MLB The Show 17 News Post

The MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream has started, as they go over the presentation and commentary in the game and much more. We will update this post with the archive link when it's over. Feel free to post your thoughts!

We will update this post w/ an archive link when it's over. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the link to the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 El_MaYiMbE @ 03/03/17 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Ricanlegend
I agree it should be more bright

They had it right the last few years, so it leads me to believe the wrong color was selected in player edit section.

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# 122 ARoid1313 @ 03/03/17 11:16 AM
What's troubling for me is that plesacs lines are the same as Steve Lyons, whose were the same as Rex Hudler.. it seems they have again re recorded the exact same script in some cases . There were a few cases where you can hear those lines .. feels like a waste to do that with an entirely new voice imo
# 123 sydrogerdavid @ 03/03/17 11:40 AM
I really like the stadium tagging feature, but now all I want to know is, what about Big Mac Land?
# 124 bodhiball @ 03/03/17 12:10 PM
# 125 Impetuous65 @ 03/03/17 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by bodhiball
Great Post, I agree the Manager aspect is an eyesore and is not needed at all. I would have loved for them to take the time and show fans being joyful or upset. They really need to make the fans part of the picture.
# 126 My993C2 @ 03/03/17 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Impetuous65
Great Post, I agree the Manager aspect is an eyesore and is not needed at all. I would have loved for them to take the time and show fans being joyful or upset. They really need to make the fans part of the picture.
I am on board with showing more fans and less managers after big flies.

Speaking of fans, I wonder if any new ones will be in the game this year? Last year no new fans were added, but didn't SDS do some fan face scanning during the 2016 Spring Training camps and if yes did any OS users get scanned? It would be funny as heck if some OS users were to appear in the game. Kind of a where's Waldo scenario.
# 127 tnixen @ 03/03/17 12:34 PM
Very to happy to see the Home Run overlay also now says example "20TH HR OF THE SEAON" on it

It's the little things like this that go a long way in making the game look and feel much more like a real baseball broadcast on TV!
# 128 tnixen @ 03/03/17 12:39 PM
So what do you guys think?

Fixed or does the number still need to be a little higher?

It definitely looks higher then in all previous versions of MLB The Show but not sure if it is totally fixed or not.
# 129 ryanmc564 @ 03/03/17 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by sydrogerdavid
I really like the stadium tagging feature, but now all I want to know is, what about Big Mac Land?

while it would be awesome to hear them to call that homerun blast to big mac land, you know it will never happen. But I do hope they at least substitute with something similar. Probably be called Burger Land or something.
# 130 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/03/17 12:42 PM
If you're not sure if it's totally fixed or not by looking at it, then it's probably fine. lol
# 131 tnixen @ 03/03/17 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
If you're not sure if it's totally fixed or not by looking at it, then it's probably fine. lol
yep it's very close maybe it could be a tad higher but not by much

Going by the real life one it looks like the number is a little above the arm pit where as in MLB The Show17 it's a little below I think.
# 132 enyc718 @ 03/03/17 12:49 PM
I like the addition of the catcher calling for a pitch up high and then the catcher halfway standing up. Never noticed that in previous years.

Commentary is excellent. The MLB package is excellent. Looks like random games in franchise calender are broadcasting in MLB package.

I wonder how much longer before each teams tv deal is incorporated in the show.

Like if you play a home game with Mets there is SNY package...team specific. I'm sure not any time soon. Maybe 20 years from now lol
# 133 El_MaYiMbE @ 03/03/17 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by enyc718
I like the addition of the catcher calling for a pitch up high and then the catcher halfway standing up. Never noticed that in previous years.
This isn't new but it is cool.
# 134 tessl @ 03/03/17 01:37 PM

Sorry - don't get upset - the slowest man in baseball beats that throw. I wonder not just with that play but with a few others I've seen on the videos if the "human AI" has removed infield hits from the game. In an earlier video Billy Hamilton was out by 10 feet on a three hopper to shortstop.

I guess we'll find out later this month but it looks like every infielder is Brooks Robinson or Ozzie Smith.
# 135 tnixen @ 03/03/17 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by tessl

Sorry - don't get upset - the slowest man in baseball beats that throw. I wonder not just with that play but with a few others I've seen on the videos is the "human AI" has removed infield hits from the game. In an earlier video Billy Hamilton was out by 10 feet on a three hopper to shortstop.

I guess we'll find out later this month but it looks like every infielder is Brooks Robinson or Ozzie Smith.
Looks like some more tweaking is needed.
# 136 El_MaYiMbE @ 03/03/17 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by tessl

Sorry - don't get upset - the slowest man in baseball beats that throw. I wonder not just with that play but with a few others I've seen on the videos is the "human AI" has removed infield hits from the game. In an earlier video Billy Hamilton was out by 10 feet on a three hopper to shortstop.

I guess we'll find out later this month but it looks like every infielder is Brooks Robinson or Ozzie Smith.
Are you not the same person arguing with me here: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...tfielders.html

On how close plays should be in relation to runners and throws from fielders?
Granted it is a different play, but it is the same argument.

While I agree with you (because you are basically saying the same thing I am)....I find it ironic that you out of all people have something to say about how close a play should or should not be!

Additionally, there was a ground ball to SS where the SS took his time to throw to first and it was almost a bang/bang play with the Nats SP running. I cannot find it and do not remember the time, but there is something up with there being too many close plays at the bags.
# 137 Impetuous65 @ 03/03/17 02:27 PM
stadium tagging would really be cool in franchise, if they brought back promotional days and overall ownership back to franchise.

Imagine in franchise you set 2nd deck section C for your tag, and a particular player or just any player had to hit that location via HR. One you can show that section during HR celebration, two you get the commentary, three the promotional commentary stating that section get free hot dogs, show your ticket to the concessions and get your free hot dog.
# 138 Berserker2020 @ 03/03/17 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Damn, i was hoping Bryce Harper would look a lot better with the rest of the face updates they've shown, especially his beard, but it looked more or less the same as last year which was bad.

And his batting stance was bad too, bat not resting on his shoulders, and he has a toe tap, hardly looks like his stance at all.
I said the same thing to them during the live stream "since when did Harper have a toe tap, I don't ever recall that." His entire stance looks off and I don't think it has ever really looked accurate since he has been in the game or atleast to me.
# 139 csura999 @ 03/03/17 02:41 PM
I love the MLB The Show series, but have always felt the team colors could use an overhaul... Honestly my only nitpick about the game.

So... I made an edit of my own:

Very excited for MLB 17, but just had to throw this out there!
# 140 Jon Arbuckle @ 03/03/17 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
EDIT: Off-topic, but I'm weirded out that a member with the username Jon Arbuckle liked one of my posts, given the avatars I have used for the past five years.

What be you???
Hahahaha, I've lurked here for years but am not familiar with your avatars during most of that period. I did happen to see your current one recently though, Google image reverse searched it and found the incredible G-G site. I registered just recently and had forgotten where I'd seen the avatar so I went ahead with the Arbuckle name that was stuck in my head at the time. Don't worry, I'm not some digital manifestation of Jon with a grudge against you. lol

And btw, I loved your twilight edits. The transition to night always bugged the hell out of me and now I think I know why.

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