Madden NFL 17 News Post

Madden NFL 17 patch #9 has just arrived, check out the full details below.

Madden Ultimate Team
  • Added a new tile to MUT Seasons that displays your Season progress including past opponents and scores.
  • Added Playoff presentation and night games to MUT Seasons.
  • Added visual feedback whenever certain chemistry abilities are used in MUT.
  • Addressed a bug that would not show you the low contract flow when exiting a MUT Seasons game.
  • Fixed an exploit that would let users block field goals at a high rate.
  • Added user presentation banners that display whenever a successful skill move is performed.

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 TheSelected @ 01/30/17 01:14 PM
Does it seem like a change was made to draft pick trades? I used to be able to get within +/- 10% using TDawgs & Nate's tools and the trade would be accepted. Now it seems like I need to be closer -15% to -20% in the CPU's favor for draft pick trades to be accepted.
# 122 DeuceDouglas @ 01/30/17 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by mtmetcalfe
This does not make sense. The reason to use ball carrier and receiver mechanics is to achieve a higher success rate in the action you're taking. The QB is opposite.
I think it follows their risk-reward model though which they've shown to embrace. The more "advanced" the input, the greater the potential reward but also attached to that is the greater risk as well. Use a precision spin move? Increased chance of faking out multiple defenders, increased chance of fumbles. Use aggressive catch? Increased chance for spectacular catch, increased chance of dropped pass. Use passing modifiers to try to throw precision pass? Increased opportunity to put the ball exactly where you want it with a higher chance of inaccuracy. I agree it doesn't make sense in all situations but it's a model that they've shown they're content to embrace and will likely be a heavy influence in future on-field features and gameplay aspects.
# 123 jfsolo @ 01/30/17 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by IcedCoffee1983
Is anyone else seeing an increase in fumbles?
I do feel like there are more now and IMO it's nicely balanced in terms of what situations trigger them.

Originally Posted by TheSelected
Does it seem like a change was made to draft pick trades? I used to be able to get within +/- 10% using TDawgs & Nate's tools and the trade would be accepted. Now it seems like I need to be closer -15% to -20% in the CPU's favor for draft pick trades to be accepted.
Based off of the some of the other flaws that the CPU has with drafting and team construction I don't mind a greater advantage for them in this area.
# 124 jfsolo @ 01/30/17 07:50 PM
I don't know how many people listened to Rex's interview with PX1Sports a couple of weeks back, but it was very informative. He made clear that he knew that the sim community and the competitive community simply want different things from a gameplay perspective and that going forward different settings have to be implemented for both groups. He said that he wants feedback on what we ideally thinking those settings should entail.

After the February patch, which will probably be the last huge gameplay patch for M17, I'm going to send him a list with my ideas.
# 125 ajra21 @ 01/30/17 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
I don't know how many people listened to Rex's interview with PX1Sports a couple of weeks back, but it was very informative. He made clear that he knew that the sim community and the competitive community simply want different things from a gameplay perspective and that going forward different settings have to be implemented for both groups. He said that he wants feedback on what we ideally thinking those settings should entail.

After the February patch, which will probably be the last huge gameplay patch for M17, I'm going to send him a list with my ideas.
let us hope M18 brings us two different types of game play.
# 126 Skyboxer @ 02/02/17 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
I don't know how many people listened to Rex's interview with PX1Sports a couple of weeks back, but it was very informative. He made clear that he knew that the sim community and the competitive community simply want different things from a gameplay perspective and that going forward different settings have to be implemented for both groups. He said that he wants feedback on what we ideally thinking those settings should entail.

After the February patch, which will probably be the last huge gameplay patch for M17, I'm going to send him a list with my ideas.
I'm sorry but it really does get old hearing the "We want feedback on what the sim community wants" stuff.

We want realistic gameplay. Bad QB's not throwing like an elite QB. Great DL's not getting stonewalled by mediocre OL's.. etc..

We shouldn't have to spell it out...
# 127 Sturzinator @ 02/02/17 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I'm sorry but it really does get old hearing the "We want feedback on what the sim community wants" stuff.

We want realistic gameplay. Bad QB's not throwing like an elite QB. Great DL's not getting stonewalled by mediocre OL's.. etc..

We shouldn't have to spell it out...
That's because what they're really saying is "let's hear feedback on what we are actually capable of implementing"

For example: more visual eye candy and "big decisions"
# 128 Rayzaa @ 02/02/17 08:15 PM
I don't spend a dime on this game once I've purchased it. What for? I don't care about the cards.
I don't come here a lot so some of the abreviations go over my head. What is MUT? And I agree, the punting is not good. I get a good power level on my punts and its like a muffed punt. BS.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Operation Sports mobile app
# 129 roadman @ 02/02/17 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rayzaa
I don't spend a dime on this game once I've purchased it. What for? I don't care about the cards.
I don't come here a lot so some of the abreviations go over my head. What is MUT? And I agree, the punting is not good. I get a good power level on my punts and its like a muffed punt. BS.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Operation Sports mobile app
MUT stands for Madden Ultimate Team.

I don't spend any time on that portion of the game, but my son did during his semester break and bought his own copy to college. To that, I say, to each their own, just not my cup of tea.

The punting issue is related to kicking into the wind. I circumvent that issue by Playing the Moment for every KO and punt in a outside staduim.
# 130 charter04 @ 02/02/17 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I'm sorry but it really does get old hearing the "We want feedback on what the sim community wants" stuff.

We want realistic gameplay. Bad QB's not throwing like an elite QB. Great DL's not getting stonewalled by mediocre OL's.. etc..

We shouldn't have to spell it out...

I agree on some of this. If they are referring to gameplay they just need to study NFL game film, NFL schemes, study how coverages and alignment, and just all things NFL football and replicate that. Lol. That's what I want.

If it's franchise then yes they may need feed back. I personally want contracts, injuries, the draft process, and other things to be like the real NFL. I'm sure some of that is easier said than done.

I don't know why they can't just use real NFL football to make the game. Why would they need our Input to do that? [emoji848][emoji3]
# 131 Skyboxer @ 02/03/17 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
I agree on some of this. If they are referring to gameplay they just need to study NFL game film, NFL schemes, study how coverages and alignment, and just all things NFL football and replicate that. Lol. That's what I want.

If it's franchise then yes they may need feed back. I personally want contracts, injuries, the draft process, and other things to be like the real NFL. I'm sure some of that is easier said than done.

I don't know why they can't just use real NFL football to make the game. Why would they need our Input to do that? [emoji848][emoji3]
IMO---The best franchise system in the world won't help if the gameplay is still lacking in many areas.
Yes we all want a better franchise but I'd prefer them to get gameplay better first and foremost.

We want football that we see on Sundays. There's your feedback.
# 132 fballturkey @ 02/03/17 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I'm sorry but it really does get old hearing the "We want feedback on what the sim community wants" stuff.

We want realistic gameplay. Bad QB's not throwing like an elite QB. Great DL's not getting stonewalled by mediocre OL's.. etc..

We shouldn't have to spell it out...
Shoot, at this point give me great DLs not getting stonewalled by punters. Their extremely high floor on attributes is ridiculous. More than anything that's what we need for good sim play; the floor for bad ratings needs to be dropped way lower, numerically and how that translates on the field.
# 133 BlackBetty15 @ 02/04/17 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
IMO---The best franchise system in the world won't help if the gameplay is still lacking in many areas.
Yes we all want a better franchise but I'd prefer them to get gameplay better first and foremost.

We want football that we see on Sundays. There's your feedback.
I am just gonna lay my .02 out there from my past interactions with Rex and Clint. When we say we want "what we see on sundays", the problem with that statement is WE know what we see. Some of us even know to the exact detail coverages, alignments, formations, and of course the small things. The problem I fear is the "I know football better than you do" attitude these two bring when taking feedback. They both played as OL at either college or NFL which make them experts at all facets of the game so their willingness to take input from "gamers" is about zilch in terms of mindset on how to improve the game. Just my observations from not jsut my interaction but other people like Roadman and ect.
# 134 Skyboxer @ 02/04/17 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
I am just gonna lay my .02 out there from my past interactions with Rex and Clint. When we say we want "what we see on sundays", the problem with that statement is WE know what we see. Some of us even know to the exact detail coverages, alignments, formations, and of course the small things. The problem I fear is the "I know football better than you do" attitude these two bring when taking feedback. They both played as OL at either college or NFL which make them experts at all facets of the game so their willingness to take input from "gamers" is about zilch in terms of mindset on how to improve the game. Just my observations from not jsut my interaction but other people like Roadman and ect.
IMO.. That's the same old cop out that simply wont do any more.
I'm not talking about the intricate X's and O's .. that can come later.

The basics are what we want to start and they know that full and well.

Like I said earlier: stellar D lines getting stonewalled by mediocre OL''s
Middle of the road QB's playing like Elites etc...
....to name just 2.

I want to have to game plan when going against a JJ Watt or a mobile QB etc...

Those are some of the basics...

Once these basic football items are addressed then yeah we can go onto the finer points.

Lastly this needs done for the offline vs CPU / No switch people also. The "Take control if you want the player to do that" is unacceptable.

These are just MY thoughts though. In the end all I know is Madden is no longer a "must own a console so I can play it" game any longer.
# 135 underdog13 @ 02/04/17 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jarodd21
I don't know if it's different on All-Pro but I STRICTLY use the left stick for every throw. That's how I been passing on pretty much every Madden since the left stick passing mechanic has been available and I was able to easily notice it became easy after that October patch. There's no difference with the accuracy at 0 or 50. Before that patch you had to be on point with your left stick throwing with the USER accuracy at at 4-5. Anything below that was unplayable.
I'm always confused when you say on point with the left stick, when using it gives you a greater chance for an inaccurate throw.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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