MLB 14 The Show News Post

MLB 14 The Show will be available as a Day 1 digital download at 12:01 AM EST on May 6th. (SEE UPDATES BELOW) Similar to how users were able to download the PS3 version, expect it to be available at that time, give or take a few minutes.

It doesn't appear as though you will be able to pre-download, as some hoped with the latest PlayStation update. VG24/7 noted Watch Dogs will be the first game available for pre-download, releasing on May 27th.

UPDATE: As of 10:30 AM EST, the game is still not available to download.

UPDATE #2: Due to unforeseen technical issues, MLB 14 The Show for PS4 is not currently available for download via the PlayStation Store. All parties are working as quickly as possible to remedy the issue. We’ll update this post as soon as a resolution is reached. Thank you for your continued patience.

UPDATE #3: Based off of the many responses, the download should be available for everyone now.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1081 Jello @ 05/06/14 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by chaz526
Somebody skipped school today...
Actually some of skipped work today, because we believed a statement given by a company at point of purchase. Some of us adjusted our calenders specifically based on that promise at purchase, so yeah...we feel a little let down at this point.
# 1082 HozAndMoose @ 05/06/14 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by jm2054
I got it hard copy after canceling pre order installed in less then 3 minutes full game

sent from Hogwarts using owlpost
you didnt install it fully in 3 minutes
# 1083 xcollins24 @ 05/06/14 11:24 AM
lol nvm i see the tiny bar in the top left thats barely moving..i knew it was to good to be true..well bring on the waiting! at least i can look around the menus and play around so not terrible i guess
# 1084 Platehpus @ 05/06/14 11:24 AM
Also, for those expecting refunds and buying hard copies, here's your best bet. Play the hard copy til the game is available to download digitally. If you bought the hard copy from GameStop (the only place I know the policy of returned games) you will be able to get a full refund if you return it in the first 3 days. I know people think they'll be receiving refunds, but you won't. I hate to be negative but I've seen the same garbage spewed from Live Chat representatives before and never got a refund. Worst case scenario, you exchange your hard copy for another game and eat the $60 (Watch Dogs anyone?)
# 1085 jm2054 @ 05/06/14 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
you didnt install it fully in 3 minutes
It was available to play in under 2 it must have just been quick install because it's on the loading screen now and has been for a few minutes

sent from Hogwarts using owlpost
# 1086 scottborasjr @ 05/06/14 11:25 AM
I guess this explains why Walmart was sold out already at 6 am....
# 1087 mgoblue678 @ 05/06/14 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by nuckles2k2
Could be the incessant crying and whining as if someone's $60 was somehow more valuable than anyone else's.

That could get in the way of people hearing the "facts."
The only facts are that Sony gave me the impression that the game would be available at 12:01 or sometime around that. It is now 10+ hours later, and they haven't communicated what is going on effectively to customers. Those are the only "facts" available to us as consumers, at this moment.
# 1088 jm2054 @ 05/06/14 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
you didnt install it fully in 3 minutes
Never mind it was quick install
sent from Hogwarts using owlpost
# 1089 gmen1088 @ 05/06/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by xcollins24
caved in and just got the physical copy and took 3 mins to instal first part..watching intro video now and wow if its any indication of how the game will be ill crap my pants..simply stunning..guys do yourself a favor and bite the bullet and just got by the physical copy so you can start playing..i had to do it and yes it sucks admitting sony won but its worth it! so far lol fingers crossed
# 1090 Jello @ 05/06/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by nuckles2k2
Could be the incessant crying and whining as if someone's $60 was somehow more valuable than anyone else's.

That could get in the way of people hearing the "facts."
I'm not sure what that means, and this isn't about the $60 to me. It's about adjusting my day around this release because the company gave me the impression it would be available much earlier than it would be. I could have just as easily skipped the pre-order and gone to a store this morning, but their statement led me to believe that pre-ordering was to my advantage.

Now I'm stuck waiting for them and in the end will have wasted at least half a day that I could have used more productively if not for their incorrect information. I think as a consumer it is my right to be annoyed by this sequence of events.
# 1091 whodey17 @ 05/06/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by [email protected]
Also, for those expecting refunds and buying hard copies, here's your best bet. Play the hard copy til the game is available to download digitally. If you bought the hard copy from GameStop (the only place I know the policy of returned games) you will be able to get a full refund if you return it in the first 3 days. I know people think they'll be receiving refunds, but you won't. I hate to be negative but I've seen the same garbage spewed from Live Chat representatives before and never got a refund. Worst case scenario, you exchange your hard copy for another game and eat the $60 (Watch Dogs anyone?)
If Sony messes around with my refund I'll just file a dispute with PayPal to get my money back since I fund my wallet through PayPal.
# 1092 nuckles2k2 @ 05/06/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by roolz
Im not angry that the game is not there, thats technology and thats life... humans make mistakes, things happen.

What im disappointed at is the lack of communication, im scrabbling around a '3rd party' site in the form of Operation Sports in order to try and find some information about when it might be there etc

No matter what, communication is the lifeline of a company... ive worked in various industries and in one of them as a manager, if we lost our online systems which affected the customers and business clients, within minutes we had updates going out online, on phone lines, even calling the bigger clients direct to explain.. this would be an hourly exercise so people knew what was going on.

Now I know Sony is huge and the customer base for this game is going to be close to if not over 1 million for downloads... then just a simple PSN notification would suffice, they know the usernames that ordered the game.. so send out a.. Sorry cant download blah blah blah etc and do that every hour that its not available until there is more news.

idk, just my take on it.

Still thanks to this site, im in the loop as much as I can be right now
This is on point. Great post.

That's exactly why I constantly give my customers updates. I know some of them get a little irritated by it, but I rather that they're over-informed than under-informed.

Sony could handle these PSN issues better, and that would assuage about 50% of the people complaining, which is better than the 0% they're handled so far.
# 1093 whodey17 @ 05/06/14 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Jello
I'm not sure what that means, and this isn't about the $60 to me. It's about adjusting my day around this release because the company gave me the impression it would be available much earlier than it would be. I could have just as easily skipped the pre-order and gone to a store this morning, but their statement led me to believe that pre-ordering was to my advantage.

Now I'm stuck waiting for them and in the end will have wasted at least half a day that I could have used more productively if not for their incorrect information. I think as a consumer it is my right to be annoyed by this sequence of events.
and then you're gonna have to wait for it to download for hours (unless you have google fiber). It's BS
# 1094 bluengold34_OS @ 05/06/14 11:30 AM
I just want to know how Sony is going to refund my 4 hours of lost sleep from last night - plus I had to listen to our wonderful site admin snore in a party for 2 hours as he fell asleep. Refund that Sony!
# 1095 JHedges2 @ 05/06/14 11:30 AM
I wonder if Russell as gone to bed yet, lol?

In other news, my wife just went and picked up my pre-ordered copy from Gamestop, and it will be installed for me when I get home from work this afternoon. And I'll have a full night's sleep last night (somehow???) to see me through the wee hours of playing tonight.

I feel for all of you who went digital and have not been delivered your product, it really is a crappy deal. Shame on PSN for not doing a better job of updating the masses.

# 1096 gmen1088 @ 05/06/14 11:33 AM
Wow i feel for all the mothers buying this gm twice, right next to mothers day shame.
# 1097 Jello @ 05/06/14 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by [email protected]
Also, for those expecting refunds and buying hard copies, here's your best bet. Play the hard copy til the game is available to download digitally. If you bought the hard copy from GameStop (the only place I know the policy of returned games) you will be able to get a full refund if you return it in the first 3 days. I know people think they'll be receiving refunds, but you won't. I hate to be negative but I've seen the same garbage spewed from Live Chat representatives before and never got a refund. Worst case scenario, you exchange your hard copy for another game and eat the $60 (Watch Dogs anyone?)
While that is tempting, I don't want to screw Gamestop over because of Sony's mistake. Even as a consumer I try to conduct my business in good faith, which is part of why this Sony 12:01am thing is so annoying to me.
# 1098 Brandwin @ 05/06/14 11:34 AM
I want to pay Sony for all the entertainment they have provided me before bed and since I have woken up. *hi-five*

It really blows for those who bought it digitally and still waiting for it up be available for downloads. I know I have taken days off to game before and I would be pretty upset if I wasn't able to download the game and play. I just can't jump on the all digital bandwagon yet and this is one of the many reasons why.
# 1099 ondreythegiant @ 05/06/14 11:34 AM
How do you cancel your pre-order?
# 1100 heater26_99 @ 05/06/14 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Jibbler
from all the reading most are saying 5pm PST which means 8pm EST

I don't really want to play the game now just wanna get the dam thing downloading that's the issue here its not like clicking and button and poof its there we just wanna get the dam download started so it will be ready when we want to play
Exactly. Starting this at 8pm is going to be a nightmare

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