MLB 15 The Show News Post

A few more MLB 15 The Show details have been revealed at GameStop. The new radio show and improved load times sound good. If you missed the trailer earlier today, click here.

Check out the details below.
  • Licensed Equipment - For the first time ever, partnerships from various brands will bring accurate bats, gloves, cleats, and batting gloves to the game.
  • Year-to-Year Saves - Users who purchased MLB 14 The Show will be able to continue their Franchise and Road to the Show progress in MLB 15 The Show. Saves between the two releases will be forward-compatible, meaning you never have to worry about starting your Franchise or Road to the Show seasons over!
  • Universal Rewards - Simply playing the game earns Stubs that can be spent on licensed equipment, Road to The Show improvements, and virtual baseball cards.
  • Legends - We're introducing 30 Iconic MLB Alumni into our virtual player card pool, 1 representative for each team. These players span every historic baseball era of the last 70 years. Like all of our Universal Rewards, you have a chance of finding a historic virtual player card to add to your collection and utilize throughout MLB 15 The Show.
  • Major Graphical Improvements - Visually, the introduction of real time seasonal sun and shadows, revamped night lighting, and enhanced player personality help make MLB 15 The Show the most authentic baseball experience yet. (PS4 Only)
And that's just the beginning. A new Radio Show, Directional hitting, improved load times, and a completely overhauled Diamond Dynasty mode help MLB 15 The Show prove that Baseball Is Better.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 Bobhead @ 12/25/14 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
Now, I think what would really benefit roster makers (as well as those who want a bit more customization) is a simple mechanism to allow exporting/importing a player model/stats individually from within a game mode, rather than only allowing to do this at the roster editing level outside of any game mode (which is currently the case). If we could do that, then it would save a lot more time I think.
Good idea... and in combination with the franchise year-to-year saves feature, this would definitely be easier to develop than an outright "year-to-year" roster transfer system like I mentioned in my post.
# 242 Knight165 @ 12/26/14 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
ok let me try to clarify my point some more...

here i am getting ready for 15 to launch. i have gotten my franchise into the year 2015 in my frannchise. All those stats, records etc etc. will be lost if i wer to start with a fresh set of roster.

Knight, with out having the exact file from the game from every player out there you cant just carry over your franchise from 14 to 15 and slap in a new roster and have everything still be right...

ok say for example i have a player in the middle of a hit streak that is close to eclipsing the 56 game record.

if i was to input a new roster set after carrying over that franchise from 14 to 15 all that information of that streak and all other collective stats for every player on every team in that franchise will be lost.

isn't the point or part of the point of carry over franchises to be able to have all those stats carry over from start to finish.

so if you are not intending on truly carrying on your current franchise you started in 14 into and beyond 15 you can't use any other roster other than the one you started your franchise with...

so as far as i can see or understand...

if you keep inputting new rosters every year your starting over from scratch...

ok im done the more i think about this the more confused i get lol...

You can't take a different roster and implement it into an existing franchise.

What guys were talking about was...not having to do the rosters(editing players) from scratch each time by using the YtY carry over as an ad-hoc implementation.
Not for inserting a new roster into a current franchise.
If you made a 1986 roster file on '14...you won't have to redo it again for '15 or '16 if you don't want to. You would simply take it and start a season in '14.....save...take it into '15......and again in '16 if you like. You'd be starting on day one....but with all the new bells and whistles of the current version.

# 243 tessl @ 12/28/14 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
Ok first off let say that even though i personally do not use any of the rosters that are created and beloved by thousands on this site and throughout the game itself, i do have the utmost respect for those who spend weeks and months compiling all the info on this and put together those rosters for all of you to enjoy.

Now let me say this, for those of you that are hoping for created rosters to be able to be put in a carried over franchise from 14 to f15 or any year going forward, what is the point of it.

ok let me explain.

say I have a franchise i have played/simmed for more than one season in 14 with one of these rosters. Why then would i want to start over basically with another new roster set?

if your going to be putting in a new set of rosters for every team including your own what is the purpose of year to year saves? your defeating the purpose of the year to year saves idea.

That is one roster set that carries over year to year for the life time of that franchise.

once you bring in a new roster set to this idea all your stats from every player in that franchise are toast... no matter if it is one year or 20.

so again no offense to anyone that loves these rosters but have you really thought this all the way through?
People are so sensitive I almost hate to post anything remotely controversial but for me, speaking only for myself, I do not use third party rosters and if they don't fix game play to generate a more realistic amount of offense I will not purchase the Show 15.

If they can get that fixed and spend programmer time figuring out how make it easier on the people who put together third party rosters then that's great. If the game is completely finished, game play is fine, franchise mode is fine, everything is peachy and they have programmers sitting around with nothing to do, then placate the people who put together third party rosters.

Their mistake in the Show 14 ps4 was trying to placate too many people who were pulling them in too many directions and failing to release a game which plays like MLB baseball between the lines.
# 244 nomo17k @ 12/28/14 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
People are so sensitive I almost hate to post anything remotely controversial but for me, speaking only for myself, I do not use third party rosters and if they don't fix game play to generate a more realistic amount of offense I will not purchase the Show 15.

If they can get that fixed and spend programmer time figuring out how make it easier on the people who put together third party rosters then that's great. If the game is completely finished, game play is fine, franchise mode is fine, everything is peachy and they have programmers sitting around with nothing to do, then placate the people who put together third party rosters.

Their mistake in the Show 14 ps4 was trying to placate too many people who were pulling them in too many directions and failing to release a game which plays like MLB baseball between the lines.

It was obvious that, with the addition of PS4 and the time and resources it takes for the new console, there were quite a few more loose ends upon the release of the game than I've seen in the recent iterations of The Show, but the game itself plays totally fine between the lines, at least for offline modes.

In many ways, the gameplay actually got significantly better in MLB 14 than MLB 13 (which I didn't enjoy much offline... the hitting timing felt too weird for me).

I don't know what game you have been playing, the way you have been complaining.
# 245 Armor and Sword @ 12/28/14 01:35 PM
I will say it one more time.

You can absolutely keep carrying created rosters over. It takes a little work and a system. But it can be done until if/when they get roster carryover (not Franchise/Season/RTTS) implemented.

Here is what I am doing for all the awesome classic rosters made for 14.

1. Create a season (32 team control) using the 1996 (for example) roster Baumy made. Do not start the season just create it and save to cloud. Mark the date I created the file (since we can't custom name our save files yet. Hint hint SCEA). DL from cloud onto 15. Now I can always start a new season replay using this season save file on 15.

Not only that but I am carrying over the ones I already started too (1996, OS All Time). But I am creating what I call "Master files" with all the various rosters I have collected so I can just dive in and start new seasons whenever I want on MLB 15.

Let's say you don't want to wait for a new OSFM for 15. Simply wait till the off-season OSFM (V3 with all the edits etc) to be final, DL it. Set up a franchise file with it then upload it without starting spring training, then DL it to 15 and bam you can start a new franchise with Edited updated OSFM rosters without waiting 30-45 days.

It just takes a little effort and a notebook to log all your file dates so you know which is which.

A perfect example is the 1987 90 man roster Jethrotull is finishing up. I want to always have that file for future versions. I will simply create a master franchise save file for it that I will always carry over game to game along with my existing in progress save file.

This feature is a godsend.
# 246 tessl @ 12/28/14 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
It was obvious that, with the addition of PS4 and the time and resources it takes for the new console, there were quite a few more loose ends upon the release of the game than I've seen in the recent iterations of The Show, but the game itself plays totally fine between the lines, at least for offline modes.

In many ways, the gameplay actually got significantly better in MLB 14 than MLB 13 (which I didn't enjoy much offline... the hitting timing felt too weird for me).

I don't know what game you have been playing, the way you have been complaining.
Are you playing manage mode? Are you using default sliders?
# 247 nomo17k @ 12/28/14 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Are you playing manage mode? Are you using default sliders?

How obnoxious, though very predictable of you! :P

I think you obviously know the answers to these questions...

Very few people play MoM with The Show (I wouldn't be surprised at all if the mode gets scratched... I think it would certainly have been if not for Knight's positive presence in the community throughout the years).

The closest I come to playing MoM every year is to play CPU vs. CPU games, which is mostly equivalent to MoM under the hood, and this year's game plays fine though it needed a couple minor slider adjustments. The CPU gameplay certainly isn't as broken as you want to believe it is.

Also, It is actually not true that The Show produces the most realistic MLB results with the sliders at default. The recent iterations of The Show has always been tuned to produce noticeably less walks in favor of more hits (which is intentionally done by the devs), so if you really cared about the gameplay in MoM, then some small slider adjustment has always been necessary, unfortunately. Most simply don't notice it since walks are less noticeable than batting average, (which is the reason why OBP has been so discounted over batting average even in MLB...)

I know all this is waste of time with you, but I'm just setting the record straight for random lurkers in this forum! MLB 14 wasn't really broken!
# 248 ShowTyme15 @ 12/28/14 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
How obnoxious, though very predictable of you! :P

I think you obviously know the answers to these questions...

Very few people play MoM with The Show (I wouldn't be surprised at all if the mode gets scratched... I think it would certainly have been if not for Knight's positive presence in the community throughout the years).

The closest I come to playing MoM every year is to play CPU vs. CPU games, which is mostly equivalent to MoM under the hood, and this year's game plays fine though it needed a couple minor slider adjustments. The CPU gameplay certainly isn't as broken as you want to believe it is.

Also, It is actually not true that The Show produces the most realistic MLB results with the sliders at default. The recent iterations of The Show has always been tuned to produce noticeably less walks in favor of more hits (which is intentionally done by the devs), so if you really cared about the gameplay in MoM, then some small slider adjustment has always been necessary, unfortunately. Most simply don't notice it since walks are less noticeable than batting average, (which is the reason why OBP has been so discounted over batting average even in MLB...)

I know all this is waste of time with you, but I'm just setting the record straight for random lurkers in this forum! MLB 14 wasn't really broken!
# 249 Knight165 @ 12/28/14 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
People are so sensitive I almost hate to post anything remotely controversial but for me, speaking only for myself, I do not use third party rosters and if they don't fix game play to generate a more realistic amount of offense I will not purchase the Show 15.

If they can get that fixed and spend programmer time figuring out how make it easier on the people who put together third party rosters then that's great. If the game is completely finished, game play is fine, franchise mode is fine, everything is peachy and they have programmers sitting around with nothing to do, then placate the people who put together third party rosters.

Their mistake in the Show 14 ps4 was trying to placate too many people who were pulling them in too many directions and failing to release a game which plays like MLB baseball between the lines.
I'm not even sure what you are talking about.
"Third party" roster editors aren't getting anything specifically programmed for them.
We will be taking an option made to give users a year to year franchise carry over and re-work it to an ad-hoc roster tool.
(actually "we" won't be doing anything.....if you have all the versions dating back to when the roster you want was created for.....the end user will have to take it and carry it over in a franchise save from version to version)

# 250 countryboy @ 12/28/14 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm not even sure what you are talking about.
"Third party" roster editors aren't getting anything specifically programmed for them.
We will be taking an option made to give users a year to year franchise carry over and re-work it to an ad-hoc roster tool.
(actually "we" won't be doing anything.....if you have all the versions dating back to when the roster you want was created for.....the end user will have to take it and carry it over in a franchise save from version to version)

We both know this, but its best to let him say his piece and not respond. It just goes in an endless circle.
# 251 saturn2187 @ 12/29/14 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
See....this is thinking INSIDE the box....and you obviously didn't think it through.....sort of.

Yes....for a brand new roster set, for someone starting from scratch. Year to year saves is not the feature you need.


If you want to take an existing roster set...and just add new players and tweak it...WITHOUT having to do EVERYTHING over again...or a historical roster set....where the things mentioned don't matter....and you don't want to redo it year after year after year......(editing the roster)
Then...you take a feature introduced for carrying over your franchise year to year and use it for something it was not intended for...but with advantages of having a library of edited rosters to use.

Take the OSFM 14.....you can't just take it to '15. But you can edit it...get everyone on the right team....add in new players...adjust...start a franchise in '14....save....cloud...d/l and start in in '15.

Want the great 1987 set? Oh...it's for '14....he's not doing AGAIN this year for '15?....see above.

(now let's just hope it will work that way!)


This trick works great if you want to transfer over a saved roster into MLB 15. But what about if - rather than having it on your system as a "saved game" in 15, you actually indeed need it as a roster FILE? This would be for an online franchise. If I want to use the latest OSFM to upload in MLB 15 for an online franchise. I am guessing it won't work, as I won't ever actually have the file in the format needed for upload in 15.
# 252 Knight165 @ 12/29/14 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by saturn2187
This trick works great if you want to transfer over a saved roster into MLB 15. But what about if - rather than having it on your system as a "saved game" in 15, you actually indeed need it as a roster FILE? This would be for an online franchise. If I want to use the latest OSFM to upload in MLB 15 for an online franchise. I am guessing it won't work, as I won't ever actually have the file in the format needed for upload in 15.
Yeah...that would be great...I'm all for it....but we don't have it....and a few of us are just speaking on how this new feature can help us out to not have to redo everything every year(mainly for historical rosters I would say).

If I'm reading you correctly....you want to take a roster created in a version other than the one you are playing with and use it?

I wonder if carry over will work for online franchises anyway?

# 253 saturn2187 @ 12/29/14 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Yeah...that would be great...I'm all for it....but we don't have it....and a few of us are just speaking on how this new feature can help us out to not have to redo everything every year(mainly for historical rosters I would say).

If I'm reading you correctly....you want to take a roster created in a version other than the one you are playing with and use it?

I wonder if carry over will work for online franchises anyway?

Right. The way I understand it is---

NO for Online Franchise carry over. Meaning I'd need to wait until the OSFM is completed again, trade all players to their applicable online franchise teams, and then upload that file in order to carry over my league. Forget having correct contract details.
# 254 tessl @ 12/29/14 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
How obnoxious, though very predictable of you! :P

I think you obviously know the answers to these questions...

Very few people play MoM with The Show (I wouldn't be surprised at all if the mode gets scratched... I think it would certainly have been if not for Knight's positive presence in the community throughout the years).

The closest I come to playing MoM every year is to play CPU vs. CPU games, which is mostly equivalent to MoM under the hood, and this year's game plays fine though it needed a couple minor slider adjustments. The CPU gameplay certainly isn't as broken as you want to believe it is.

Also, It is actually not true that The Show produces the most realistic MLB results with the sliders at default. The recent iterations of The Show has always been tuned to produce noticeably less walks in favor of more hits (which is intentionally done by the devs), so if you really cared about the gameplay in MoM, then some small slider adjustment has always been necessary, unfortunately. Most simply don't notice it since walks are less noticeable than batting average, (which is the reason why OBP has been so discounted over batting average even in MLB...)

I know all this is waste of time with you, but I'm just setting the record straight for random lurkers in this forum! MLB 14 wasn't really broken!
People are so incredibly sensitive - a simple question asking whether you play Manage mode with default sliders is obnoxious? The reason I asked is because you indicated gameplay was improved and I have had the opposite experience. I have never adjusted a single slider in manage mode and the game played solid prior to this year. This year I finally finished a season play and my team was last in nearly every offensive category and first in nearly every pitching category. It is clear the gameplay is lagging behind offensively in games played - not simmed and not quick counts.

I could post the exact results although you seem to have your mind made up already without having played the mode.

Why the uncivil reaction? I asked a simple question. I'm a Vietnam veteran and a retired cop from St Louis. I'm perfectly capable of going to a different place if the situation calls for it but this is a forum about a baseball game. I see no reason for that kind of a response.
# 255 nomo17k @ 12/29/14 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
People are so incredibly sensitive - a simple question asking whether you play Manage mode with default sliders is obnoxious? The reason I asked is because you indicated gameplay was improved and I have had the opposite experience. I have never adjusted a single slider in manage mode and the game played solid prior to this year. This year I finally finished a season play and my team was last in nearly every offensive category and first in nearly every pitching category. It is clear the gameplay is lagging behind offensively in games played - not simmed and not quick counts.

I could post the exact results although you seem to have your mind made up already without having played the mode.

Why the uncivil reaction? I asked a simple question. I'm a Vietnam veteran and a retired cop from St Louis. I'm perfectly capable of going to a different place if the situation calls for it but this is a forum about a baseball game. I see no reason for that kind of a response.
I found your asking question obnoxious because you already knew the answers to your own questions, from our prior interactions and the way you keep inferring feedback from someone like myself contributed the gameplay to become off this year. Yet you keep posting the same thing over and over again.

(You know, aren't you someone who were venting in TSN forum that you would never read OS again after you got banned last time? What made you change your mind???)

I've played a plenty of CPU vs. CPU games (many more than you have), which uses the same gameplay engine. And while I agree that the this year's game is low on offense at default (for different reasons that you keep reiterating... no, CPU discipline is not the primary culprit, BABIP is), the gameplay itself isn't so off that the developers need to be repeatedly criticized for the game balance.

And the low offense was very correctable with a few minor slider changes that people made after gathering and sharing knowledge. Where is your contribution? Shouldn't a forum be a civil place where people share work and constructive feedback and help each other, rather than for an individual to rant about how the tiny portion of the game in a rather obscure game mode few people play didn't play work exactly right under one and only one setting that he wants to use? Especially when a few people already had suggestions as to how to correct the issues so that he can simply enjoy the game, rather than spending and wasting frustrating hours without solutions? And isn't that you, who recently "lost interest" in this year's game, when I warned that you'd be wasting a lot of time finding out what we already knew back when you came back to the forum half a year ago?????

It gets very tiring the same misinformed people venting nonsense over and over. It is silly but also very sad some people are wasting time like that...

I used to wonder why veterans in this forum don't necessarily actively participate in discussions. This was just my third year in this forum but by now I know why and have learned to ignore most of them and also contribute less...

... but sometimes certain things should be reminded since I personally still enjoy this game very much.
# 256 seanjeezy @ 12/29/14 02:54 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way but after helping with OSFM the past couple of years, it kinda sucks putting in a significant amount of time and energy creating players only to have to do it all again the next year. The video recording thing helped a little but is not really ideal for me, and I imagine copying the grids down in a notebook or something is much, much worse lol. Having transferable player files would be an enormous time saver, I could see OSFM being done a couple of weeks after the game's release.
# 257 soxbears2001 @ 01/22/15 03:18 PM
If they have real player contracts I am buying, if it is their ******** ability based contract deal they seem to love I am going to boycott. I HATE HATE HATE the way they handle player contracts in the game.
# 258 redsox4evur @ 01/22/15 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by soxbears2001
If they have real player contracts I am buying, if it is their ******** ability based contract deal they seem to love I am going to boycott. I HATE HATE HATE the way they handle player contracts in the game.
Well you are not going to buy it then. Because it is not an SCEA/SDS issue, it's an MLB issue. I remember reading on here that for some reason the MLB doesn't want the real player contracts in the game.
# 259 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/24/15 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by soxbears2001
If they have real player contracts I am buying, if it is their ******** ability based contract deal they seem to love I am going to boycott. I HATE HATE HATE the way they handle player contracts in the game.
That's a strange issue to be a game breaker. Kind of like saying if they don't decide to put name brand gloves in the game I'm not buying because I hate generic gloves. But hey to each his own.
# 260 indcolts18288 @ 01/24/15 10:34 PM
Haven't been to the forum in a while. Was in gamestop today and seen some footage of 15 and seen that they finally have the Nike logo on shoes! SWEET is all I can say!

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