NBA 2K17 News Post

Some more tweaks and fixes are coming to NBA 2K17. Gameplay Director Mike Wang, AKA Beluba, has posted some of the details on Twitter. Check them out below.

Fair Warning: Shot timing will become more difficult soon. It's too easy right now cause I had to compensate for the shot meter glitch.

When I undo my band-aid fix, you will see a noticeable drop in the frequency of green releases, so enjoy them while they last.

Sharpshooters will be just fine. But nobody should be averaging 80+% from 3PT range.

Pass speeds, moving screens and defense are being looked at as well. And yes, we know about the Relentless Finisher issue. Will fix asap.

It's not going to be as drastic as some of you think. I'm just prepping you all that the timing band-aid is going away after XB gets 1.04

Just addressing those who are saying that shooting is too easy and FG% are too high. I'm aware of it.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Jrocc23 @ 10/13/16 02:16 PM
Thank you, Mike. Don't give into the "I can't shoot" people.

Hopefully, these are the %s we can stay with for the rest of 2K. And love hearing about moving screens and defense

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# 2 gametyme89 @ 10/13/16 02:17 PM
Can't wait to see how this makes the gameplay better/worse
# 3 The 24th Letter @ 10/13/16 02:18 PM
Pass speeds, moving screens and defense are being looked at as well. And yes, we know about the Relentless Finisher issue. Will fix asap
Music to my ears.
# 4 alabamarob @ 10/13/16 02:21 PM
Sounds good. MB always comes through.
# 5 BornIndy @ 10/13/16 02:30 PM
They need to fix play now online. Some times I play the same team I chose. It's stupid
# 6 vtcrb @ 10/13/16 02:35 PM
Hoping this comes in a Tuner update and Not a patch.
# 7 BluFu @ 10/13/16 02:35 PM
I thought Relentless Finisher was already fixed?
# 8 PhillyIMBlog.com @ 10/13/16 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
I thought Relentless Finisher was already fixed?

Then they broke it... Again

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# 9 Hustle Westbrook @ 10/13/16 02:45 PM
Thank God.
# 10 trekfan @ 10/13/16 03:20 PM
Good. The sooner the better. Honestly, just happy to have some acknowledgment officially that it's coming.
# 11 BezO @ 10/13/16 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by de5m0n
I'll just buy 2k18 in like January next year to avoid this beta test bs.
Contemplating this. I never pre-order games, just in case, but pushing my purchase back after the 2nd patch is starting to sound like a less frustrating option.
# 12 ataman5 @ 10/13/16 04:02 PM
Hopefully as a tune right! Definitely music to my ears..

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# 13 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 10/13/16 04:18 PM
Glad to see 2K is addressing issues in a timely manner. I hope the sliding into position when receiving passes (especially inbound passes) gets addressed.
# 14 juicey79 @ 10/13/16 04:18 PM
Nice....please bring back the music to play during the post game..what's the point of silence when watching highlights from the players...also get rid of rebounds as triggering as a highlight.
# 15 Retropyro @ 10/13/16 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by de5m0n
I'll just buy 2k18 in like January next year to avoid this beta test bs.
Yup. Last time I buy 2K at launch.
# 16 Saro1 @ 10/13/16 04:24 PM
"....after XB gets 1.04"
# 17 bigmike0077 @ 10/13/16 04:33 PM
Have any of the issues in offline modes like MyGm/Myleague been addressed?
# 18 perksg @ 10/13/16 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

Some more tweaks and fixes are coming to NBA 2K17. Gameplay Director Mike Wang, AKA Beluba, has posted some of the details on Twitter. Check them out below.
This is all great but there is so much wrong with NBA2K17. From simple AI malfunctions to umpire screens to a 6-7 PF not being able to back down a 5-9 guard to the catch-up speed on the defense. Fixing the shot meter timing is the least of this game's problems.
# 19 juduking @ 10/13/16 05:41 PM
Please stop giving Sony the patches a week earlier than the other two platforms. Its unprofessional.
# 20 LorenzoDC @ 10/13/16 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by juduking
Please stop giving Sony the patches a week earlier than the other two platforms. Its unprofessional.
They release patches to Sony and MS at the same time, according to what they said when this came up last year. MS apparently just takes longer to approve and deploy them.

I don't know what that seems to happen only for 2K, but that's what we've been told by 2k at least.

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