MLB 14 The Show News Post

We just received a new video from Sony of MLB 14 The Show featuring the new and improved stadiums in the game. The video centers around the theme of "The Cathedrals Are Better."

We have also grabbed plenty of screen captures from the video. You can take a look at them in the screenshots section.

Some tidbits:
  • PS4 allows for individual blades of grass to be modeled allowing for more realistic striping of playing surfaces.
  • Up to 1,000 unique character models in the stands. Kids will be amongst the spectators.
  • Bat boys are included.
  • Better color depth and accuracy, especially for night games. Seriously watch the video it looks amazing.
Be sure to check out the video and let us know what you think of the new and improved graphics.

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Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 221 SVCbearcat10 @ 04/11/14 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by bxgoods
Unrealistic in what way? For this year or ever?
Its next gen. Have you seen the player models in nba 2k or even maddem next gen. They changed the player models for next gen. Its not unrealistic at all for fans of the series to expect a bigger jump.

I appreciate their work with remodeling the stadiums, but I'm a person who would've of been happier if they spent most of that time instead on animations and player models( Big heads, short arms bodies we've seen on ps3).
Unrealistic for this year, yes. Madden models looked no different. They added more detail for replays, but in game during actual gameplay, they were unchanged. Basketball has 12 players on the active roster, baseball has 25 (not including minors), so that's over twice the work on the MLB level only. Arenas don't have as much detail as baseball stadiums, so they 2k has plenty of time to work on its fewer players. Player models were touched up this year but there is a plan to fully update them (see IGN Gameplay thread). While it may not have been you, the same complaints would be coming in... so what the players look better, the stadiums are the exact same! This is not next-gen! No one can deny those comments wouldn't be thrown around freely.

You're not wrong to expect it next-gen; I think you're wrong to expect them to basically build an entire baseball game from scratch in less than a year. Sports games are different than other titles. Most titles get years to build, sports only get a year. They prioritized what was feasible and what was important. I think goal #1 was it to be fully featured. With the time remaining after getting the features in, I'm guessing stadiums would be more likely to get implemented without glitches than player models. Also, don't forget they added over 350 new animations for the PS4 specifically. It's not like they completely neglected that part of the game.
# 222 ryanmc564 @ 04/11/14 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by bxgoods
Unrealistic in what way? For this year or ever?
Its next gen. Have you seen the player models in nba 2k or even maddem next gen. They changed the player models for next gen. Its not unrealistic at all for fans of the series to expect a bigger jump.

I appreciate their work with remodeling the stadiums, but I'm a person who would've of been happier if they spent most of that time instead on animations and player models( Big heads, short arms bodies we've seen on ps3).
Obviously we haven't played the game yet on the ps4, but I think for the first time on a new console scea wanted to start off by setting a solid foundation to build off of, by redoing the stadiums and crowds and audio it appears to me they wanted to also focus on delivering a authentic atmosphere, which apparently nba and madden games did not deliver on, I've read more negative reviews on nba 2k14 and madden than positive ( the only positive really being how good the players look but the rest of the game being crap). For me I would rather have a solid playing feature complete game from the start of a new generation rather than a crappy playing featureless game that has awesome graphics. I have every bit of confidence in that scea will address and work on all the things people want in the game that didn't make it this time around.
# 223 eaw913 @ 04/13/14 02:22 AM
So I was watching this video again for the 28th time and now I am wondering... what stadium is that in the very opening part? I thought maybe Busch Stadium but now I can't tell. Anyone know?

Actually, after looking again I realized it is AT&T. The grass and bullpen locations gave it away but I did not see anything anywhere saying Giants!
# 224 Teddy_Long @ 04/14/14 01:41 PM
did they redo toronto stadium?
# 225 LastActionHero @ 04/14/14 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
did they redo toronto stadium?
No Canada was too far. Maybe next year.
# 226 Russell_SCEA @ 04/14/14 08:23 PM
# 227 Madden's Jowels @ 04/14/14 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA

2.9GB awww yeah fully uncompressed? Downloading now.
# 228 GruffyMcGuiness @ 04/14/14 09:53 PM
All I can say is, I have no regrets buying a PS4 in addition to my Xbox. This game is a system seller.
# 229 Madden's Jowels @ 04/14/14 09:59 PM

This shot of the scoreboard at Wrigley is still probably one of the best looking things I've seen
# 230 Cowboy008 @ 04/14/14 10:34 PM
I have tried to download it twice and when I go to watch the video it doesn't let me. I'm trying to delete it and then re download it but it's taking forever to delete.
# 231 dazzelle @ 04/15/14 07:48 AM
Not a big deal but will the flags blow in the direction of the wind, all pictures i have seen they have been blowing to the right.


edit: Nice, Thanks guys.
# 232 LastActionHero @ 04/15/14 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by dazzelle
Not a big deal but will the flags blow in the direction of the wind, all pictures i have seen they have been blowing to the right.


Yes this had been confirmed.
# 233 mlbguy4life @ 04/15/14 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by dazzelle
Not a big deal but will the flags blow in the direction of the wind, all pictures i have seen they have been blowing to the right.

Russell commented in some video I saw, that they blow in the direction of the wind...I guess well know for sure when we play the game as he may have mis spoken. My thing is regardless of actual direction, I just dont want all the flags to be blowing identically, there needs to be some fluctuation.
# 234 thaSLAB @ 04/15/14 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by dazzelle
Not a big deal but will the flags blow in the direction of the wind, all pictures i have seen they have been blowing to the right.

Yes, the wind was blowing to the right (3mph) during their game. However, looking at the flags, the one that was barely moving seemed more consistent with the wind speed.

Originally Posted by mlbguy4life
Russell commented in some video I saw, that they blow in the direction of the wind...I guess well know for sure when we play the game as he may have mis spoken. My thing is regardless of actual direction, I just dont want all the flags to be blowing identically, there needs to be some fluctuation.
They do have that (different wave patterns) in the game as well. AT&T's flags seem a little off.

htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk Pro
# 235 pay26 @ 04/16/14 08:48 PM
not lighting objects?

# 236 nemesis04 @ 04/16/14 09:08 PM
^it does not look like everything was optimized in that pic because the stands are dark too.
# 237 Cowboy008 @ 04/16/14 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by pay26
not lighting objects?

They were not playing the final build so some things probably were not finished yet.
# 238 WhiteM5 @ 04/16/14 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
^it does not look like everything was optimized in that pic because the stands are dark too.
Complete speculation on my part, but IF things in the final build are a bit off (like the lone weird flag at AT&T in the IGN vid; the corners of the stands are a bit dark; the missing lighting in Busch), hopefully those are things that the devs would fix in a post release patch.
# 239 nemesis04 @ 04/16/14 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteM5
Complete speculation on my part, but IF things in the final build are a bit off (like the lone weird flag at AT&T in the IGN vid; the corners of the stands are a bit dark; the missing lighting in Busch), hopefully those are things that the devs would fix in a post release patch.
I would be surprised if it would get fixed in a patch. It does not look like that is the type of issues they go after for a patch but you never know.
# 240 Motown @ 04/17/14 12:41 AM
This is a pic of Pensacola, Fla, home of the Blue Wahoos (AA) Cincinnati Reds...WAIT! I've seen that sky before

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