NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted 44 details on NBA 2K15's presentation and gameplay, as well as MyCAREER, MyLEAGUE, MyTEAM and 2K Heroes modes. Below are some of the key items of interest, but be sure to read the entire list here.
  • A new create-a-player interface gives you more tools than ever before to create players you can place on NBA rosters. You can tweak everything from forehead and jawline to ears, eyes, and lips. Many of the facial features and hairstyles are pulled from other NBA players, so if you want to rock the Ginobli bald spot with the sharp Artest cheekbones you can.
  • After big plays, Visual Concepts has worked in new camera angles to highlight player reactions.
  • To improve the defense and make A.I. players look more in control, Visual Concepts fixed how they move in small spaces, making it look less frantic. They are much better at avoiding overreactions and react more fluidly when adjusting to offensive movement. Since they stay at home, it's easier to re-orient yourself when you switch to a new defender as well.
  • To help differentiate between teams after a set play breaks down, each one uses their true base set in NBA 2K15. Now when you play the Heat, which Jones jokes doesn't truly have a big (sorry Bosh), they will run a four-out one-in set. The Spurs, on the other hand, will have three-out two-in base set.
  • During your second year, Doc Rivers will take over as the head coach of your team. Players will have a more intense relationship with Rivers than with the coaches from last year, as he has expectations for how he wants you to perform and what you should be focusing on in a particular game situation. These include tutorial-like pre-game meetings with assistant coaches where they go over points of emphasis.

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Member Comments
# 121 Boilerbuzz @ 09/25/14 10:30 PM
I can't hate on that post. Especially the last statement. I want to believe that Rivers is coaching yoU OUTSIDE of the normal season. Like, at some sort of workout/camp sort of thing.

# 122 Retropyro @ 09/25/14 10:30 PM
2K is absolutely ruining My Career. My excitement for this game is in serious decline.
# 123 EliJ27 @ 09/25/14 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I think someone confirmed it to only be on the MP creation menu.
ehh that kinda sucks only cause i usually only play MyGM, oh well i guess!
# 124 lakers24 @ 09/25/14 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I can't hate on that post. Especially the last statement. I want to believe that Rivers is coaching yoU OUTSIDE of the normal season. Like, at some sort of workout/camp sort of thing.

This is what I'd hope for too, it makes a lot more sense in this scenario as well.
# 125 swaggedout @ 09/25/14 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by EliJ27
Wait so can you only scan your face in MyPlayer? or can you scan your face in regular create-a-player?
[quote] You can used your scanned player model across all the modes your MyPlayer appears in, including MyCareer and online QUOTE]

That quote is from the article. Not sure if it's a fact.
# 126 Boilerbuzz @ 09/25/14 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by EliJ27
ehh that kinda sucks only cause i usually only play MyGM, oh well i guess!
In MyGM, that scanned player is your MP and is the GM. Why would you want a player that looks like the MyGM?
# 127 illwill10 @ 09/25/14 10:47 PM
"The new MyCareer mode lets you skip games if you prefer to move more quickly through seasons. You can choose which games you want to play, and certain games against good teams or rivals will yield more VC than when you match up with a creampuff team like the Timberwolves or Pistons."

I'm definitely looking forward to this. I didn't like that we couldn't skip any game in the past. After I got my player established, I didn't want to play every game and there were some key games I didn't want to play. There were some matchups I wanted to play but couldn't without playing certain games I didn't want too
# 128 City_foxx @ 09/25/14 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by lakers24
I don't think anyone is saying they aren't striving to do amazing things and that we don't appreciate that. We do and it's nice to see. The problem is they are going about it the wrong way (case in point the Doc thing). While you can say it doesn't seem far fetched, it actually is when you really think about it:

1. Doc is coaching the Clipps because of CP3 and Blake Griffin
2. It's LA
3. He comes to coach you in your 2nd season

In any logical world how does that make sense? Especially if you are in Detroit or Sacramento. And since you can choose what team you want to tryout and play for what if I want to make the Spurs, would the Spurs really fire Greg Poppovich for Doc Rivers? It's heavy handed and unnecessary just because Doc recorded some audio(how does this even fit the "story" everyone alludes to). I get they want you to closely follow what the coach wants, but that'd be fine without having to force this upon you.

I know there are players out there that like this and think it's cool, but there is going to be a vocal contingent out there that doesn't because it's not the essence of what they came to love in the mode years ago. Do I want the barebones 2k11 mode? Hell no, do I want the Doc Rivers stalker version either? Nope. There is a middle ground, but for now it seems like they are going for the "cool" and "this is awesome." Improving upon the new with elements of its roots should be the goal and not complete unbelievable fantasy mode.

(btw by going completely linear they are boxing themselves into a corner of extra work each year because now the story has to be different every cycle. Also, there is no reason for more than one playthrough because you've seen the cutscenes)

Again I reiterate I don't hate myplayer/mycareer and it is/was one of my fav modes. I also think them doing this stuff to liven up the mode is great, but they are going about it wrong in some aspects.
1 players get injured 2 teams can under achive (im sure in 95 people said no way george karl would leave peyton and kemp) 3 pop said hed retire when tim does 1 year 2? Those teams you mentiond could have completly diferent rosters by the time he get there not to mention your myplayer being a 90 overal. Rivers has alot of connections to other teams as well, played for the hawks, knicks coached the magic, celtics.My point is the landscape of the nba can chance so drastically over time and there are soooo many variables. Its not as unrealistic as people claim. coaches moving to teams that have great young superstar tallent is pretty common. Phill jackson x3, mike brown,doc rivers(remeber how he got to L.a bet boston fans a year before said hed never leave us) Larry brown,george karl. Ithink our mental model of a coach is based on pop in this age,and we fail to realize how truly rare it is to have a guy like that, in that situation, with those types of players. 1 more thing unless i missread the artical it said he comes AFTER your second season thats 3 year from now correct? =)
# 129 VDusen04 @ 09/25/14 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Immersion killer is the new made up buzzword.

You guys are going to complain yourselves out of any enjoyment by release.

at least tell them what they are doing right add well so that doesn't change. All guys do now is day what's wrong or what they don't like over and over.

This is likely the best bball game we've ever had potentially but seems like it doesn't matter nowadays
It's tough to tell of whom this post may be referring, for I've noticed that many of the folks who do not favor the direction of MyCareer (myself included) have actually seemed awfully willing to praise many of the other moves 2K's made this year (MyLeague, for starters, looks incredible).

Perhaps when there's an unpopular aspect introduced (seemingly the Doc Rivers angle), the disagreeable folks staying on topic and voicing their displeasure (and discussing it further as the thread & conversation may invite) drowns out the manner with which other aspects of the game that were previously praised in numerous other threads. But it does not mean that praise does not exist.

There's a lot of great alterations made by 2K this year. But that does not mean people must force positivity in other aspects they may not necessarily support (which I would not assume is what you are suggesting anyhow). Regarding the buzz phrase "immersion killer", I think it's popping up because immersion issues themselves are popping up in the MyCareer mode, a feature whose former implementation seemed to suggest that immersion was the absolute name of the game. If 3 Ninjas dialogue negatively affects one's immersion, then I'd say "immersion killer" or "implementation detrimental to the realistic portrayal of a simulation product and subsequent enjoyment derived from a mode largely hinged upon immersion" should both be acceptable labels.
# 130 23 @ 09/25/14 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
It's tough to tell of whom this post may be referring, for I've noticed that many of the folks who do not favor the direction of MyCareer (myself included) have actually seemed awfully willing to praise many of the other moves 2K's made this year (MyLeague, for starters, looks incredible).

Perhaps when there's an unpopular aspect introduced (seemingly the Doc Rivers angle), the disagreeable folks staying on topic and voicing their displeasure (and discussing it further as the thread & conversation may invite) drowns out the manner other aspects of the game that were previously praised in numerous other threads.

There's a lot of great alterations made by 2K this year. But that does not mean people must force positivity in other aspects they may not necessarily support. And regarding the buzz phrase "immersion killer", I think it's popping up because immersion issues themselves are popping up in the MyCareer mode, a mode whose former mission statement seemed as if immersion was the absolute name of the game. If 3 Ninjas dialogue negatively affects one's immersion, then I'm uncertain what else they're supposed to call it.
No particular as there have been some good ideas but they'll never been seen because the threads they're posted in are poison.

I don't think people take the constructive seriously but it's their waste of key strokes.

I honestly am not vested in this mode and hasn't since the first one so it makes me no difference. I play to enjoy myself for my 60 bucks either way.

Immersion killer for a game people haven't played yet off of their personal gripes as if it's everyones and it's not. I hate buzz words period. ... this is no acception.
# 131 lakers24 @ 09/25/14 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by City_foxx
1 players get injured 2 teams can under achive (im sure in 95 people said no way george karl would leave peyton and kemp) 3 pop said hed retire when tim does 1 year 2? Those teams you mentiond could have completly diferent rosters by the time he get there not to mention your myplayer being a 90 overal. Rivers has alot of connections to other teams as well, played for the hawks, knicks coached the magic, celtics.My point is the landscape of the nba can chance so drastically over time and there are soooo many variables. Its not as unrealistic as people claim. coaches moving to teams that have great young superstar tallent is pretty common. Phill jackson x3, mike brown,doc rivers(remeber how he got to L.a bet boston fans a year before said hed never leave us) Larry brown,george karl. Ithink our mental model of a coach is based on pop in this age,and we fail to realize how truly rare it is to have a guy like that, in that situation, with those types of players.
Again, I think you miss what my post is actually alluding to. The entire scenario is scripted when it doesn't need to be(this doesn't even begin to touch on how your career begins and then you have this happening for you within months of getting 10 day contracts). That's the crux of the issue. For example, this is the exact wording in the first post:

" During your second year, Doc Rivers will take over as the head coach of your team. Players will have a more intense relationship with Rivers than with the coaches from last year, as he has expectations for how he wants you to perform and what you should be focusing on in a particular game situation. These include tutorial-like pre-game meetings with assistant coaches where they go over points of emphasis."

Now read this:

"Players will have a more intense relationship with the head coach now than with the coaches from last year, as he has expectations for how he wants you to perform and what you should be focusing on in a particular game situation. These include tutorial-like pre-game meetings with assistant coaches where they go over points of emphasis."

See the difference? It's essentially the same thing without forcing it upon you. Does him recording lines really need to alter the experience as a whole? Couldn't they have just focused on us having to play more to our coaches liking without having to force a specific person on us no matter where we are?

I know you are probably thinking it isn't a big deal, and I'm not one of those guys that cries over everything and I will enjoy this game. But, for arguments sake, would you like it if Kevin Durant was the only "mentor" recorded and he got traded to wherever you were in your second season?
# 132 VDusen04 @ 09/25/14 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by lakers24
for arguments sake, would you like it if Kevin Durant was the only "mentor" recorded and he got traded to wherever you were in your second season?
And with that, the NBA 2K16 MyCareer storyline was born.
# 133 The 24th Letter @ 09/25/14 11:17 PM
Actually....never mind
# 134 City_foxx @ 09/25/14 11:26 PM
I having not seen 1 post where a person like the linear forcefed storyline. I dont like them either. I hope in the future the stories will be more skyrim like and less say legend of zelda? Using the rpg analagy rather poorly ik but i was struggling to think of a popular prg that has a force fed linear story line. Im chosing to focus on the new posibilitys they are intruducing like coach inter action game planning mentoring, we having seen any vids of riviver in the game yet dont know how involved it is. Would be understandable why they only got to 1 coach if its pretty involved in its 1st year of implementing. Also i think we would have been more receptive about the coach following you to the team if he was fictional or maybe even a colledge coach. Maybe a player coach linked story line where you coach get young star and they spend thier careers to gether...Or you hate him try and dwite him, or just as for trade bam new rival ect ect ect.
# 135 biatch0 @ 09/25/14 11:27 PM
--To keep players from maxing out all their skills with 99 ratings, the developers are changing how you upgrade your player. Instead of micromanaging how points fall into individual attributes, you drop them into buckets based on specialties like perimeter shooting, dunking, defense, and passing. You can upgrade multiple buckets, but you have a limited amount of total upgrades. This creates more realistic progressions and guarantees that players max out in the low 90s overall instead of at 99.
Not sure how this works exactly yet... so I might change my mind later... but right now, this doesn't sound so good. Of course, I may be missing the context since the site is unreachable for me.

Is there any particular reason why we need to be capped in the low 90s besides realism of course? If KD is a 95, and Lebron has dropped to 96-98 somewhere... why can't me as a 5'10" desk jockey IRL who magically morphed into a NBA 6'10" PF get a 99 rating? I mean I have MAGIC on my side... Scrap the caps for MyCareer IMO. It's a largely offline mode that doesn't affect anybody... if you take your player online then cap it for online.
# 136 City_foxx @ 09/25/14 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Actually....never mind
I shoulda read this dudes post before i posted now i feel like an ***.Easy to forget though gamers can be just as passionate about the game as the devs making it.Ok im done after over doing it two post ago. At least i can claim forum noob status!
# 137 Retropyro @ 09/25/14 11:32 PM
So I take it the ability to request a trade has been removed from My Career?
# 138 EliJ27 @ 09/25/14 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
In MyGM, that scanned player is your MP and is the GM. Why would you want a player that looks like the MyGM?
hahaha idk man i just don't play MyPlayer but i like to create myself in the game,
# 139 Anthony292 @ 09/25/14 11:41 PM
My career used to be my favorite mode,but these story lines kinda killed it for me now I'm a myleague guy.
# 140 VDusen04 @ 09/26/14 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Immersion killer for a game people haven't played yet off of their personal gripes as if it's everyones and it's not. I hate buzz words period. ... this is no acception.
If I may, I do not believe one must own the game to recognize how forced, stunted, and poorly written storylines may negatively affect one's connection with realism. Similarly, I do not believe we must play the game firsthand before we can gather how the return of signature size-up dribbles may positively aide in immersion. It would appear most of those opposed to certain MyCareer details have done so in a respectful manner, often with reasonable explanations for their stance. I do not believe it means anyone is attempting to suggest that there aren't those who are in favor of many of the very alterations for which we object.

As for the word "immersion", I still feel it is being used for a reason. MyPlayer was a mode whose initial cornerstone was, in fact, ultimate immersion. That has clearly changed over the years and many do not support such a change. It seems to be a matter of opinion. If a group's issue with a new aspect of MyCareer is that it makes it feel less like they're really playing in the NBA, again, I'm not sure if there's a better word to use than immersion. Unless, again, we just want to go with "implementation detrimental to the realistic portrayal of a simulation product and subsequent enjoyment derived from a mode largely hinged upon immersion", a phrase for which I am beginning to warm up.

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