NBA 2K14 News Post

The NBA 2K14 patch for PS4 is available now and according to Ronnie, will be available "later" for Xbox One.

The patch fixes MyCAREER save file and The Park connectivity issues. If patch notes are released, we'll update this post.

Let us know what you're seeing.

Simballer has checked in with some details.

Patch 3 is the big one folks. Lots in there, so it's requiring some solid development time. This patch just resolves a few key issues to get some people playing and to ensure a few key services are functioning correctly. The lead time on patches (from when we're done to release) for XB1/PS4 is upwards of 2 weeks depending on first party load.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 eslimm @ 12/03/13 05:47 PM
I have xbox one and I never been able to play a park game until now even though the patch hasn't came out yet

(Galaxy S4)
# 62 Crreation @ 12/03/13 05:54 PM
Did it fix the MyCareer crashing and error codes?
# 63 ChaosIndulge1227 @ 12/03/13 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by JBaker1225
Can you confirm or deny whether Select Sides will be returning to MyGM games in Patch 3 (or any subsequent patch)?

Many of us are still wondering why it was removed in Patch 1.
This is what I am also wondering about. Why remove the option to select sides, or play with more than one player in MyGM. What are my brother am I supposed to do play quick games forever?
# 64 Csquared @ 12/03/13 05:56 PM
I hope the third patch fixes these injuries. Lebron has been hurt for a whole season because he sprained his leg. Ridiculous. 2k, on a serious note, how in the world did you let this game release with all these bugs?
# 65 asu666 @ 12/03/13 06:01 PM
NBA 2K14 for PS3 was the game I wanted most. Now, I'm thinking I'm finished with the series until I can play the My GM mode offline with roster/draft class saves on my system.
# 66 RunN1st @ 12/03/13 06:02 PM
Still not seeing the warm-ups for the bench players.
# 67 asu666 @ 12/03/13 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by asu666
NBA 2K14 for PS3 was the game I wanted most. Now, I'm thinking I'm finished with the series until I can play the My GM mode offline with roster/draft class saves on my system.
I forgot to mention I returned my copy.
# 68 BenjiA @ 12/03/13 06:03 PM
please put the ability to choose sides in mygm back in. Spectator mode, too.
# 69 asu666 @ 12/03/13 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by RunN1st
Still not seeing the warm-ups for the bench players.
No bench player warm-ups, no cheerleaders, one one cameraman on the baseline, no one walking in the aisles, etc.... There's a lot missing.

Still, the ability to play offline My GM was the dealbreaker for me. I never thought I'd have to say this, but 2K needs to take a lesson from EA and limit the VC system to the "Ultimate Team" mode. I'm sure they made a lot off of early adopters buying VC to unlock core features, like being able to adjust a roster in My GM, but it's going to bite them in the long run.
# 70 seanbarkley @ 12/03/13 06:07 PM
Can somebody check if rosters still get corrupt if we edit Nene Hilario?
# 71 RunN1st @ 12/03/13 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by asu666
No bench player warm-ups, no cheerleaders, one one cameraman on the baseline, no one walking in the aisles, etc.... There's a lot missing.
The warm-ups are in the game but they don't always show up. I was hoping they could patch that during this go-around.
# 72 Tomba @ 12/03/13 06:16 PM


2GB Patch

To always MANUALLY input slider settings is a pain. If THIS patch took 2 weeks how longs til the next one that FIXES SIMPLE SAVING?

I am beyond words right now(yet I'm typing)

I just want to simply SAVE the settings of my sliders and still can not after the patch.

Help Def Slider ALWAYS reverts back and the first five tendencies for both cpu and user always are RANDOM.

When changing user cpu changes as well. So when these settings are set fro user say at 55 then AUTOMATICALLY the cou is the same thing. save one side same as the other side.

# 73 speels @ 12/03/13 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tomba


2GB Patch

To always MANUALLY input slider settings is a pain. If THIS patch took 2 weeks how longs til the next one that FIXES SIMPLE SAVING?

I am beyond words right now(yet I'm typing)

I just want to simply SAVE the settings of my sliders and still can not after the patch.

Help Def Slider ALWAYS reverts back and the first five tendencies for both cpu and user always are RANDOM.

When changing user cpu changes as well. So when these settings are set fro user say at 55 then AUTOMATICALLY the cou is the same thing. save one side same as the other side.

I get your upset about these sliders getting reset every game, however, I noticed that depending on which team I am playing as, they seem to change. I think that these sliders reset to have them more like the team that you are playing with. If your team is a 3 pt shooting team then the sliders will have a 55 or higher at 3pt. I think these are like team tendencies. I have no idea why the defensive help resets though.
# 74 Tomba @ 12/03/13 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
Can somebody check if rosters still get corrupt if we edit Nene Hilario?
Im going to hedge a guess that its not fixed either since simply trying to save settings is still not
# 75 vtcha @ 12/03/13 06:28 PM
Can anyone confirm if this patch resolves the issue in My Career where you are basically stuck at 0/20 during the shooting practice drill?
# 76 Tomba @ 12/03/13 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by speels
I get your upset about these sliders getting reset every game, however, I noticed that depending on which team I am playing as, they seem to change. I think that these sliders reset to have them more like the team that you are playing with. If your team is a 3 pt shooting team then the sliders will have a 55 or higher at 3pt. I think these are like team tendencies. I have no idea why the defensive help resets though.
At first my friend I thought that this was the exact case but it is not because BOTH teams have those settings there NO WAY any two teams play alike.

Its simple. I want to save and have that "process" of saving save correctly. I INPUT 1 I want to SEE 1 FOR FOREVER until i change it.

This is the most frustrating game i have ever played and ive played adventure island and other pull your hair out platformers but this? this takes the cake because it SUPPOSED to work. A glitch in a myplayer or career mode I can TOTALLY understand but just saving settings? Thats simple programming

I think EVERYONE heard my stupid mouth about this and if patch 2 fixed it I woulda been mum but now?

# 77 canucksss @ 12/03/13 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by eko718
MyCareer substitution glitch seems to be resolved... Need to see if this is consistent.
could you explain what substitution glitch you're referring to? i have several issues related to the subs glitch, one of them is being a starter, playing 41 minutes, 24 minutes of that is being played on both 3-4th quarter no matter if i committed my 5th foul early in third or shooting poorly. Under normal condition, you'll be yanked by your coach.
# 78 Steve_OS @ 12/03/13 06:41 PM
The new #NBA2K14 patch also featured gameplay updates as well.


Can you expand on this at all LD2K? Any patch notes coming?
# 79 mrskillz4334 @ 12/03/13 06:43 PM
Does this patch fix the replays??? Cant watch player highlights or player of the game highlights. . Plus why cant we put headbands on any player? Or jus create a player for the fun of it? And why is allen Iverson without tattoos?????? Thats the main thing about Iverson how do u forget his tattoos... im sad to say the only thing this ps4 version of 2k14 has over the ps3 is the graphics. They took out alot of simple things that made the game experience much better... especially the highlights. .. I would spend an additional 20min watching each player highlights and now I cant... why??????
# 80 Sundown @ 12/03/13 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by asu666
No bench player warm-ups, no cheerleaders, one one cameraman on the baseline, no one walking in the aisles, etc.... There's a lot missing.

Still, the ability to play offline My GM was the dealbreaker for me. I never thought I'd have to say this, but 2K needs to take a lesson from EA and limit the VC system to the "Ultimate Team" mode. I'm sure they made a lot off of early adopters buying VC to unlock core features, like being able to adjust a roster in My GM, but it's going to bite them in the long run.
I see warmups sometimes. Sometimes during the intro, and sometimes on the scrubs on the bench.

That said, the Warriors' warmups are the wrong color. They wear yellow and blue ones, not white and blue-- unless there's an alternate I haven't seen yet.

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