MLB 14 The Show News Post

There's a lot to digest folks, so here's my first article for MLB 14 The Show this year. Included is over 1,300 words, a video interview with Ramone Russell, Release Dates, and the new PS3 trailer.

I had hands-on with PS3 and (briefly) PS4, with additional time on both with Ramone. The Vita version was not onsite, but in terms of features, beside the smaller amount of Presentation (as always on Vita) the game is feature-complete across all 3 platforms.

PS Nation - MLB 14 The Show Hands-On Report
(External Link)

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 PSNation @ 02/13/14 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by ahamsterman
Will there be a bundle for Vita and PS4 for a discounted price like last year?
That hasn't been determined yet
# 42 Sco291 @ 02/13/14 11:22 AM
Great read! Although I gotta say May for PS4 ...kinda sucks. Wonder why so long? I can wait though, I'm not sure I'll get the PS3 version though, might stick it out with MLB 13 until then. Can't see getting PS3 version, only to play for 1 month. Saving that would be PS3 $60 bucks and putting it toward the PS4 console purchase altogether.

Ball boys and bat girls and fans having signed and being able to pick out fly balls is AMAZING
# 43 Blzer @ 02/13/14 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by chaz526
So, are these screens from before or after the lighting engine was improved?
I'll venture a guess and say it was before.
# 44 RyanLaFalce @ 02/13/14 11:22 AM
Has there been a mention of "upgrade discounts" in any articles? If i were to buy it on PS3 at full price, I should not be paying full price for the PS4 version.
# 45 william456 @ 02/13/14 11:22 AM
May....why so late
PS3/PS Vita – April 1st
Why this year is too late???
# 46 rpagz3 @ 02/13/14 11:23 AM
As disappointing as a May release seems.. I think for those who still have a ps3 it's not that big of a deal.. For instances I was contemplating only waiting for the ps4 copy.

But, with cross platform saves, I will start my franchise in April on ps3.. And when it comes out in May I will buy the ps4 system and the show and just carry over where I am. If that is how it works, then no big deal for a May release in my opinion.
# 47 green94 @ 02/13/14 11:24 AM
Wow, attention to detail is absurd!

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# 48 PSNation @ 02/13/14 11:24 AM
So, May for PS4. Here's my take on it. I'd rather the game be finished and GREAT than buggy and weird. May is not that long to wait really, and to say that you're only playing a partial season is kinda silly in my mind. You still Have May, June, July, August, September, October.....

My plan is to play a lot on PS3/Vita, then transfer everything to PS4 when it hits.
# 49 OneTonneBaby @ 02/13/14 11:25 AM
Although things look nice, cant help but be a bit disappointed. I mean what have we really learnt that we didnt know before today. No big new features really, dont see the point in getting the PS3 version, seems almost identical to '13?
# 50 m1ke_nyc @ 02/13/14 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
I just mean that it's a first party game. The release of the ps4 shouldn't have taken them by surprise. And with a May release, this thing had better be f'ing flawless.

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I think its a marketing thing. Spread the release dates out. You release the PS3 version first. That builds you hype for the game going into April 1st. Then you have another release a month maybe a little more later. That once again puts your game in the spotlight building hype. Its about keeping MLB The Show in the news as long as possible.
# 51 Blzer @ 02/13/14 11:25 AM
By the way, anyone see the PS3 trailer? There's a new cover out there.
# 52 Picci @ 02/13/14 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Player lock.....I think you can choose three players to lock in a game.(or just one or two)...unless they changed that.


Did I see ball boys and ball girls?!

Yep, you saw ball boys/girls! Here are some other tidbits. Nice job PSNation!

- Crowd members will now catch foul balls and be able to reach over and grab fouls that roll by. They’ll also hold signs up, and those signs will be contextual. So if a player starts heating-up, you’ll probably see some fans rooting him on in this manner. Furthermore (this is for the Operation Sports crew) the Pitcher can now pick up the rosin bag and throw it back down.

- Finally, they’ve added Bat & Ball boys and girls.

- All of the crowd audio and chants have been re-recorded in High Quality.

- All reflection maps on things like the helmets and sunglasses are all rendered in realtime now

- All 30 stadiums have been rebuilt from the ground-up, nothing has been ported from the previous versions.

- Another tidbit about the grass, it actually displaces when a foot hits a spot, or when the ball rolls or lays on the grass. From a physics standpoint, a lot of those behaviors would happen, but you wouldn’t see it visually. The ball will actually act as it should as it rolls across the grass, as it’s spinning, and displacing the grass, the ball can sometimes get ahead of itself and actually hop-up because it’s hitting the blades of grass instead of rolling through. You’ll also see grass clippings flying up when a player runs through with his cleats.
# 53 gregorioz10 @ 02/13/14 11:25 AM
I understand all the effort that SCEA puts towards the game but how disappointing...a May release!!!!??? Also don't try to sugar coat it with minor details talking about the grass and the stitches on the hats! I got a PS4 JUST for The Show, oh well i guess the wait will be worth it (
# 54 Brandwin @ 02/13/14 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
I realize that it's only a very short time into the ps4's life cycle, but if the disappointments keep coming, I may be putting mine up on ebay pretty soon...

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With the different release dates for PS3 and PS4 version of #MLBTheShow I wonder if there is a discounted price to upgrade?

I also wonder if I buy PS3 version and switch to PS4 in May, if I could continue my franchise? I know we can continue from PS3 to PS4 next year, so I would guess we could this year from PS3 to PS4.
# 55 Sco291 @ 02/13/14 11:26 AM
I gotta say though....thinking about it....PS3 coming out April 1st. May is right around the corner guys, its not a terribly long wait.

Just think, baseball season will be underway at that point and time will fly by!

So, on second thought May isn't bad at all. Granted I cant follow the season authentically, but oh well big deal lol
# 56 ScouserHUN @ 02/13/14 11:27 AM
Will the PS3 roster file be compatible with the PS4 version? Now, this is the biggest question.

I will not start my season without OSFM rosters on PS4, but if it's need to be done from the beginning, than the PS4 OSFM might actually be ready by the All-Star game...

Really dissapointed with this May release date as it can actually be May 31, which is 2 months into the season...

Oh, and that green color at Fenway Park is just bad...
# 57 dlee_75 @ 02/13/14 11:27 AM
Excellent!! Looks like I will not regret pre-ordering this awesome game!! The only question I have is, is "Quick Counts" an option that can be turned on and off? This wasn't clarified in the video or the article.
This feature sounds awesome when I want to play a quck game but Part of what appeals to me about baseball is its more relaxed pace, building the count against a batter, or coming back from an 0-2 count in the box. I hope this option stays in tact.
# 58 DoogsHere @ 02/13/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
It's not the most logical thought, I admit, but I bought the console almost exclusively for sports gaming.

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Well, you could go play the baseball game on the XBox One inste---oh. wait.
# 59 HustlinOwl @ 02/13/14 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by PSNation
So, May for PS4. Here's my take on it. I'd rather the game be finished and GREAT than buggy and weird. May is not that long to wait really, and to say that you're only playing a partial season is kinda silly in my mind. You still Have May, June, July, August, September, October.....

My plan is to play a lot on PS3/Vita, then transfer everything to PS4 when it hits.
for us diehard online league and now online franchise guys this takes away a month of game time and towards franchise is all
# 60 El_MaYiMbE @ 02/13/14 11:28 AM
Disappointed with the release date, but happy to finally have some good info.
Looking forward to the next 3 months (yikes!) as we approach release date!

PS4 version cannot come soon enough!

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