MLB 14 The Show News Post

There's a lot to digest folks, so here's my first article for MLB 14 The Show this year. Included is over 1,300 words, a video interview with Ramone Russell, Release Dates, and the new PS3 trailer.

I had hands-on with PS3 and (briefly) PS4, with additional time on both with Ramone. The Vita version was not onsite, but in terms of features, beside the smaller amount of Presentation (as always on Vita) the game is feature-complete across all 3 platforms.

PS Nation - MLB 14 The Show Hands-On Report
(External Link)

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 Sip_16 @ 02/13/14 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
The option to speed the game up is great, but it will remove events that happen in actual MLB games. Mainly putting the first ptch of an at bat in play. Its something tha happens over 10% of the time in the MLB. Its a sacrifice that I hope I can make as I really like the idea of quick counts to speed up the game. But I would of sacrificed an extra few minutes to get a 0-0 count once in a while.
Yeah that would be cool, but i remember Russell saying in a post on here a bit ago that with throwing in the odd 0-0 or any random count (1-1, 1-0) didnt really speed the game up and that was the goal of quick counts
# 122 tnixen @ 02/13/14 12:00 PM
Only one thing caught my eye that I do not like seeing especially if this is from the PS4 version. Notice in this screenshot the pitchers for the Giants are still sitting in the bullpen. As most know by now the Giants pitchers sit in the dugout with all the other players at At&T park. Only the visiting teams pitchers sit in the bullpen. I was hoping this would be fixed in the PS4 version.

Any idea if this screenshot is from PS3 or PS4?

This is honesty the only negative thing I can see so far from today's news
# 123 Blzer @ 02/13/14 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by PSNation
This is true. But, if you're choosing quick counts, that's what you're asking for.

What's random is 1 strike or two, and 1-3 balls. It's also affected by REAL DATA concerning an above average hitter or pitcher. or below average as well.
I just hope my NL pitchers don't come up to bat with an 0-2 or 1-2 count and I can no longer sacrifice bunt without fearing the penalty of fouling my first attempt off for a strikeout, or not being able to induce a hit-and-run or straight steal for the same reason.

I mean I understand that happens with GPC's anyway (you get what you opt for), but I'm still wondering about there being younger counts. The 0-0 count is still fascinating to me. Also, this will probably mean us seeing less fastballs, all depending.

I never used GPC's in ASB, but I assumed it just decidedly generated after every pitch you saw, even if that meant it generated nothing new. Either way, I don't think I'm in for GPC. I don't think I ever was. I'm fine playing the game straight up, especially with continuing franchises. I love the feature though, especially because users have been asking for this for a long time. Should shorten online games and head-to-head against someone else. Good stuff! Just wondering if the algorithm might need some fine-tuning in future iterations.

PSNation, I'm not sure if you saw my post earlier about the Vita saves transferring to PS4 as well? I'm only asking because your article (and IGN's as well) only specified the PS3 version. That is to say... if I play MLB 14: The Show on Vita then MLB 15: The Show on PS4, I can still transfer that franchise save file over. Possible, or not possible?
# 124 PSNation @ 02/13/14 12:01 PM
I specifically asked about a cross-buy offer etc. Sony has NOT determined anything yet, which is why it wasn't mentioned.
# 125 seanjeezy @ 02/13/14 12:01 PM
Hmmm, the more I look at these screens I feel like something is strange... Is it just me or do the player models still look current-gen to anyone else? The faces are obviously upgraded, but the neck and arm textures look a little low-res in comparison. It's extremely noticeable in the close ups of Pedroia and Napoli, are the models still a WIP? Or will the new changes to the lighting make a difference?
# 126 Eli_to_Cruz1080 @ 02/13/14 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Sco291
I gotta say though....thinking about it....PS3 coming out April 1st. May is right around the corner guys, its not a terribly long wait.

Just think, baseball season will be underway at that point and time will fly by!

So, on second thought May isn't bad at all. Granted I cant follow the season authentically, but oh well big deal lol
Are you kidding?

May is 3 months away and if it is at the end of the month PS4 owners are looking at nearly 4 months for the game.
# 127 ctzn. @ 02/13/14 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by manny7788
You make no sense. You're talking like if the season ends, we can't play any more. The show has nothing to do with the MLB season. So YES im willing to pay 60 dollars for this game come May. And if they have a collectors edition(wishful thinking), I'll gladly pay for that too.

I think SCEA rustled his jimmies.
# 128 merchant1874 @ 02/13/14 12:03 PM
I shouldn't say this incase SCEA is watching.

But yes I'm quite happy paying for both versions. Not to mention I have to pay close to $100 Canadian to get it imported to the UK.

The Show is the only game I would ever do that with though. You guys that can just go pick it up at your local store don't know how lucky you are!
# 129 HustlinOwl @ 02/13/14 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Hmmm, the more I look at these screens I feel like something is strange... Is it just me or do the player models still look current-gen to anyone else? The faces are obviously upgraded, but the neck and arm textures look a little low-res in comparison. It's extremely noticeable in the close ups of Pedroia and Napoli, are the models still a WIP? Or will the new changes to the lighting make a difference?
yea dont think player models were rebuilt for PS4?
# 130 Blzer @ 02/13/14 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Only one thing caught my eye that I do not like seeing especially if this is from the PS4 version. Notice in this screenshot the pitchers for the Giants are still sitting in the bullpen. As most know by now probably know the Giants pitchers sit in the dugout with all the other players at At&T park. Only the visiting teams pitchers sit in the bullpen. I was hoping this would be fixed in the PS4 version.

Any idea if this screenshot is from PS3 or PS4?

This is honesty the only negative thing I can see so far from today's news
That's a PS4 shot.

At least I can see the ball boy there!

Oh, and at AT&T Park they have elderly men and women as their ball boys/girls. I doubt that will be reflected here, but that would be hilarious if they actually had that!

Any change there will be the hot blonde ball girl who will field a ball in play, give it to a fan in the stands, then sit back down before she realizes what she just did?
# 131 juicer420 @ 02/13/14 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Only one thing caught my eye that I do not like seeing especially if this is from the PS4 version. Notice in this screenshot the pitchers for the Giants are still sitting in the bullpen. As most know by now probably know the Giants pitchers sit in the dugout with all the other players at At&T park. Only the visiting teams pitchers sit in the bullpen. I was hoping this would be fixed in the PS4 version.

Any idea if this screenshot is from PS3 or PS4?

This is honesty the only negative thing I can see so far from today's news
PS4 screenshot. And I noticed this too. I'm sure it is difficult for them because of how the animations work inside the dugout. They would need to dedicate something specific to the Giants in the animations to accommodate this. Hopefully in the future they find a way to change this.
# 132 El_MaYiMbE @ 02/13/14 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Only one thing caught my eye that I do not like seeing especially if this is from the PS4 version. Notice in this screenshot the pitchers for the Giants are still sitting in the bullpen. As most know by now probably know the Giants pitchers sit in the dugout with all the other players at At&T park. Only the visiting teams pitchers sit in the bullpen. I was hoping this would be fixed in the PS4 version.

Any idea if this screenshot is from PS3 or PS4?

This is honesty the only negative thing I can see so far from today's news

I did not know that.
Now its going to bother me...every year!
# 133 Goose158 @ 02/13/14 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Eli_to_Cruz1080
Are you kidding?

May is 3 months away and if it is at the end of the month PS4 owners are looking at nearly 4 months for the game.
I'm no genius by any means, but end of May puts you at 3 1/2 months tops which I highly doubt will be the case. I think realistically we are looking at mid-May.
# 134 barsoffury @ 02/13/14 12:07 PM
Now that fans can catch/pick balls it would be cool to see a player about to lean over or jump near a wall to make a catch, only to have a fan steal it away.
# 135 Blzer @ 02/13/14 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by barsoffury
Now that fans can catch/pick balls it would be cool to see a player about to lean over or jump near a wall to make a catch, only to have a fan steal it away.
I've never been able to catch those balls near the wall anyway.

That's something no baseball game has really got right yet, because the wrong animations kick in. We're going to have to wait for a different kind of real-time physics system, if you know what I mean.
# 136 teebee @ 02/13/14 12:09 PM
Looks good, other than the ADD quick counts stuff
# 137 ckarlic @ 02/13/14 12:10 PM
Love the beards and all in the PS4 version of the show, but I wonder if there would be an option to take away the beards if we want to.
# 138 Blzer @ 02/13/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
'Thank you, Sony for blessing us with a (kind of) release date and a couple screenshots. I can't wait to give you $120, wonderful masters!' Ok, am I still a troll? Should fit right in...

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
You're forgiven! Give me a hug!

# 139 RyanLaFalce @ 02/13/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
'Thank you, Sony for blessing us with a (kind of) release date and a couple screenshots. I can't wait to give you $120, wonderful masters!' Ok, am I still a troll? Should fit right in...

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
If paying full price for both games is the case, I will just wait for the PS4 version. Here is to hoping that we get a discount
# 140 dalger21 @ 02/13/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
Ok, am I still a troll? Should fit right in...

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
Actually, you're more of an attention wh0re than a troll.

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