Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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# 741 Matt68046 @ 09/05/14 01:11 PM
I get decent penalties with 98 or 99 except FM which i set to 88. Everything else to 50.
I agree with The titans fan tho, this years game has good graphics , but i hate everything else about it. Might just go back to Madden25. Its impossible to call your own plays in time on defense, the diffrent formations popping up when you move to select them drives me crazy, and the annomations are not better they look like something from 2009.
madden needs competition, plain and simple. They renewed the exclusive liscense tho, and no NCAA, which means this Garbage is all the football we can play this football season...... sad
# 742 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Man I have no idea what I am doing wrong...I don't mine that long bomb success is low, which is realistic..

but I dont understand why my QB isn't placing the ball ahead of the WR on fly routes. Almost all of them are bring underthrown and intercepted.
You have to use precision passing on the deep stuff. Particularly go routes and posts. Throw to the open spot.

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# 743 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 01:32 PM
Also if you are throwing a go route get rid of the ball quickly.

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# 744 Arrowhead21 @ 09/05/14 01:53 PM
Booted up Madden today and was thrown into the Panthers-Seahawks sequence cinematic sequence for some reason. Then it made me choose my favorite team once I hit the menus, and gave me the whole Cam Newton intro all over again. Yep, then I was thrown into skills trainer, where it says that I have none of the drills completed even though I earned at least 5 PS trophies via the skills trainer multiple days ago. Just a whooooooole bunch of BS going on here.

All Skills Trainer and Gauntlet progress has been erased and it's recognising me as a new user, wtf
# 745 meep316 @ 09/05/14 05:23 PM
I don't play against the CPU, but for Ultimate team, to get coins to complete challenges, sometimes I have to. And this is the reason why I don't:

The whole appeal of Madden is the chess match. Outthinking your opponent. You can't do that against the CPU, because they already know what play you're running when you call it.

It's 3rd and inches, and whenever I do the "run middle commit", without shifting my line in or doing anything to tip my hand, they CONVENIENTLY run a toss and get a huge gain. Every single time. Every time in the same situation, if I crash my line outwards, it's a run up the middle. There needs to be just a generic pre play run commit, instead of making you choose middle, left or right. There's a generic pre-play pass commit, why not run?

Every time I come out in a 3wr or even 4wr set and come out to do a HB draw, the defense is in a run stopping formation, even on obvious passing downs. And vice versa. Just **** off with that. It's so stupid. It's lazy programming.

And like I said, I don't play against the CPU anyway, I mostly just play online VS and in my online CCM. But occasionally when I have to play against the CPU for stuff, it just drives me BA-NA-NAS, and it's been like this forever. I don't know how you strictly offline players do it. You aren't even playing the game.
# 746 Gronk4M13 @ 09/05/14 07:55 PM
Now that I've had the opportunity to play a good amount of this game, I will give my full impressions (the good/great, the bad, and my hopes for the future.)

I'm a Connected Franchise mode player. That is the sole reason that I play Madden, other than to occasionally play some regular season/post season games of the actual NFL season to, in a way, predict the outcome. Yet, Franchise Mode has been my reason for buying/keeping Madden, ever since I became a true Madden, and subsequently an NFL, fan when I got Madden 12 for Christmas the year it came out. I had some great times with Franchise Mode in Madden 12, and some other great times in Connected Careers/Connected Franchise in Madden 13 and Madden 25. I never got Madden 25 for Next-Gen. So, when I finally made the jump to the Playstation 4, my expectations for next-gen Madden were quite high.

I downloaded Madden 15, and was able to play it at midnight on release day (one of the many benefits of next-gen gaming.) I played a few short games that night. I first thought that the game looked phenomenal, by far the best graphics I've seen for a Madden game. (This is still my opinion.) That first night, I played on All-Pro, I believe. I lost several of my first games that I played on Madden 15, is a great thing. I want to be challenged by the CPU. I want the CPU to beat me when I play CFM; if I'm a bad team, I want to lose. I don't want to play as the Jaguars and go 12-4 just because the CPU isn't competitive. This is what sliders are for. Operation Sports has several great slider-makers. I've tried several sets playing multiple games with them all.

In my first game with one set (testing in CFM) the Bengals dominated me as the Ravens. Then, with several other sets, I'd dominate the CPU on All Madden slider sets. I found a problem, in CFM: the game plan/player progression systems. These are great concepts; you can choose to install a gameplan to boost confidence, or you can focus on a position group, maybe two, every week to develop players and earn XP. Progressing players is a good system, it gives the user the freedom to progress their players however they see fit. My problem with the player progression system is that it is far too easy to earn XP/develop players. The combination of game plan/player progression makes it so simple to progress any player to a 99 overall.

The third facet of this problem: winning teams earn more XP than losing teams. This is logical, and makes sense. Yet, it is also unfair. I am playing a Ravens CFM. I adjusted the sliders throughout season one, both trying different sets and tweaking them. I went 11-5 as the Ravens without making any roster moves. This isn't crazy; the Ravens are expected, by many, to have a bounceback year, and several analysts see 10-6 as a logical prediction for their record. Yet, it took me tweaking the sliders to give the CPU to be even a little competitive. The sacks problem, at least before today's tuner update, is undeniable. Terrell Suggs, in this CFM, recorded 25 sacks, breaking Michael Strahan's record. Suggs would have several games with 3, maybe even 4, sacks. Suggs wasn't the only one; Timmy Jernigan (a rookie, started at ~70 overall) recorded doble digit sacks and is now an 80 overall. The progression system has allowed me to get Lardarius Webb to a 93 overall, and Jimmy Smith to a 90.

In season two, I went 12-4, and just couldn't find competitive sliders. That is, until the final two weeks. I tried CowherPower's slider set, and lost to the Steelers in a close, good game. In week 17, because I was 12-3 and had clinched the Division, I benched all of my starting players in a game with the Browns. The Browns won 30-20. This last game was played today, with the tuning update. I believe that I may have found a good set, at the very least to attempt to tweak to further improve my Madden experience.

I haven't played many games with this tuning update/Cowher's sliders. but I'm optimistic. The CPU is finally competitive, and the sacks problem has at the least been reduced. I love Madden 15; in terms of the graphics, the gameplay, and overall experience, it's the best I've had in a Madden game. (Though I do miss importing NCAA draft classes.) Looking forward, this game will be even better if EA fixes a problem I haven't spoken on yet; the Free Agency logic. The problems with game prep/player progression increase/decrease player overalls, which affects free agency. In my CFM, the CPU Giants cut Eli Manning after the 2014 season; he had regressed to a 69 overall. Several/many big name players were on the FA market in the season 1 offseason (Wes Welker signed with the Browns, Jason Pierre-Paul signed with Oakland etc.) This problem truly negatively affects my CFM experience. If, at the least, free agency logic is fixed/improved, I will be very happy with Madden 15. If not, I can say that this is a great game, and one that I am having a lot of fun with. Madden 15 is a must have for football fans, but it is also a game with its faults.
# 747 Skyboxer @ 09/05/14 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Damn. You're entitled to your opinion, but damn.......
I agree with him. As a whole... best for me.
# 748 m1ke_nyc @ 09/05/14 09:16 PM
Just basically started up a game Texans vs Bills(me). 2nd quarter I lead a beautiful drive downfield mixing it up with Spiller and Jackson. Manuel hits a couple nice passes. 1st and goal from the 2 yard line I run it in for a TD with Jackson and the game freezes lol. Guess that was my sign to call it a night for gaming.
# 749 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
That's why I said "almost", not entirely. But over the top passes aren't rare in the real NFL. That's the problem here.

I have had them, but they're certainly not happening as much as they used to, and to be honest that's not that realistic to today's NFL considering the out-of-whack passing numbers QB's put up in this era.
Look at the breakdowns though. Passing attempts are up, but vertical attempts are not..

Phillip Rivers for example had 550 pass attempts. 49 of them were more than 20 yards down the field. That's about 3 a game, which includes hail mary's.

Matt Stafford even with Megatron had 59 attempts over 20 yards and completed less than 30%. In fact of his 600+ attempts half were thrown less than 10 yards beyond the LOS.
# 750 roadman @ 09/05/14 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
No offense, but EA has been making Madden for 20+ years now. There should not be as many shortcomings/issues, big or small, as there is still.
The first 15 yrs of the game focused more on the fun arcade aspect vs realism. Ambulance, batman/robin type commentary, boom, pow, he'll remember that number.

The last decade they've been spinning their wheels with the old code in the game.
# 751 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
But those are good ratios. You're not going to get too much better in real life. But in Madden, even watching CPU vs CPU gameplay I'm not seeing the numbers getting to that.
You're not seeing between 2 and 4 pass attempts down the field? At all?

Different than my experience, and a little bit counter to what you said earlier.
# 752 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
Attempts, but not much success. Lots of drops, lots of hits that cause drops. Lots of drops that are laughable and shouldn't/wouldn't happen in real life, but that's another story.

"Counter" how exactly?
Again the average is less than 30% on pass attempts in that range. Not sure how much success you're expecting.

Counter in the fact you said it wasn't gone but almost gone, yet if you look at league averages it's like 2 or 3 attempts a game. So what you're saying is you're seeing less than that?

As far as the drops on the deep balls? We must be playing different games.
# 753 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
I think I've been pretty clear that I'm seeing much less than that rate...
How much less? What are you using as your metric?
# 754 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gridiron
I'm sure he was talkin bout success rates not attempts.

On the strength, the WR's do drop a lot of passes they shouldn't in this game. They prolly do it to try to keep completion percentages down. Dudes drop balls in this game that in real life certain WR's would pretty much never drop.
He wasn't. But as I also stated the success rate IRL is less than 30%. I haven't kept track, but what I am seeing seems in the realm of that reality.

Edit: With the exception of Peyton Manning. His success rate on throws 20+ is ridiculous IRL.
# 755 Skyboxer @ 09/05/14 10:16 PM
I think I've seen maybe 5-6 dropped passes since I've had the game. I even dropped WR catch to 48...

(CFM mode not Play now)
# 756 Arrowhead21 @ 09/05/14 10:22 PM
LOL you dropped it all the way to 48 from 50??? wooowwwzzzaaa

# 757 kjcheezhead @ 09/05/14 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I hate that. The passing game needs work next year in all aspects.
When APF is mentioned, this is my reason why I like that game better on the field. The timing and route based passing is just better. Much easier to put the ball in a spot away from defenders.

I love that throw a wr open is toned way down from its inception, but it's still not as good as even madden on ps2 as far as realistic ball placement, much less APF.

That's not to say I'm not enjoying madden this year, I just think overhauling the passing game would take to another level on the field.
# 758 Davon_A_Brown @ 09/05/14 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I gotta say this because it's still my BIGGEST pet peeve in Madden. WR catching animations!!!!!!! PLEASE, unless it's a jump ball, RECEIVERS DONT JUMP EVERY TIME for the ball!!!! Pisses me off I get a great catch that gets knocked away because my guy jumps 5 miles up for absolutely no reason And it allows the defender just enough time to run over and make a play. CHEST CATCHES, BASKET CATCHES, and stuff like that are normal.. come on EA!
I'll take that over having my All-Pro receiver never going up to get the ball at it's highest point.

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# 759 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Arrowhead21
LOL you dropped it all the way to 48 from 50??? wooowwwzzzaaa

Incremental changes are the smart way to do it.
# 760 bkrich83 @ 09/05/14 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by kjcheezhead

I love that throw a wr open is toned way down from its inception, but it's still not as good as even madden on ps2 as far as realistic ball placement, much less APF.
I disagree, especially when compared to PS2 Madden. Not sure what APF has to do with anything.

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