MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch stream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 OUSOONERS#1 @ 03/03/16 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by eric7064
No a horrible game killed 2k. For MVP I cant speak on.

I know it make them money. I'm not saying that its a bad thing. The minute one pack is bought by anyone it makes them more money then franchise does. These $100 dollar plus games only happen because of DD.

That does not take away the fact that most improvements by far for 2 years in a row have gone to DD, yet OS is a very franchise dedicated fanbase and as you can see by many responses, people are underwhelmed. They have been teasing a franchise overhaul for 3+ years now, when is it going to happen?
Only reason MVP went away is because of exclusives not because it didn't make money .. MVP to me has still not been replaced as top console baseball game nit saying it didn't have problems but the Show only has it beat in Graphics only and that's sad really .. I agree DD is there money mode !!!
# 82 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/03/16 07:56 PM
I'm just not all that thrilled with the player morale thing. I just cat shake this feeling that players are going to be impossible to keep happy or satisfied.
# 83 Boozers @ 03/03/16 07:57 PM
I can understand the viewpoint on DD but why would this mode take away hours of dev time?
# 84 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Boozers
I can understand the viewpoint on DD but why would this mode take away hours of dev time?
Personnel ....which is equal to man hours...so same thing.
But....that doesn't mean that without DD....they wouldn't have less devs working on the game...which could be the same amount of devs on franchise anyway.

# 85 JTommy67 @ 03/03/16 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
The point is that the two are now correlated together, which wasn't the case before. You're right in that the concept doesn't make sense from a logical perspective, but if you take a step back you'll realize that doesn't really matter.

In real life, a player occasionally gets better AND has a great year. Regardless of the order, the point is that the two things happen concurrently.

Again, I agree with you on the semantics, but this observation of yours has no real functional effect on the game. Even if they did it the "proper" way (which would be far more labor intensive), the net result would be exactly the same: a system that produces busts and surprise superstars, and translates those occurrences into actual changes in performance..
Unless we're talking about a couple of fluke at-bats, increased skill (relative to the opposing pitcher/hitter) is a prerequisite for increased performance. Players most certainly do not simultaneously express both at once; one causes the other, and its the reason that players don't begin exponentially increasing their output. Babe Ruth hitting a home run does not cause him to hit another home run, and doesn't increase his power in any way. The performance on the field is an effect of his skill relative to the pitcher he is facing.

This is fundamental cause-and-effect and has been, traditionally, the foundation of the rating, progression, and performance system. If users seek rewards for their performance, I would think winning more games would be it.

The new relationship is problematic because it creates a circular system. Ratings affect performance, which in turn affect ratings, which then affect performance, etc...All else being equal, it would accelerate progression either upward or downward much like a snowball, for at least some players. Performing well with a less-skilled player would not be just a great season, it would be a move toward changing the very potential arc of the player.

I do not see how the old system of progression is more labor intensive.

I have no problem with this in the RTTS, but in franchise mode...no way. But I guess we'll see how this plays out.
# 86 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by OUSOONERS#1
Only reason MVP went away is because of exclusives not because it didn't make money .. MVP to me has still not been replaced as top console baseball game nit saying it didn't have problems but the Show only has it beat in Graphics only and that's sad really .. I agree DD is there money mode !!!
Well....not exactly.
MVP didn't make enough money for EA to outbid 2K for the license ....which was obviously a problem for 2K as they couldn't make enough money to keep the game afloat ....
Which is the same as.....baseball games needed to make more money for the companies...which is why DD(although not my mode at all) is actually a blessing for baseball games.....

The other part of your post...well...I was already laughing at this thread...so...

# 87 gharp14 @ 03/03/16 08:05 PM
Quick thoughts
1. Player morale is a great addition. Anytime you can make franchise more dynamic through progression and free agency, it's a good thing. Also makes each case player more unique.
However after that, I was not that impressed. Career stats is not a main feature. That should be in the very first version of the show 10 years ago and you didn't even add awards in. Improved logic, call ups, etc is not a new feature. Those are basic parts of a franchise and is a copout to even mention that those are new features. Also love how Andrew Miller signs a free agent deal and then is traded immediately afterwords. "New logic" my ***

Day 1 purchase and the game obviously looks better but the improvements in franchise are beyond pathetic
# 88 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by JTommy67
Unless we're talking about a couple of fluke at-bats, increased skill (relative to the opposing pitcher/hitter) is a prerequisite for increased performance. Players most certainly do not simultaneously express both at once; one causes the other, and its the reason that players don't begin exponentially increasing their output. Babe Ruth hitting a home run does not cause him to hit another home run, and doesn't increase his power in any way. The performance on the field is an effect of his skill relative to the pitcher he is facing.

This is fundamental cause-and-effect and has been, traditionally, the foundation of the rating, progression, and performance system. If users seek rewards for their performance, I would think winning more games would be it.

The new relationship is problematic because it creates a circular system. Ratings affect performance, which in turn affect ratings, which then affect performance, etc...All else being equal, it would accelerate progression either upward or downward much like a snowball, for at least some players. Performing well with a less-skilled player would not be just a great season, it would be a move toward changing the very potential arc of the player.

I do not see how the old system of progression is more labor intensive.

I have no problem with this in the RTTS, but in franchise mode...no way. But I guess we'll see how this plays out.
I agree.
This doesn't really enthuse me much.
I'd like to see how it plays out....but I guess that whole...."stats need to drive progression" thread got a little too much attention.
Thanks guys!

# 89 Bobhead @ 03/03/16 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Boozers
I can understand the viewpoint on DD but why would this mode take away hours of dev time?
That's just the go-to rationale these days.

baaaaa how dare these darned daveyleppers spend any time or effort on some munny grubbin nonsense like [mode] when they really need to focus on [insert my favorite mode here]!
# 90 ninertravel @ 03/03/16 08:07 PM
so no impornt player into franchise?

I hope the CPU roster control fix works because thats gonna have to be used to get rosters done fast
# 91 countryboy @ 03/03/16 08:10 PM
Kinda bummed at no new minor league ballparks. But I'll take the classics this year in place of them.
# 92 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by ninertravel
so no impornt player into franchise?

I hope the CPU roster control fix works because thats gonna have to be used to get rosters done fast
Yes....we actually knew that weeks ago though......

Praying the CPU R.C. is still in!
Yikes if not!!

# 93 jb12780 @ 03/03/16 08:10 PM
I like that you can name your save files now.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
# 94 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Kinda bummed at no new minor league ballparks. But I'll take the classics this year in place of them.
How about Spring Training Parks?....I missed a lot of the stream.

# 95 JTommy67 @ 03/03/16 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Yes....we actually knew that weeks ago though......

Praying the CPU R.C. is still in!
Yikes if not!!


Would be nice if year-to-year roster compatibility was established, but there's been no discussion on it, so apparently not this year.
# 96 Knight165 @ 03/03/16 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by jb12780
I like that you can name your save files now.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

This is a little thing....that is really big for me.
I can finally throw away the notepad with the save date/time and my own description!

# 97 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/03/16 08:12 PM
Well here's one Easter Egg I found...'Reggie Stocker' is listed as the Marlins' hitting coach.
# 98 bcruise @ 03/03/16 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
Well here's one Easter Egg I found...'Reggie Stocker' is listed as the Marlins' hitting coach.
Man, only us longtime Show players are gonna get that one...makes me feel old.
# 99 countryboy @ 03/03/16 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
How about Spring Training Parks?....I missed a lot of the stream.

I'm just now watching the stream.
# 100 JTommy67 @ 03/03/16 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
Well here's one Easter Egg I found...'Reggie Stocker' is listed as the Marlins' hitting coach.

I bet he files a lawsuit.

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