MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring Franchise improvements, Inside the Radio Show and year to year saves.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click this link to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: Link and spoiler button updated with archive. (Starts at roughly the 1:23 mark)

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/27/15 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by eaw913
I would be willing to bet he's being sarcastic.
For the love of baseball, I sure hope so...

Never can tell with posters on this board, though. Haters gonna hate, and they really love to hate on The Show sometimes, regarless of how silly their complaints are...
# 182 El_MaYiMbE @ 02/27/15 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by KGHerm
So your goal is to win the world series in 3 years, and you lose in the world series. You are then not renewed automatically and you plummet from a B to a D?

I don't like that.
The goal was to win Division AND win the World Series.
Only 1/2 of those goals were achieved in 3 yrs....thats 50% of your goals not obtained...thats an F....

The D I am sure came from staying competitive and making it to the WS one year. I think its pretty realistic for the Yankees.

Cashman has won 5 WS with the Yankees in 20 yrs. Thats 1 every 4 yrs, so that sounds about right for the Yankee standard.

Remember, this is the GM goals, not coaching goals.

Initial impression....I like it.

However what I think is missing are brownie points...

Like I won 100 games this season, but Sox won 101 and I still did not win the Division.
I should not get a "check" for winning the Division because I didn't, but it should drop my grade down from lets say a B to a B- and not down to lets say a C. Or maybe even in this case no negative effect...thems just the breaks sometimes and you cannot penalize anyone.
# 183 Bullit @ 02/27/15 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
And I'll add a box of cracker jacks (or peanuts) to that.
Great now I'm hungry and I have an hour till lunch.... Thanks Guys
# 184 El_MaYiMbE @ 02/27/15 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Bumgarner has the same overall as Jose Fernandez?
Look at their numbers from last year when they were both healthy.
Pretty close...

Bumgarner was another beast in the postseason, and for that I think their clutch rating should be different....

Overall, I think they should be in fact rated the same however.
# 185 boxers @ 02/27/15 11:09 AM
Franchise mode looks good this year. Did anyone else notice that relief pitchers still seem overvalued in the trade logic? Also, the trade suggestion thing brought up a 1 for 1 deal of Ivan Nova for Mike Moustakas... not sure about that one.
# 186 Ivanhoe @ 02/27/15 11:11 AM
Was there any mention about renewable contracts? I can't remember them saying anything about renewable contracts.
# 187 aukevin @ 02/27/15 11:15 AM
I liked how on the Notables screen after a game it showed players that stunk in the game like McCann going 0-3 and Texiera going 0-4. Nice to see some bad players there along with the good stat lines. Didn't play franchise last year so I don't know if was like that or not, definitely wasn't like that in RTTS.
# 188 ryanmc564 @ 02/27/15 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Flaxseed Oil
That's a camera effect.
I realize now, the way I worded it made it sound like they change the depth of the stadium itself, but I meant the camera depth, that looks like its been changed.
# 189 El_MaYiMbE @ 02/27/15 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
MLB 14'

MLB 15'

I am sure camera view has something to do with it, but everything looks "bigger"....In a good way.
# 190 Dolenz @ 02/27/15 11:38 AM
When it comes to the Radio Show, I really like it!

It might be nice in future versions to allow a little customization on what you hear

For example

Scores - Have options to hear scores just from teams in your division, your league, or all teams

Have the same type of options for milestones, achievements, injuries, etc
# 191 merchant1874 @ 02/27/15 11:53 AM
Tried my best by asking at least 10 times if we will have correct schedule rotation in future years but got no answer

Everything looks fantastic though, the graphics look to have improved a lot. The lighting is making a huge differnce to the colours making everything look how it should.

Only small thing I saw that hasn't been fixed is the white stripe on the left shoulder of the sox black Jersey. Seems to be a weird legacy bug that affects only some jerseys.

Love what they have done with Franchise, radio is a massive step in right direction and like what I heard frm it.

The next 4.5 weeks are going to be a chore!
# 192 HustlinOwl @ 02/27/15 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Tried my best by asking at least 10 times if we will have correct schedule rotation in future years but got no answer

Everything looks fantastic though, the graphics look to have improved a lot. The lighting is making a huge differnce to the colours making everything look how it should.

Only small thing I saw that hasn't been fixed is the white stripe on the left shoulder of the sox black Jersey. Seems to be a weird legacy bug that affects only some jerseys.

Love what they have done with Franchise, radio is a massive step in right direction and like what I heard frm it.

The next 4.5 weeks are going to be a chore!
right there with you asked several times as well, was hoping they would advance to a second year so we could see for ourselves
# 193 merchant1874 @ 02/27/15 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
right there with you asked several times as well, was hoping they would advance to a second year so we could see for ourselves
Yeah saw your name pop up, I'm GlasgowRaider on Twitch
# 194 eric7064 @ 02/27/15 12:10 PM
How bout online franchise? What's the deal on that. Identical as offline? Stamina/schedule fixed?
# 195 stlchamp10 @ 02/27/15 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Tried my best by asking at least 10 times if we will have correct schedule rotation in future years but got no answer

Everything looks fantastic though, the graphics look to have improved a lot. The lighting is making a huge differnce to the colours making everything look how it should.

Only small thing I saw that hasn't been fixed is the white stripe on the left shoulder of the sox black Jersey. Seems to be a weird legacy bug that affects only some jerseys.

Love what they have done with Franchise, radio is a massive step in right direction and like what I heard frm it.

The next 4.5 weeks are going to be a chore!
If your meaning if the schedule will mimic real life schedules in year to year saves then no. They've already said it will continue to make its own schedules with the franchise you already started year after year like it has in previous versions.
# 196 eric7064 @ 02/27/15 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
I hear what your saying on this, but I do not at all blame the devs for making the budgets the way they did. Since a) they are not allowed to use real contracts in the game and b) I'm guessing MLB would NOT allow them to set in-game budget sizes based on real life market sizes either.

So for the Cubs, if you want a budget to mirror real life (which their payroll could theoretically be in the top 10, if not top 5 based on the size of the Cubs' market), there a couple options.

1. - You can keep having winning seasons so your budget increases every year. This is probably a good choice since that is likely how the real life Cubs budget will increase - incrementally over the next few years as they sign young talent to long term deals and bring in additional free agents as needed.

2. - And/or you can edit contracts to be higher prior to starting your franchise so their budget is calculated higher when starting your franchise.
Not really true. Played 8 seasons last year with the cubs small budget. Made playoffs from 2016 to 2021. Still had a very small budget. Increases were minimal and had to dump many great players because of it. I don't know why they wouldn't be allowed to hAve market size budget . I understand not having real contracts. But having the Cubs last year as a small market team was very frustrating.
# 197 merchant1874 @ 02/27/15 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by stlchamp10
If your meaning if the schedule will mimic real life schedules in year to year saves then no. They've already said it will continue to make its own schedules with the franchise you already started year after year like it has in previous versions.
No I mean will the inter league schedule rotation be correct in consequent years within franchise.

Edit: which actually thinking about your answer makes me think it hasn't been resolved and is another legacy issue.
# 198 seanjeezy @ 02/27/15 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
Look at their numbers from last year when they were both healthy.
Pretty close...

Bumgarner was another beast in the postseason, and for that I think their clutch rating should be different....

Overall, I think they should be in fact rated the same however.
Jose Fernandez was a 94 last year while Bumgarner was an 89. I'm having a hard time understanding why Fernandez dropped, unless his entire '14 season was thrown out and his durability was reduced. It just doesn't add up.

I can see Bumgarner getting a boost but only a marginal one - More K's and less walks, but more HR's and a higher AVG against... And if you want to get ultra technical about clutch, he had a 0.19 clutch rating in ~52 IP in the playoffs, extrapolate that to a full season and you get ~0.8, which make him about as clutch as Aaron Harang was during the regular season.

But I'm not sweating it, I'm not invested in either team. Just making an observation.
# 199 eric7064 @ 02/27/15 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Jose Fernandez was a 94 last year while Bumgarner was an 89. I'm having a hard time understanding why Fernandez dropped, unless his entire '14 season was thrown out and his durability was reduced. It just doesn't add up.

I can see Bumgarner getting a boost but only a marginal one - More K's and less walks, but more HR's and a higher AVG against... And if you want to get ultra technical about clutch, he had a 0.19 clutch rating in ~52 IP in the playoffs, extrapolate that to a full season and you get ~0.8, which make him about as clutch as Aaron Harang was during the regular season.

But I'm not sweating it, I'm not invested in either team. Just making an observation.
Tbh at first glance it looks as if ratings as a whole have been dropped a bit this year. Obviously I haven't seen all teams but it seems there were less 90'S. More 80's and alot more 70s. Could be wrong though.
# 200 RLebron12 @ 02/27/15 12:41 PM
Not gonna lie when I first heard they were gonna do a show I thought it was going to be something like NBA 2K has with Shaq and Ernie which I love, but I think this is definitely a good platform to start and build off of. Who knows maybe next year they will have it where you can actually watch top plays from the games or the top 10 plays of the week and this guy is broadcasting it while it shows. That would be pretty sweet.

I would suggest doing something like that while the game loads but with the new and improved load times you wouldn't be able to watch much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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