NBA Live 16 News Post

EA Sports has confirmed on their official Facebook page that NBA Live 16 will not feature NBA player or roster editing. That means, no accessory changes, no player rating adjustments, no changing jersey numbers, etc...

Maybe it gets patched in later? Maybe not, but this is not a good sign.

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Member Comments
# 61 cthurt @ 08/14/15 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
Because that's what people mostly play now a days . I'm not making excuses for them but online play is a priority . You got famous you tubers and twitters (tweeters) considering the game because of the pro am. What if they left off pro am and just added editing options. Who the hell would buy the game outside of a few.

Again not excusing this just pointing out some things

The highlighted part of your statement scares the hell out of me, because it is basically saying no one would buy a NBA game just for the NBA part of the game. Looking like my gaming days are numbered.
# 62 WaddupCouzin @ 08/14/15 01:06 PM
I haven't purchased Live in years, I play the other game, but it takes at least 5 years to have a fully functioning realized game. You have to give this Dev team some time and pray they don't uproot the team at the first sign of trouble cause you might have to go back to the drawing board again. If you're a Live fan, you have to exercise patience.

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# 63 WTF @ 08/14/15 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
Told you guys I'm worried about sliders. Things were promised would be in the game n still aren't.
Sliders are definitely in, and work.

You guys have myself, price, and a slew of others who know what a big deal this is, and keep it at the forefront in out discussions.

This year, a ton of resources were spent on the new modes. It doesn't necessarily mean that they didn't listen, but moreso didn't have the time to get in implemented right.

It was mentioned earlier, but outside of OS, Crew and Myplayer type modes are a huge driving force.

Download the free demo, take the gameplay for a spin though. I think guys will be pleased with the gameplay. It's not a "fix" for the desire of editing, but the need to edit as much won't be as big of a deal as it would have been in years past. Same with playbooks. Some of the interviews mentioned the team specific playbooks.

All of the things that they did add, will add up to a really nice game of NBA basketball.
# 64 The 24th Letter @ 08/14/15 01:19 PM
I know you guys got us WTF....you know I'll be checking in with you about some other things soon too, lol

I personally still plan on getting the game myself, just disappointed....thought this was a no brainer this year...

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# 65 noshun @ 08/14/15 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by WaddupCouzin
If you're a Live fan, you have to exercise patience.

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Tell this to the shareholders. Live barely sells. How much money can EA keep dumping into this side project called NBA Live, and see little returns. This series is a money sink. Going by VGChartz (not the end all be all):

Combined sells of Live 14 & 15 = 560,000 copies
Combined sells of 2k14 & 2k15 = 11.88 mil

If the same numbers were to apply to this year(from 15) for the 16 series, Live would just be under or close to 1 mil combined, while 2k would be closing close to 20 mil.
Yes we as NBA gaming fans, and specifically Live fans patience has run out, or been overlapped with new 3 yr plans, and apology letters. Wishlist items still haven't made the cut, and they've been on multi yr wishlist threads.. beyond ridiculous.
This year will be a telling year for this series. EA knows they have to get this game in as many hands as possible, so they can get to your wallet with LUT transactions. I doubt will see much advertising for this as a cost saving maneuver, and as always I will def demo and play that for my Live fix if that.
# 66 bateman11 @ 08/14/15 01:30 PM
I don't necessarily believe this had anything to do with lack of time or resources. If it was hard to implement, it wouldn't have been in the game for 15+ years. For some reason, EA wants us to rely on them for roster updates/changes of any kind. It's like they don't want us digging around in their grounds. I'm curious to know the reason.

I'm disappointed. It's not a game breaker, just really limits our experience with the game. If I want to play a game with Kobe and LeBron on the same team, I don't have the ability to do that. As a gamer, those fictional, what-if scenarios are at the heart of the entire experience! Come on EA. This is BOGUS.
# 67 Haval93 @ 08/14/15 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by noshun
Tell this to the shareholders. Live barely sells. How much money can EA keep dumping into this side project called NBA Live, and see little returns. This series is a money sink. Going by VGChartz (not the end all be all):

Combined sells of Live 14 & 15 = 560,000 copies
Combined sells of 2k14 & 2k15 = 11.88 mil

If the same numbers were to apply to this year(from 15) for the 16 series, Live would just be under or close to 1 mil combined, while 2k would be closing close to 20 mil.
Yes we as NBA gaming fans, and specifically Live fans patience has run out, or been overlapped with new 3 yr plans, and apology letters. Wishlist items still haven't made the cut, and they've been on multi yr wishlist threads.. beyond ridiculous.
This year will be a telling year for this series. EA knows they have to get this game in as many hands as possible, so they can get to your wallet with LUT transactions. I doubt will see much advertising for this as a cost saving maneuver, and as always I will def demo and play that for my Live fix if that.
EA's stock is at an all time and will continue to rise after Battlefronts release. I could see Live 16 selling a million copies this year. Lots of positive feedback from around the internet and lots of people wanting them to succeed. Even if Live doesn't sell a million copies, I could see EA doubling the resources for the game because of the large market of the NBA.
# 68 WaddupCouzin @ 08/14/15 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Haval93
EA's stock is at an all time and will continue to rise after Battlefronts release. I could see Live 16 selling a million copies this year. Lots of positive feedback from around the internet and lots of people wanting them to succeed. Even if Live doesn't sell a million copies, I could see EA doubling the resources for the game because of the large market of the NBA.
Considering their recent sales, I'm sure they would see one million as a step in the right direction, but I don't think it's enough to "double down" at this point. Not when the comp is selling 5-7 million.

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# 69 RayRay34 @ 08/14/15 01:47 PM
Here is my take on all of this.... EA's deal with synergy doesn't allow them to put editing in a game. That's the only reason Live doesn't have editing. It's not that it's hard to do its because Synergy won't let them. Madden has editing, 2k has editing, PES has editing, WWE has editing, heck even a small company game like super mega baseball has editing...... I don't think it's something they can't do technically I think it's something they can't to contractually. That's my own opinion on this whole mess.. Disappointed, very very disappointed.
# 70 Hassan Darkside @ 08/14/15 01:52 PM
Disappointing news and I won't buy because of this, but I'm sure Pro-Am and online play is a much bigger selling point to the general gaming community than roster editing. I think our community would be happy with that over Pro-Am, but we're just a minority of gamers.

Also, before y'all shade the Devs too much, I posted this in a Madden thread a while back, still relevant.

Taken from a former developer onreddit a few weeks ago.

As a former developer, there's a lot of things I wish gamers knew. Here are some of those things...

Game engines help, but every game is essentially made from scratch

Game Engines like Unreal and Unity can reduce the load, but they also add a layer of complexity to your codebase, and some walls that you have no ability to customize. Ever wonder why so many UE 3 games feel really similar? Because making changes to some of those base elements was considered too costly for the development team to do. (Read as: someone would need to completely read, understand, and extend the Unreal Engine without breaking EVERYTHING)

Code and assets can be shared between projects, and occasionally teams. However, usually enough time has passed between when the code was poorly written at 2 AM to meet a deadline a year ago that nobody really remembers/knows why it was written that way. Time to rebuild it and reinvent the wheel, or ignore it and hope there isn't a bug.

Think this is only reserved for ****ty developers? It isn't. Unless a dev team has all of its original members, with all genius-level brain capacity, and none of them ever took a break from developing they will not remember what everything does, and waste time relearning stuff and integrating it into a new game.

Better graphics = higher budget

Everyone is loving those new Unreal 4 screenshots. So realistic. Did you know that Epic Games spends months with a large team just to create each demo? And the demos are usually one-and-done scripted scenes to prove out a concept, not a complete game.

Ever wonder why so many games have been getting released in a semi-broken state? Because many studios are not committing the correct amount of time and resources to provide the content at advertised quality. Development is far more expensive and time consuming than you could ever imagine.

A common phrase for developers is:
“The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time”

One feature change/addition can require several hundred hours or more of testing

Large AAA studios have QA teams that outnumber the dev team, usually by a large margin. Any time the code is changed you have 3 possible outcomes:
  1. The game is broken, everyone stop working and find out why
  2. The game MAY be broken, upwards of a hundred people need to be mobilized to retest absolutely everything in the game
  3. Just kidding, there’s only 2 options. Stop dreaming.

You may think additions to the pause screen would be a quick change with no consequences on the rest of the game...until it breaks the game. You may think the player customization should have no effect on the final boss battle…. until it breaks the game. You may think an artist can add content to a level with no adverse effects….until it breaks the game. Starting to get the idea? I’ve seen development come to a halt for the most trivial of changes that you would be shocked any game was ever finished.

Game studios are like group projects in college

Remember all those fond memories you have of getting assigned into groups in your English 101 class? Remember how awesome it is to do group projects? Game development is like that. It is EXACTLY like that. Imagine a group project where 5 people need to write sections of a creative writing assignment in a Word document together. That’s EXACTLY like game development assuming some of the members are not native-English speakers.

Sometimes a game is a failure because of poor management. You would be surprised how many talented and passionate people are in the industry. Poor management can ultimately sink a talented team almost every time.

Every game is just smoke and mirrors with known defects when it's shipped

I remember a simpler time, before I began my game development career, where I bitched about developers failing to add accurate collisions to character props, or pieces of trees, etc. I remember complaining about the lack of realism in character faces, or hair, or anything. Guess what? Almost none of those things I mentioned are created or placed in a game by programmers. These things will almost NEVER be right no matter how many developers you throw at a game, or how long they develop. There are usually so many higher priority problems with a game at the end, that spending time on these minor issues is viewed as a waste of money, time, and energy.

Artists and designers generally spend the end of a development cycle by figuratively putting rugs over the cracks in the floor, and hanging paintings over holes in the walls. This is called polish. Great artists and designers can sometimes make a mediocre game feel nearly perfect, but it’s all done at the end, and only if there is time and money for it. The work done here is what people praise more than anything, and is the least important and poorly planned part of the project.

No game has ever finished early

No game has ever finished early. There just isn’t enough time to fix everything. If you gave a development team hundred years to make a game, they would take a hundred years and complain about running out of time at the end. The reasons for this are varied:
  • Developers generally schedule the project based on the amount of time allowed in an attempt to maximize the output from a team
  • Nothing ever goes exactly to plan, leaving management with a load of tough problems to solve, and pushing the team past internal deadlines
  • As the complexity of the project increases, the difficulty and time involved with testing and fixing issues increases disproportionately. You have to test the combination of features as well as the feature by itself on the off chance that some edge case bricks the game.
  • Given more time, developers unleash their ambitions and elect to make larger and more complicated systems with more attention to detail. Nobody ever says “Ok, I think we have the perfect ___.” and never looks at it again.

No developer is scamming you to get your money

Game developers love their jobs. They’d have to or else they would be suicidal. With the amount of training and knowledge required to be a successful developer, there are about a thousand other jobs you could take that pay better, and give you less stress. They want to be universally successful, entertain the masses, and be recognized for their work. This is not an environment where people want to half-*** something for the sake of a paycheck.

The reason some of these games end up being ****ty is usually because of investors, publishers, and MBAs. These people are not developers, and they view the development cycle as a business investment. They do not make decisions for the love of the community, they make decisions for their bottom line. Unfortunately, the larger a game budget needs to be, the more important people like investors and publishers become. By pushing things towards high-end graphics, the consumer is forcing non-developers into the process, and destroying their own games.
# 71 sportsfan1976 @ 08/14/15 02:00 PM
Well 2K has already won SMH
# 72 mrprice33 @ 08/14/15 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
Told you guys I'm worried about sliders. Things were promised would be in the game n still aren't.

Sliders are definitely in the game.

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# 73 WaddupCouzin @ 08/14/15 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Hassan Darkside
Disappointing news and I won't buy because of this, but I'm sure Pro-Am and online play is a much bigger selling point to the general gaming community than roster editing. I think our community would be happy with that over Pro-Am, but we're just a minority of gamers.

Also, before y'all shade the Devs too much, I posted this in a Madden thread a while back, still relevant.

Taken from a former developer onreddit a few weeks ago.
Good read, Thanks for posting.

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# 74 mrprice33 @ 08/14/15 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
The highlighted part of your statement scares the hell out of me, because it is basically saying no one would buy a NBA game just for the NBA part of the game. Looking like my gaming days are numbered.

No, it means people don't necessarily buy the game for editing. It's big here, especially for the tweakers and what-not, but most people don't even go into those areas of the game.

It sucks that it's not available, and we have stressed the importance of it, but for whatever reason they haven't gotten it implemented yet. They've had other priorities. Which, again, isn't great if that's the only reason you buy these games, but I do think we all have to understand that people buy games for different reasons.

Me? I'm getting both games and I'll find something worthwhile in each of them, which hasn't been possible since Live 10

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# 75 @marcusjiles @ 08/14/15 02:16 PM
I hate using this word while we're here talking about video games that nobody is making anyone buy.


This is unacceptable.

I guess all that means is simply not buying the game if that's what it means for you.

But my goodness, the amount of heat they took last year for this, then basically promising it would be in.

It's quite shocking. I dont want to hear anything about Synergy - it's been a failure for 2 yrs.

It's one of the key essential basic features in a sports game in 2015.

# 76 iLLWiLL @ 08/14/15 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by bo.jangles344
Come on guys. I understand that this community especially is known for their dedication to carefully look at sliders and tendencies and accessories to try and make these games play better.

But you guys are acting very poorly to keep this interaction with these devs at this level of involvement.

I guarantee that if they do release gameplay footage and it plays well you'll all be back on the hype train.

Let's see what they have as a game first.

I haven't played live since it came back out, I'm not a fanboy so don't think of if that way.

But Mr price and wtf have been very patient with us and answered more questions than the competition has at this point.

I'm still holding out for gameplay.

It's not a dealbreaker for me, I will still be buying the game day one because I believe they have made a good deal of improvements & advancements.

But I can't be mad at anyone whom this is a dealbreaker for. Customization is a very big thing for sports gamers and EA has once again underestimated its importance.
# 77 jyoung @ 08/14/15 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
For some reason these companies think everything wants to play these my player modes smh. im beyond livid! Guess it's another year of mut for me because I refuse to play dynasty without editing.
I don't know if EA ever mentioned anything about their mode usage rates in NBA Live 15, but in NBA 2K15's case, My Player has actually been their most-played mode by quite a bit for a few years now. That's why Visual Concepts has been going all out and completely rewriting their My Player story every year, and it's why they continue to spend big bucks on developing features like face-scanning and signing high-priced people like Spike Lee to work on the mode.

It's true that most people on OS still just want to play offline franchise with normal NBA teams (we've run tons of polls over the years, and those results haven't changed yet). But you have to remember that OS represents only a small percentage of the people who play sports games. Most of the people playing basketball games just want to see a virtual version of themselves putting up a triple double every night for their favorite NBA team.
# 78 jwired21 @ 08/14/15 02:22 PM
Thanks for the update. The game went from being a probable purchase to an easy NO.
# 79 The 24th Letter @ 08/14/15 02:34 PM
While there's no question MyPlayer\ Be a Pro modes are the dominant modes these days...

I just don't if THAT many of the 'create yourself, put your self on your favorite team' 'mix up the rosters, pit them against each other' etc etc guys are gone to warrant taking away that option..
# 80 WaddupCouzin @ 08/14/15 02:43 PM
I think it's a generational thing. I just got into my player since Next Gen, and I have friends, my age, that don't touch it, but my nephew's (youngins), it's the only mode they play!

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