MLB The Show 17 News Post

GameStop has just posted another MLB The Show 17 video. This one features some of the improvements in Franchise mode, including more details on Critical Situations, player lock, quick manage and more.

More details will be revealed in the vlog scheduled for tomorrow and the Twitch stream on Thursday.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 smiley3 @ 03/06/17 01:02 PM

New video didn't want to start a new thread for it. Not much

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# 62 tessl @ 03/06/17 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
Gotta love how people judge an entire mode and its updates on a 1:56 video. I would be willing to bet a lot has been added to this mode. Its just too bad we wont find out any more information until the game launches.

Oh wait isn't there a VLog tomorrow and a Deep Dive Twitch Stream on Thursday?
True and changes to ball spin and human AI are already big additions to franchise on the field but in the first franchise promotion if a new feature like create-a-team has been added they missed a great chance to announce it.

I did see budget indicates cash flow per week which is a positive addition. If manage mode franchise is the same as last year with the new gameplay additions I'll be happy but it is understandable for people be let down when they don't see the new feature they wanted.
# 63 kt-od @ 03/06/17 01:09 PM
I love the dugout celebrations. I know they exist in the Show 16, but I've only seen them 2-3 times. I've played a lot of games too. I hope they occur more frequently in 17.
# 64 tessl @ 03/06/17 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by smiley3

New video didn't want to start a new thread for it. Not much

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On the map they had something called "territory you can attack" - that's new unless I missed something from the show 16. I wonder if that is related to GM stuff like marketing or tv footprint.
# 65 bcruise @ 03/06/17 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
On the map they had something called "territory you can attack" - that's new unless I missed something from the show 16. I wonder if that is related to GM stuff like marketing or tv footprint.
Without having looked at the video yet...that sounds like Conquest mode from Diamond Dynasty.

Yeah, that's DD, if you're talking about the map at :34.
# 66 Bullit @ 03/06/17 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by smiley3

New video didn't want to start a new thread for it. Not much

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But you did anyway.....................
# 67 Caulfield @ 03/06/17 01:31 PM
I'm going to have to seriously consider playing 1 game a week in my franchise using manage only and 1 game a week using quick count.

Originally Posted by bcruise
He also answered a question about manage mode...it's still in.

(Knight would burn down the SCEA studio if they took it out )
Knight might flood it, but burn, never.
# 68 Godgers12 @ 03/06/17 01:41 PM
Well I think we can put to rest any hope of there being an expansion mode, team relocation, a stadium creator, and non roster invitees in ST.
# 69 bcruise @ 03/06/17 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Godgers12
Well I think we can put to rest any hope of there being an expansion mode, team relocation, a stadium creator, and non roster invitees in ST.
NRI doesn't strike me as the kind of thing they'd bring up in a video like this, even if it is in.

Agree on the rest.
# 70 Willis135 @ 03/06/17 02:20 PM
I'm a play 1, sim 5 franchise player. That combined with critical situations is huge for me. Simming those 5 games but still being a part of the critical situations is an option I didn't know I needed, now I can't imagine not having that as an option

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# 71 TheWarmWind @ 03/06/17 03:12 PM
Quick manager is the exact feature I wanted. All I've ever wanted was to sim the ends of blowouts, but managerial decisions frustrated me. Even when they didn't giving up the reins is hard. I will be using the Quick manager during any kind of a blowout, and that will reduce my frustration a TON.

Even blowouts where I am the one winning get really boring to play. Thank you SDS.
# 72 Chad0034 @ 03/06/17 03:17 PM
Like a lot of people, I have full team control on, but have everything set to CPU.

I love the idea of turning critical situations ON in my franchise for all teams, and being able to pop my head in on some big moments throughout the season.

It would be awesome if you could filter what critical situations you get notified into playing.

For 29 teams playing under "milestone" moments, and during my team, everything else. I would definitely use that.
# 73 bcruise @ 03/06/17 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Chad0034
Like a lot of people, I have full team control on, but have everything set to CPU.

I love the idea of turning critical situations ON in my franchise for all teams, and being able to pop my head in on some big moments throughout the season.

It would be awesome if you could filter what critical situations you get notified into playing.

For 29 teams playing under "milestone" moments, and during my team, everything else. I would definitely use that.
I hadn't thought about using Critical Situations as a sort of live "highlight" show, but I guess that's totally a possibility for 32 team control (since you can probably set both teams to CPU). Nice thinking outside the box there.
# 74 Archie56 @ 03/06/17 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Godgers12
Well I think we can put to rest any hope of there being an expansion mode, team relocation, a stadium creator, and non roster invitees in ST.
I think we honestly all already knew that expansion mode, team relocation, and stadium creator were not going to be in this years game.
# 75 Bullit @ 03/06/17 03:55 PM
One thing I just noticed that makes me a little more than anxious. I noticed on the menu it listed the choices of how to play a game. It listed a play full game as 45 minutes? IF they have taken out so much of the "little things" that a full game with Broadcast presentation takes only 45 minutes to complete, I don't think I will be happy.

This is the first time I have ever said something like this, and I will wait until tomorrow and Thursday to form an opinion. But this could be a deal breaker for me even with all of the new stuff added. I don't want or need a quicker gameplay experience.

I made an earlier post along the lines of this concern of the game becoming to fast play for the masses. I was hoping we had a few more years before it became an issue for me. Well I will just cross my fingers and hope it all turns out well.
# 76 jimmy13 @ 03/06/17 03:57 PM
No can wait any longer. Need now.
# 77 bcruise @ 03/06/17 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
One thing I just noticed that makes me a little more than anxious. I noticed on the menu it listed the choices of how to play a game. It listed a play full game as 45 minutes? IF they have taken out so much of the "little things" that a full game with Broadcast presentation takes only 45 minutes to complete, I don't think I will be happy.

This is the first time I have ever said something like this, and I will wait until tomorrow and Thursday to form an opinion. But this could be a deal breaker for me even with all of the new stuff added. I don't want or need a quicker gameplay experience.

I made an earlier post along the lines of this concern of the game becoming to fast play for the masses. I was hoping we had a few more years before it became an issue for me. Well I will just cross my fingers and hope it all turns out well.
45 minutes sounds like how long it takes me for a fast play game. I think those are just minimum guidelines for the different modes - we all know that when you get sucked into multiple baserunning and fielding situations in RTTS that it can take longer than 10 minutes for a game.

Based on what we saw in the presentation video while it was CPU vs CPU, I don't see the presentation as being cut down. At around 44:40 of the stream they start their CPU game. Granted there was an occasional pause to show off something cool, but by 1:10 when they paused to take control of the gameplay they'd only reached 2 outs in the top of the 2nd. Around 25 minutes for 1 1/2 innings, and I think that was on Hybrid.
# 78 Jon Arbuckle @ 03/06/17 04:07 PM
Loving Bum's face in the video. Still think he could use a few more pounds of muscle though.

Originally Posted by merchant1874
If interleague schedule rotation has FINALLY been fixed that will be massive for me.
This could literally be the only change to full season modes and I'd be satisfied for another year.
# 79 bcruise @ 03/06/17 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Arbuckle
Loving Bum's face in the video. Still think he could use a few more pounds of muscle though.

This could literally be the only change to full season modes and I'd be satisfied for another year.
Ramone tweeted to "watch the stream on Thursday" in response to this question, so....stay tuned.
# 80 Aggies7 @ 03/06/17 04:10 PM
Can't wait to see more on Critical Situations.

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