MLB 14 The Show News Post

There's a lot to digest folks, so here's my first article for MLB 14 The Show this year. Included is over 1,300 words, a video interview with Ramone Russell, Release Dates, and the new PS3 trailer.

I had hands-on with PS3 and (briefly) PS4, with additional time on both with Ramone. The Vita version was not onsite, but in terms of features, beside the smaller amount of Presentation (as always on Vita) the game is feature-complete across all 3 platforms.

PS Nation - MLB 14 The Show Hands-On Report
(External Link)

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 Goose158 @ 02/13/14 12:11 PM

OK so you are new around here. I get it. This is the most passionate fan base of any game that I play, so I understand your disappointment. I think that I will trust SCEA, and be happy that a May release date means a better product. Nobody is bowing to SCEA. We are critical at times when it is warranted, but to each his own.
# 142 MrOldboy @ 02/13/14 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sip_16
Yeah that would be cool, but i remember Russell saying in a post on here a bit ago that with throwing in the odd 0-0 or any random count (1-1, 1-0) didnt really speed the game up and that was the goal of quick counts
I know, I read all that, but I'd rather be given the option to have all counts possible (even if its a very low chance) and an even faster option where those counts are removed. It would still speed the game up, just not as much. Some people might have prefered a slightly faster game instead of a faster game. The idea is great, but it won't please everyone, as if anything could.
# 143 econoodle @ 02/13/14 12:12 PM
all 30 stadiums built from scratch.
might mean no minor league/spring training stadiums on the 4?
# 144 thaSLAB @ 02/13/14 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
The option to speed the game up is great, but it will remove events that happen in actual MLB games. Mainly putting the first ptch of an at bat in play. Its something tha happens over 10% of the time in the MLB. Its a sacrifice that I hope I can make as I really like the idea of quick counts to speed up the game. But I would of sacrificed an extra few minutes to get a 0-0 count once in a while.
You will also get 0-0 counts using quick counts.
# 145 MrOldboy @ 02/13/14 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
You will also get 0-0 counts using quick counts.
Ramone specifically said it would not.

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA

Here are all the counts you will see using quick counts Every ball 3 count: 3-0, 3-1, 3-2. Every strike 2 count: 0-2, 1-2, 2-2 (3-2 already counted). Every strike 1 count: 0-1, 1-1, 2-1, (3-1 already counted). 9 counts, out of a possible 12.
# 146 PSNation @ 02/13/14 12:15 PM
and again, Quick Counts is a selectible OPTION, it's never forced on you.
# 147 HustlinOwl @ 02/13/14 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
You will also get 0-0 counts using quick counts.
No you wont
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA

Here are all the counts you will see using quick counts Every ball 3 count: 3-0, 3-1, 3-2. Every strike 2 count: 0-2, 1-2, 2-2 (3-2 already counted). Every strike 1 count: 0-1, 1-1, 2-1, (3-1 already counted). 9 counts, out of a possible 12.
# 148 ckarlic @ 02/13/14 12:16 PM
Good to see a "slimmed" down CC in this screenshot from the Trailer:
# 149 gregorioz10 @ 02/13/14 12:16 PM
Regarding the May release! CP was kind enough to reply.
# 150 MrOldboy @ 02/13/14 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by PSNation
and again, Quick Counts is a selectible OPTION, it's never forced on you.
I understand that, I want to use it and most likely will. But I also want situations where the first pitch is put in play. That will never happen with QC's which is a bit dissapointing to me, but its understandable.
# 151 tremperbball10 @ 02/13/14 12:17 PM
a 2nd question, I like to play spring training and use it to help set my sliders, are sliders at least going to be similar if I do spring on the ps3 and transfer to the ps4 or am I going to have to start all over and recreate all new sliders
# 152 bigwill33 @ 02/13/14 12:20 PM
Why did they wait so long to start working on the PS4 version?
Originally Posted by gregorioz10
Regarding the May release! CP was kind enough to reply.
# 153 Cardot @ 02/13/14 12:21 PM
Quick counts are a nice addition. ASB '05 had this feature, and remains the only baseball video game that I have been able to play all 162. If I recall, you could do "Random" (which had some issues if I remember correctly), but you could also define a select generated count that would apply to every batter. I ended up using a 2-1 count. That at least gave you one pitch to steal or bunt, but still really sped up the game.
# 154 thaSLAB @ 02/13/14 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Ramone specifically said it would not.
Sorry, I read your post as 0-strike counts. My bad.
# 155 Lovesports @ 02/13/14 12:22 PM
I'm so happy I could cry from joy. The sleeves have finally been fixed in the PS4 version!
# 156 Goose158 @ 02/13/14 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
In person, I'm actually not a jerk. Really! I know that, in the grand scheme, a game releasing in May instead of March is not a big deal, and you're right, it probably will lead to a better product. But you are right about the passionate part. I'm 35, and The Show is the one game that can still make me feel like a kid. Kind of silly, but true. No more negative posts from me today, guys.

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Never thought you were a jerk. Believe me when I say that I get it. Am I disappointed ? Yes, but I know what the end result wil be, A Great Game. I'm 39 and this game is the only reason I bought a PS4.
# 157 PSNation @ 02/13/14 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by EgyptianDynasty
I don't remember there being much detail given regarding actual gameplay. Could you give information or a run down of how the gameplay (ball-physics, differences in "feel" from 13-14, specific camera angles, etc.) has been improved or changed in your opinion?
I didn't play it enough to make any judgements yet
# 158 ncaajunkie @ 02/13/14 12:25 PM
So no game play of anything? Sad day
# 159 JDL375 @ 02/13/14 12:26 PM
I'm hoping that since the PS4 version doesn't come out until May that the game will include a REAL player model for Masahiro Tanaka with a real face?
# 160 barsoffury @ 02/13/14 12:27 PM
I'm soo hungry for more info. The wait until next week is going to be just as unbearable as this week's wait was. lol.

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