NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports has shipped NBA Live 14 today. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. As always, we'd like to see how the community feels about the game.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 981 drew_3 @ 01/01/14 03:32 PM
I have been lurking around this forum for a while now, both before release and in the weeks since. I was holding of posting my impressions but now feel I might as well give my initial view.

I was really looking forward to the release of live, I felt it was going to be nice to have a choice again. I enjoyed 10 and always felt it had more of a basketball feel to it than the other title (really cant put my finger on what it is that makes it seem that way). With this in mind I was extremely disappointed by what I saw from early gameplay videos, as I live in the UK I had a few weeks to gage the reception of the game in the US before it was to be released over here. Sadly what was to be a day one purchase was no longer, I figured I would give the demo a go and leave it at that.

So I purchased the other game (which I love by the way) and downloaded the demo, I was surprisd by what I played as although it clearly wasn't what was expected I a next gen title it wasn't as bad as the reviews had made out. I gave it a couple of weeks and kept my eyes and ears open on this forum and with anything to do with this game in general and finally decided last week I was ready to give the full retail version ago. I went in knowing what I was buying, but also looking forward to the constant updates and improvements that EA have promised (it's going to be great if they do support this game post release as they have indicated is their intention)

Any way enough of my own personal backstory and to finally move on to my impressions of the game! The overall feeling with this title is a surprising one, I don't know what it is about this game but there is something that makes me want to play it. I don't know whether it's the slower pace that gives it a more realistic feel or the spacing or what it is but something about the game screams nba basketball. The controls are beautifully simple yet provide a comprehensive enough level of complexity should you want to delve that deep, I have yet to explore the coaching options yet within the game but from what I can see they run very deep and give a layer of function to a basketball game not seen before, visually it doesn't have the immediate appeal of the other game but for anyone on the fence about getting live I would emplore you to visit the photographic thread as you will see that this game is still a thing of beauty in its own right.

That's probably where I'm going to leave it for now, I have some questions about controls and bits but I'll ask that in the relevant threads. Lastly I'd like to thank WTF for taking the time to learn the game and cone back and post all that you have in these forums it really has made an interesting read so far and has been very helpfull. If we keep playing and provide EA with some good feedback then the foundayion exists with this game to make it great again.
# 982 fhs2 @ 01/01/14 04:36 PM
Guys, seriously, maybe everyone ignored my new update news and belive i'm a dumb man, but yesterday when i started live, it started, update 1 of 3, just like the other time. I dowloaded that, and could see some improvments, especially in more fouls on drives, less dunks, and the game running more smoother with more ball/rim interactions. No one saw this new update too? I'm on xbox one and i'm very surprised no one said anything about this last update.
# 983 nate1986 @ 01/01/14 04:39 PM
I finally played NBA live today and the demo and the retail copy is night and day, which is a good thing, it feels and plays very good

I do have a couple issues though PIP is ridiculously high, this might be a personal issue but I'm struggling with mid range shots and 3 pointers what am I doing wrong in that respect?
# 984 WTF @ 01/01/14 04:48 PM
I just played my first game on All-Star, must say I had a pretty good time. Played Rockets vs Pacers (me) at Houston. I wanted to test out the "Asik" theory. For whatever reason, he didn't go off on me. He had 10 points and 13 rebounds on 5/12 FG's. The last FG came with 2 seconds left, the CPU cheesed me as I had backed off, and it passed to him for an easy score

PG Shot 10/13 from the line!

Overall, PiP were high for the Rockets, mainly due to the 26 points by Howard. The rebound to dunk cheese goes hard on All-Star. He'd grab the board, and soar above for a HARD flush. I blocked 1, and he missed 2 more shots total.

Harden went 9/27, PG gave him fits all night.

There were a whole lot more shots outside of the paint in this game, but quite a few misses from outside of the paint. I shot just as well on All-Star as I did on Pro. Overall, I was pretty happy with it. I'm going to try to play a team that doesn't have Dwight, to see how that is. I saw more misses in traffic, and several 2nd and 3rd chances be blocked/tipped/or missed at the basket in traffic, so that was good. It was just that Dwight Howard that was giving me the business.
# 985 WTF @ 01/01/14 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by fhs2
Guys, seriously, maybe everyone ignored my new update news and belive i'm a dumb man, but yesterday when i started live, it started, update 1 of 3, just like the other time. I dowloaded that, and could see some improvments, especially in more fouls on drives, less dunks, and the game running more smoother with more ball/rim interactions. No one saw this new update too? I'm on xbox one and i'm very surprised no one said anything about this last update.
I'm on PS4 and I didn't get anything. Did you happen to have to clear your system cache for some reason? I'm wondering if it's something like that. Hopefully other Xbox'ers can chime in here.
Originally Posted by nate1986
I finally played NBA live today and the demo and the retail copy is night and day, which is a good thing, it feels and plays very good

I do have a couple issues though PIP is ridiculously high, this might be a personal issue but I'm struggling with mid range shots and 3 pointers what am I doing wrong in that respect?
The PiP is going to be high. I can sometimes hold teams to 45% PiP but moreso you're looking at 55-70% PiP I'd say. As your defense gets better, that number will drop though. loadleft can probably chime in here and give his description of "how" to stop that.

The shooting on Mid Range shots, I don't have a problem with. Everyone's release is different. It'd be nice to have a practice mode for this reason. I'm comfortable with guys' releases after shooting a few times. There is a circle indicator under your shooters feet, when it's time to release, the circle will "flash" white. Watch it a couple of times, and take notice on your guys shooting form on "when" he should be releasing.

Also, when I'm past 15' out on the floor, I hold L1 going up (like a bank shot). Normally from that far out, they won't try to bank the shot, but I do think it's an internal mechanic making them square their body up for the shot. Leaners and faders are a little more difficult to make.
# 986 The 24th Letter @ 01/01/14 05:18 PM
So did they take game atmosphere out of the game? I can't find it anywhere...
# 987 jaosming @ 01/01/14 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
So did they take game atmosphere out of the game? I can't find it anywhere...
its in options iirc, I dont think it is available for the "Today" games though
# 988 fhs2 @ 01/01/14 06:18 PM
WTF, i don't known about this new update man, sometimes i start the game and it does not load my profile, being a guest, maybe it happened and i needed to download the same update again. But after tis latest download, the game was really better, especially on fouls. I don't know, maybe another XB1 users can say something...
# 989 nate1986 @ 01/01/14 06:27 PM
Thanks for that info WTF
# 990 Tha_Kid @ 01/01/14 06:50 PM
I've seen two updates total on Xbox one. The same one I saw last week is what's fhs2 is talking about

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# 991 NimaAkaJoJo @ 01/01/14 07:03 PM
Nothing on X1. No updates.
# 992 fhs2 @ 01/01/14 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Tha_Kid
I've seen two updates total on Xbox one. The same one I saw last week is what's fhs2 is talking about

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So, that's 2 of those "installing 1 of 3 updates" right? Thanks!
# 993 fhs2 @ 01/01/14 07:11 PM
Guys, i have one question about the roster ratings. What's those numbers in yellow, like Melo overall rating for an example. It's a yellow 90. Is that numbers that have changed after an roster update?
# 994 Earl1963 @ 01/01/14 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Just want to ask in case I am doing something wrong...

If a spot a player in the lane and throw a quick pass...there is a half a second-second pause before the player does up for the basket....sometimes it's just long enough for the defense to react....

Is this just the way the game is designed or should I be pressing some thing else?
I think that is something that needs attention in future updates.
# 995 acolbert @ 01/01/14 09:26 PM
I've been playing the last couple of days and I'm really getting into the game.

But I cant for the life of me stop the CPU from getting to the cup! What am I doing wrong?..
# 996 Gerg04 @ 01/01/14 09:30 PM
So the anticipation of getting this game actually has me watching a 76'ers game. Again, I'm a sports fan in general, and a 4-4 philly guy so, I know what's going on in the game of basketball. Just not a huge fan, nor do I generally actually sit and watch a basketball game. Though I have, and I've been to a handful.

HOWEVER, I've plenty to learn about defense, play calling, time-outs, subs, and just general strategy outside of scoring and trying to stop my opponent from scoring.

Is subbing something done automatically or do you need to manually sub in and out? And timeouts are basically used to stop runs/call plays when you need?

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# 997 The 24th Letter @ 01/01/14 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by acolbert
I've been playing the last couple of days and I'm really getting into the game.

But I cant for the life of me stop the CPU from getting to the cup! What am I doing wrong?..

Try some defensive adjustments under Coaching Options...

As said in the defense thread, fronting the post works pretty well....doubling works as well..

At the end of the day though, if the CPU wants to score inside, it's going to...really sucks how the CPU will run the shot clock to about 20 seconds, dump it down low to a big and just score on you at points...

Hopefully it's something they look at in a patch..
# 998 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 01/01/14 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by fhs2
Guys, i have one question about the roster ratings. What's those numbers in yellow, like Melo overall rating for an example. It's a yellow 90. Is that numbers that have changed after an roster update?
The numbers in yellow are ratings above 90 so you can quickly scout players and find out what they're good at.

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# 999 nick_sr @ 01/01/14 10:15 PM
finally experienced the cpu holding the ball in a close game glitch smh
# 1000 The 24th Letter @ 01/01/14 11:06 PM
Beat the Suns in OT 71-66

I swear All Star plays so much better than Pro...can't really explain it...the stats aren't as nice, but for me it's the better experience..

PIP :-(

Dirk played more like Howard than Dirk...had a good game though..


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