MLB 14 The Show News Post

MLB 14 The Show will be available as a Day 1 digital download at 12:01 AM EST on May 6th. (SEE UPDATES BELOW) Similar to how users were able to download the PS3 version, expect it to be available at that time, give or take a few minutes.

It doesn't appear as though you will be able to pre-download, as some hoped with the latest PlayStation update. VG24/7 noted Watch Dogs will be the first game available for pre-download, releasing on May 27th.

UPDATE: As of 10:30 AM EST, the game is still not available to download.

UPDATE #2: Due to unforeseen technical issues, MLB 14 The Show for PS4 is not currently available for download via the PlayStation Store. All parties are working as quickly as possible to remedy the issue. We’ll update this post as soon as a resolution is reached. Thank you for your continued patience.

UPDATE #3: Based off of the many responses, the download should be available for everyone now.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1101 gmen1088 @ 05/06/14 11:35 AM
So thats why u been on 20 hour grind
# 1102 NYJin2011tm @ 05/06/14 11:35 AM
Unfortunately this is how most companies are today, they totally lack any customer service whatsoever.
# 1103 michaei89 @ 05/06/14 11:35 AM
The most annoying part of this whole fiasco is that Sony will have either a half baked excuse or ignore the complaints. i can understand a few hours. but come on even sony has to think this has gone beyond a joke. And im also not expecting any composition or even a sorry Email from sony. Like many this is the first and last time i go Digital. for the past 4 years i had this and NCAA shipped to Australia rather than digital. Hell if i ordered from Amazon i would of not had high hopes to play the game so early.

And its almost 1AM where i live and my monthly internet cap reset today this is going to eat up almost 25% of my Quota was planning of splitting it between last month and this month by getting a nice chunk done yesterday.
# 1104 Jello @ 05/06/14 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
How did you waste at least half a day? You saw it wasn't up at 12:02...or 1:02...or 2:02. Did you just sit clicking refresh? That doesn't sound like Sony's fault that you wasted half of a day...

A more rational reaction would seem to be "Darn, it's not up, maybe I'll go do those productive things I have to do and hopefully it's up when I come back. If not, I'll just cancel my preorder and grab from a store."
I've said a few times in this thread that I took a personal day form work in order to get into this game today. No that's not Sony's fault, but it still effects me. I would have been much more productive at work today. And like I said, if I'd know this would be the case I would have just skipped the pre-order and bought from a store today.

The promise of a post midnight (or thereabouts) download was literally the only factor that caused me to purchase from Sony rather than say Gamespot. And that promise turned out to be false.
# 1105 nuckles2k2 @ 05/06/14 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by mgoblue678
The only facts are that Sony gave me the impression that the game would be available at 12:01 or sometime around that. It is now 10+ hours later, and they haven't communicated what is going on effectively to customers. Those are the only "facts" available to us as consumers, at this moment.
Originally Posted by Jello
I'm not sure what that means, and this isn't about the $60 to me. It's about adjusting my day around this release because the company gave me the impression it would be available much earlier than it would be. I could have just as easily skipped the pre-order and gone to a store this morning, but their statement led me to believe that pre-ordering was to my advantage.

Now I'm stuck waiting for them and in the end will have wasted at least half a day that I could have used more productively if not for their incorrect information. I think as a consumer it is my right to be annoyed by this sequence of events.
I feel what you guys are saying. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trolling y'all, cause I'm in the same boat, I'm waiting too.

I'm just intimating that this is a part of the informed/educated consumer issue we have in this world. Is Sony wrong for not delivering at 12:01am? Hell yea.

But is this something new? Nope. Are their issues with PSN reliability well documented? Yep.

Could folks have taken that info and decided that maybe going digital wasn't the best option? Of course. But a lot of the time the consumer takes some "puffery" as a warranty, and then it's on.

I see it everyday. Hell, I even have to do it. I try to make sure that when I tell a customer something, if it's written, then it'll happen. But sometimes you need to pump up your own standpoint a little bit to compete with the competition.

So Sony is trying to steal sales from retailers w/ the 12:01am line. They succeeded, but here comes the PSN issues that's been talked about, and the info is out there for anyone to read up on. Hell....there were issues with people downloading The Show 14 for the PS3, where it straight up would not install.

I get it tho, y'all are venting. I'm frustrated too...I guess we just go about handling it in diff ways.
# 1106 xcollins24 @ 05/06/14 11:36 AM
one silver lining seems to be the game seems to be downloading at a decent rate of speed already at 20% ten minutes in..dk if thats fast or not but seems pretty decent to me so hopefully i can play in less then 5 hours or so!! have to work at midnight so just want to get a quick game in before that!!
# 1107 patchs085 @ 05/06/14 11:37 AM
New here at os. Understanding the human error that goes into these things but the wait is making me feel like Roger Dorn in Major League 2. Riding the pine while everyone with the hard copy getting to play sucks!
# 1108 Bat @ 05/06/14 11:37 AM
IMO they should not actually charge us full price for the pre-order till we actually have the game. That would make things alot easier. I thought that sucked before the botched digital launch, now even more so.
# 1109 rammstein @ 05/06/14 11:37 AM
Bottom line Sony messed up they got our money just wait for the game and make sure to not buy digital from Sony again
# 1110 m1ke_nyc @ 05/06/14 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
How did you waste at least half a day? You saw it wasn't up at 12:02...or 1:02...or 2:02. Did you just sit clicking refresh? That doesn't sound like Sony's fault that you wasted half of a day...

A more rational reaction would seem to be "Darn, it's not up, maybe I'll go do those productive things I have to do and hopefully it's up when I come back. If not, I'll just cancel my preorder and grab from a store."
You can't cancel a pre order on psn. Once you confirm the purchase you are at their mercy. Some people have families and midnight is the time they have for gaming when everyone is in bed. Your not gonna convince people to not be upset so I dont understand why you guys keep trying. Is it Sony's fault he wasted half a day ? No is it Sony's fault for not delivering ? Yes and he has a right to be upset.
# 1111 HokieB @ 05/06/14 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
How did you waste at least half a day? You saw it wasn't up at 12:02...or 1:02...or 2:02. Did you just sit clicking refresh? That doesn't sound like Sony's fault that you wasted half of a day...

A more rational reaction would seem to be "Darn, it's not up, maybe I'll go do those productive things I have to do and hopefully it's up when I come back. If not, I'll just cancel my preorder and grab from a store."
From reading this thread, apparently it's a gamble with canceling your pre-order. Some people have tried in the past and received an "all sales are final" email 7 days later.
# 1112 TheBleedingRed21 @ 05/06/14 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cutwolf
It makes you whiny, even if you are technically correct.

It's a video game. Stuff happens. What was so vital that you had to have it at 12:01 on the dot?

If it bothers you that much, cancel your preorder.
You know, you are starting to troll. Trying to piss people off, yes people can be upset they were promised a game at midnight and now wait until around 6-8pm est (my guess)

If you are just going to tell people to stop whining or say it's just a game, then keep it to yourself and get out of this thread. Not only am I tired of reading it, I am sure everyone else is as well.
# 1113 rjackson @ 05/06/14 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by RateSports
Unfortunately, today is a day where complaining should probably be encouraged. This is some bs. I work in Networking and understand how big of a screw up this is. This is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Pirate
I think complaining and speaking our minds is cathartic... If one doesn't speak out on a topic, then there is nothing to build from.
Complaining should NEVER be encouraged in my experience. I agree that it is a huge error that will cost them in terms of future sales as I am also done with the day one digital for a variety of reasons. However, people are coming here looking for useful and helpful information and there is nothing but clutter. Also, nobody answered my question--just pointing that out as it proves my point.

I'll try again. PS4 is on stand-by, auto download updates and stuff is on, but I'm not a PS+ member. Will I get the auto d/l when it happens, a notification, or will it have to be manual. This is my first and last day one digital so I don't know how this works. Thanks to anyone who responds.
# 1114 Jello @ 05/06/14 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by rammstein
Bottom line Sony messed up they got our money just wait for the game and make sure to not buy digital from Sony again
Pretty much this. I'm sure I'll buy digital again, but not pre-order. Gamestop has my pre-order business for the foreseeable future.

And no, I don't think Sony are thieves or that they owe me anything more than the game they said I could have at midnight last night. In the grand scheme, this is a minor annoyance and even though I'm not playing the game I thought I'd have by now, I'm still off work. I'm sitting in an easy chair watching a 55 inch lcd and playing around online.

So all in all, this is definitely a first world problem.
# 1115 rammstein @ 05/06/14 11:45 AM
later on today we will all be playing mlb and this nonsense will be a distant memory so come on people get loadout do something usefully Sony will get what's coming to them eventually lol
# 1116 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 11:45 AM
You people act like these things can be fixed with the click of a button. It doesn't work like that. Its like the world is gonna end in here. God forbid you have to do something else than play a game today. You will get your precious little game. Sony isnt going to just take you money and not give the game to you. When its fixed it will be there. No amount of complaining here will fix anything. No one from Sony that can change anything will see these. The game should have been available 10 hours ago. But it wasnt. Its still not and you just have to deal with it until it is.
# 1117 pdawg17 @ 05/06/14 11:46 AM
Wow the game's rating dropped a full star overnight. Poor guys. They should be just as pissed.

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# 1118 cdncurrency @ 05/06/14 11:46 AM
Just picked up the physical copy. Playstation dinged me for 160$ for a video game. I shouldn't have to wait until 5 pm. Thanks for souring the release of this game for me sony.
# 1119 rammstein @ 05/06/14 11:48 AM
Why are people buying hard copies? Just wait!!! Hal whine and cry then turn around a give Sony more money lol wow
# 1120 gmen1088 @ 05/06/14 11:50 AM
mlb 14 gold edition i hope

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