MLB 14 The Show News Post

There's a lot to digest folks, so here's my first article for MLB 14 The Show this year. Included is over 1,300 words, a video interview with Ramone Russell, Release Dates, and the new PS3 trailer.

I had hands-on with PS3 and (briefly) PS4, with additional time on both with Ramone. The Vita version was not onsite, but in terms of features, beside the smaller amount of Presentation (as always on Vita) the game is feature-complete across all 3 platforms.

PS Nation - MLB 14 The Show Hands-On Report
(External Link)

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Knight165 @ 02/13/14 11:10 AM
Player lock.....I think you can choose three players to lock in a game.(or just one or two)...unless they changed that.


Did I see ball boys and ball girls?!

# 22 Knight165 @ 02/13/14 11:11 AM
Sounds like rosters can be transferred across all three platforms!

# 23 ckarlic @ 02/13/14 11:12 AM
May does seem like a long ways to go but I did read that cloud saves work across all 3 platforms so it looks like you can pick up where you left off if you have a PS3 and MLB 14.
# 24 andrewochs615 @ 02/13/14 11:13 AM
Glad I am sticking with Ps3 for now
# 25 Eli_to_Cruz1080 @ 02/13/14 11:13 AM
ugh ****ing may
# 26 tremperbball10 @ 02/13/14 11:14 AM
So reading the article, am I understanding correctly that I could buy the ps3 version, start my franchise on there and then transfer it over to the ps4 version when that comes out?
# 27 ahamsterman @ 02/13/14 11:14 AM
Will there be a bundle for Vita and PS4 for a discounted price like last year?
# 28 OneTonneBaby @ 02/13/14 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by tremperbball10
So reading the article, am I understanding correctly that I could buy the ps3 version, start my franchise on there and then transfer it over to the ps4 version when that comes out?
Sounds that way I think?

Hoping Rosters are the same, could build the OSFM sets through April and be ready for PS4 from the off!
# 29 Maxflier @ 02/13/14 11:16 AM
Those crowds....
# 30 barsoffury @ 02/13/14 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by tremperbball10
So reading the article, am I understanding correctly that I could buy the ps3 version, start my franchise on there and then transfer it over to the ps4 version when that comes out?
That's what it looks like.
# 31 Redskinsfan26 @ 02/13/14 11:17 AM
May is extremely dissapointing
# 32 poster @ 02/13/14 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by tremperbball10
So reading the article, am I understanding correctly that I could buy the ps3 version, start my franchise on there and then transfer it over to the ps4 version when that comes out?
Russell said that would be the case in his interview with Glenn. Pretty cool.
# 33 Maxflier @ 02/13/14 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
. Amazes me that a first party game will be delayed so long.

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
How is it "delayed so long"? There has never been a release date for it before now.
# 34 acts238shaun @ 02/13/14 11:19 AM
Love the player lock and when I saw the Miggy swing I thought the graphics were PS4 - but the bottom right showed PS3! I last played MLB 12, and the graphics on the PS3 version are definitely updated! Can't wait til April!
# 35 merchant1874 @ 02/13/14 11:20 AM
Hate to say but May is disappointing. Hopefully it's beginning of May and not end of May.

Besides that, the screens look amazing.
# 36 ShowTyme15 @ 02/13/14 11:20 AM
Looks awesome. Glad the crowds will actually interact with what is going on now. That's a huge upgrade. I can live with May as I usually don't start my Franchise until June anyways. I;ll be watching baseball and following people's franchises on here and on youtube to hold me over.
# 37 PSNation @ 02/13/14 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by tremperbball10
So reading the article, am I understanding correctly that I could buy the ps3 version, start my franchise on there and then transfer it over to the ps4 version when that comes out?
YUP! Cloud saves work across all 3 platforms ;-)
# 38 chaz526 @ 02/13/14 11:21 AM
So, are these screens from before or after the lighting engine was improved?
# 39 JazzMan @ 02/13/14 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by metswin3122
I realize that it's only a very short time into the ps4's life cycle, but if the disappointments keep coming, I may be putting mine up on ebay pretty soon...

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
Wait, what?

If you've already invested $500+ onto the console, why sell it now, especially because of a release date for the first iteration of a game on the console?
# 40 Blzer @ 02/13/14 11:21 AM
Also, something that has been asked for in what seems like forever, when MLB 15 The Show comes out next year, you’ll be able to transfer your save file to the new version and simply continue on, and that’s not all. If you stay with the PS3 version this year, and wait until MLB 15 The Show to upgrade to PS4, that save will transfer as well.
Is this also true for the Vita version?

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