NBA 2K15 News Post
NBA 2K15 Videos
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# 221 kurt2134 @ 10/03/14 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by twogotwingz3
Yea I definitely know you're not an athlete and can't tell that Kobe's movement doesn't look like its gon be as basic as you clowns are putting it...but whatever we will see October 28
I don't think anyone is doubting Kobe. He just doesn't pull of very stylish dunks anymore. He may very well be fully capable of doing them and chooses not to, however, I think his dunk package the last 2 years has been a little too over the top for him.
# 222 8KB24 @ 10/03/14 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by twogotwingz3
Yea I definitely know you're not an athlete and can't tell that Kobe's movement doesn't look like its gon be as basic as you clowns are putting it...but whatever we will see October 28
He's rimgrazer and basic athletic one-handed dunks. With occasional two-handed back scratchers in an open lane. That's who he is. No more behind-the-back-reverse dunks, no more 360s...he's all about efficiency these days.
# 223 PhiPsi1 @ 10/03/14 10:51 AM
Although we don't know how the T'Wolves offense will look like this year without K-Love. I'm just wondering....Will K-Mart look to get his shot as much as its shown in these videos? I hope this isn't the case of Martin (or SGs in general) having the Monta Ellis/Nick Young 'syndrome' as I call it, where they just heave up shots at will without getting into a set or having awareness to even pass the ball. It seems that if Martin has any breathing room, he is going to throw up a shot. He had a nice look to a cutting Dieng, but it was either iso or heave a 3 as soon as he touched the ball.

And just to clarify...It doesn't seem like the Knicks or T-Wolves have a freelance offense that is being run. I could be wrong on this...

And for the Clippers video, is the reason why the offense is being run the way it is by Paul is because of the 2 minute quarter lengths? B/c Griffin or Jordan were not involved and it seemed like Redick was getting all the looks and Paul looked so indecisive at the Point.
# 224 El_Poopador @ 10/03/14 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by bnmdjm
The lighting of the courts -- specifically MSG -- looks worse in 2K15 compared to 2K14. It seems the lighting is darker, and what really stood out to me is the lack of reflections on the court.

See this video of 2K14 for comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q28_suUPxuQ
2k14 had a little too much reflection. I think 2k15 has just a bit too little. The players don't reflect off the floor much, but the lights by the sidelines should stand out a little more.

# 225 twogotwingz3 @ 10/03/14 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by 8KB24
He's rimgrazer and basic athletic one-handed dunks. With occasional two-handed back scratchers in an open lane. That's who he is. No more behind-the-back-reverse dunks, no more 360s...he's all about efficiency these days.
Yeaaa, I didn't sat anything about those types of dunks lol...im just talking about people complaining about those fast break, open lane 2 handed dunks..even tho he did dunk on 3 Nets the year before he got hurt, im not saying he's jumping over people but I think those 2 handed dunks are basic enough
# 226 El_Poopador @ 10/03/14 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Or you could remember it's a videogame and use your imagination/suspend belief temporarily and understand it's not a real game occurring.

I dont understand this mentality myself but to each his/her own. Some people seem less focused on commentary being delivered in a competent manner, and are more focused on a name. I think a few years ago with the Legends content 2K had some fun in having Steve Kerr the commentator comment on Steve Kerr the Legends player; i thought it was funny/cool. Guess that'd be considered too jokey by some now. Don't want to pull the old man card but guess coming from the Atari/Intellivision age I learned to use my imagination to enhance my immersion into a game world
Well, it depends on how you look at it. They are trying to simulate what you see on TV, correct? So to have a coach announcing a game while he is coaching is not a good representation. Yea, for the legends games it's fine, since you're technically playing with players that don't actually play the game anymore. But, when you're striving to create a realistic game, you need to roll with the changes.
# 227 twogotwingz3 @ 10/03/14 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
2k14 had a little too much reflection. I think 2k15 has just a bit too little. The players don't reflect off the floor much, but the lights by the sidelines should stand out a little more.

from seeing that vid, I think 2k's colors are just dull or something..needs a touch or 2
# 228 Goffs @ 10/03/14 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
2k14 had a little too much reflection. I think 2k15 has just a bit too little. The players don't reflect off the floor much, but the lights by the sidelines should stand out a little more.

Yeah the LED lighting from the dornas should have a reflection from all stadiums....I think it's possible to add more reflection. Do you guys remember when they first released Brooklyn's court in last gen? It was flat and had no reflection at all until it was patched in.....

In that vid the players look too big...they should shrink them down some so there would be better spacing...
# 229 bnmdjm @ 10/03/14 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Yeah the LED lighting from the dornas should have a reflection from all stadiums....I think it's possible to add more reflection. Do you guys remember when they first released Brooklyn's court in last gen? It was flat and had no reflection at all until it was patched in.....

In that vid the players look too big...they should shrink them down some so there would be better spacing...
That was the main thing I noticed too was the LED reflections were virtually non-existent in the 2K15 videos. Hopefully that'll be corrected in the update or a future patch.
# 230 spankdatazz22 @ 10/03/14 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
Well, it depends on how you look at it. They are trying to simulate what you see on TV, correct? So to have a coach announcing a game while he is coaching is not a good representation. Yea, for the legends games it's fine, since you're technically playing with players that don't actually play the game anymore. But, when you're striving to create a realistic game, you need to roll with the changes.
It's a videoGAME. On some level it needs to be allowed to be that and people stop taking this realism thing too far. Kerr just signed in May. So for the sake of the few people unwilling to suspend belief they're playing a videogame, they should rip up their commentary? This assumption that everything is simple to implement, including making a major change to what's long been the best commentary implementation in a sports game, is ridiculous. If they replaced him with someone like Reggie Miller and there were speech tone fluctuations, or the commentary sounded unnatural because they'd gone outside their normal development process, those complaining would have issue with that, too. Thank goodness the majority of people purchasing the game likely won't nitpick the game to death over something that shouldn't be a big deal.
# 231 GisherJohn24 @ 10/03/14 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
It's a videoGAME. On some level it needs to be allowed to be that and people stop taking this realism thing too far. Kerr just signed in May. So for the sake of the few people unwilling to suspend belief they're playing a videogame, they should rip up their commentary? This assumption that everything is simple to implement, including making a major change to what's long been the best commentary implementation in a sports game, is ridiculous. If they replaced him with someone like Reggie Miller and there were speech tone fluctuations, or the commentary sounded unnatural because they'd gone outside their normal development process, those complaining would have issue with that, too. Thank goodness the majority of people purchasing the game likely won't nitpick the game to death over something that shouldn't be a big deal.
Definitely this. Kerr was on board and they had the code already done to bring him back before he got hired as a coach. Would have been to extensive a process bringing a new guy in such a short time frame. Woukd have been a nightmare for devs . You'd probably have to re record everyone's lines to make it work
# 232 RevivedZack @ 10/03/14 12:25 PM
They need to add more of a glossy look to the floors
# 233 Vni @ 10/03/14 12:32 PM
How about we wait to get the game in hands before asking for the gameplay to be tweaked ? Seems kind of crazy.
# 234 CashmereThinker @ 10/03/14 12:38 PM

Is it even possible for the devs to fix Curry's shot with a patch?
# 235 Sundown @ 10/03/14 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Lid
people missing contested buckets in the paint just like what happens in the nba

change nothing about that please. contested layups are not automatic
Rim protectors actually protecting the rim. Without necessarily blocking shots. I like this.
# 236 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/03/14 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by CashmereThinker

Is it even possible for the devs to fix Curry's shot with a patch?
Not a patch ,A simple roster update . But what's wrong with it?
# 237 life4eva @ 10/03/14 12:42 PM
Feet still sliding, really bothers me...... Will wait for reviews to see if it's worth full price purchase
# 238 jayman504 @ 10/03/14 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Yeah the LED lighting from the dornas should have a reflection from all stadiums....I think it's possible to add more reflection. Do you guys remember when they first released Brooklyn's court in last gen? It was flat and had no reflection at all until it was patched in.....

In that vid the players look too big...they should shrink them down some so there would be better spacing...
That's why I CANT WAIT to get this for PC. I'll have the xb1 version for myplayer face scans etc. But for my offline modding and stuff PC is where it's at.
# 239 Pared @ 10/03/14 01:04 PM
Maaaaaaaaan this game looks like a beast. The CPU.... Incredible.

Can't wait. Nitpickers - have fun. Cuz I'm gonna be gaming.
# 240 The 24th Letter @ 10/03/14 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Maaaaaaaaan this game looks like a beast. The CPU.... Incredible.

Can't wait. Nitpickers - have fun. Cuz I'm gonna be gaming.

Maybe we can finally finish our 7 game series from 2k11, lol

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