They mentioned on stream that offline/online franchise was a numbers game because of different codebases. 45k playing online, 500k playing offline. Priority went to offline.
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only relaying what was said on stream.
They mentioned on stream that offline/online franchise was a numbers game because of different codebases. 45k playing online, 500k playing offline. Priority went to offline.
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only relaying what was said on stream.
Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean you should use such hyperbole. They added quite a few things.
They talked about the mode for literally 30mins and started playing a tournament. That's just disappointing and the fact that so many things are left out of the mode like non-roster invites, contract extensions, 3 team trades, trades that involve cash or draft picks. Visually the game is beautiful but the one mode that needs a lot of attn to be more realistic was basically left alone. The player morale thing is alright but I don't consider it as important as the other things I listed above.
While I would have liked to see more little things added I think you guys are underestimating things.
I am mixed about the progression. I love that individual attributes can increase/decrease all seperately. I am not sure how to feel about the progression being tied more to stats from the previous year. It will take a lot of franchise testing which I know people will be doing when the game comes out here. I do think previous year stats should impact progression but not the only thing or the greatest thing. It all depends how much it is weighed, from the examples they gave it looked pretty heavy.
I like how franchise is more dynamic and emergent with more things to consider in team building. Like the player morale affecting contracts, that is a great idea.
I asked if player awards are in player cards but didn't get asked. I wonder if the awards from past seasons are tracked anywhere in franchise.
Overall my satisfaction level is =) The presentation improvements showing/talking about stats from the current season and past seasons is a huge addition to franchise, as well as all the gameplay improvements. The Show is worth $60 every year I've played it.
Nice they improved pitcher stamina for 4 man rotations in playoffs!
They talked about the mode for literally 30mins and started playing a tournament. That's just disappointing and the fact that so many things are left out of the mode like non-roster invites, contract extensions, 3 team trades, trades that involve cash or draft picks. Visually the game is beautiful but the one mode that needs a lot of attn to be more realistic was basically left alone. The player morale thing is alright but I don't consider it as important as the other things I listed above.
Confirmed, non-roster invitees are not in the game. Ramone played me big time and gave my hopes up when I tweeted him about it the other day. I am not a happy person right now.
Also, someone asked if Jeff Bannister was in the game. They replied "If they have played a game in the big leagues and are in the MLBPA." (basically saying they didn't know if he was a new player)
Like really, he's a second-year manager? Terrible. I am extremely mad about all of this.
Yes, yes it has. MLB14-15 focus was DD. MLB15-16 focus was DD. They got the most changes by FAR.
These card games are KILLING sports games. This has nothing to do with if you like Ultimate team or DD or not. It makes the company money, RTTS and Franchise does not. Its simple as that. So it makes sense they spend most time on that.
Yes Franchise is underwhelming. If DD was not in the game at all what would those resources be focused on? RTTS and Franchise would.
You're the best thanks. Big issue on my mind. Glad they tuned it up.
Thanks again
It was my biggest issue last year. Having to take a pitcher out in the 5th at times just to make sure he was going to be able to make the next start on time. It was just terrible.
Confirmed, non-roster invitees are not in the game. Ramone played me big time and gave my hopes up when I tweeted him about it the other day. I am not a happy person right now.
Also, someone asked if Jeff Bannister was in the game. They replied "If they have played a game in the big leagues and are in the MLBPA." (basically saying they didn't know if he was a new player)
Like really, he's a second-year manager? Terrible. I am extremely mad about all of this.
Off the top of my head I didn't remember he was a manager. So who cares that they forgot?