17 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Trackball
Player lock is great, don't get me wrong.

But one thing I'd love for them to take from NBA 2K? Position lock.

You see, I'm a far better pitcher than I am a hitter. Currently, if I player-lock, I can control only the starting pitcher--once he's taken out, it sims to the end.

I'd like to be able to control the pitcher position for all 9+ innings, including all relievers.

This of course goes for any other position--say, I take the third baseman, but he gets injured in the fourth inning somehow, and I get to control his replacement for the rest of the game.

...Unless I seriously failed a spot check and this option is already in THIS year's game.
Originally Posted by jada855
You did not miss anything it does not yet exist. This would be a nice addition/ improvement to add both just like in NBA 2k16/NBA 2K17!

NBA 2K when using player lock fast forwards when you are subbed out and you can come back into the game with your team being up or down. I wish there was a way to fix this in MLB 16 and NBA 2k17. MLB 15 did it perfectly never understood why it was changed.
It kinda does exist in '16, actually. When a player lock player leaves the game, the game reverts to normal play - controlling the whole team. From there you can go to the lineup screen and choose to player lock another player.

Obviously it doesn't work this way in RTTS because the whole mode is centered around 1 player.
# 114 Trackball @ 03/06/17 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
It kinda does exist in '16, actually. When a player lock player leaves the game, the game reverts to normal play - controlling the whole team. From there you can go to the lineup screen and choose to player lock another player.

Obviously it doesn't work this way in RTTS because the whole mode is centered around 1 player.
Wow, really? Huh. Okay, this is a good enough workaround. I'll take it.

At least until position lock is officially put in.
# 115 ninertravel @ 03/06/17 07:16 PM
I am holding slim hope for a import player option into franchise.
# 116 KrushEm12 @ 03/06/17 07:17 PM
Does anyone else hope they revamp the Draft ??
Just wish it was a lil more exciting if that makes
sense ....
Same with Playoffs games ....
Would be cool to see some jets fly over at begining
of game with some 1 singing the Natial Anthem ...
Lol ... Sounds good anyway #littlethings ...
# 117 lil_bomber_713 @ 03/06/17 07:22 PM
I wish you could edit your draft picks after they've been signed, not after the next season starts.
# 118 jada855 @ 03/06/17 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by ninertravel
I am holding slim hope for a import player option into franchise.
This was mentioned a few years ago. Would definitely be nice to import players into and existing franchise. Even better if there was like a list on the left where you could check and a list on the right.

Hit import and replace players updated faces and scans. Even though year to year saves is a beautiful idea. I know some people start their franchise over once player models are updated the following year.
# 119 ninertravel @ 03/06/17 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by jada855
This was mentioned a few years ago. Would definitely be nice to import players into and existing franchise. Even better if there was like a list on the left where you could check and a list on the right.

Hit import and replace players updated faces and scans. Even though year to year saves is a beautiful idea. I know some people start their franchise over once player models are updated the following year.
I know exactly this makes year to year saves pretty useless to me unless I wanna spend 30 mins with my phone taking a video of a player and editing him in franchise. so time consuming, nothing worse then starting a franchise and one of a veteran players is missing from your roster

a simple 2 second import option to fix this would be awesome, and make year to year saves more worthwhile to replace all the turned generic players
# 120 Drew127 @ 03/06/17 07:43 PM
It's 2017 and it took until 2016 just to get career stat tracking. Still can't even view team stats in any useful manner...unless you can memorize everything internally as you scroll through.

And no minor league career stat tracking.

I doubt anything changed with stat tracking this year too.

Say what you want about the game and about me, but you have to admit, it's pretty crazy that it's 2017, the PS4...and we still don't have much in the way of useful stat tracking.

Maybe it will be announced later this week? Sure, but it's a bit naive to think that will be the case.

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