MLB 14 The Show News Post

We just received a new video from Sony of MLB 14 The Show featuring the new and improved stadiums in the game. The video centers around the theme of "The Cathedrals Are Better."

We have also grabbed plenty of screen captures from the video. You can take a look at them in the screenshots section.

Some tidbits:
  • PS4 allows for individual blades of grass to be modeled allowing for more realistic striping of playing surfaces.
  • Up to 1,000 unique character models in the stands. Kids will be amongst the spectators.
  • Bat boys are included.
  • Better color depth and accuracy, especially for night games. Seriously watch the video it looks amazing.
Be sure to check out the video and let us know what you think of the new and improved graphics.

MLB 14 The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view MLB 14 The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view MLB 14 The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view MLB 14 The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 141 BravoSir @ 04/07/14 08:20 PM
This is me on my soapbox again about this one particular thing, but I do hope that PS4 is able to handle multiple game times and the differences in time. 1:00, 4:15, 7:30, and 8:00, I hope. It would be nice to also have retractable roofs and water buildup in the outfield during rainy games.
# 142 Nando12 @ 04/07/14 08:25 PM
I was really hoping to see Angel Stadium's rock formation in the video. Hopefully it looks incredible. If the rest of the stadiums shown are any indication, it will look great. May 6 can't come soon enough.
# 143 hysteria499 @ 04/07/14 08:32 PM
So pumped hurry May 6th already! I am ready!
# 144 brrmikey @ 04/07/14 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
Other then the huge heads in the crowd the game looks good.
love the way these screenshots look on tsbmolina's post. i've always thought that the show (ps3) when i'm playing looks almost "too crisp" and that's when at 720p. any advice on any HDTV settings that can be altered to have "a sports game" in general look like these screenshots. they look so smooth and soft...hope someone understands what i'm talking about. thanks.

for example:
# 145 JoeCoolMan24 @ 04/07/14 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by JoeCoolMan24
I see that virtual Wrigley Field includes almost the EXACT LED ribbon stat line that has been missing from virtual US Cellular Field and that I've mentioned in multiple threads for the past 3 or 4 years now.

This year better not let me down and see US Cellular get ignored AGAIN.
I should also add the Sox completely changed the look of their facade behind home plate. Although given that this is a new change this year, and given the fact that it's the White Sox, I am not expected it to be updated for this year's game. But the LED ribbon in CF is LOOOONG overdue.

Old facade...

New facade...
# 146 videobastard @ 04/07/14 08:51 PM
Should of stayed out the thread. The stadiums have me in the mood to play some baseball...
# 147 aguero90 @ 04/07/14 08:53 PM
Ah, and the ball has started roling! It looks amazing, even to me!
# 148 Lovesports @ 04/07/14 09:08 PM
I know everyone will jump down my throat but I wasn't impressed with the player models at all. Zimmerman looked very PS3ish. It's just my opinion so relax everyone
# 149 Sox Fan @ 04/07/14 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by JoeCoolMan24
I should also add the Sox completely changed the look of their facade behind home plate. Although given that this is a new change this year, and given the fact that it's the White Sox, I am not expected it to be updated for this year's game. But the LED ribbon in CF is LOOOONG overdue.

Old facade...

New facade...
Yeah I hope they got the colors right of The Cell too! Also the foul polls also have been wrong.
# 150 ghm125 @ 04/07/14 09:10 PM
# 151 CujoMatty @ 04/07/14 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I agree.

Again, I'm not bashing anything here. Just simply stating my opinion on the video posted. It is funny, however, the difference between this forum and the Madden forums.

In this forum if one says something that it critical or points out something that isn't right they get jumped on. Over at the Madden forums it is the complete opposite. Every video, screenshot, etc. that is release is heavily criticized. I guess that's what EA get's for releasing an inferior product.

But my thought remains, if every stadium was truly and completely re-done, why would the artist doing Wrigley Field not make the doors look right? Copy and pasted most likely.
Its quite obvious your looking for attention. You wrote that nonsense then just waited for someone to disagree then played the abused house wife.
The reason people are so negative on the madden forum is because that madden constantly fails to live up to the hype and by its own doing demands scrutiny. The show has been doing everything right for years. Its not perfect but it damn sure deserves the praise it gets.
# 152 Hockeynut99 @ 04/07/14 09:39 PM
Jesus can anyone have an opinion about the game. I am a little disappointment in the animation. It looked so much like the ps3. Hopefully having more animation helps with some of the hipcups you see in the ps3.
# 153 bxgoods @ 04/07/14 09:40 PM
I wasn't impressed as much a a I thought I would be.
In all honestly, I thought I was watching a ps3 video because all of the animations looked the same. The players didn't move as fluid as I was hoping. And the player models look like the base models from ps3, just higher res.
# 154 SmashMan @ 04/07/14 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by cujomatty
Its quite obvious your looking for attention. You wrote that nonsense then just waited for someone to disagree then played the abused house wife.

He's not the only one that thinks Wrigley looks off as it was on PS3. As someone who was hoping this would be changed since the stadiums have apparently been built from scratch for PS4, I can share his disappointment in the brief looks we've had today.

I'm reserving judgment myself until I see it how it comes together in the final game, but I'm not too excited about how Wrigley Field looks at this point.
# 155 TerminallyOdd @ 04/07/14 09:53 PM
Those criticizing the the fluidity of the animation should probably wait until playing the game itself or at least seeing a 60 frames-per-second video before passing judgement. This video is displaying at 30 fps (or is it 24?), so naturally there are frames missing making it look a little more twitchy than the actual game will look.

I remember something similar happened when gameplay videos of NBA 2K14 (PS4) were released. The models looked amazing, but some were underwhelmed by the gameplay animation. Point being, it's night and day playing it at 60 fps and watching it at 30 on YouTube.

You're also seeing a compressed video, but that's another story.
# 156 Will I Am @ 04/07/14 10:05 PM
To me it was very underwhelming but I'm sure when we see the real deal running on a ps4 it will look much much better.
# 157 UNIT-352 @ 04/07/14 10:11 PM
Stadiums look great, but I saw a few things that need a fix:

Yankee Stadium"s Frieze really needs to be updated. It looks gray and last gen.

The black net needs to be put over monument park in Yankee Stadium.

Fans need to catch homerun's and foul ball's (Hope this will be implemented) or is on the list for next year.

Also, why so many American flags????
# 158 Jovanny @ 04/07/14 10:11 PM
Wow. Incredible.
# 159 HustlinOwl @ 04/07/14 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Hockeynut99
Jesus can anyone have an opinion about the game. I am a little disappointment in the animation. It looked so much like the ps3. Hopefully having more animation helps with some of the hipcups you see in the ps3.
yes have an opinion, but dont belittle others again read his original comment talking crap about how others are thinking game is "the coming of jesus" crap rubs people the wrong way.
# 160 thaSLAB @ 04/07/14 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
I know everyone will jump down my throat but I wasn't impressed with the player models at all. Zimmerman looked very PS3ish. It's just my opinion so relax everyone
It's almost like you want someone to jump down your throat lol.

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