MLB 14 The Show News Post

We just received a new video from Sony of MLB 14 The Show featuring the new and improved stadiums in the game. The video centers around the theme of "The Cathedrals Are Better."

We have also grabbed plenty of screen captures from the video. You can take a look at them in the screenshots section.

Some tidbits:
  • PS4 allows for individual blades of grass to be modeled allowing for more realistic striping of playing surfaces.
  • Up to 1,000 unique character models in the stands. Kids will be amongst the spectators.
  • Bat boys are included.
  • Better color depth and accuracy, especially for night games. Seriously watch the video it looks amazing.
Be sure to check out the video and let us know what you think of the new and improved graphics.

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Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 ThrowBack @ 04/07/14 02:59 PM
A few more.
# 42 Big Buford @ 04/07/14 03:00 PM
I bought a PS4 solely for this game, and after seeing this video, I couldn't be happier....looks amazing!!
# 43 PsychoBulk @ 04/07/14 03:06 PM

The Cards...so good they dont even need all their lights on
# 44 thaSLAB @ 04/07/14 03:06 PM

htcONE [M8] | Tapatalk Pro
# 45 ThrowBack @ 04/07/14 03:06 PM
- I love the new lighting. Looks fantastic

- The clouds and sky at sundown look amazing. I was worried that they would carry over that horrible teal and pink gradient from the PS3 verison

- The streaks of color coming from the lights are a great touch

- Those SHOW logos everywhere are horrible. It's like putting bumper stickers over a new Porche.
# 46 analogdan @ 04/07/14 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by ThrowBack
- I love the new lighting. Looks fantastic

- The clouds and sky at sundown look amazing. I was worried that they would carry over that horrible teal and pink gradient from the PS3 verison

- The streaks of color coming from the lights are a great touch

- Those SHOW logos everywhere are horrible. It's like putting bumper stickers over a new Porche.
Agred. The lighting and crowds look phenomenal.

The Show logo thing is really tired, and the pitching animations look a bit suspect.

It's like they think I'm going to forget what game I'm playing. It's very immersion-breaking.
# 47 Blzer @ 04/07/14 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by ThrowBack
- The clouds and sky at sundown look amazing. I was worried that they would carry over that horrible teal and pink gradient from the PS3 verison
It shows up here still:

Not that it's a bad sky, but it's an uncommon/very small portion of the transition to dusk, and only appears when the sun hits the clouds the right way.

I'm still waiting from it to transition to this sky color in the game, at least with clear skies (but note one of these shots is even with a cloudy sky):

Then it goes to black.

Very rarely do you see the below color sky when in the stadium:

They need to get rid of this sky in the transition. It's kind of ugly.

In the end though, any of this will be okay if the batter-to-batter transition isn't too sudden when it goes to black, like it has been for the past six years (including this year on PS3).
# 48 tnixen @ 04/07/14 03:19 PM
Holy Cow the stadiums look absolutely incredible I mean shockingly good!!!

But one question

I thought PSNation said the pitcher can now pick up and throw the rosin bag in real time? If so then why is the rosin bag missing from the pitchers mound just like it always has in the PS3 version? I was just really hoping with the power of the PS4 we would finally see the rosin bag on the mound in real time. Is it only going to be shown in cut scenes again like on the PS3 version? Or perhaps video footage is from an early build?

Russell would you be able to answer this question?
# 49 ShowTyme15 @ 04/07/14 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
It shows up here still:

Not that it's a bad sky, but it's an uncommon/very small portion of the transition to dusk, and only appears when the sun hits the clouds the right way.

I'm still waiting from it to transition to this sky color in the game, at least with clear skies (but note one of these shots is even with a cloudy sky):

Then it goes to black.

Very rarely do you see the below color sky when in the stadium:

They need to get rid of this sky in the transition. It's kind of ugly.

In the end though, any of this will be okay if the batter-to-batter transition isn't too sudden when it goes to black, like it has been for the past six years (including this year on PS3).

Looks fine too me.
# 50 smiley3 @ 04/07/14 03:20 PM
It would be a neat thing if we could create the fan signs that are shown in the ballparks just saying :;yy
# 51 Grub @ 04/07/14 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
1000 unique character models for fans and yet same guys is 5 seats away sitting down at the same time lol 1:13
Yeah, I hope that's something they innovate in the next year or two so crowd animations aren't as tightly synchronized. Fingers crossed it's a cross-gen quirk.
# 52 Russell_SCEA @ 04/07/14 03:22 PM
The PS Blog version should include a direct download link so you can watch the video without the Youtube compression.
# 53 WB1214 @ 04/07/14 03:23 PM
Looks absolutely breathtaking.
# 54 ryanmc564 @ 04/07/14 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by PsychoBulk

The Cards...so good they dont even need all their lights on
at least they got the sun going down in the right direction, don't recall what it was like in the past installments but anyone who has ever sat in on the right field side blenchers during sunset, they know that sun is brutal.
# 55 ChubbyBanana @ 04/07/14 03:24 PM
This just made my Monday.
# 56 ckarlic @ 04/07/14 03:25 PM
# 57 Blzer @ 04/07/14 03:27 PM
ShowTyme, I wasn't complaining about the pink and orange scheme (and even if I was, I made mention that it shows up significantly when clouds are in the sky, almost always). The natural sky tone will be blue, though. Even that close up shot of Loney will feature some blue somewhere around the stadium if you zoom out and look around enough. But that grayish tone isn't really what shows up out there.

I'm talking about this thing that we've been seeing in games since MLB '09:


By the way, what was said in that thread turned out being as I speculated, rather than what was answered.

As for the skies (look at the last few before black), I'm just hoping it's not always like that anymore. Although this was MLB '09 and they've changed the looks of them since then, the overall color scheme of the sky has become this "gray" before it hits black. Someday hopefully we'll get that deep-sea blue that will just bleed into a black. Would look really good!

Oh, and these comparison shots just goes to show that dirt and grass color schemes will still be something people will be hoping to be changed for the future as well.

EDIT: Why do I even bother? As long as people "like" certain posts that are just "disproving by counterexample," nothing will ever change. I'm also nitpicking one thing, and it's the gray base of the twilight skies. Pink and orange are cool, gray is not. Enough said, I'm out.

# 58 YeOldTonk @ 04/07/14 03:38 PM
...aaaaannnnd I just booked my vacation from the office for the first week of May. Only reason I switched from the 360 to the PS4 was for this game hoping it would come through. All indicators are pointing to a big YES.
# 59 tsbmolina @ 04/07/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The PS Blog version should include a direct download link so you can watch the video without the Youtube compression.
Where can I find the PS blog version to download?
# 60 ShowTyme15 @ 04/07/14 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
ShowTyme, I wasn't complaining about the pink and orange scheme (and even if I was, I made mention that it shows up significantly when clouds are in the sky, almost always). The natural sky tone will be blue, though. Even that close up shot of Loney will feature some blue somewhere around the stadium if you zoom out and look around enough. But that grayish tone isn't really what shows up out there.

I'm talking about this thing that we've been seeing in games since MLB '09:


By the way, what was said in that thread turned out being as I speculated, rather than what was answered.

As for the skies (look at the last few before black), I'm just hoping it's not always like that anymore. Although this was MLB '09 and they've changed the looks of them since then, the overall color scheme of the sky has become this "gray" before it hits black. Someday hopefully we'll get that deep-sea blue that will just bleed into a black. Would look really good!

Oh, and these comparison shots just goes to show that dirt and grass color schemes will still be something people will be hoping to be changed for the future as well.

EDIT: Why do I even bother? As long as people "like" certain posts that are just "disproving by counterexample," nothing will ever change. I'm also nitpicking one thing, and it's the gray base of the twilight skies. Pink and orange are cool, gray is not. Enough said, I'm out.

Oh okay man sorry I thought you were talking about the pinkish color scheme in the sky. So i just posted those photos of Dodger stadium at sundown (since you used 2 Dodger Stadium pics in game in your post). I guess I just misunderstood what you were trying to say. I apologize if that was the case.

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