MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring Franchise improvements, Inside the Radio Show and year to year saves.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click this link to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: Link and spoiler button updated with archive. (Starts at roughly the 1:23 mark)

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 141 x8Tommy8x @ 02/27/15 02:30 AM
Thanks for the link Moose. Your the best.
# 142 Jimmydm90 @ 02/27/15 02:33 AM
I've never really dabbled in the player made rosters but do you guys think it's likely that someone will put together a roster with accurate contracts?
# 143 bigwill33 @ 02/27/15 02:34 AM
I may have missed the answer, but if we edit the contracts of all players to be close to what they are in real life and then start up a franchise with that roster file what happens in our franchise?

Do the budgets reflect those changes appropriately from the start of that franchise?

When a player's contract is up in the franchise will they revert back to demanding the salaries that would fit more in line with the pre-edits?
# 144 cardinalbird5 @ 02/27/15 02:37 AM
Is Houston really ranked 5th and Miami is 1st or was that just because they were in franchise mode? JW....the power, contact, speed, fielding, and pitching bars looked accurate for both teams.
# 145 ThisIsBirdland13 @ 02/27/15 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
Just got home... saw that there was a game with the O's, so I skipped through the game and man am I happy!

Machado got a new face scan! Also the new batting stances/pitching motions looked great for both teams. And I agree with everyone about the O's skyline... looks great! I'll watch the rest of the stream later but I'm pumped!
Manny's face scan was one of the first things I noticed and they got Jonesy's facial hair down perfectly, and all their gear they wear is down to a T! Man I'm excited for this game!
# 146 HozAndMoose @ 02/27/15 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmydm90
I've never really dabbled in the player made rosters but do you guys think it's likely that someone will put together a roster with accurate contracts?
I guarantee the people that make the OSFM rosters will make sure all players have the correct contracts.
# 147 HozAndMoose @ 02/27/15 03:02 AM
# 148 Blersheta7 @ 02/27/15 03:49 AM
not that it matters much, but everyone else notice Andrew Miller pic with a big beard for the Yankees?? I guess that shows they can Photoshop pics into the hats
# 149 HozAndMoose @ 02/27/15 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Blersheta7
not that it matters much, but everyone else notice Andrew Miller pic with a big beard for the Yankees?? I guess that shows they can Photoshop pics into the hats
Ill assume you are talking about them doing it for when you trade a player and he gets a cyber face. Not sure anyone ever said they COULDN'T do it. More like they dont have the time to take 750+ players and Photoshop 30 hats on them. Not to mention that would be 22,500+ pictures. Seems like it would take up quite a bit of resources.
# 150 MrOldboy @ 02/27/15 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Blersheta7
not that it matters much, but everyone else notice Andrew Miller pic with a big beard for the Yankees?? I guess that shows they can Photoshop pics into the hats
It may be shopped, but this is typical when players moves to a new team. MLB.com seems to update quite quickly. The devs may or may not be doing the shop work on the player mugshots, but this has been going on for a long time. The Show devs might be provided resources to work with as well, similar to how the media get's access to certain resources to use.

What people doubt is that they can have an automated system to do so in game or if they would make 30 version of each player. They've gotten updated hat mugshots in the game before in past years as well.

Different sites do it differently and quality varies widely.



# 151 dazzelle @ 02/27/15 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I'll give SCEA the benefit of the doubt on the radio show, I think they've earned that. But if it's like that every time, I'll be turning it off after two games.
I thought it was better than i expected and as good as i hoped it would be.
It all flowed well and had enough flavor added to most game descriptions rather than the generic team name/result like how FIFA does it.

Be interesting to see what they add to it in the future,maybe a "inside the show" player of the week/month or some pbp of big moments/milestones like what we get in The Show's menu's.

Just glad they went with this rather than the social media path nba2k took.
# 152 Blersheta7 @ 02/27/15 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Ill assume you are talking about them doing it for when you trade a player and he gets a cyber face. Not sure anyone ever said they COULDN'T do it. More like they dont have the time to take 750+ players and Photoshop 30 hats on them. Not to mention that would be 22,500+ pictures. Seems like it would take up quite a bit of resources.

No I am talking about the real pic of Andrew Miller, considering that Yankees don't have beards in pictures it had to of been photoshopped somehow, no idea what he looks like in the game though hopefully no beard. and if he switched to another team his generic pic wouldn't have a beard then I am guessing
# 153 aguero90 @ 02/27/15 06:26 AM
I cannot tell you how much better pbp is, just by adding a ton of Matt doing the count before a pitch or saying, "here's the pitch." That little detail makes a huge difference, and for those who didn't notice, listen really good, now it happens almost every time! Kirby said that was one of the first things he changed when he took over, so I'm very pumped about the years to come!
# 154 BSUFAN @ 02/27/15 07:08 AM
Props to Nick for laying the wood to Ramone
# 155 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 02/27/15 07:24 AM
Will the Cubs in franchise mode finally have a big budget? In MLB 14 it made it seem like the Cubs had a small market payroll and capacity. I hope the Cubs' budget is more realistic this year
# 156 MrOldboy @ 02/27/15 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by CubsWillRiseAgain
Will the Cubs in franchise mode finally have a big budget? In MLB 14 it made it seem like the Cubs had a small market payroll and capacity. I hope the Cubs' budget is more realistic this year
It seemed like from the stream that the initial budget would be calculated from the roster's salary going in. Maybe why Detroit had a higher budget than the Dodgers for example during the stream since they salary in game is calculated based on service time, ratings, etc and not actual real life contracts.

So if the Cubs have a low payroll going into franchise mode compared to other teams, they're budget might also be relatively small.

My question is if it works this way there must be a failsafe in place to stop people from editing their team to 1 year 30M contracts to get a huge budget, then just resigning them the next year for a normal price while retaining the huge budget.

Since we can edit the contracts now the budgets should reflect what teams actually have in real life since it is actually based on their spending going into 2015.
# 157 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 02/27/15 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
It seemed like from the stream that the initial budget would be calculated from the roster's salary going in. Maybe why Detroit had a higher budget than the Dodgers for example during the stream since they salary in game is calculated based on service time, ratings, etc and not actual real life contracts.

So if the Cubs have a low payroll going into franchise mode compared to other teams, they're budget might also be relatively small.

My question is if it works this way there must be a failsafe in place to stop people from editing their team to 1 year 30M contracts to get a huge budget, then just resigning them the next year for a normal price while retaining the huge budget.

Since we can edit the contracts now the budgets should reflect what teams actually have in real life since it is actually based on their spending going into 2015.
That's sort of crummy. The Cubs dont have a huge payroll, only because the lineup is filled with cheap talent. The MLBTS budgets should be based on market size, where the money actuallh comes from
# 158 Bullit @ 02/27/15 08:02 AM
So here is a question. If we carry over our franchise will we get to choose if we want manager contracts on or will it just default to on with it being our first year of a 3 year contract?

I want to run two franchises. One my forever franchise and one with manager contracts on. I would love to carry over my franchise but I want to take advantage of manager contracts on one but not the other.
# 159 Armor and Sword @ 02/27/15 08:03 AM
The contract guide was also a pleasant addition. I know some will view it as a crutch....but it at least gives you a starting point.

I also find it funny (well a little funny) that we have all been clamoring for immersion inside the franchise hub, they put together a radio show which if you listened to the team stated will not be the same thing all the time. They were pretty clear on the fact it will not only give scores but talk about league leaders, team signings (off-season), injuries, standings etc. But I am already seeing posts of....oh I can see this will be repetitive and I will shut it off etc.

Really? How does anyone know anything yet. We have not played the game and experienced all of it yet. And over time...of course it will sound the same. Just like any presentation element.

Thank god they put this in. We finally will have a pulse on the league while we look at stat's, look for trades, set lineups, look at our minor league system etc. It is a great start and I think it will be a lot better than a few people think.

But I never judge a game until I have it in my hands to play and feel for myself. I can already see all the new animations, the smoothness of the game, the new pitching trajectories.

There is a lot that has been improved and this game is going to visually explode off the screen this year on top of the game physics that to my eye's have been greatly enhanced. The tracks that outfielders are taking to hit ball's look better, the cutoffs look awesome. I can see the new tagging system and how that will be a big improvement.

So much to look forward to!
# 160 Shakedowncapo @ 02/27/15 08:24 AM
MLB 14'

MLB 15'


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