Madden NFL 15 News Post

Our friends at ESG have posted this Madden NFL 15 video that shows end of season stats, league leaders, awards, division standings, and more. They also simmed the playoffs and Super Bowl.

For those of you interested in simulated stats, check out the results and leave your thoughts.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 561 Badguy1985 @ 08/27/14 01:23 AM
For the loading data thing, could a couple people try this: delegate your left over game prep to get a check in that box. Then start.

Worked for me and angel28 want to see if it's a coincidence.
# 562 SirFunkyBacon @ 08/27/14 03:49 AM
I didn't experience bad stats last year, so I can't speak for that, but have witnessed the stats this year.

EA needs to stop counting their money and give us some kind of update on the patch progress.
# 563 Danbo80 @ 08/27/14 04:13 AM
I hope this sim stat issue is patched this year, and soon. However I only expect tweaks
to make it slightley better, Why? The issue is the Sim Engine itself. It needs to be rebuilt, from the ground up. It just doesn't simulate what happens in todays NFL.

High passing volume, High pass percentages
Few serious QB injuries(can't touch Qb's these days)
Slot WRs with huge Rec totals
2 back systems
Goal line backs who score majority of rushing TDs

It seems like Madden's sim engine hasn't been touched since Gen 3 launched. I really hope for a short term fix. But My number one wishlist item, as has been for the last 3-4 yrs is A new, Up to date Sim Engine.

I haven't bought the game in 4 years due to this, and Yes EA, it is that important to a franchise mode.
# 564 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/27/14 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Daywalker3
So I decided to change up defensive schemes too for my testing and making sure no team is on "attacking". Unfortunately in doing so, I found another fun bug. When taking control of an existing coach (or your own, it seems), there is no "Base 3-4" option in schemes. Several coaches have it by default, but the moment you go in to change their offensive scheme and playbook, you'll never be able to keep their defensive scheme at Base 3-4. Unfortunately, I was hoping to take all the "attacking 3-4" teams and turn them into base, and now I'm left with turning ALL the 3-4 teams into zone blitz 3-4 or hybrid defense. Well played, guys. Well played.
Wow, that's pretty brutal.

Definitely like the idea of changing defensive schemes just to see what happens though.

Such a shame because the gameplay is really good this year. I'm currently doing a career as an undrafted QB for the Broncos for now until they sort this mess out. Made my preseason debut last night and punched in the winning touchdown with 12 seconds left. Most fun I've had playing a football game since 2k5.
# 565 mowbr4 @ 08/27/14 08:58 AM
I am so excited to pick up this game. However, as a HUGE CFM player, I need the SIM stats to be fixed before I pick it up. Please EA, release a patch.
# 566 lsu4life86 @ 08/27/14 09:06 AM
Do they have a simulate game time option? Or do all simulated games go off of 15min qtrs?
# 567 debauchlord @ 08/27/14 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by mowbr4
I am so excited to pick up this game. However, as a HUGE CFM player, I need the SIM stats to be fixed before I pick it up. Please EA, release a patch.
I have no idea what is going on in a simmed season...I am half way through my own CFM, and while I have 6 tds and 7ints (I am Buffalo, give me some slack), Brees has 16 tds and Manning has 14tds so far. It may have to do with a re-emphasis on the running game? In Madden's past maybe the CPU would have 10-12 rushing attempts. Last game I played J. Charles had 24.

Maybe its just a small sample size; and as for injuries, I moved the injury slider up to 55 and raised the fatigue slider up to 60. Knocked Alex Smith out for the season in the second quarter and badly injured Hemingway in the 4th. Spiller (of course) was out for the game after the third quarter.
# 568 KingV2k3 @ 08/27/14 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Daywalker3
So I decided to change up defensive schemes too for my testing and making sure no team is on "attacking". Unfortunately in doing so, I found another fun bug. When taking control of an existing coach (or your own, it seems), there is no "Base 3-4" option in schemes. Several coaches have it by default, but the moment you go in to change their offensive scheme and playbook, you'll never be able to keep their defensive scheme at Base 3-4. Unfortunately, I was hoping to take all the "attacking 3-4" teams and turn them into base, and now I'm left with turning ALL the 3-4 teams into zone blitz 3-4 or hybrid defense. Well played, guys. Well played.
If the inflated sack totals are still coming off the left side another thing that may work is to:

1) Use 32 Team Control

2) Set LE / LLOB Player Style Boxes to "Balanced" (as opposed to "Pass Rush")

Those have been surprisingly responsive in years past for played games, so they might influence the sim engine as well...

Might also be worthwhile to set LTs to "Pass Blocking" as well...

Worth a shot, IMHO...
# 569 strife1013 @ 08/27/14 09:48 AM
Anyone know when we can expect a patch, Josh Loesman said they are looking into it. Thats all i found. Who knows what that means
# 570 Mauer4MVP @ 08/27/14 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by PMO
At years end basically every #1 RB will have 350+ carries, I have even seen 400+. Thats a huge problem. Peyton ended a simmed season with 150 less pass attempts then last year. I am sure everyone else had that same stat I just used Peyton as my example.
So that would be 851 yards and roughly 12 tds missing based on last years averages. Man that is a huge difference.
# 571 extremeskins04 @ 08/27/14 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by PMO
Where did Looman say this? Twitter?
Yea he said it about 5 days ago or so.

# 572 StefJoeHalt @ 08/27/14 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by PMO
Where did Looman say this? Twitter?

On my phone so let me see if this link works but below..let me know if it didn't I'll try something else

However if they are now just looking into it..and didn't know pre-release..at least several weeks for patch..unless they can use a tuner..but I don't have any programming background..better if one of the programming members gives that answer


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# 573 Mike_SethT @ 08/27/14 12:04 PM
Is there a faster way to do 32 team control then to just make 32 characters and select every owner in a row?
# 574 excaliberx18 @ 08/27/14 02:04 PM
Been watching this thread for awhile. Figured I would maybe try to give insight as an avid offline cfm player. I was wondering if anyone has tried adjusting each coach's tendencies rather than schemes and playbooks? If I recall, there are sliders for pashing/rushing on and aggressive/conservative for both offense and defense. Someone could try increasing the pass slider and aggressiveness for offense and making the defense more conservative. Just my thoughts...
# 575 extremeskins04 @ 08/27/14 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by excaliberx18
Been watching this thread for awhile. Figured I would maybe try to give insight as an avid offline cfm player. I was wondering if anyone has tried adjusting each coach's tendencies rather than schemes and playbooks? If I recall, there are sliders for pashing/rushing on and aggressive/conservative for both offense and defense. Someone could try increasing the pass slider and aggressiveness for offense and making the defense more conservative. Just my thoughts...
I believe the OS'ers tested this already and it had no effect, and the only thing that truly made a difference was adjusting the playbooks and schemes. And in all actuality the playbooks were the biggest changers. (pass balanced, balanced, and run balanced)
# 576 excaliberx18 @ 08/27/14 02:30 PM
I see...that's unfortunate. For a second I thought I had a genuine idea lmao. Anyways, I have the XB1 Madden 15 so I'm gonna try to tinker with a few sims and try to contribute if I have time...school just started
# 577 cokohpuffs41 @ 08/27/14 03:15 PM
After a season of simming using the workaround, everything seemed okay...until I delved deeper on sacks.

There was only ONE interior lineman with even ONE sack. Suh had 12. No other DT in the league had any. No CB had a sack, and no FS had one either. 3 SS's had between 1 and 3 sacks, but no other DT?

I'm not sure any scheme changes will fix this flaw.
# 578 StefJoeHalt @ 08/27/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by cokohpuffs41
After a season of simming using the workaround, everything seemed okay...until I delved deeper on sacks.

There was only ONE interior lineman with even ONE sack. Suh had 12. No other DT in the league had any. No CB had a sack, and no FS had one either. 3 SS's had between 1 and 3 sacks, but no other DT?

I'm not sure any scheme changes will fix this flaw.

What was the lead leading total? And team totals? Thanks

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# 579 cokohpuffs41 @ 08/27/14 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by StefJoeHalt
What was the lead leading total? And team totals? Thanks

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Leaders and whatnot weren't TOO crazy like the one guy who had a 30+ sack guy.

Quinn led the league with 22, then a couple at 18, a couple at 17, etc.

The Rams as a team had 50 sacks to lead the league.
# 580 aholbert32 @ 08/27/14 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Skuxx24
Has anyone tried supersim games?? Instead of just simming week to week are the results any different.
The results are different but there are issues with a low amount of injuries occuring. I'm gonna test it more tonight.

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