NHL 15 News Post

It’s official: EASHL, GM Connected, OTP, and Live the Life will not be in NHL 15.

The modes which will be in the game, will include play now, Be A Pro, Be a GM, Online Vs, Hockey Ultimate Team, and NHL Moments Live. The plan, as of right now, is to deliver Online Team Play via a patch after launch.

We sat down with Producer Sean Ramjagsingh to discuss why those modes were not included and to talk about the modes which are in the game. The discussion also turns to how to the team deals with community reactions and plans for the future of the franchise, which admittedly are quite exciting. See for yourself after the jump!

Read More - No EASHL, GM Connected, OTP, or Live The Life in NHL 15 (Interview with Sean Ramjagsingh)

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Rhys1218 @ 08/19/14 08:49 PM
Not quite sure how they can have so many more game modes on old gen than the current gen, especially when the new hardware is more powerful. Sounds almost as bad as Madden 06 when it came out on the 360!
# 62 cowboys282 @ 08/19/14 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by brandonc1979
I am not an online gamer, so while the rumors concerned me, I was hoping I wouldn't be affected. I was wrong. I spend all of my time in Be A GM, but from this interview, it sounds like we are getting a dumb-ed down version.

It is a slap in the face to the supporters of the franchise that they are charging full price for this game, yet the only game mode that I expect is going to be fully working is the mode they use to milk more money from gamers. I hope this year's game doesn't kill the franchise, but if this is the kind of games they are going to deliver, it won't be a big loss.
You are right on Brandon. They are slowly fazing your market out of these games. It is all about the Micro Transaction.

If you read Rammer's interview you will notice how Ultimate Team is not even mentioned by him. It's almost like he was purposely trying to avoid bringing it up.

Yet when you look at NHL15 they basically are saying pay $60 to play HUT which is a game mode that encourages Micro Transactions.

EA has every right as a company to maximize their profits. Some companies put customers first. EA is putting their profit margin first.
# 63 drewst18 @ 08/19/14 08:53 PM
^ hopefully that isn't true. If people stand by their word they are going to feel it huge. I am really going to put some trust in this community and others that we will do the right thing and not buy this game. They need to feel this and we need an overhaul of the whole NHL team. They don't know what their customer wants.

I hope I don't get banned for this but I am severely disappointed in OS as well. EA has been incredibly quick to ban on their site and I feel as if there is no way for us to rally against this, the OS ban hammer seems to be against what the site is intended for. The devs need to be put down for a decision like this, and obviously EA and while OS has put out some very good article's on the matter their defense of the devs here seems to be standing in EA's corner opposed to the gamer.
# 64 18 eighty 5 @ 08/19/14 08:55 PM
EAs new catch line 'If it was in the game it's not in the game.'
# 65 Sparkles @ 08/19/14 08:56 PM
Wow. I thought I heard rammer say this was a fully featured game... Whatever. There goes my purchase of an xbox and nhl/fifa/madden. Nhl was my go to game this year to buy a next gen console so I can play with a friends of mine (we play EASHL on 360, we're obsessed). So this hurts my chances of connecting with them
# 66 statum71 @ 08/19/14 09:03 PM
So I guess no Season Mode either?

No use buying. That's all I play.
# 67 cowboys282 @ 08/19/14 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by drewst18
^ hopefully that isn't true. If people stand by their word they are going to feel it huge. I am really going to put some trust in this community and others that we will do the right thing and not buy this game. They need to feel this and we need an overhaul of the whole NHL team. They don't know what their customer wants.

I hope I don't get banned for this but I am severely disappointed in OS as well. EA has been incredibly quick to ban on their site and I feel as if there is no way for us to rally against this, the OS ban hammer seems to be against what the site is intended for. The devs need to be put down for a decision like this, and obviously EA and while OS has put out some very good article's on the matter their defense of the devs here seems to be standing in EA's corner opposed to the gamer.
EA's banhammer has brought me here so hopefully Operation Sports is objective enough to allow open criticism of EA and their practices. Although I am sure they need to protect EA to an extent to get the kind of access they get from EA.

I hope people do stand by their word and about buying the game. But I have little faith. EA is very smart and knew this decision would anger many. But they also have the data I am sure that assures them enough people will still buy the game.

Think of it this way. If EA thought sales would plummet without EASHL don't we all think EA would have done everything in their power to get it working and include it in the game?
# 68 Sparkles @ 08/19/14 09:08 PM
Lawlz it's amazing how this game went from day one purchase to wait til next year hahahah. Not even considering to buy. That's ridiculous. EA effed up big time
# 69 statum71 @ 08/19/14 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by JaFFiTh
I couldn't care less about EASHL, HUT or any online games so I'm good to go! As long as I have my season mode all good!
Don't get too happy. It doesn't sound like our Season Mode is in either. (
# 70 dovuto86 @ 08/19/14 09:23 PM
So you are all saying that you would rather have EASHL added on the PS4/Xbox One in a broken state where it drops every game you try to play or freezes up every 5 seconds. Sony tried to FORCE broken online game modes to the customers in MLB the Show 14 and it is UNPLAYABLE online. Id rather have it not be included than have it included and only get to play 3 mins of the first period every game
# 71 JimmyDeicide @ 08/19/14 09:25 PM
Hes saying it took so long to get the 12 man physics in there and working properly that there wasnt much time left for everything else.
That is all well and good but as others have said it doesnt look much different.
So unless it feels different and the ai is really good they wont be getting my money on next gen.


If they have changed the physics and ai on current gen for the better then its not so bad, just have to play on current gen for another year. Thats not so bad really is it for us EASHLers.
Now saying all that if the demo doesnt nail all of that then they can kiss my arse.
Worst case ill have more time for Fifa Clubs so the bastards are still getting my money i really would like to stick it to them but i cant the clubs mode is just too much fun most of the time.
# 72 Jellobiafra @ 08/19/14 09:30 PM
Why is this happening?? Connected franchise modes getting dropped!!!! Ultimate team and be a pro get put in. C'mon man! Not getting this game.
# 73 Retropyro @ 08/19/14 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by dovuto86
So you are all saying that you would rather have EASHL added on the PS4/Xbox One in a broken state where it drops every game you try to play or freezes up every 5 seconds. Sony tried to FORCE broken online game modes to the customers in MLB the Show 14 and it is UNPLAYABLE online. Id rather have it not be included than have it included and only get to play 3 mins of the first period every game
I'd rather they delay the game a few months and get it right. They stated last year that they were skipping 14 on the XB1/PS4 because they did not want to release a game that wasn't fully featured. Yet, here we are. I'm personally fine with the game being released in the current state with missing modes and accepting their reasons for it, but not when they still want to charge full price. I think many would be more forgiving and understanding if this announcement came out and they then stated the game would retail for $39.99
# 74 centauris @ 08/19/14 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by dovuto86
So you are all saying that you would rather have EASHL added on the PS4/Xbox One in a broken state where it drops every game you try to play or freezes up every 5 seconds. Sony tried to FORCE broken online game modes to the customers in MLB the Show 14 and it is UNPLAYABLE online. Id rather have it not be included than have it included and only get to play 3 mins of the first period every game

umm.. no?

who said anyone wanted that?
# 75 dovuto86 @ 08/19/14 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by centauris
umm.. no?

who said anyone wanted that?
thats what it would be if they put EASHL on the PS4 and Xbox One, completely broken and unplayable
# 76 Jellobiafra @ 08/19/14 09:34 PM
This is all driven by micro transactions - online ultimate team and all the modes similar are a cancer to video game industry.
# 77 Gotmilkman24 @ 08/19/14 09:34 PM
I'd like to make another announcement. I'm sad.
# 78 dovuto86 @ 08/19/14 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Retropyro
I'd rather they delay the game a few months and get it right. They stated last year that they were skipping 14 on the XB1/PS4 because they did not want to release a game that wasn't fully featured. Yet, here we are. I'm personally fine with the game being released in the current state with missing modes and accepting their reasons for it, but not when they still want to charge full price. I think many would be more forgiving and understanding if this announcement came out and they then stated the game would retail for $39.99
Sony delayed MLB the Show 14 a month and a half on the PS4, had Diamond Dynasty, Road to the show online, and ranked head to head and NONE of it was playable. I can't get through 4 innings without it dropping the match. Delaying the game is not the answer
# 79 dovuto86 @ 08/19/14 09:38 PM
I just hope it is playable online in head to head mode
# 80 dcdreadhead @ 08/19/14 09:40 PM
Unbelievable! But then again it's EA, so why expect anything different. My workaround - play the demo and wait for the $20 price drop after a week or two due to the meager sales. No way in hell half a product is worth the full $60.

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