Madden NFL 15 News Post

Our friends at ESG have posted this Madden NFL 15 video that shows end of season stats, league leaders, awards, division standings, and more. They also simmed the playoffs and Super Bowl.

For those of you interested in simulated stats, check out the results and leave your thoughts.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 601 Connolly22 @ 08/27/14 07:09 PM
Mine is clean one season in idk about trades and stuff. I can imagine since stats and profession go hand in hand that profession is better. I have numbers backing everthying up. I can work on a photo if that's what's needed. I don't get home for a few hours tho. I don't have issues with the workaround. So someone else look into it please

If anything this method I better than stock so put it up and let people debunk it.
# 602 extremeskins04 @ 08/27/14 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Because we arent going to allow a new thread every time someone thinks he has a workaround. There have been 6-7 different posts in this thread alone where someone thinks they have a workaround and there have been issues with every one of them.

Once its confirmed that this works we will lock this and he can create a new one.
Actually "angels28" workaround is the one that works and people have been building on it and tweaking it, but the credit goes to him. It's also buried on pages 50-55 I believe so it actually would be nice to have a separate thread maybe stickied or something that has the workaround there and it's much appreciated that Connolly made that thread. And the method that angels and Connolly have posted work great, and not just QB stats but sacks and run stats.

This way people can reference it as it would be on the front page instead of digging through tons of posts/pages.

Just a thought is all.

I can always appreciate the mods locking threads that should be in "Impressions" or duplicate threads that have been asked and answered, but this legitimately deserves it's own thread man.
# 603 KingV2k3 @ 08/27/14 07:36 PM
Here's an example of a thread for The Show that details a few ways to set up franchise from 3 different members:


Perhaps a similar thread that details both angels and Connoll's workaround would do the trick?

EDIT: Prob not needed in light of recent events, etc.
# 604 aholbert32 @ 08/27/14 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Actually "angels28" workaround is the one that works and people have been building on it and tweaking it, but the credit goes to him. It's also buried on pages 50-55 I believe so it actually would be nice to have a separate thread maybe stickied or something that has the workaround there.

This way people can reference it as it would be on the front page instead of digging through tons of posts/pages.

Just a thought is all.

I can always appreciate the mods locking threads that should be in "Impressions" or duplicate threads that have been asked and answered, but this legitimately deserves it's own thread man.

Ok. The past 15 pages have been people using angels workaround, right? Over the past 10 pages people have been posting about issues with that "workaround". From too many sacks to bad D stats to loading issues. So it hasnt been confirmed as a complete workaround.

Now Connolly 22 says he has a workaround, right? Hasnt provided pictures. No one else has verified that it works yet. He even admitted that he was smoking (lol) when he worked on the workaround.

So whats the issue with waiting for others to confirm this is a complete workaround before we allow a "workaround thread" to exist?
# 605 Skyboxer @ 08/27/14 07:48 PM
From Impressions thread:

Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
The CFM stats issue is being worked on as we speak. I have total faith the team down in Austin will get this resolved. Appreciate the feedback, really happy you guys are enjoying the game.
# 606 extremeskins04 @ 08/27/14 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
From Impressions thread:
Nice!! This is great news.
# 607 StefJoeHalt @ 08/27/14 08:59 PM
That is news..my concern is the turnaround to the patch..also the repercussion of said patch/ tuner...there isn't a ton of time to make sure it works properly..useless the patch/tuner arrives in a few months..great news would have been "yes we knew of the issue pre-shipment and have been working on the fix for weeks. Patch will be out in (insert date)"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 608 nolesfan3 @ 08/27/14 09:12 PM
Yes information that they knew about it before the release would be great to hear but at least it is being worked on. We will just have to cross our fingers and hope the solution isn't worse than the problem currently.
# 609 angels28 @ 08/27/14 09:47 PM
At least they are trying to fix. Have we figured out the best way to play the games?

My guess:
So I need to set team with correct playbook, save and exit out of game. Restart and delegate game prep then play game. Reset teams playbook back to " balance" etc. and set next team up. Save and exit out of game. Restart , sim to next week, delegate game prep and play and repeat.

Hope it works. If not, a lot of play now until the patch drops

Good luck all
# 610 Connolly22 @ 08/27/14 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Ok. The past 15 pages have been people using angels workaround, right? Over the past 10 pages people have been posting about issues with that "workaround". From too many sacks to bad D stats to loading issues. So it hasnt been confirmed as a complete workaround.

Now Connolly 22 says he has a workaround, right? Hasnt provided pictures. No one else has verified that it works yet. He even admitted that he was smoking (lol) when he worked on the workaround.

So whats the issue with waiting for others to confirm this is a complete workaround before we allow a "workaround thread" to exist?
I think it was prolly angel who's idea I saw and built off of it. I think it's basically the same thing except putting all schemes to vertical is not needed. I was high when I did the experiment, but I work best that way lol. I just got done umpiring and gotta shower and would like to play but I'll post pics tonorrow before I go to class tomorrow at 11.
# 611 Connolly22 @ 08/27/14 11:18 PM
Screw it. I'm getting home now, I'll have pictures up in an hour
# 612 Cowboy008 @ 08/27/14 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
From Impressions thread:
I wonder if we will have to restart our CFMs over again or if they will let us keep the ones we have.
# 613 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 12:34 AM
i literally never saved the one i had, and it went to the next season and i don't think i could've seen the stats again, so i just RESTARTED the entire process again but just finished..the season is now summing…i didn't want to report back here telling you i didn't save because you all would've gone nuts lol…but it IS in process right now, i hope i didn't forget to do anything…

ALSO there IS one thing i completely forgot to mention earlier, but it really isn't too big of a deal…i DID tinker with player ratings VERY LITTLE (nobodody's overall changed any more than 1 point--which was only like 2 players) and also changed most (not all) dbs play ball in air tendencies from aggressive to balanced--and some form balanced to conservative…..THATS what i did that was different from anyone else trying what I've mentioned, but i can upload that roster to the internet for people to download right???… its in week 12 now, so ill be posting again soon sorry for the delay

EDIT: at my first glance at qb stats, they look good taking pictures now hopefully i can figure out how to get them on here
# 614 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 12:53 AM
QB stats by yards (last sim had 2 over 5000):Attachment 81477
# 615 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 12:55 AM
QB stats by INT:Attachment 81478

Hoyer got hurt in preseason

sorry but i don't know how to do multiple pics in a single post..but these stats are legit
# 616 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 12:56 AM
RB stats by yards: Attachment 81479
# 617 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 12:58 AM
RB stats by attempts: Attachment 81480
# 618 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 01:03 AM
REC by yards: Attachment 81481
# 619 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 01:05 AM
DEF stats by sack: Attachment 81482
# 620 Connolly22 @ 08/28/14 01:09 AM
DEF stats by INT (two players a little tiny bit high---last some only had one guy in double digits): Attachment 81483

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