MLB The Show 17 News Post

The MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream has started, as they go over the presentation and commentary in the game and much more. We will update this post with the archive link when it's over. Feel free to post your thoughts!

We will update this post w/ an archive link when it's over. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the link to the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 101 GoDucks1224 @ 03/03/17 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by WhiteM5
Those of you overly concerned with the commentary or jerseys...are you seeing the forest through the trees?

How is being concerned that your favorite teams jerseys look completely off color something that's not important? Why is wanting your teams RED jerseys to not be maroon overly concerned? Correct jersey color is an essential part of capturing the realism of a baseball game. You literally see the jersey 99% of the time that you're playing that game. This video showed me that I won't be using the Nats ever in this game. Particularly because you can look at the advertisement for their New Era hat behind the batter and see the correct shade of red staring you in the face. Conveniently placed directly next to the batter to show you a side by side comparison of how awful the jersey color looks. This has been a recurring issue plaguing the game for years! Oranges, reds, yellows, all look off this year. They did fix the blue colors in the game and they look great. The Pirates black alternate is no longer faded. The Rockies brightened purple is in. But red jerseys still look way too dark, exceptions being the Indians throwback and the Twins alternate. Yellows are still dark and muddy. Oranges, particularly the Giants alternate, are way washed out and don't even look close to the bright, vibrant color of real life. Jerseys are just as much of an essential part of the baseball experience as stat tracking and players wind ups/batting stances.

As for commentary, Matt is stale at this point. He's still using lines from over 6 years ago. It's time for some updates. In that time period we've seen the NHL franchise completely overhaul their commentary, we've seen Madden overhaul their commentary twice, and for as much as people don't like Brandon Gaudin, the dynamic weekly updated commentary they did this year sounds great. It flows so smoothly. 2K is of course the pinnacle of commentary, and they always sound good. Even they upped the ante this year by adding 6 brand new commentators, and a new sideline reporter. SDS did great adding two new commentators this year, and I won't be judging them until I get the game myself (preliminarily, HR sounds surprisingly great and Plesac sounds like he's reading a script) but Matt sounds stale. I heard way more overly used, six year old lines in that stream than I did anything else. I just hope they do even more work on it next year.

Oh and.. Please fix jersey colors.. I'm begging ya.

I know this sounds like a long winded hate filled rant, but I truly love this franchise. It's my favorite of all the ones I just mentioned and it isn't even close. And I recognize how great this game has been over the years, and how great this edition looks. I've already pre-ordered the MVP edition. But like anything in life, it isn't perfect. And I think people rightfully offering their critique of it will only help the game be closer to perfection in the future.

PS: I love SDS. They've been great to us at OS, less than 1% of their sales, and I hope they continue to be in the future. I think they do a great job with this game and I understand they work incredibly hard. Nothing I have said is an attempt to slight, or discredit them in any way. I just want to see the game I spend so much time playing improved as much as possible.

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# 102 adh5199 @ 03/03/17 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Damnit, between this and the skies, it's making me see things that I can't unsee. Why is color palette so hard to get right? They'll probably say it's the wrong color in the "style guide".

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# 103 parky_17 @ 03/03/17 05:55 AM
For people saying that Matty V has become stale and it's always the same lines every year. How many ways can they explain what is happening on the field in certain plays? For me it would be rather counterproductive to get him say slightly different things just to 'keep it fresh'
And even in 2k you hear Kevin Harlan saying the same lines every year. it's the way sports gaming commentary is going to be, if you play the game enough your going to hear the same lines repeated

Sent from my SM-G920F using Operation Sports mobile app
# 104 BSUFAN @ 03/03/17 06:54 AM
I was a little frustrated / disappointed when trying to hear the commentary as they were talking over it a lot of it. Having said that we really didn't get a full games worth of them speaking and it's still a "Work In Progress "so I will save my judgement till it comes out. The game looks great and SDS has done a great job IMO. I am glad they saved the best for last RTTS stream on the 16th I can't wait to see all the goodies they have added for this year.
# 105 dalger21 @ 03/03/17 06:59 AM
Harold Reynolds sounds great. I feared he might have sounded like he was reading from a script but alas, his commentary was pretty nice. The mini-story he mentioned about Bryce Harper and his outfield defense actually made me laugh. For me, I am much more interested in how they will sound in RttS. Looking forward to the RttS stream in a couple of weeks. I've got a couple of questions for it.
# 106 SilverBullet1929 @ 03/03/17 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by tessl
Those are air conditioned jackets - new feature.
Ahhh the little things!
# 107 SilverBullet1929 @ 03/03/17 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer

Sorry, couldn't help it.
If you can do it why can't they?
# 108 geisterhome @ 03/03/17 07:08 AM
Overall commentary is as bad as always.
Matt V reading lines of a script no real life announcer would ever say, reynolds is an improvement tho. Apart from him it's however
badly made. Really pretty much what they are saying sucks, how they (apart from Reynolds) are saying does, and when they are saying it as well lol.
Think it needs to redone from the scratch. I like Matt in real life so he can do it, just needs a fresh start.

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# 109 jeffy777 @ 03/03/17 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Besides Matty V being boring and sounding exactly the same as in 16,15,14,13,12 and so on the "dead air" is real issue as well. To many times it is dead silent when the commentary should be talking about something. NBA2k and even MLB 2K did this so well! Both those game have almost constant chatter back and forth from the booth!

What I would love to know is it what version of MLB The Show will the commentary reach the level of NBA 2K or even Madden for that matter?

I'll give you another bad example!

At the start of the game in today's stream why didn't Matty V introduce himself and the other two commentators at the start of the broadcast? This is how it is always done on real baseball broadcasts!

Matty V should have said something like this

"Good evening everyone I am Matt Vasgersian along with my partners Harold Reynolds and Dan plesac"
The thing is though, real MLB broadcasts actually have a fair bit of dead air, but of course it varies from booth to booth. For example, the Cubs guys (Len and JD) don't talk constantly, but they let the game breathe a bit, if you will.
# 110 SoxFan01605 @ 03/03/17 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by parky_17
So I just went back to listen to the game and the call for the Cabrera HR seemed fine to me. Matty V elevated his voice and sounded suprised at the lead off HR
I don't understand what people want out of commentary, do they want them to be going crazy at every play?
For that one, it isn't really the call itself, but the lack of input from either HR or Plesac.

Matt made the call, then dead air. Then we get Showtrack also done by Matt, (which would be the perfect time for HR or Plesac to interject and, IMO, should almost always be done by one of them over Matt) and then more silence before the next AB. Not a single word from our color guys (even a brief exclamation would add tons).

It just highlights the feel of these guys not reading together, which is at the root of most of the commentary complaints for this game.

I'd actually like to occasionally see one of the guys chime in a pitch or two into the next AB, flashing back to the home run and breaking down things like hand placement, bat speed, etc. That one's more wishlist than gripe though.

Originally Posted by jeffy777
The thing is though, real MLB broadcasts actually have a fair bit of dead air, but of course it varies from booth to booth. For example, the Cubs guys (Len and JD) don't talk constantly, but they let the game breathe a bit, if you will.
I think the issue in game is where there is dead air, more than the fact that there is dead air.

I also think it's more an issue of the balance between the color guys and Matt. I actually think Matt talks too much at times where I'd rather here a different voice...as I said above, I think Showtrack would be best served by a color guy chiming in. In fact, some of the spots where dead air would make more sense in-game are filled with Matt filling in more.

Some of that is probably just limitations due to recorded lines, etc (Matt's been a constant for over a decade, while the color guys have seen more changes recently), but I think it adds to the Matty fatigue some people have.
# 111 Armor and Sword @ 03/03/17 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
So I have a question regarding the presentation packages. What happens when I have custom intro music for teams and I select the MLB Network Presentation will I still get the MLB Network music? or will it be my custom music?
I will take a stab at this. While I have no source and am guessing I have a feeling the answer is no.

I am also a SOTS junkie and will set up every team, every player, cheers, yells, intro music, win, loss, playoff win, playoff loss, league title, world series, pitcher entrances, warm up music, between innings. The whole Monty.

I am quite certain it will not override your custom SOTS settings. So if you see the MLB package for an upcoming game on your schedule and let’s say it is a road game at the Yankees, you could simply go to the Yankee stadium SOTS screen and toggle intro and between inning music to default so you get the MLB music experience you want. It take less than a minute to toggle off your SOTS stuff.

So at least you can do that if you really want to.
# 112 IamAdderlyn @ 03/03/17 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7
I loved all the presentation stuff and had a big smile on my face with how the game looked and moved more smoothly. My hope one day, looking at how much better commentary got, is SDS implements spanish commentary. I know that would be so much work, but a wish nonetheless. The game does look better visually, enough for a purchase for me right now!
Oh man, I'd love to have Ernesto Jerez in this game

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# 113 Splitter77 @ 03/03/17 08:23 AM
is there a highlite show for the MLB Network??
Maybe clips of HR's or web gems from around the league??

Definitely thought this would be in this and NHL series by now.
# 114 El_MaYiMbE @ 03/03/17 08:43 AM
A few things I took away....

1. Presentation and Commentary Stream - they had Hybrid Presentation enabled....this may be part of the reason Plesac was so quiet. If they wanted to show off Presentation and Commentary they should have played Broadcast Presentation. However, I do think Harold Reynolds sounds great and Plesac sounds like they recorded him in a hallway. As everyone else says, the commentary in this game is not on par with the 2K Series. I would much rather have that improved in the next few years than have things like DD and cards I cannot touch added to the game (I am obviously not a DD fan)....

It was a bit worrisome however that on the leadoff HR neither Harold or Plesac chimed in.

2. Nationals Alternate Jerseys - beating a dead horse here, but the fact that the fans and the NewEra ad behind home have the right colors but the players' jerseys don't.....they got it wrong 100%

3. Cespedes Sleeve - his sleeve was like poop green rather than neon green. The color was fine in last year's game, and he had a shin guard with the right neon green color. So I am going to assume the sleeve was not set to neon green color, but rather another color all together. If so that is fine, if not.....again they got it wrong AND changed it from last year.

Aside from those observations, the game looks great.

We saw more of the updated ball physics, we saw MLB Network package (which looks great), and we see the game playing overall like we expect. Ironically this stream showed us how some of the REAL "little things" are still off, even though the little things stream was last week....but aside from #3, none of these are new to the series.
# 115 beau21 @ 03/03/17 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Speedy
It's small but I'd love to see no cut-scenes when the catcher is throwing the ball back to the pitcher; both after a take/swing and foul ball. Just stay in the same camera from start to finish...kind of like real-time view.
100% agree with this.
Would love a full real-time view option.
# 116 Blzer @ 03/03/17 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by SilverBullet1929
If you can do it why can't they?
I am never going to question why they aren't able to do it; I only do these to suggest what it looks like if accomplished, and hope that they can make it a possibility.

I used Photoshop. They can't just slide a color gradient thingy over and voila! At least, that's what I heard they can't do. Obviously things are hex-coded, but every color is also material-dependent and light source-dependent. We're getting closer with things like grass, so hopefully over the course of time they can find the way to take care of these as well.

But again, I will never question their abilities of doing it. I just don't think it's that easy to do, and sometimes there are restrictions based on the style guide. I don't think I've ever said that before, but I understand when excuses can be rather legitimate.
# 117 Blzer @ 03/03/17 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I'd actually like to occasionally see one of the guys chime in a pitch or two into the next AB, flashing back to the home run and breaking down things like hand placement, bat speed, etc. That one's more wishlist than gripe though.
I'm really waiting for the NBA 2K franchise to do this, actually. If there is a flashy dunk or something, the replay still shows up immediately. They should wait for a timeout or foul to show that replay and talk about it.

As for MLB, they are now programming instances where they can mention previous plays, so now it's a matter of cuing up the replays with those every so often as well.
# 118 Speedy @ 03/03/17 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by beau21
100% agree with this.
Would love a full real-time view option.
Remember when this used to be a presentation option? Whatever happened to it? I guess hybrid took its place.
# 119 Ricanlegend @ 03/03/17 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
A few things I took away....

1. Presentation and Commentary Stream - they had Hybrid Presentation enabled....this may be part of the reason Plesac was so quiet. If they wanted to show off Presentation and Commentary they should have played Broadcast Presentation. However, I do think Harold Reynolds sounds great and Plesac sounds like they recorded him in a hallway. As everyone else says, the commentary in this game is not on par with the 2K Series. I would much rather have that improved in the next few years than have things like DD and cards I cannot touch added to the game (I am obviously not a DD fan)....

It was a bit worrisome however that on the leadoff HR neither Harold or Plesac chimed in.

2. Nationals Alternate Jerseys - beating a dead horse here, but the fact that the fans and the NewEra ad behind home have the right colors but the players' jerseys don't.....they got it wrong 100%

3. Cespedes Sleeve - his sleeve was like poop green rather than neon green. The color was fine in last year's game, and he had a shin guard with the right neon green color. So I am going to assume the sleeve was not set to neon green color, but rather another color all together. If so that is fine, if not.....again they got it wrong AND changed it from last year.

Aside from those observations, the game looks great.

We saw more of the updated ball physics, we saw MLB Network package (which looks great), and we see the game playing overall like we expect. Ironically this stream showed us how some of the REAL "little things" are still off, even though the little things stream was last week....but aside from #3, none of these are new to the series.
I agree it should be more bright

# 120 ped3328 @ 03/03/17 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by adh5199
Damnit, between this and the skies, it's making me see things that I can't unsee. Why is color palette so hard to get right? They'll probably say it's the wrong color in the "style guide".

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I agree 100 % with you. Why they can't come up with the correct shade for certain colors is beyond me. It took them 2 years to fix the Blue Jays unis; the blue was way too dark. Now, it's the Nationals alternate jersey which is burgundy instead of red. The right shade of red for their regular unis, and a different shade of the same color for the alternat ones! Go figure.This folks has nothing to do with the style guide. But I noticed that the above picture on this page shows the Nats jersey to be a bit more ''redish'' than the picture you see on page 1 of this thread. So which is which? Since Ramone said that the ''art''aspect of the game is closed, we will have to live with it this year. Other than that, the game appears to be much better than last year.

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