MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16 patch 1.04 is available now, weighing in at 237 MB, check out the details below and let us know what you are seeing!

UPDATE: The developers are aware of the issues users are reporting. Users are currently reporting the dreaded "Challenge Failed" error, pitch speeds not displaying correctly, and other various online problems.

UPDATE #2: We rolled out some server changes to address the challenge failed messages. Is anyone still getting them?

We will update this post when we get more details.

  • Dynamic Difficulty is now working as intended while batting.
  • The ball trail option will now correctly correspond in-game if set to off, or fade.
  • Several adjustments were made to the auto base running mechanics during offline game-play.
  • Fixed an issue within RTTS while pitching with certain Perks equipped would result in a crash.
  • Corrected the order in which the "Preloading a Throw” and “Double Play” tutorial appear.
  • Following a Year to Year file upload in Road To The Show, the player card stats would display incorrect team and player info. This should now be corrected.
  • Tweaks and adjustments were made to AI behavior and animations that should streamline game-play performance. Areas of adjustment include: Fielders tagging moving base runners, Routes to catch balls, running catch animations, Fielders correctly covering bases on complex double play situations, etc…
  • Within Franchise mode, some generated or additional players were listed as born in “Alaska” instead of their correct place of origin. This should now be corrected and no longer happen.
  • Adjustments made to both online and offline pitcher/reliever energy levels.
  • New scanned heads added to update user’s experience following a year to year file upload.
  • Fixed numerous hangs, crashes, soft locks, etc., reported by the community through the bug reporting tool.
  • Sponsors should now give rewards.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a loss for users who requested a friendly quit at certain times.
  • Resolved a number of freezing, soft locks, instability and crashes during online play.
  • Fixed an issue where a pitch could occasionally change path on its’ way to the plate, shifting from inside the zone to outside the zone within a frame.
  • Addressed an issue under certain circumstances a pitcher would automatically pitch when the batter came out of Batter's Eye Cam.
  • Changes were made to the Batters Eye Cam: How long it can be used, how many times it can be accessed per at bat, etc… This should limit exploits, but keep the feature usable for its’ intended purpose.
  • We’ve shortened the total amount of pause time from 6 minutes to 5 minutes during an online game.
  • The pitchers pitch type interface will now be hidden if the batter is using Guess Pitch or Pitch History (L2 Button). This should help the user who is pitching understand when they can and cannot start the pitching motion.
  • Fixed a bug where the user was not being awarded the “Free Swings” trophy in an Online Home Run Derby if specific operations were being performed.
  • Resolved issues where in game intro/walk-up music would not play properly.
  • Tuned commentary triggers to be more accurate in one-sided games.
  • Reduced the amount of repetitive audio clips for specific players.
  • Fixed an issue where player yells were being disabled through the controller within Road To The Show. An occasional sound burst could also occur during game-play.
  • Various other general bug fixes.
Source - The Show Nation

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 willithome @ 05/02/16 01:28 PM
did they put the season stats on the overlay during the walk up? Or is that still missing after the first at bat?
# 142 countryboy @ 05/02/16 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by willithome
did they put the season stats on the overlay during the walk up? Or is that still missing after the first at bat?
first thing I'm looking for when I get home tonight to play.
# 143 nomo17k @ 05/02/16 01:33 PM
The stolen base issue that tessl refers to is likely the steal success rate being a bit down and not with the OSD.

It's not easy to notice unless you keep track of SB and CS diligently for many games over a long time, but steal success rate is a little down with default sliders (for which SB% would probably be about 50 - 60%).

So, sure you'd still see plenty of both successful and unsuccessful steals, but I in the end SB won't reach about 71% which is the current MLB average. I haven't been able to get SB% well over 50% unless I lower Pitch Speed sliders.

Here's a bug report: http://theshownation.com/bug_reports/13799

But this is for games played mostly by CPU (or in a more attribute-driven environment). If you are manually controlling base stealing, then you might see different result.
# 144 dalger21 @ 05/02/16 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by willithome
did they put the season stats on the overlay during the walk up? Or is that still missing after the first at bat?
It's still missing after the first AB. I believe I read that it's not missing but a decision to do so on their part.
# 145 bcruise @ 05/02/16 01:36 PM
I don't know if anyone's posted here about it yet, so here's what the new fatigue bar looks like:

It is, indeed, much easier to see. Guarantee you this took more time than you think it did to implement, because they've talked numerous times in the past about how difficult it is to make interface changes via patch. It's not something that happens very often, but this was a nice change.
# 146 bcruise @ 05/02/16 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by dalger21
It's still missing after the first AB. I believe I read that it's not missing but a decision to do so on their part.
I just went to a game in the middle of July and, well....

# 147 SoxFan01605 @ 05/02/16 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Guarantee you this took more time than you think it did to implement, because they've talked numerous times in the past about how difficult it is to make interface changes via patch. It's not something that happens very often, but this was a nice change.
Agreed, and while I know it's not exactly the same, this change has me more hopeful for the possibility of getting uniform numbers somewhere on the player card before 17. Might be harder since that would be straight-up addition over changing what's there, but I can dream.
# 148 Turbojugend @ 05/02/16 01:42 PM
SotS still causes a hard crash when trying to delete songs with a large catalog of .mp3s. I'm really hoping for a fix for this somewhere down the road as the only resolution I can find is to reinstall the game and re-import all .mp3s, which as you can imagine takes a lot of time.
# 149 Seancefc @ 05/02/16 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by knich
I assume folks comments are largely directed to online issues. I only play offline. Although there are some frustrating bugs (I have submitted bug reports), with the obvious exception of auto baserunning that made game almost unplayable (hopefully now fixed), I have absolutely loved this version. Despite the auto baserunning issue, I can't stop playing. I can't say same for last year version. I am in mid May playing with two franchises and have played every game for both teams. Graphics are amazing, gameplay is fantastic with couple slider tweaks, commentary is much improved, and SOTS is awesome. And this is not likely the last patch. That said, I think SCEA would do well to release a beta version of game about 1 month before release so bugs can be identified and fixed. We are seeing this more and more with video games. It would solve a lot of issues for you and for them.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
My main concern from feedback is swing/pitch feedback being wildly inaccurate post patch. The only real concerns I had pre-patch were auto base running and the god awful framerate which is completely ruining my enjoyment.

The graphics may be slightly better than last year but it's moot at I'm currently watching the game in a juttery mess. Almost nothing is smooth. I understand not everyone can see the FR issues, maybe it's something to do with a difference in vision, but I can see it the vast majority of cutscenes & often during gameplay.

I had a very popular bug report on the show nation which has been deleted. I've asked for an explaination but I know I'm not going to get one. So you can see why I'm pretty despondent at the moment.

I agree that a delay in the release while the game gets rigorously tested would be in everyone's interest BUT it's all about money these days. Which means there's no way it'd happen.
# 150 Brandwin @ 05/02/16 01:52 PM
Patch downloaded and installed on it's own for me. So am I good to go offline franchise or are issues popping up there as well?
# 151 dalger21 @ 05/02/16 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
I just went to a game in the middle of July and, well....
What about the third AB on?.....
# 152 bcruise @ 05/02/16 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by dalger21
What about the third AB on?.....
Didn't show up for him for his third at-bat. So, not every time. Saying it doesn't happen every at-bat is different from saying "It's still missing after the first at-bat".

That statement led me to believe it wasn't appearing at all. It is, which also means it wasn't a design decision to completely remove it.
# 153 dalger21 @ 05/02/16 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Didn't show up for him for his third at-bat. So, not every time. Saying it doesn't happen every at-bat is different from saying "It's still missing after the first at-bat".

That statement led me to believe it wasn't appearing at all. It is, which also means it wasn't a design decision to completely remove it.
I should have been more clear. It was always random after the first AB and never after the 2nd AB where the stats showed up.
# 154 bcruise @ 05/02/16 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by dalger21
I should have been more clear. It was always random after the first AB and never after the 2nd AB where the stats showed up.
All good man. I didn't see it all pre-patch in season/franchise, so maybe I just had the bad random luck. I only played 3 games that I could call "Real Franchise games" with the full presentation - a lot of my time spent in those modes has been in fast play. I wasn't really looking for it before. Was pretty surprised to see it pop on the first at-bat I checked after fast-forwarding.

Any chance its frequency is related to the 3 different broadcast presentations?
# 155 Armor and Sword @ 05/02/16 02:12 PM
I am going to play several offline franchise games and report back late this evening.
# 156 Smallville102001 @ 05/02/16 02:12 PM
Am I the only one that thinks this years game is great and doesn't understand all the hate the game is getting? I have seen hardly any bugs. Hearing people saying that the game is broken and unpolished is just lol.
# 157 LowerWolf @ 05/02/16 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Brandwin
Patch downloaded and installed on it's own for me. So am I good to go offline franchise or are issues popping up there as well?
I played a game of my dynasty last night and everything was fine. But I haven't really paid much attention to all the issues. Ignorance is bliss in this case, I guess.
# 158 DireStr8s @ 05/02/16 02:19 PM
Dynamic Difficulty notifications are broken now. However you set them it pops up at every at bat.
# 159 baseballsim @ 05/02/16 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
Am I the only one that thinks this years game is great and doesn't understand all the hate the game is getting? I have seen hardly any bugs. Hearing people saying that the game is broken and unpolished is just lol.
In Diamond Dynasty online head to head, at least, none of the base running controls (classic or default) are functioning correctly as of last night. This is a TheShow stopper.
# 160 Armor and Sword @ 05/02/16 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
Am I the only one that thinks this years game is great and doesn't understand all the hate the game is getting? I have seen hardly any bugs. Hearing people saying that the game is broken and unpolished is just lol.
No your not. I also think the game (offline) is fantastic. Some design decisions I am not fond of, and some minor bugs I hope are fixed on this and a future patch.

But overall? It's the best version of The Show I have ever played for offline franchise. No question.

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