MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch stream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
Well here's one Easter Egg I found...'Reggie Stocker' is listed as the Marlins' hitting coach.

# 102 jb12780 @ 03/03/16 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
This is a little thing....that is really big for me.
I can finally throw away the notepad with the save date/time and my own description!

Agreed. Will be nice to tell the difference between 2 different 30 team control files.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
# 103 kehlis @ 03/03/16 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
Well here's one Easter Egg I found...'Reggie Stocker' is listed as the Marlins' hitting coach.
That's brilliant!
# 104 Jgainsey @ 03/03/16 08:17 PM
Nothing new for online franchise is pretty disappointing...

I know the numbers aren't there like they are for offline, but this was really the first year that the game was consistently playable online.

Maybe it would get a little more action if it wasn't a shell of the offline mode, and if players didn't have to jump through hoops and put up with all kinds of weird quirks to keep their online franchises going.

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
# 105 OUSOONERS#1 @ 03/03/16 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Well....not exactly.
MVP didn't make enough money for EA to outbid 2K for the license ....which was obviously a problem for 2K as they couldn't make enough money to keep the game afloat ....
Which is the same as.....baseball games needed to make more money for the companies...which is why DD(although not my mode at all) is actually a blessing for baseball games.....

The other part of your post...well...I was already laughing at this thread...so...

There is no way people play DD more then Franchise and RTTS.. The franchise in this game is so stale and they have said for the last three years there would be an overhaul and every year it's something that hardly gets touched .. Until another company comes along n makes a baseball game will we truely get a full fleshed out game year to year because this team has always catered to the casual gamer that will fork over money by buying there game and by buying packs and stubs .. I'm not saying I don't like the game or that I don't think this team is not great at what they do I jus think they sell out on the casual side of this game to much ..
# 106 Bobhead @ 03/03/16 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by JTommy67
Unless we're talking about a couple of fluke at-bats, increased skill (relative to the opposing pitcher/hitter) is a prerequisite for increased performance. Players most certainly do not simultaneously express both at once; one causes the other, and its the reason that players don't begin exponentially increasing their output. Babe Ruth hitting a home run does not cause him to hit another home run, and doesn't increase his power in any way. The performance on the field is an effect of his skill relative to the pitcher he is facing.

This is fundamental cause-and-effect and has been, traditionally, the foundation of the rating, progression, and performance system. If users seek rewards for their performance, I would think winning more games would be it.

The new relationship is problematic because it creates a circular system. Ratings affect performance, which in turn affect ratings, which then affect performance, etc...All else being equal, it would accelerate progression either upward or downward much like a snowball, for at least some players. Performing well with a less-skilled player would not be just a great season, it would be a move toward changing the very potential arc of the player.

I do not see how the old system of progression is more labor intensive.

I have no problem with this in the RTTS, but in franchise mode...no way. But I guess we'll see how this plays out.
You're missing the point. No one disagrees with you. But what does it matter? The circular/snowball analogy you use is a fallacy. A player that has progressed still has the same chance of regressing the next year. A player that has regressed still has the same chance of progressing the next year.

And no "potential arc" is being changed. The progression and regression are calculated based on the player's current potential. Bryce Harper gains a lot more points after a good year than Ruben Tejada. Bryce Harper loses a lot fewer points after a bad year than Ruben Tejada.

You are right in that real life Babe Ruth does not hit a home run because of another home run he hit, but at the end of the day three events have occurred: 1) he hit a home run, 2) he hit a second home run, 3) he has established himself as a better baseball player.

The order with which those events occur is basically what you are disputing here. That order is of no consequence.

As an aside, regarding your last bit, you misunderstood. The progression in previous games was already tied to performance, just on a smaller scale, via a different methodology. Players that overperformed consistently, realized an increase in potential. The "alternative" system I describe is the one you would presumably want. That is the one that is more labor intensive.

Getting back to the discussion, I challenge you to identify even one difference of consequence, between the following scenarios. The first is the one you are advocating. The second is the one currently produced by The Show '16.

1) Player A is expected to hit 25 HRs. Player A has a 5% chance of improving his abilities and becoming a better baseball player. Player A improves, and goes on to hit 30 HRs, when 25 were expected.

2) Player B is expected to hit 25 HRs. Player B has a 5% chance of overperforming and hitting 30 HRs instead. Player B hits 30 HRs, and realizes an improvement in his abilities

At the end of the season, both players posted seasons equally deviant from their expected norms, both players experienced the same improvements from their ratings, and both players stand the same chance of experiencing further progression or regression in the subsequent year.

Mathematically, functionally, and practically speaking, there is NO identifiable difference between your preference and the current system. You're getting hung up on the psychology and logistics of it all. I understand, because I too am very detail oriented, but I promise you, scientifically speaking, in a video game, it doesn't matter at all.
# 107 ninertravel @ 03/03/16 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by JTommy67
Would be nice if year-to-year roster compatibility was established, but there's been no discussion on it, so apparently not this year.
Once again though it's gonna have the problems with fake players from retried players in the game again making it to much work to edit the players because no import player option
# 108 eric7064 @ 03/03/16 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jgainsey
Nothing new for online franchise is pretty disappointing...

I know the numbers aren't there like they are for offline, but this was really the first year that the game was consistently playable online.

Maybe it would get a little more action if it wasn't a shell of the offline mode, and if players didn't have to jump through hoops and put up with all kinds of weird quirks to keep their online franchises going.

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
Agree . Like you said last year was really the first time it was playable.
# 109 kehlis @ 03/03/16 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by OUSOONERS#1
There is no way people play DD more then Franchise and RTTS.. The franchise in this game is so stale and they have said for the last three years there would be an overhaul and every year it's something that hardly gets touched .. Until another company comes along n makes a baseball game will we truely get a full fleshed out game year to year because this team has always catered to the casual gamer that will fork over money by buying there game and by buying packs and stubs .. I'm not saying I don't like the game or that I don't think this team is not great at what they do I jus think they sell out on the casual side of this game to much ..
I'm not sure you understood his post. He never said or even implied people play DD more than franchise.
# 110 Sco291 @ 03/03/16 08:23 PM
Don't hate on me too much, just me 2 pesos. But I waited weeks in anticipation waiting for some Franchise talk since we got the Schedule of the streams. I know they added some stuff that people wanted and that's great, and I understand they can't please everyone. But to wait weeks for a Franchise stream and then finally watch the stream and only get 30 minutes of what felt like rushed, and at times unenthusiastic franchise info and then BOOM right into the dev tourney....ouch. I don't know. feelsbadman

Also a point I would like to make: For those that play Franchise with budgets turned OFF....for those that don't pay a whole ton of attention to advanced stats....for those that just like to play Franchise for the fun of keeping a team going on through the years, there's nothing really worthwhile except for maybe player morale.

This is a day one buy for me mainly because of SOTS and PBR, but Franchise has been lackluster for years now. They've gotten rid of a few fun, interactive aspects from years past such as ticket prices, vendors, putting players on magazine or TV spots, getting TV contracts, and the newspaper (even though I think the radio show will be much improved from last year).

I guess I just like having more of a say in my FRANCHISE, which sometimes includes non-baseball activities.
# 111 HozAndMoose @ 03/03/16 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Sco291
While they did add some nice features, most would agree it was a bit underwhelming. It seemed like they were almost in a hurry to get through the barely 30 minutes of Franchise talk so they could get onto the tourney games. They just seemed uninterested and even bored at times. But, whatever.

Also a point I would like to make: For those that play Franchise with budgets turned OFF....for those that don't pay a whole ton of attention to advanced stats....for those that just like to play Franchise for the fun of keeping a team going on through the years, there's nothing really worthwhile except for maybe player morale.

This is a day one buy for me mainly because of SOTS and PBR, but Franchise has been lackluster for years now. They've gotten rid of a few fun, interactive aspects from years past such as ticket prices, vendors, putting players on magazine or TV spots, getting TV contracts, and the newspaper (even though I think the radio show will be much improved from last year).

I guess I just like having more of a say in my FRANCHISE, which sometimes includes non-baseball activities. I want to be able to place sponsor ads, buy generated sponsors like years past, etc. The only thing that'll make Franchise seem fresh to me this year will be Sounds of the Show.

Don't hate on me too much, just me 2 pesos.
OOTP may be more up your alley then. Its a damn good game for deep stuff like that.
# 112 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/03/16 08:30 PM
A couple things I noticed. I see there may still be some roster management issues. End of season SEA is carrying 4 catchers and CLE has 14 pitchers.(possibly 13 if the DL player is a pitcher)

PLayers now can play 162 games!!

And you can now tell if a player has been extended a Qualifying Offer.
# 113 baseball_fever @ 03/03/16 08:31 PM
Okay I need something cleared up from the wonderful folks here at OS. (Because I feel like I am getting conflicting reports on this matter)

Let me lay this out as clearly as I can....

At this moment I am playing MLB The Show 15. In season 1 (So the real 2015 schedule) And I am playing with what I believe are the latest OSFM rosters. (Everything accurate minus small things like Ian Desmond still a F/A)

When The Show 16 comes out, I understand that the rosters will be the same as the rosters I am playing with right now on 15. Which I am okay with it, because they are very update anyways, and have ALL the prospects there.

Now things like new stances, new face scans, all previous stats, will they be there when I load in my franchise from MLB 15 over to 16'? And when I finish my 2015 season on The Show 16, will the 2016 schedule be the correct schedule for this coming season?

If any of you have these answers and know 100% that what you are saying is correct, please get back to me. Thanks!

I am just trying to make sure that I am not wasting my time the rest of this month by playing my 2015 franchise on The Show 15.

Thanks guys
# 114 Sco291 @ 03/03/16 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
OOTP may be more up your alley then. Its a damn good game for deep stuff like that.
Haha nah, I've played it. Its fun. I just much prefer The Show
# 115 Skyboxer @ 03/03/16 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by eric7064
I do notice Ramone in this stream has said No Create a Stadium in "MLB 16". Many times. Emphasis on 16. I really think it will be in in MLB 17. The way he says it, it makes me think so.
We'll IF it's not in '17, don't start posting that Ramone led you to believe it was in. .

For me the excitement is pretty much at the peak. Just need release day to get here.
Does the game have everything I want? No. But what's been added to an already great game has me ready to play.
Hopefully I can player lock without having to use RTTS cam. If not then maybe next year.
# 116 tbbuccaneer87 @ 03/03/16 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Sco291
Don't hate on me too much, just me 2 pesos. But I waited weeks in anticipation waiting for some Franchise talk since we got the Schedule of the streams. I know they added some stuff that people wanted and that's great, and I understand they can't please everyone. But to wait weeks for a Franchise stream and then finally watch the stream and only get 30 minutes of what felt like rushed, and at times unenthusiastic franchise info and then BOOM right into the dev tourney....ouch. I don't know. feelsbadman

Also a point I would like to make: For those that play Franchise with budgets turned OFF....for those that don't pay a whole ton of attention to advanced stats....for those that just like to play Franchise for the fun of keeping a team going on through the years, there's nothing really worthwhile except for maybe player morale.

This is a day one buy for me mainly because of SOTS and PBR, but Franchise has been lackluster for years now. They've gotten rid of a few fun, interactive aspects from years past such as ticket prices, vendors, putting players on magazine or TV spots, getting TV contracts, and the newspaper (even though I think the radio show will be much improved from last year).

I guess I just like having more of a say in my FRANCHISE, which sometimes includes non-baseball activities.
I 100% agree. This was the stream I was most excited about, but it has unfortunately been one of the weaker streams. Two things that have killed franchise immersion for me has been scouting and future scheduling. They have made changes to scouting so I'm optimistic it isn't broken this year. I am highly disappointed that future scheduling isn't fixed. It makes me not want to progress in my franchise. I got to season 2 in my Rays' franchise and I only played the Marlins once, but had 7 games with the Phillies lol. It's really unfortunate.
# 117 dran1984 @ 03/03/16 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
A couple things I noticed. I see there may still be some roster management issues. End of season SEA is carrying 4 catchers and CLE has 14 pitchers.(possibly 13 if the DL player is a pitcher)

PLayers now can play 162 games!!

And you can now tell if a player has been extended a Qualifying Offer.
Where did you see this?? I must have missed it.
# 118 Maverick09 @ 03/03/16 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
The point is that the two are now correlated together, which wasn't the case before. You're right in that the concept doesn't make sense from a logical perspective, but if you take a step back you'll realize that doesn't really matter.

In real life, a player occasionally gets better AND has a great year. Regardless of the order, the point is that the two things happen concurrently.

Again, I agree with you on the semantics, but this observation of yours has no real functional effect on the game. Even if they did it the "proper" way (which would be far more labor intensive), the net result would be exactly the same: a system that produces busts and surprise superstars, and translates those occurrences into actual changes in performance..
I'm just scared of the positive feedback this will have on the player ratings while simulating into the future. He hit poorly against lefties, therefore his ratings drop, therefore he will likely continue to hit poorly against lefties, therefore his ratings drop, etc...

I really hope this was tested and calibrated before it was implemented. I really don't want to see the same issue as last year where the pitcher's in the game progressed at ridiculous rates because of performance driven progression.
# 119 sydrogerdavid @ 03/03/16 08:44 PM
Did they answer if the playoff eligible roster rules were updated to all players on the 40 man roster?
# 120 ninertravel @ 03/03/16 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by baseball_fever
Okay I need something cleared up from the wonderful folks here at OS. (Because I feel like I am getting conflicting reports on this matter)

Let me lay this out as clearly as I can....

At this moment I am playing MLB The Show 15. In season 1 (So the real 2015 schedule) And I am playing with what I believe are the latest OSFM rosters. (Everything accurate minus small things like Ian Desmond still a F/A)

When The Show 16 comes out, I understand that the rosters will be the same as the rosters I am playing with right now on 15. Which I am okay with it, because they are very update anyways, and have ALL the prospects there.

Now things like new stances, new face scans, all previous stats, will they be there when I load in my franchise from MLB 15 over to 16'? And when I finish my 2015 season on The Show 16, will the 2016 schedule be the correct schedule for this coming season?

If any of you have these answers and know 100% that what you are saying is correct, please get back to me. Thanks!

I am just trying to make sure that I am not wasting my time the rest of this month by playing my 2015 franchise on The Show 15.

Thanks guys

It wil carry over but any players that have retried or no longer going to play in MLB 16 will be fake players, this is the BIG issue I have with not having import player option it creates days of work if you want to have year to year saves

You wont have updated portraits either doing it this way for example Kris Bryant

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