NBA 2K15 News Post
NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 181 Lid @ 10/03/14 12:39 AM
people missing contested buckets in the paint just like what happens in the nba

change nothing about that please. contested layups are not automatic
# 182 J_Posse @ 10/03/14 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Too bad.... I like it this way...makes you really think before you make a move....work to get a score...

Czar anybody from the dev team please keep it the way it is and not succumb to the complaints of not scoring easier anymore...
I second this completely. It should be about taking good shots and what the opponent (CPU or human) gives you, not about spamming paint points because the success rate for contact shots (like in the past) is too high.

The game looks ****ing amazing on nearly every level, minus no halftime show, and y'all hit it out of the park. Just stay on this direction and the players (sim or ******) will adapt, IMO.

Side note: Beds, your default roster looks on point my man. Rebounders were rebounding, non rebounders weren't snatching boards (*cough*Amar'e*cough*) and everything in between. Goodness, I can't believe I have to wait 5 more days.

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ using Tapatalk
# 183 grodbetatted @ 10/03/14 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
If you guess anticipate a pass, why not? A large number of pass steal in real life are from anticipation.
I can't believe how many of you are blinded by 2k... Their passing has never been good. Floaty passed... Defenders can jump from the free throw to the 3 point line to steal passes.. that's just like people who use the bump cheese just to steal passes... I can clearly tell the sim head vs the run and gun style players. If my man is running a back door and clearly beats his man, there is no reason for his man to make a miraculous covery when I hit the pass on time and he still tip it... In 2k half the time they aren't even going for a tip you just press x or square and they randomly flail their arms in the air and get lucky passes tipped like that
# 184 GSWarriors9 @ 10/03/14 12:54 AM
It sucks that Steve Kerr is still commentating when he's coaching now. That really takes away from the presentation. Can we get any word on what happened with that from the Devs?
# 185 yungsta404 @ 10/03/14 12:57 AM
I like the frequency of missed shots in the paint. In 2k14, too many players who were not known for finishing were making contact layups at too high of a rate.

I especially hate those scoop layup animations because they were an automatic 2 points and EVERYONE regardless of their layup rating, was able to execute it.

I am proud to say that this is the best paint defense I have seen since 2k11
# 186 lakers24 @ 10/03/14 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors9
It sucks that Steve Kerr is still commentating when he's coaching now. That really takes away from the presentation. Can we get any word on what happened with that from the Devs?
Takes significant time to change that up so expect it in 2k16. He has so many lines in the game they'd have to get rid of all of it and record hours of new lines with Kellogg/Harlan(who knows if they even want to keep this team together or find someone else to do color with Harlan etc.). It seems they focused on a lot of other areas and they probably will put it on the board for next year.
# 187 yungmeaks @ 10/03/14 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by GSWarriors9
It sucks that Steve Kerr is still commentating when he's coaching now. That really takes away from the presentation. Can we get any word on what happened with that from the Devs?
Tell me about it. Probably too much work for them to re-do all of that.. but then again, they did do a whole bunch of new voice-over work. Meh. It's gonna be stupid hearing Kerr while I use the Dubs. Might have to just turn off commentary as a whole. I hear a lot of the same stuff from last year anyways.

oh, and waddup Vontae!
# 188 eko718 @ 10/03/14 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Too bad.... I like it this way...makes you really think before you make a move....work to get a score...

Czar anybody from the dev team please keep it the way it is and not succumb to the complaints of not scoring easier anymore...
I second this as well. A tragedy that seems to happen yearly is that gameplay elements which are correct out the box get ruined with patches. People act like layups and inside shots are automatic in real life. Contact, a bad angle, poor touch, too much momentum, etc. can all cause a layup to miss, and many layups and close shots are missed in the NBA.

It seems like 2K finally got this right and the misses at the rim in these vids do not look arbitrary or cheap. This, along with a paint that is harder to penetrate, defensive rotations that look sensible and organic contact animations might finally provide us a well balanced game with NBA-like percentages without tons of slider adjustments. These are the elements that nudge the game closer to actual basketball.
# 189 Finepanther @ 10/03/14 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by eko718
I second this as well. A tragedy that seems to happen yearly is that gameplay elements which are correct out the box get ruined with patches. People act like layups and inside shots are automatic in real life. Contact, a bad angle, poor touch, too much momentum, etc. can all cause a layup to miss, and many layups and close shots are missed in the NBA.

It seems like 2K finally got this right and the misses at the rim in these vids do not look arbitrary or cheap. This, along with a paint that is harder to penetrate, defensive rotations that look sensible and organic contact animations might finally provide us a well balanced game with NBA-like percentages without tons of slider adjustments. These are the elements that nudge the game closer to actual basketball.
Not sure what you mean by "poor touch" I didn't know you could have touch or control release timing on lay ups. They still look to be pre-determined but that's a sick idea if they could do it.
# 190 J_Posse @ 10/03/14 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Finepanther
Not sure what you mean by "poor touch" I didn't know you could have touch or control release timing on lay ups. They still look to be pre-determined but that's a sick idea if they could do it.
Pretty sure he's stating why players miss layups and inside shots in real life not the game, friend. His point is still valid and I'm hoping that 2K sticks with the inside game the way it is. Don't patch this aspect of the game, guys! Let people adjust this year and don't give in to their whining/complaining like in past titles.

Side - note: Damn it, I hate that certain players (Glen Davis, Matt Barnes, DeAndre Jordan and Jamal Crawford)(I presume) have again chosen not to be face scanned for NBA 2K. Especially when DeAndre (apparently) declines but turns around and has the other company scan him for their title. Hopefully if 2K can't get these guys, and whoever else is missing, for 2K16 then the art team can just re do the faces. Won't look even 75% lifelike next to the scanned faces, but it'll be a step up from these faces that are obviously ported over from last gen NBA 2K.

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ using Tapatalk
# 191 Kaanyr Vhok @ 10/03/14 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by 2_headedmonster
people dont realize how many nba players actually turn dunks into layups to avoid missing, can really jump but take the safer route, and just flat out arent good at finishing around the rim...
Good point. There is a balance between going up strong and and going up stupid.
# 192 RayZLAL @ 10/03/14 02:18 AM
I guess I have to wait until 2k16 for fatigue to show on D-pad subs
# 193 GudStuffzz @ 10/03/14 02:19 AM
I just hope to god the player movements aren't as clunky as 2k14 (next gen version, last gen was fine). Online was almost impossible to play because of it, particularly on defense.. players would slide all over the place. Being on offense wasn't much better, the ball handling was horrible and felt super slow.
# 194 SteezeOrtiz @ 10/03/14 02:19 AM
The only thing that I don't really like so far is that in some replays the camera angle doesn't look too realistic. It's like the camera man is on the court or running on the sideline.
# 195 magicman32 @ 10/03/14 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Finepanther
Not sure what you mean by "poor touch" I didn't know you could have touch or control release timing on lay ups. They still look to be pre-determined but that's a sick idea if they could do it.

Huh? Have you ever seen Kwame brown play basketball. Do you watch ball. Yes there are pro basketball players in the nba with poor touch around the basket. And layups in a crowded paint are missed all the time

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# 196 kokoBware23 @ 10/03/14 02:40 AM
I hope 2k does not change this gameplay and give in to the complaints. I'm loving this style of gameplay, this is for me how nba 2k should be played just like real life!

# 197 foo55 @ 10/03/14 03:55 AM
Lol my dude Peterson is actually just some dude with 2k right?

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# 198 sniapeko @ 10/03/14 05:27 AM
just watched a few minutes but one thing strikes me.. how in the heck is Steve Kerr both a commentator and the Warriors coach??
# 199 Vni @ 10/03/14 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by sniapeko
just watched a few minutes but one thing strikes me.. how in the heck is Steve Kerr both a commentator and the Warriors coach??
Maybe because he isn't really in the game doing the commentary live ?

I don't know why that bugs so many people lol.
# 200 jreezy18 @ 10/03/14 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
Maybe because he isn't really in the game doing the commentary live ?

I don't know why that bugs so many people lol.
Seems like you took that comment the wrong way.

I agree with everyone saying to keep the layup/inside shot frequency the same. Layups are missed all the time and Visual Concepts looked like they finally nailed it.

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