NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports has shipped NBA Live 14 today. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. As always, we'd like to see how the community feels about the game.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1001 loadleft @ 01/01/14 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by nate1986
I finally played NBA live today and the demo and the retail copy is night and day, which is a good thing, it feels and plays very good

I do have a couple issues though PIP is ridiculously high, this might be a personal issue but I'm struggling with mid range shots and 3 pointers what am I doing wrong in that respect?
Originally Posted by acolbert
I've been playing the last couple of days and I'm really getting into the game.

But I cant for the life of me stop the CPU from getting to the cup! What am I doing wrong?..

Try to deny the pass in the post first of all. When the CPU is trying to feed the post, play the passer's outside hand and sag-off a bit, press steal, put your hands up or jump when he attempts to pass the ball into the post. Your CPU controlled defender will play the inside of the passing lane and with you playing the outside it would be difficult to get the ball into the post, this alone will cut PIP down a lot.

If and when the ball gets down low, always try to stay on the baseline side of the ball handler with your back to the baseline or no more than about 45 degrees to it. Contest the shots with hands up works best for me but occasionally I'll jump for the block, but missing it usually puts me in bad position for rebounds and/or 2nd chance defense. Defend drives to the basket with the same positioning, baseline side with back to the baseline not the basket, you'll notice it's much easier to cause the collision animation when done correctly.

As a general strategy I use the double team settings to set up help defense, more so than true double teams. I keep general coach settings to double the perimeter on the drive and the post on the dribble. I keep on ball defense to low or normal depending on the team and off-ball to low. Position defense in the post to top side or front works best for me. From here I use the pressure settings to determine how fast help comes. Against Howard and Asik I may set on-ball to normal or even tight, I've noticed the higher I set the pressure the faster the help comes so against someone dominant in the post I increase on ball pressure and if necessary I set it to double on the catch in the post, but this is only when I'm having trouble stopping him with everything else.

I've been testing all day and I'm liking the results from the defense described above as opposed to playing straight up as I described in my last post. When playing straight up the CPU will occasionally knock my defender to the floor leaving me helpless. Be ready to get back out to the shooters though because the bigs won't hesitate to kick it out. Usually I can get there fast enough to make a decent challenge on the shot keeping in mind to stay on baseline side of shooter and have been successful in keeping opposing FG% in the low 40's so far with PIP% in the 35-40% of scoring range.

Hope this helps!
# 1002 mrclutch @ 01/02/14 12:40 AM
Hey 24th and WTF
Thanks for the tips on passing. It has really helped. I've played the game a lot today and my opinion is starting to change.
Thanks again.
# 1003 pdawg17 @ 01/02/14 01:00 AM
Man I am loving this game. I don't think you can underestimate how the crowd atmosphere adds to it. I was the Warriors playing at Indiana and was down by 6-10 points the entire game then went on a 13-2 run in the last 3 minutes with Steph Curry scoring 14 in the 4th to win the game. It was a fantastic feeling to hush the crowd over and over with Curry hitting midrange off the high pick and roll. Then the defender guarding the screener started jumping out on Curry which left Lee and Bogut open on the roll. Felt very satisfying to "outsmart" the CPU's defensive adjustments...
# 1004 DirtyJerz32 @ 01/02/14 04:05 AM
Just lost a heartbreaker to OKC, Westbrook and Durrant both went for 28. Played on pro they really need to up fouls and get the CPU to shot more mid range and/or 3's.
# 1005 The 24th Letter @ 01/02/14 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
finally experienced the cpu holding the ball in a close game glitch smh

just got it again too....

Clippers down 1 with :30 seconds left, Paul dribbles until the clock runs out...
# 1006 jeebs9 @ 01/02/14 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
just got it again too....

Clippers down 1 with :30 seconds left, Paul dribbles until the clock runs out...
Maybe he didn't notice the score. Dione the guy a break.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
# 1007 The 24th Letter @ 01/02/14 09:07 AM
Why are you upping all those old discussions man? Lol
# 1008 El_Poopador @ 01/02/14 09:52 AM
ok so i finally got my own xbox one and live 14 (was going to wait and do a digital download but it was only $37 on amazon at the time) so i feel that i can do a real impression of the game now lol. i didnt play against the cpu at all until monday so i didnt realize how much i was missing by just playing against my friend. i havent played too many games yet but here are my thoughts so far from both the last week and the few games i had played prior to owning it. this may be kinda long since im just going to type things as they come to mind and i will try to keep 2k comparisons to a minimum and only related to the controls:

so i put the disc in and waited for it to install while watching tv (one of the xb ones best features imo - snap). once it was done booted it up and started up a quick game.

graphically the game is not nearly as bad as the reviews make it sound at least imo. the crowd looks decent and players look good. its obviously not on 2ks level graphically but i think it looks good especially in game with the espn overlays and scoreboard.

the first thing i did after tipoff was turn on automotion. started playing (as the cavs of course) for about a quarter and was a little disappointed on both sides of the ball. my team didnt seem to move around too much nor did the cpu.

so i quit out to the main screen and was going to try to find a game online just to test the lag that ive heard about. well it turns out that i wasnt connected to eas servers yet. as soon as i connected i had a roster update and three other updates to download. i thought they had already downloaded automatically while i was watching tv and not paying attention but sure enough they did not.

once the updates were done i decided to try another quick game and immediately noticed the difference. varejao was setting screens bynum was posting up and every so often my team would just clear out for kyrie. all without me having to issue a single command. i would use the screens and my perimeter players would move into position in case i needed to pass out. the cpu defense rotated well and i very rarely scored in the paint. of course at this time i didnt know a majority of the controls outside of dribbling. bynums post ups were pretty worthless to me and i called for a few five second back to baskets because i wasnt sure how to do post moves outside of fakes (i was still trying to use the 2k controls). the controls definitely take a lot of getting used to especially coming from nba 2k for the last 4 years. it took me a while to get used to holding the screen button again a la live 09 so i had a few hiccups where i made the screener slip by accident.

on the defensive end it was the opposite. the cpu clearly knew all of the moves at their disposal and how to use them. they spaced the floor well and ran smart screens both on and off the ball (probably running plays which i hadnt done yet) and reacted well to how i defended. a few times i decided to take the approach i would take in 2k when i saw a screen and just run into it immediately to get it out of the way. well that was a mistake because the cpu just ignored the screen and went the other way for an easy layup. as soon as i saw that i remembered wtfs posts saying how they reacted to trying to pull something like that lol.

so i got my *** handed to me in game one against the cpu. i decided to take game two a little differently and turned off the shot clock and five second back to basket so i could get a better feel for the controls. played as the cavs again this time against the knicks. turning off the shot clock definitely affected the way the players move because i noticed a lot less off-ball movement. which makes sense since theres no sense of urgency without a shot clock. i really just wanted to learn the post moves a little more. my first possession i posted up with bynum and backed down into the paint and scored with a hook shot. second possession i decided to try that same tactic. after two strong pushes with bynum the defender pulled the chair and i lost the ball. it was awesome lol.

the cpu offense also moved much differently with no shot clock but they still ran sets. for the most part they also stayed within the 24 seconds before they got a shot off. they got melo a few touches early and i made the mistake of trying to defend him myself. its a lot different when the cpu is controlling him vs another user with the same level of experience as me. he easily blew by me my first two attempts. the third time they went to him he did a quick dribble toward the basket so i tried to cut him off. he pulled up and took an open jumper since i overran him. once he scored three times in a row they just kept going to him every play until i called a timeout and got a stop. but it was awesome to see the cpu feeding the hot player.

i actually ended up winning the game against the knicks by like two points (after a lot of free throws from kyrie due to intentional fouling) but only because i had no shot clock so i made sure to get good shots. i also never really had a problem shooting free throws like some people have stated. same with jumpshots. maybe im weird but i adjusted pretty quick to shooting at the top of the shot. its a little jarring coming from 2k where a lot of players releases are late (almost as they start coming down) so that may be where some people are getting stuck.

after that game i decided to go with one of the big moments challenges. being a cavs fan (can you tell?) i went with the irving vs lillar (i think thats what its called in the game where lillard was a jerk and hit like eight three pointers including a game winner) and controlled kyrie. i was very disoriented by the camera (player lock) that they used and completely botched the first possession. i changed back to the espn camera from there. i honestly expected the cpu to just come down and keep shooting with lillard since the goal for me was to outscore lillard with kyrie. but even on the first possession he passed it off to aldridge in the post who hit a turnaround jumper. on the second possession i was playing tight on lillard. got caught behind a screen and he drove in for a layup. so then i tried an experiment. i remember reading somewhere on here (cant remember who posted it) that the cpu wont take advantage if you leave someone wide open unrealistically. so on their next possession i took kyrie and stood by half court. well lillard immediately pulled up and drained a three. ok so that didnt work as planned. next possession i tried another one of my tactics in 2k and tried to full court press him during the inbound pass to make them inbound to the sg. that did not work. it seems like there is a large delay when trying to steal the inbound and the cpu will not really care if youre covering the pg. anyway that put me out of position so i tried to sprint back and catch lillard. i went too far and stopped by the free throw line. he pulled up and dropped another three. except for the inbound nonsense it was just awesome to see him playing like he did that night. he didnt hesitate to take the open three because he was feeling it.

all in all im happy i bought the game. there are some definite issues trying to steal or cover the pg on an inbound and there arent enough fouls (although i havent touched the foul sliders yet). but honestly after the updates and synergy kicks in this game is amazing from a realism standpoint. its not as pretty graphically and some of the movements are off but it really does play like what you see on tv. one thing that i absolutely love is that it doesnt feel like the cpu defenders are psychic. they react to what im doing rather than knowing my button inputs. if they can add in a practice and tutorial mode it would do wonders i think.
# 1009 El_Poopador @ 01/02/14 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Why are you upping all those old discussions man? Lol
sorry lol havent been on here in about a week.
# 1010 raybone83 @ 01/02/14 11:01 AM
do they have create a player and is Rising Star Mode good? im really considering buying this especially to play Rising star mode
# 1011 The 24th Letter @ 01/02/14 12:01 PM
Its driving me crazy that I cant find crowd atmosphere...as a (mostly) quick gamer, that was a big feature for me...

Its just gone, lol

anyone else?
# 1012 WTF @ 01/02/14 12:09 PM
It wasn't there yesterday.
# 1013 jyoung @ 01/02/14 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by raybone83
do they have create a player and is Rising Star Mode good? im really considering buying this especially to play Rising star mode
There is no create a player feature outside of Rising Star mode.

The Rising Star mode is poorly designed and not very fun.
# 1014 louie dogs @ 01/02/14 01:08 PM
from the main menu to nba live you can not change the roster and playing time?
# 1015 WTF @ 01/02/14 01:09 PM
Nope, unfortunately not. Only in Dynasty mode. You can set the substitutions to manual and adjust the subs yourself. That's what I started doing.
# 1016 The 24th Letter @ 01/02/14 01:22 PM
What? you cant set rotations? Ive been meaning to put Asik on the bench for the Rockets, just haven't got around to it...

I didn't know you couldn't though
# 1017 WTF @ 01/02/14 01:24 PM
Well, you can before each game. You just can't set it manually minutes wise, I don't think. I'll double check.

You can adjust the starting lineups each game though. If you want to set Asik to inactive completely, you can do that as well.
# 1018 The 24th Letter @ 01/02/14 01:27 PM
Right, I know I can do it for my team, but what about the CPU?

Side note: They have Lillards shot pretty spot on in this game..
# 1019 jyoung @ 01/02/14 01:27 PM
It's a shame that the game doesn't let you set rotations in Ultimate Team.

All you can do is set who is the 6th man, 7th man, 8th man, etc.

But you cannot actually adjust their minutes like you can in Dynasty mode.
# 1020 WTF @ 01/02/14 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Right, I know I can do it for my team, but what about the CPU?

Side note: They have Lillards shot pretty spot on in this game..
As a workaround, you can select the teams you want to play as, when selecting sides, first choose the team you want to play against, continue to the set lineups/options page, and then adjust their lineup manually. Back out of that screen to the select jersey page, then move your controller over to the team yo want to select. It'll keep those lineup changes that you made.

They have a lot of signature shots pretty spot on I've been noticing. The more I play, the more right I'm seeing. Still wish Free Throws were a little more signature.

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