NBA Live 16 News Post

The NBA Live 16 demo is available now for Xbox One gamers and is scheduled to release at 1:00 PM ET for PlayStation 4. We will update this post when it officially arrives on the PS Store.

UPDATE: It's now 2:00 PM ET, no sign of the demo on PS4, we will post when it is available.

UPDATE: The NBA Live 16 demo is available now on PS4. Click here if you can't find it.

The demo includes the new LIVE Pro-Am mode, featuring both the competitive LIVE Run and cooperative Summer Circuit. For those of you looking for an offline experience you can play exhibition games in Tip-Off mode. Users can choose from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Oklahoma City Thunder, Golden St. Warriors, Washington Wizards, Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Clippers. Players can adjust sliders, difficulty level, play up to 12 minute quarters and more. It also includes tutorials.

Download it, play it and post your impressions.

Game: NBA Live 16Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
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Member Comments
# 581 Mintsa @ 09/23/15 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
It's weird that I never see anyone else rated 80 online. Do you guys? I'm currently at 80 with my post scoring center.

I have to say man, Pro Am made me late this morning...you find the right group of guys and it is a LOT of fun.
I agree. I'm all in on raked H2H games. Thats my thing. But this Pro-Am thing is nice when you play with good players. It be nice if you could form teams and search/find matches together.

It was funny, the other night I was running some Pro-Am and I could actually see the exact moment when 2 of my teammates said in there minds "holy crap that little guy is passing and trying to get us open looks".
# 582 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/23/15 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
It's weird that I never see anyone else rated 80 online. Do you guys? I'm currently at 80 with my post scoring center.

I have to say man, Pro Am made me late this morning...you find the right group of guys and it is a LOT of fun.
I've seen a lot of ppl rated 80 online . Not many bigs though . I gotta give it to live they definitely encouraged diversity in height and positions
# 583 Earl1963 @ 09/23/15 03:28 PM
Is there a way to turn the music off in pro am?

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# 584 logieuk @ 09/24/15 07:46 AM
Got the demo when it came out for PS4 in the UK, played for a few mins and thought "Hell no, delete that ****"

Bought XB1 5 days ago and thought last night "lets try NBA see how it looks and feels on this system" I found the game much better.

Maybe the demo has been updated I don't know, but the game flowed well and was like a proper BBall game, certain players doing what they do irl
# 585 Macs Power @ 09/24/15 08:16 AM
If there is two things I've notice playing the demo (offline) it's that

1) Playing with the Clippers is easily the most entertaining out of the 6 teams provided

2) DeAndre and Blake dunk all day. Once a lob is thrown they in the air. It's crazy
# 586 11anthony @ 09/24/15 09:17 AM
Is it just me or has the jump shooting fouls has been nerfed a bit compare to Live 15?

I remember on Live 15 the game would punish you for closing too hard on jump shooters because you will end up fouling the player. I've play a few 5-10 games offline and have yet to witness a foul on jump shooters when the CPU or I try to contest a shot aggressively.
# 587 Mintsa @ 09/24/15 09:34 AM
I have a new friend....this friends name is Live run !

I'm surprisingly loving this mode. It's fast, quick pick up play. Not too serious but just competitive enough to make you keep coming back.

Anyone that plays rec ball in real life, this mode hits a little chord with you.
# 588 Macs Power @ 09/24/15 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by 11anthony
Is it just me or has the jump shooting fouls has been nerfed a bit compare to Live 15?

I remember on Live 15 the game would punish you for closing too hard on jump shooters because you will end up fouling the player. I've play a few 5-10 games offline and have yet to witness a foul on jump shooters when the CPU or I try to contest a shot aggressively.
Definitely been nerfed. I've even seen a block now and again from jump shots. I've also fouled a jump shooter twice so it's kinda there
# 589 mrprice33 @ 09/24/15 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Macs Power
Definitely been nerfed. I've even seen a block now and again from jump shots. I've also fouled a jump shooter twice so it's kinda there
I have the jump shooting foul up to 100 and I see about 1 per game or so on 12 minute quarters
# 590 WTF @ 09/24/15 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by mrprice33
I have the jump shooting foul up to 100 and I see about 1 per game or so on 12 minute quarters
They've got to tweak that. It was great early last year. You felt like you had to play good defense, but not overly aggressive. I loved that aspect.
# 591 The 24th Letter @ 09/24/15 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by WTF
They've got to tweak that. It was great early last year. You felt like you had to play good defense, but not overly aggressive. I loved that aspect.

It was love/hate for me...can't remember if it was after an update.....You would get some fouls from doing a regular standing contest, lol

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# 592 WTF @ 09/24/15 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
It was love/hate for me...can't remember if it was after an update.....You would get some fouls from doing a regular standing contest, lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, lol, I think that was post update. Early on, if you'd hit their arm, or your momentum carried you into them, foul. And the animations that played out were really well done IMO.

Then, they tweajed, and you saw some phantom fouls, lol
# 593 shaybeezy @ 09/24/15 03:18 PM
Hey fellas,

When I started up the demo this morning on my PS4, I kept getting an error message and it would kick me out. I decided to check for update, it said the demo was up to date. I went to restart again, still errors. I deleted and now I am trying to re-install. Will all my progress from my Pro-Am be there, points etc? Thank you.
# 594 Mintsa @ 09/24/15 03:26 PM
Can you change camera angles in pro-am ?
# 595 WTF @ 09/24/15 03:50 PM
Yes, you can.
# 596 Macs Power @ 09/24/15 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by mrprice33
I have the jump shooting foul up to 100 and I see about 1 per game or so on 12 minute quarters
I haven't changed any of the sliders yet. Guess I'll give it a shot later and see how it goes from there
# 597 Philstat @ 09/25/15 04:10 PM
Man this board is dead today...
# 598 pdawg17 @ 09/25/15 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Philstat
Man this board is dead today...
Well I know some of the reason is people are too busy bitching on the other board about install times, buying wins and no player highlights lol

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# 599 Haval93 @ 09/26/15 04:05 AM
My impressions so far of the demo are very mixed. On one hand, it's a solid improvement over Live 15 in some areas, but on the other hand the game needs a ton of work still. For game play, animation quality, quantity, context and collision detection are the weak points. There are still horrid animations in the game that make no sense in context to the current situation and just look horrible. I run into these animations way too much. Collision detection also needs to be fixed, too many times do players just push other players out the way, or when a player actually stops another, it's a pre-determined animation and not a dynamic one. I am tried of seeing the pre-determined(canned animation) dunk on animations. I also am seeing a ton of sliding on dunks and dribbling moves. I thought "Live-Motion and Ragdoll physics" were suppose to fix these problems. As far as the positives, the dribble hand-off mechanic and Pro-Am are nice, but one game play feature and one mode aren't going to keep me coming back to the game.

Hopefully "next year" we see real and actual improvements to overall game play and an improved presentation suite(Same for the past three years), and more depth to features(Same last three years with exception of Pro-Am). As of now, the NBA Live team has lost my support with the past three years of fumbling around trying to establish an identity. Myself and many others are tried of hearing "potential" for this series, they have had plenty of time, man-power, and resources and yet an overall great product has yet to be released. Just my two cents.
# 600 Flightwhite24 @ 09/26/15 05:42 AM
Just got a quick game in with the new update just to see if I noticed any improvements. To be totally honest other than the Russell face update which by the way is really bad, looks nothing like him. I didn't notice any difference.

I played the Spurs and it was still either drive to the paint or the 3. What really made me end up turning it off was the picture I'm about to post. Kawhi shooting at the other basket. Twice now I've seen it.

I wish I was more of a online gamer and then this game would probably be a keeper. Still a great deal of work for EA to do with this title imo.

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