MLB The Show 17 News Post

The MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream has started, as they go over the presentation and commentary in the game and much more. We will update this post with the archive link when it's over. Feel free to post your thoughts!

We will update this post w/ an archive link when it's over. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the link to the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 141 The Kid 24 @ 03/03/17 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer

Sorry, couldn't help it.
Wow!! Now it really pains me how Alternate jersey colors are off.

I wonder if this link can be any help to SCEA... Shows the correct color of uniforms for every team.


How can the crowd have the correct red color but not the players?
# 142 tnixen @ 03/03/17 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by csura999
I love the MLB The Show series, but have always felt the team colors could use an overhaul... Honestly my only nitpick about the game.

So... I made an edit of my own:

Very excited for MLB 17, but just had to throw this out there!

WOW The edited sky color and the Jerseys color is so much better and more like real life colors then whats seen in this stream!

I guess it's way to late to get this fixed before the game ships

They really need to do a better job for color accuracy for the sky and Jerseys for 18!
# 143 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/03/17 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by csura999
I love the MLB The Show series, but have always felt the team colors could use an overhaul... Honestly my only nitpick about the game.

So... I made an edit of my own:

Very excited for MLB 17, but just had to throw this out there!

Nice. I'm not a uniform nit-pick guy, but I do find it odd that the Twins' red alternate they showed a couple streams ago looks great, yet the Nats red here looks so maroon tinted. Strange.
# 144 Syce @ 03/03/17 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
Nice. I'm not a uniform nit-pick guy, but I do find it odd that the Twins' red alternate they showed a couple streams ago looks great, yet the Nats red here looks so maroon tinted. Strange.
could it possibly be because of the day and night difference? since i think this is the first stream that was showing night games.
# 145 The Kid 24 @ 03/03/17 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
Nice. I'm not a uniform nit-pick guy, but I do find it odd that the Twins' red alternate they showed a couple streams ago looks great, yet the Nats red here looks so maroon tinted. Strange.
Totally agree!
# 146 The Kid 24 @ 03/03/17 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Wow!! Now it really pains me how Alternate jersey colors are off.

I wonder if this link can be any help to SCEA... Shows the correct color of uniforms for every team.


How can the crowd have the correct red color but not the players?
I PM'd this link to Adam_SDS to see if it could help them.
# 147 brrmikey @ 03/03/17 02:20 PM
Game looks great. I know it's still a WIP, but a few things I noticed:

I assume at some points in the video, they let the game play out CPU vs CPU:

1. I wish the baserunning icon could be disabled (along with every other icon, notification, etc) as i use auto baserunning and auto fielding and pitch and bat from broadcast view . The fact that it is still displayed during a CPU vs CPU game leaves me with little hope. These icons detract from the 'like real life MLB broadcast' feel especially with the awesome MLB network theme.

2. I assume nobody pressed X during the game playing out...i was hoping the break in sequence of the catcher throwing the ball back to the pitcher wouldn't happen this year unless X was pressed. i assume broadcast gameplay will still have certain 'fastplay' like elements this year

ah well, game is still great considering the countless good things i don't have the wrist strength to type out
# 148 dran1984 @ 03/03/17 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Syce
could it possibly be because of the day and night difference? since i think this is the first stream that was showing night games.

No that's not it. Jerseys should look the same no matter what time of day. That's one reason the Rockies changed their shade of purple. Depending on the stadium lighting it would look different, so they changed it.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 149 tessl @ 03/03/17 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
Are you not the same person arguing with me here: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...tfielders.html

On how close plays should be in relation to runners and throws from fielders?
Granted it is a different play, but it is the same argument.

While I agree with you (because you are basically saying the same thing I am)....I find it ironic that you out of all people have something to say about how close a play should or should not be!

Additionally, there was a ground ball to SS where the SS took his time to throw to first and it was almost a bang/bang play with the Nats SP running. I cannot find it and do not remember the time, but there is something up with there being too many close plays at the bags.
I wasn't arguing. I was pointing out reality.
# 150 Bullit @ 03/03/17 03:26 PM
One thing to keep in mind folks. This game play, in today's stream, was all done in Hybrid mode. So there could very well be presentation scenes that they are purposely keeping us from seeing for various reasons. Such as they are not quite finished or they don't want to show us everything.

Plus as been said many times. This is STILL a work in progress. Kirby even said in the stream, that as soon as they were done he was going to go enter more lines of dialogue. I understand everyone feels that particular want, need or idea is important and valid and I am not saying they aren't.

What I am saying is......relax.

These guys have proven time and time again that they care about the little things in this game that are important to us. So just have a little faith. If your concern isn't fixed this time, well there is always next year. Just look at the Cubs. They waited a lot longer to get what they wanted than you have.

Joking aside. You all have been keeping these forums pretty civil this year and I am very thankful for that. So just keep in mind that we all have a common goal. Getting the best baseball game we can. So be patient, respectful and civil.
# 151 tessl @ 03/03/17 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Looks like some more tweaking is needed.
A lot more. I would suggest a high infielder fielding attribute cutoff for the higher level auto-out animations or a greater chance of bobbling the ball or making a bad throw when rushing to make a play.
# 152 The Kid 24 @ 03/03/17 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
I PM'd this link to Adam_SDS to see if it could help them.
Adam said they use style guide images to get the colors.
# 153 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/17 03:43 PM
The game is art locked has been for over a week there will not be anymore art changes.
# 154 Archie56 @ 03/03/17 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The game is art locked has been for over a week there will not be anymore art changes.
Looks like those that have wanted art changes have "struck out" this late into the dev cycle. Eh? Eh? I'll see myself out......

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# 155 GoDucks1224 @ 03/03/17 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The game is art locked has been for over a week there will not be anymore art changes.

I would guess most of us mentioning these things are doing so for next years game. I know I am.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 156 The Kid 24 @ 03/03/17 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The game is art locked has been for over a week there will not be anymore art changes.
Is jersey color updates something that can be patched in?
# 157 tnixen @ 03/03/17 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The game is art locked has been for over a week there will not be anymore art changes.
Well hopefully there is plenty of time to get the rest fixed for 18 then
# 158 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/17 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Is jersey color updates something that can be patched in?
No, Nope, Negative
# 159 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/17 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by GoDucks1224
I would guess most of us mentioning these things are doing so for next years game. I know I am.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
This isn't the thread for that we'll get a new one opened for The Show 18 when that time comes.
# 160 Dillow @ 03/03/17 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
This isn't the thread for that we'll get a new one opened for The Show 18 when that time comes.
This might be considered a "suck up" post, but you even being on here and answering questions from fans and really listening is, honestly, the most refreshing thing I've seen. It must be ultra difficult at times to listen to fans (including myself) give their .02 on how the game should look, feel etc. but even after that, you and the team still look to be in great spirits. In all honesty, you should be because this game looks AMAZING. I haven't been this excited for a video game in a long time. I'm 31 man...the days of being this excited should be gone, but alas, here I am...and that is a real testament to the hard work you guys do.

All I'm saying is thanks guys! Your hard work does not go unnoticed.

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